
Dear Friends,


Make an example of those who stand,

Let notice go throughout the land,

Sue them all,

Screw the law,

And use lynching courts like the Klu Klux Clan.


Fairness is a concept wrought with confusion,

Justice is a different kind of conclusion,

Equal to a flaw,

Or equal in law,

Because Thrasymachus’ was a poor solution.


Depopulationist’s have such big designs,

There are too many of us he whines,

Cull the herd,

It’s getting absurd,

But I wish they would lead by example sometimes.


What an amazing sight,

Telling us wrong is right,

Lie to our face,

Be a disgrace,

Because the halls of power are lit by gaslight.


While politicians garner favor,

And tyranny the people savor,

I don’t understand,

No matter what land,

How could any sane person vote labor?



John Pepin

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