
Dear Friends,


When you’re disconnected from reality you’ll find,

You’ll believe in anything wrong absurd or unkind,

Have some candy,

Censor Jim Dandy,

As the elite shill high fructose corn syrup for the mind.


The globalist elite are done with Europeans,

Our existence is offensive to elitist opinions,

So take them in,

Pay for your sin,

Of civilizing the world of pagans.


Hurrah to post modernism the elite do cheer,

Lend them a hand and drink a cold beer,

Suicide cuts a fetter,

Torture though is better,

And hurrah for the the Beast system is almost here.


Hey ho what do you know,

The elite have it by the toe,

Squeal and fight,

A terrible sight,

But they’ll kill it before they let it go.


Wealth is distributed on a Pareto curve,

Bolstered by merit politics and deserve,

When socialism abides,

The system decides,

Who wins and who loses by political verve.



John Pepin

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