Dear Friends,
High Speed Rail…
High speed rail seems swift,
Funded by government grift,
If others are building rail,
We have to seek the grail,
And follow them over a cliff.
Lurching from debacle to defeat,
Until the collapse is complete,
We’re almost in range,
For a nuclear exchange,
Brought to us by the corrupt elite.
Some people new ideas they will resist,
Nothing’s outside of science they insist,
Twisting facts inside out,
Believing without doubt,
And praying that God doesn’t exist.
Calling CCP spying espionage is silly,
A cute notion from a pretty little filly,
They have a better in,
If the CCP wants information,
All they need do is call General Milley.
Saddiq Kahn…
We live in such strange times,
Things can change on a dime,
People wig out,
When stabbings are about,
And vote to change the paradigm.
Jan 6…
The elite acted without reluctance,
Charging crimes without substance,
Elections without integrity,
And there will be no equity,
Until the elite get their comeuppance.
John Pepin