
Dear Friends,


When you’re shopping at the market,

Or at the local mall saying charge it,

The world’s not safe today,

The elite made it that way,

So the lesson nowadays is to be a hard target.


We’ll never get the right people in charge unless,

We look at major issues that we need to address,

Psychopaths in charge,

Criminals at large,

Because we’re ruled by a popularity contest.


Don’t look around just enjoy the feast,

Believe those conspiracy nuts the least,

Mind your manners,

Now wear our banners,

And roll up your sleeve to accept the mark of the beast.


The elite’s spending us into a stupor,

The whole of the globe to capture,

Insane inflation,

Renting nation,

Because they’ve sold out our children’s future.


Look close at the world and you will see,

The elite breaking faith with you and me,

They lie and connive,

And treat us with jive,

While they undermine our genuine democracy.



John Pepin

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