
Dear Friends,


Psaki was once a female syllogism,

Caressing us with leftist witticism,

Trump is evil she does say,

Anything to make him pay,

As her words drip with stochastic terrorism.


Biden assures us he really tries,

He’s working hard but time flies,

Media silence,

Riding a fence,

But hey, that’s what 30 million buys.


I don’t think it’s at all genetic,

Or that dumb is very magnetic,

Remain strong,.

Pander along,

Because democrats consider their voters imbecilic.


Yea Biden may be losing the youth, Blacks and Hispanics,

His poll numbers may be cratering but that’s just semantics,

Even with that hag,

He’s got it in the bag,

Because those who aren’t allowed to vote are his fanatics.


The elite have made us witness,

To ideas foolish evil and witless,

Up is now down,

A smile is a frown,

And those foisting it on us have a profound mental illness.



John Pepin

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