
Dear Friends,


Cheer the ethnic cleansing hurray,

Whites will soon be going away,

They had slaves,

The evil knaves,

But only racists care about slavery today.


Quiet down you ignorant sot,

Your opinion’s welcome not,

One pointed view,

Others are spew,

Because once we control speech we control thought.


Christians are the ones we have to fear,

Their ideology is mean loud and queer,

Fight them hard,

Use the race card,

Until our beloved Beast System is here.


Whatever benefits the progressive faction,

Help the few at cost to the larger fraction,

Subsidize me,

Paid by thee,

It’s called the logic of collective action.


Disney is no company quotidian,

It inculcates morals amphibian,

It’s their way,

So I say,

Boycott Disney to oblivion.



John Pepin

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