License, Indulgences and Freedom

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, freedom can become chains, especially when what is called freedom is really license, even as real freedoms are suppressed. In the Dark Ages the Catholic Church would give license to evildoers by selling indulgences. Rape a child, buy an indulgence, kill a beggar, buy an indulgence. Everyone wins. Except for the victims of the crimes… and society. Indulgences gave license to the most heinous of crimes against the most innocent. Just as today’s license to perverts, violent criminals and anti American organizations, is a form of indulgence. As the same government that’s giving license to the most heinous of criminals to do the worst of crimes, are suppressing freedom of speech, self defense, religion, privacy, to petition government for grievances, self incrimination and association.

When BLM rioters, who stand openly to overthrow the US Constitution and our way of life, in favor of Marxism, are let off crimes like arson, attempted murder, and literal assault, they are given government indulgence to continue that behavior. They are given a license to crime. That crime then manifests itself as unsafe streets. Gang violence plagues our democratic controlled cities. The chaos such policies create is a move right out of the Hegelian playbook. Create chaos by giving violent people license, while suppressing basic human rights, then point at the disorder and declare… the only way to stop it is to cede more power to the government. (The same government that created the mess to begin with). It’s not like this is hard to fathom, a cursory look at the news today, verifies it all.

Make no mistake, Epstein didn’t kill himself. Let’s be clear on that. The government abetted the crime, else committed it, but a crime was committed nevertheless. A man was strangled in a jail cell, with “paper sheets,” the camera’s turned off, the guards asleep, and his neck broken from the interaction with the strangle proof linen. That he was the pedophile pimp to the stars means he knew too much. That crime the government covered up. Why? To protect elite pedophiles. Pure and simple. Those elite pedophiles are assets to the post modernist faction. Their predilection to molesting children is a huge handle the globalists have on them. Giving the elite license to operate on children’s genitals, for fun and profit, is a form of indulgence that we can no longer indulge. The elite have gone too far.

Even as the government grants indulgences and license to people who openly stand against our Constitution, all our freedoms and the family itself… those who stand for our Constitution, and our freedoms applied to everyone, and the nuclear family, are suppressed and called insurrectionists. Turning the truth inside out. Those same freedoms patriots protested on Jan 6, to protect, and would apply to their political foes… are denied them. The government has been caught red handed ordering social media companies to censor content. The most blatant violation of the First Amendment there is. They openly seek a globalist administrative state, have nullified the bill of Rights and established the bureaucracy as the supreme power in the US and EU.

The elite, by giving indulgences and license to crime, while suppressing our basic human rights… is creating a heartless, unaccountable hydra, with unlimited power globally. What other explanation is there? They’re giving license to people who openly seek to overthrow the West and our Constitution and replace it with a new world order… and bragging about it. What more proof do you need? The license they give to malefactors becomes chains on the citizens. The more we allow them, by saying nothing, the stronger they can forge our chains. Eventually, if their plan goes as expected, our chains will be unbreakable, then they’ll clamp down on the indulgences. To restore order. Because, no dissent will be allowed under their benevolent global administrative state, from which there is no escape.


John Pepin

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