
Dear Friends,

It seems to me… there is no more judgmental ideology than progressivism. While to exist is to judge, when we apply that cutting tool to human beings, someone ends up disemboweled. We judge if a food is good to eat, we judge if a neighborhood would be good for our children to grow up in, and we judge what kind of job we are suited for. We also judge others as to their fitness to be friends, a wife, husband, plumber, etc… These are value judgments that help us make intelligent choices. When we judge others as good or bad people, based on criteria that are irrelevant to that quality, we engage in destructive judgmentalism. The spurious judgment that all Black people dance well, all Asians are good at math, or that all White people are racist haters… are examples of destructive judgmentalism.

The lens through which progressives see the world is judgmental. To categorize human beings into groups is itself a form of judgmentalism, but it takes it to the extreme, to have the blind arrogance to judge who is an oppressor and who is oppressed. Especially when the criteria are not fixed but mercurial and arbitrary. Isn’t such thinking the epitome of being judgmental? Judging a human being’s intrinsic worth based on an arbitrary and sliding scale? Moreover, that judgment is based as much on the acquisition of power than on any individual quality of the person judged. How can any rational person argue, honestly, that someone who sits in judgment of humanity and without knowing a thing about the individuals, our merits, virtues and vices, categorize us into oppressed and oppressor.

The way progressives act is judgmentally. They use those judgments about the worth of a human being to enact change. Progressives see the role of government to protect the oppressed and harm the oppressor. Requiring judgmentalism. Progressives are only too willing to point out who should be oppressed, and who should be above the law… in the name of justice. After all, they have a totalizing philosophy that tells them, in no uncertain terms, who is the oppressed and who is the oppressor. The oppressors are Europeans and those of European descent, (except progressives) and the oppressed are everyone else. While that definition appears on the surface to be cut and dried, it is far from it. The definition of oppressed and oppressor have changed along with the political winds and will again.

Progressives internal dialogue is judgmental. How else can a progressive call you a racist hater without knowing a thing about you? They have judged us before they interact with us, which saves a ton of time… figuring out who is a good person and who isn’t. That hard work is done for the progressive by his or her totalizing ideology. All they have to do is apply the definition of the day. A few weeks ago, anyone who protested was evil, now that arbitrary sliding definition has changed to, protesters and even rioters are the most patriotic element of our republic. How easy is that? Just listen to your rulers and apply whatever they say to your fellow human beings. Who cares about the humanity of the individual, it is far easier to group us and judge us, depending on what progressive leaders say.

All this yet progressives condemn others as judgmental. They can do that, with a straight face, because language to them is a tool to acquire power. Post modernism posits that all human endeavor is a means to power. To that end, all language becomes merely an expediency, a way to manipulate us. Whatever they do is just, however, since the ends justify the means, and once they have total power, they can get to the real business of punishing the oppressors in the name of the oppressed. Of course, by definition, that makes the formerly oppressed, the new oppressors and the former oppressors, the new oppressed, but progressives can change the definition later to punish the new oppressors. Then again, I would argue to eliminate oppression altogether… but I am judged a racist hater so you shouldn’t listen to me.


John Pepin

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