Iran and the Nuke

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that President Obama’s retreat on Iranian Nukes assures our grand children of breathing radioactive air.

In his speech in the Middle East this week President Obama all but gave permission to Iran to build nuclear weapons. By saying all States have the right to nuclear technology Obama ceded the question to Iran. Now Iran will redouble it’s efforts to produce a bomb as soon as possible. Before the President comes to his senses.

Every other word out of Akmadenijad’s mouth is a open threat to use nuclear weapons on Israel. But, underlying the surface threat that Iran having nuclear bombs is to Israel, the Arab States are fearful as well. They have long history with the Persians. A history the Arab States fear will be revisited were the Persians to get nuclear bombs. The Arab countries will have to respond with a nuclear program of their own. How can they not? The threat posed by a nuclear armed Iran is too immediate. They have no wish to be under the thumb of an Iranian dictator.

The threat to Israel is existential. This retreat on the part of the US administration puts enormous pressure on Israel to mount a preventative strike on Iran. To do so would almost certainly require over flight of some Arab country. With or without tacit approval of that country. No matter what the outcome of such a strike, the resulting International tensions that would be ratcheted up by this action by the Israelis, will poison the atmosphere of any peace talks.

If Iran does get a nuclear bomb, and the means to deliver it, the world is in great peril. The people of Iran are sane, but, their leadership is not. They are religious zealots. Mutually assured destruction does not work on religious zealots. Their reward is in the afterlife. What matter if the world is destroy by their actions? Zealots are always dangerous, whether they are environmental zealots, political zealots, or religious zealots, they pose a real danger to stable society.

Does anyone really think that if Iran has a nuclear bomb they will not use it? They will surmise by our weakness in letting them have the bomb in the first place that we are too weak to really respond to an attack on Israel. A first strike on Tel Aviv and Israel’s military installations with nuclear armed missiles would be catastrophic. The amount of radioactivity released into the atmosphere would dwarf the amount released in the nineteen forties and the nineteen fifties. Worldwide cancer deaths would dramatically rise. All because the USA and the UN are too weak kneed to take steps.

If Iran did strike Israel, and achieve a quick and decisive victory, what would be the world reaction? Would the socialist utopias of Europe respond with anything stronger than harsh words? Europe could not respond in kind… The innocent people in Iran shouldn’t be punished for the transgressions of their government…Given the present trajectory of American fortunes, as directed by this administration, the USA will be in no shape to respond in a few years… The answer is, the Arab people will tremble in their shoes. But will have to cheer the destruction of Israel, the destruction they have longed for, for so long. With the Arab people negated as players in a power struggle with the Arab States Iran will become the defacto leader of the Moslem world. A leader that, by it’s actions, will have proven it’s unworthiness…

Once Iran has built nuclear weapons and gotten away with it they will be more likely to use them. The law of human consistency makes this so. We must all act in a way that is consistent with our prior actions. It is ingrained in us. Else the terms flip flop, Vacillate, wishy washy, etc… would be good, not bad. Once Iran has successfully used nukes they will be more likely to use them in the future. The World is imperiled… for a sound bite…

Why deal with a big problem today… when your posterity can deal with a catastrophe later…

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