Ignorance and Deception in the Age of Unlimited Access to Knowledge

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… there is no reason why anyone should be ignorant in this day and age. As a result, there is no reason anyone should be deceived, unless they are participants in that deception. Lies are rampant today. Everywhere you look, everywhere you go and everything you hear, are many truths mixed with a few lies. The lies glitter in the mind while the truths weigh it down. Nevertheless, anyone who wants to, can find the truth today, but it takes work. Sifting through many glittering lies to find the hidden truths. Truths that the elite don’t want you to discover, which is a clue to where they are, and how they can be gleaned. Moreover, that which they bombard us with you can be sure, are misdirection, leading us away from the truth. Truths, that if widely known, would end the elite.

The Internet allows us to bypass the gatekeepers today. The gatekeepers, the main stream media, have been caught, and continue to be caught, in lie after lie. Perhaps a sub optimal strategy to achieving widespread trust? They have proven they cannot be trusted yet many still believe their propaganda. Which is absurd since the internet allows us to bypass their lies and find truth. Truth is found in primary sources, first hand accounts, videos, and seldom if ever from pundits, anyone who calls him or herself unbiased, or a zealot. The internet allows us to find these primary sources, videos, quotes in context, and see where the media is lying. Truth is now available, probably for the first time in human history, what does that say about us… that so few actually know it?

Look especially to that which is censored and hidden from you. There you will find the deepest truths. Those things the media tells you are debunked without the need for investigation, when they explain the justice of giving someone a pass for a crime that would ruin you or I, when a post is censored by social media, when someone is called names instead of their arguments addressed, anytime someone is arrested the day they come out with a documentary, when you see someone innocent has been targeted by the FBI for destruction, etc… all these things have one thing in common. There is a kernel of truth there the elite don’t want you to know. Truth is to them like nitric acid is to our skin. Never accept the official narrative, it is always a deception, instead dig, find the truth the deception is covering up.

It is easy to participate in your own deception, the lies glitter and the cause sounds just. The deceptions are seldom ham handed, many are subtle and play into one”s feeling of charity… and envy. Swindlers of every stripe use our own willingness to be manipulated… to manipulate us. We want to be rich, well thought of, are prideful and shallow. These are all levers that a scammer, especially a sophisticated propagandist well trained in the arts of manipulation and misdirection by government, can be used to make most of us putty in their greasy fingers. A swindle is a swindle, no matter who does it, and all swindlers are malevolent. Especially those who exploit the systems of power to amass power. Our willingness to be deceived is their greatest advantage, lose it, and you hobble them.

Allow yourself to be ignorant, only look at the surface of things, and participate in your own deception, is giving your agency to a despot. At first that is always the easy path. Don’t speak up, don’t think for yourself, and for the love of Pete, don’t look into the truth! The excellence in human beings is in our capacity to reason and to judge however. It is what gives us agency. Those who give up that capacity, to go along, return to a state no different from mere animals. A cow only cares if the field is green, there is enough water and the silage is not stale… but can do nothing if these wants are not met. A cow doesn’t have agency. Nor does a slave ruled by a despot. Even if that slave installed the despot. So… don’t install a master, find truths, do not be deceived and think for yourself. You have no need of an overlord.


John Pepin

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