Hypocrisy… The Progressive Sacrament

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, hypocrisy is a sacrament to progressives, so much so it is the foundation of their every demand, action and desire… it has become the elephant in the room. Gun control is one example of their absolute hypocrisy. Progressives seek a disarmed populace, “for our own safety,” they say, yet not one of the progressive elite would consider giving up their armed security personnel. That would be unthinkable. Which is hypocrisy writ large. They seek to disarm others while maintaining their own. Some might argue, the elite need armed security, because their positions of power put them in harms way. To this I would answer, if I burned down my neighbor’s barn killing his livestock, and then supposed I should be above retaliation, wouldn’t that be an order of magnitude beyond hypocrisy?

The progressive elite see nothing wrong in burning down a man’s barn and killing his livestock… if it serves their purposes. Moreover, the purposes of the progressive faction always “align” with the interests of humanity as a whole. So they sleep well at night, in the certain knowledge of the justness of their hypocrisy. Since the man who’s livelihood has been destroyed, by their having to make a hard decision, so it only makes sense to tax the man to pay for their security, the pigs must be protected from his wrath. Don’t the progressive elite have a right to sleep safely at night? After all, they work so hard on our behalf, don’t we owe it to them? If they have need of destroying a man’s farm, or forcing him to plow under a hundred acres of wheat, so he will go hungry, he must accept it.

While Nancy Pelosi avows, “walls are immoral!” She surrounds her mansion with a concrete wall. Blatant hypocrisy there! It would seem that the progressive congresspeople like walls, around their property, just not around the nation. The progressive elite become incensed that anyone would want to control who and what enters the country. They loudly demand we have open boarders… thus dissolving the United States as a nation. I wonder how many of them would submit to the rule of a foreign nation or group of foreign nations… as they demand the rest of us do? While Clinton enforced Fidel’s iron fisted rule in the United States, by seizing Elion Gonzales with a SWAT team armored and armed with automatic weapons, to return the slave to Cuba… would Clinton submit to Gaddafi’s rule?

Even as doctors in the supposed socialist utopias of Europe, open dialogue to stop surgeries for people over seventy, the progressive elite are living to astounding old age. George Soros who is at, or pushing ninety, is as spry as a twenty year old. He is so fit, just a few years ago he beat the tar out of his nineteen year old girlfriend. The NYC police refused to charge him of course, because, you know, he is George Soros, he is above the law. The Obama care death panels, for which Sara Palin was so vilified by the progressive media, are becoming a reality, like in Europe, healthcare under government control must be rationed. Only the young and the elite get full access. The rest of us must keep ourselves going with herbs and roots… as long as we are not caught. Not at all hypocritical don’t you think?

The examples of hypocrisy of the progressive elite are everywhere. They have become common, like an elephant in a room we have walked around for years, we don’t even notice their hypocrisy anymore. It is like dog bites man. It happens every day, and as biting is in the nature of a dog, hypocrisy is in the nature of progressives. The few I have listed here, progressives demand we be disarmed even as they keep their armed security, they want open boarders for us but demand walls around their estates (to protect them from illegal alien crime), they want single payer healthcare that they know will end up with rationing for us, but not them, these are too obvious to disregard. Instead of ignoring the elephant we have had to walk around for so long, take a long hard look at it… isn’t it time to get rid of it?


John Pepin

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