How To Tell If A Government Has become Illegitimate

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, anyone who has donated to, been a source for or contributed to Project Veritas, will soon be destroyed by our government. They can expect to be audited this year, phone tapped under FISA and targeted by BLM and Antifa. Out of an abundance of ire. How do I know this? Because the progressive faction, our oligarchic overlords, have shown their true colors. If the Russian collusion hoax, Fauci’s unpunished perjury or the cover up of the Biden lap top and diary by the FBI, wasn’t enough to convince you there isn’t a bridge they will not cross, then turn and burn, to get where they want to go… you probably own seafront land on the Moon. The FBI raid on Project Veritas, over a diary they gave to the FBI earlier, will result in the doxing of every donor, contributor and source.

The illegal release of information held by the FBI has already begun. The New York Times called Project Veritas about the raids immediately afterwards. Clearly, the NYT was informed by the FBI, of the impending raid. Which goes to show that the NYT is a mouthpiece for the Deep State. Now the NYT has released a report detailing information that could only have been gleaned from the phones in the FBI’s hands. In a sane nation this would be clear indication of a crime. If your car had bullet holes across it, a bank robbed down the street and bags full of stolen cash in your garage, the FBI would assume that you committed a crime. Why would we be any less rational with them? Moreover, what does it say about the FBI, that they break the very laws they are sworn to uphold?

The deep state, or “Interagency,” is making an example of Project Veritas, for exposing their crimes. Remember the documentary film makers who exposed Planned Parenthood’s many felonies, that were themselves charged with felonies, for exposing planned Parenthood’s crimes? Meanwhile Planned Parenthood skated on their multitudes of evildoing. Examples like this abound, Julian Assange, nuf said. It’s now obvious the Interagency uses law arbitrarily, depending on the political favor of the actors, to produce a narrative. Now… the Interagency is mad as a wet hen, over Project Veritas’ exposing them, and will not tolerate such shenanigans again. To that end, the Interagency will use every trick they can, to force Project Veritas to bend, with their men, like BLM.

There will be BLM and Antifa terrorist threats and outright violence used. I fully expect someone to be ambushed and murdered by a BLM or Antifa thug, for being connected to Project Veritas, within a year. I pray I am wrong but I worry there will be more than one. Such has been their modus operandi in the past. Remember when a BLM thug slaughtered police in Dallas? The time Antifa goons attacked Andy Ngo with impunity. Who can forget the summer of love 2020, where BLM burned hundreds of small businesses to the ground, engaged in iconoclasm and beat people in the streets, some to death. All blessed by the Interagency since there has been no one punished. Compare that to the treatment of the Jan 6 protesters, for protesting the Interagency, instead of the American way.

The raid on Project Veritas sent a message, “mess with the Interagency and be destroyed.” The coming audits, lawsuits and violence aimed at those who helped Project Veritas, expose crimes committed by the Interagency, will have a chilling effect on future (legitimate) whistle blowers. Those who work for the deep state however, will still enjoy anonymity, like the person who started the first Impeachment against Trump. We still don’t know officially who that guy or gal is. Despite this flagrant violation of the law, by law enforcement, there will be few, if any, elites who will demand accountability… because they are on board with the tyranny. Lets face it, a government that is above the law, criminalizes dissent and uses the power of the State to openly violate the Constitution… has become illegitimate.


John Pepin

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