How To Stop Racial Injustice and Hatred

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if you want an end to racial injustice, you might want to stop voting for the faction that gets it’s political power from racial hatred. It is self evident to me that those who derive their livelihood from a thing are loath to give it up. So a political faction that derives it’s power from racial tensions, will do everything in it’s power to make sure they never go away, else it’s power will evaporate like so much ether. A faction that needs there to be racial injustice to justify it’s power, then, if it is acting in a self interested way, will act to raise tensions and injustice whenever it can, to increase it’s power. While this is self evident to me, and perhaps obvious to some others, there are those to whom this logic is totally lost on.

We all act in our own self interest. I do, you do, saint Augustine did. That is a fundamental quality of a human being. If the interests of others coincides with ours, then we collaborate, but if they are at odds, we become enemies. The conflict probably will not lead to violence, or maybe it will, but where people’s interests are at odds there is enmity. A wise player will endeavor to make his enemy believe him his friend. Then his manipulations will slide in under the radar. He has access to inside information and can appear to be giving honest advice when doing the exact opposite. You see this play out in foolish ways when people vie for the same girl or boy, or in catastrophic ways when nations go to war. Therefore, whenever listening to advice, make sure your self interests actually line up.

A politician deals in political power, to that end, manipulating people is the warp and the woof of politics. First they manipulate the voters to get elected, then they manipulate the media to get good press, then they manipulate everyone around them, play political games and trade favors. Power is the goal, he who has the most wins, and politicians, who are the most narcissistic people on the planet, expect to win. Each faction has it’s power base, one may be constitutionalism, another possibly laissez faire economics, or classic liberalism… the progressive faction’s power base is racism. It used to be white racism, now it’s black racism, tomorrow it will be whatever racial intolerance suits their needs. They care not who they exploit… only that there is someone to exploit.

The ultimate in political power is violence. The State’s monopoly on violence is supposed to stop that, but as we see, none of the traditional restraints have worked on the progressive faction. Now they control the media, social media, and can wield them to censor their political enemies, push hoaxes and manipulate searches… the progressives have taken out the violence card. Political violence, especially racially based violence, has a way of tainting things. It’s power to silence people, get children to disavow their own parents, turn in your neighbors to gulags, and make the Milgram positive person violate every moral he or she has. We see this today in the firing of people for having any opinion that is not politically correct, the physical assault of Andy Ngo, and the orchestrated riots.

The faction who’s power comes from racial hatred then will insure there is plenty to go around. It is in their self interest. Moreover, it is where their self interests are at odds with those of people who would see an end to racial hatred, and bigotry. Pitting the progressive faction against humanity as a whole. Exploiting racial animosity to create political violence is a political tool, while the violence, suffering, bankrupt businesses and broken families, are the price others must pay for the progressive faction’s thirst for power. Bowing to them and mouthing platitudes you know are false only exacerbates the situation. They are forms of lying. To yourself and to society. That is the path to gulags. So if you want an end to racial strife, don’t vote for those who’s power comes from it.


John Pepin

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