History is Rhyming…

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… the history of the twentieth century is a tragedy of political ineptitude. The loss of human life in that century was astonishing, not in simply the mind bending numbers of people slaughtered industrially, but in the ineptitude of the political elite that caused it. Starting at the end of the Eighteenth century, and continuing to this day, every decision by the political elite has been a tragic mistake. Each fumble leading to another war, suffering, famine, further erosion of fundamental Rights and another blunder. Until today… with the NSA reading our mail, listening to our phones, and even in our homes via Siri… behind a curtain of “national security,” “justified” by terrorism created by the elite’s foolishness or conniving, and world war is on the horizon. History does indeed rhyme.

The crime against humanity, Eugenics, was introduced by progressives. While Prohibition gave rise to the Al Capones. The violence they used to secure territories was exploited, to promote the premise the Second Amendment does not really mean what it says, “shall not be infringed,” but can be infringed as the elite see fit. That sea change in perception, of the scope and role of government, cleared the ground for other political innovations in the US. Government controlling the means of production became imaginable, and Roosevelt set himself to managing the US economy, rationally. Which of course exacerbated and lengthened the Depression. The Depression and the mishandling of the Treaty of Versailles, led directly to WWII, the Holocaust, and opened the lid on Marxism.

World War II showed just how evil man can be. Forcing Jews and Gypsies to dig their own graves, then machine gunning them, takes a heartlessness that boggles the mind. That is the tip of the iceberg of sins committed against innocents during that war. People wanted to live in peace but our politicians had other plans. North Korea invaded South Korea, triggering the International Korean War. China’s Mao pushed Chang Kai-Shek off the mainland bottling him up in Taiwan. Allowing Mao to consolidate power, and implement disastrous economic policies and a Cultural Revolution… leading to the deaths of around 30,000,000 people. As Taiwan became rich and free. Another Marxist, Pol Pot, marched the entire population of Phnom Penh into the rice fields… and slaughtered them.

Marxism in the Soviet Union created a famine in the Ukraine, a conquered territory of the Soviet Union at the time. That famine killed around 6,000,000 people, starved to death. A famine that exterminated an entire class of people, the Kulaks. The Soviet Union then became like a cancer on the planet, metastasizing Marxist uprisings around the world. Marx’s revolution had begun. Millions died in the revolutions, famines and gulags. Communism was fully elevated to a religion… where it still stands among many intellectuals today. There were around 100,000,000 in all, murdered by communists in the Twentieth Century, to create utopia. The collapse of communism in the 1990’s created a peace that was intolerant to the elite. Leading to where we are today.

Every war, famine, hyperinflation, etc… is the fault of the political elite. Each failure leading to more power for them. In The 21st Century, the elite are showing just as much acumen as they did in the 20th. They have bumbled into a war with Islam… even as they claim they have not, and you have to believe them, not your eyes, else be labeled a racist conspiracy nut. Meanwhile the elite smash Islamic states like Libya, creating traumatized people, then send those destitute, traumatized people flooding into Europe and the US. Setting up a clash of cultures, almost like they want another existential war in Europe. Because of the elite’s ineptitude, or evil, so far it looks like the 21st century will rhyme with the 20th. Isn’t it odd how the elite claim to be so utterly inept yet demand so much power to control?


John Pepin

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