Has Government Ever Succeeded?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, government itself has been proven throughout the ages, to be a sub optimal means of protecting us, arbitrating disagreements and establishing order… the three fundamental roles of government. Once something has failed every time it is tried, that is proof it is unfit for the job. Failure then, is evidence something needs to be replaced. If you use balsa wood for a shovel handle, and it breaks every time you use it, like government’s spectacular failures, a wise person would at least consider using a more suitable wood, like white ash. If on the other hand, I have a monopoly on balsa wood, I would never allow ash to be used. Failure would be money in my pocket, the more my product fails, the higher the demand for it… just like government.

Government, far more often than not, endangers us instead of protecting us. A modern example is the CIA lying to us, (and supposedly the President) leading to a decades long war. As part of the US strategy in that decades long war, US soldiers guard poppy fields, so the CIA can handle it for profit, and heroin produced and distributed from it has resulted in 70,000 overdose deaths in the US in 2017 alone. Dwarfing the US death count of Vietnam’s 60,000. WWII was the inevitable result of the treaty of Versailles… another failure. Wherever government is most powerful war becomes inevitable. Like Imperial China conquering Tibet in the 1950’s. Far from protecting us from war, government uses us like ammunition, with every bit as much concern for our children… as they have for a bullet.

All governments eventually become despotic, if history teaches us anything, it teaches us that. From time immemorial, people have tried to create a system of government that didn’t become despotic. The Greeks tried pure democracy, only to be stymied by Pericles. The Romans used the consular system, only to be upended by Marius and Sulla. Constitutions were introduced during the Enlightenment and have had zero success. Even the vaunted US Constitution is powerless to protect the citizenry from the usurpations of the elite. The Judicial branch itself has become a tool of our oppressors, as highlighted in anti Constitutional rulings like, Dredd Scot, Wickard V Filburn, Roe V Wade, etc… showing that any innovation in government will eventually be turned to tyranny.

More often than not, government policies create chaos, rather than eliminate it. Someone jaded might reckon the Hegelian dialectic is being used, so often is chaos created by government policies, obviously to create chaos. How does reintroducing once eradicated diseases like TB, Measles, and even plague, order society? It doesn’t, disease creates disorder, not order. Yet in the US the policies of the progressive Obama administration, reintroduced TB, Measles and Plague back into the US. They were eradicated before he came to office and were epidemic when he left office. Obama’s policies clearly established the conditions for their reemergence. His policies then, created chaos, not order, Fast and Furious, sanctuary cities, Libya, Syria, etc… unintentionally or intentionally.

A totally new paradigm needs to be implemented to take the place of government. One that actually establishes order, adjudicates disputes fairly and protects us. Anything else that fails as often and with the human cost, as government, would have been eradicated. As medicine did bleeding, lead based remedies, and shaking a chicken foot over a patient. They failed as means to cure disease, like government has failed, in protecting us from war, adjudicating our disputes fairly and keeping order in our societies. Only because government provides a means for “great men,” (psychopaths), to get and maintain power over “ordinary men,” has government been kept. There are other options, propaganda to the contrary be damned, nothing could fail us as badly as shaking a chicken foot over us has.


John Pepin

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