Gun Control Invites Invasion

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if I were a lawmaker in Taiwan, I would be taking a long and deep look at the Russian Ukrainian war… with an eye to the role of an armed militia. Clearly, the armed militia in Ukraine is slowing the Russian advance. Had they been armed for years beforehand, and endowed with a shooting culture, the attack may never have happened in the first place. Hirohito said, there would “be a gun behind every blade of grass” should the IJA invade. Obviously referring to the armed and well trained US militia. Moreover, every fall, the number of armed men that enter the woods hunting for deer in the US, exceed the standing armies of any nation on the planet… with almost no accidents. In other words, no sane nation that is worried about invasion, would neglect to instill a shooting culture in its people.

Invading a nation is always a risky proposition. If all one need do is get past an army to topple a government then it isn’t that hard. If however, their army will meet determined resistance from a well armed populace, they will think twice, and a third time if they are wise. At the end of WWII the Russian tanks got anxious and outran their supporting infantry in Berlin. The German militia opened up with Panzerfaust and decimated them… the day the war ended. Proving the effectiveness of an armed populace and the utter inhumanity of war. Leningrad, modern Saint Petersberg, would have fallen to Army Group North, had the people not armed themselves with Molotov cocktails, and fabricated guns. History if rife with examples proving a nation that protects the shooting sports is uninvadable.

Any nation guided by sane, patriotic and human hearted leaders then, will encourage the shooting sports. The US has the Second Amendment, and any nation that seeks a deterrent to invasion must follow, making an armed militia a Constitutional requirement. During the American Revolution the citizens were called Minute Men. They would be called into duty in a minute’s time to defend their town from the British regular army. To that end they brought their guns to church. Washington even required all his men to attend service every Sunday. Founding the United States on the bedrock of Christianity, Independence and self sufficiency. Since the founding of the US, only the British in 1812 managed to successfully invade, and they skedaddled as fast as they came in.

The reason an elite would not want the nation defended by a well trained and armed militia… is because they plan on oppressing the people. The way the elite get the people to give up guns is to vilify them first via the Hegelian dialectic. First creating a culture of crime, by lionizing criminals, eliminating the economic ladder and leading by example. The resulting crime, most efficiently done with guns, turns the Sallys away from guns and to a nanny state. By dribs and drabs the elite sever the longstanding culture of shooting and gun ownership. As they did in Australia. Then began oppressing the citizens with covid camps, lockdowns and mass abuse of the uppity. Meanwhile, the CCP will have no problem invading in the future, because the people have already been disarmed… by their won government.

Taiwan has a constitution that I understand is very similar to that of the US. Sadly, they not also learned the lesson of having a well armed militia, guns are very regulated. There is a good chance the Imperial Chinese Communist People’s Army will invade when the currents are right for it this spring. Taiwan doesn’t have the advantage of Australia. Taiwan is next to the world’s expansionist empire. The elite in Australia can keep their heads in the sand, and stupidly think their only threat is a bad election… not being hung by an invading army. Australia has time to rebuild its shooting culture, before the hoards show up on their shores, Taiwan, not so much. Lifting regulations, free guns, training and ammo to the militia might be a good start though. Before the CCP landing craft rise above the western horizon.


John Pepin

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