Foreign Workers And H1B Visas

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason corporations want more foreign workers, is because the policies the elite pushed on the education system, has ruined many American kids. It’s eroded their work ethic, crushed their dreams and mutilated their genitals. A person can’t be a good employee if he/she has constant doctor appointments to maintain their frankengenitals. Without a work ethic people don’t show up, and when they do, they often lower production. Moreover, the American societal myth of, “You can be anything you set your mind to…” is now, “Live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse.” Poor Richard’s frugality has been replaced with profligacy, and its right action leads to right outcomes… is exchanged for narcissistic pleasures. Then there’s regulation making it more expensive to hire American workers.

At the turn of the Twentieth Century the progressive movement was gaining steam. Socialism was deemed inevitable and so pragmatic, and free market Americanism was called, idealist. The education system was then set up to that end. To make good little worker ants and discourage entrepreneurs. That way the corporations, and later the communist state, would have a steady supply of drones, and wouldn’t have to deal with lions, owls and foxes. The kids were and are taught not to think for themselves, don’t be too ambitious, and to believe the experts. The American culture was replaced with the dreamt up ideas of the progressives. The result is, graduates who can’t give change, find Europe on a globe, and move like glaciers. They make worthless workers. So something had to be done.

Cultural elites inculcate gang culture. Because nothing improves the life outcome of a boy, more than promoting ignorance, drug use and violent crime. Let’s face it, if a kid comes in for a job interview, with pants below his butt, covered in tattoos, angry, on drugs, with a rap sheet and has been fired from the last twelve jobs he’s held… would you hire him? What if the choice was him, or an alien who will show up and work. Plus he’s on welfare so he can work for half the pay. In cases such as this we look to our superiors to follow their example. We see the elite use illegal aliens for help all the time. Without legal consequences. So, if it’s good enough for them, its good enough for us. Too bad about the American kids who have zero life expectation. Gang culture is pretty cool though.

Better source material for our education system and culture would be Ben Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac. Laying a philosophical foundation of Americanism in students. Poor Richard’s should be memorized by all kids. Uplifting stories like those of Horatio Alger should be mainstays of all schools. Stories that narrate how people in bad situations, can advance beyond their circumstance, by being ethical, hard working and diligent, are invaluable. Entrepreneurship should also be taught. Including how to write a business plan, that capitalism is about meeting human needs, and illustrated by examples of orphans who became rich. Teach students that gumption can get you anywhere you want to go. That leading by example is the best leadership, and if there are no jobs… make one. There are always needs.

American graduates of public schools are ill equipped to succeed. Moreover, it costs far more to hire an American, than an alien. Due to the regulatory burden. Plus, a citizen has to pay for the alien’s welfare out of his check… while the alien works for mad money. So, the American, educated not to have a work ethic, who does work… has to pull a cart with his competition riding in it. The negative incentives that cause the imbalance, of workers to jobs, are the result of the elite’s choices. They devilishly ruin our kids with poor educations, and a corrosive culture, while burdening them with the welfare of their competition, and business with regulations. Creating incentives to replace citizens with aliens. Leading to a need for H1B visas. Almost “Problem, Reaction, Solution.”


John Pepin

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