For The Greater Good

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there is and always will be, an unending list of reasons why we should give up our freedoms for the “greater good,” and all of them are pure self serving lies. How do we know this? Because human history teaches this more than any other lesson. This truth is the lesson plan of Plutarch’s lives, World history, and obviously epitomized in the Twentieth century. Every single example leading to catastrophe for the people, not once has it panned out, and led to the greater good. Unless by greater good, one means the elite live in opulence while everyone else starves, is oppressed and lives in fear of the secret police. There is not one social experiment where this wasn’t the case. The greater good then, is never served by giving up our Rights… it is served by us keeping them.

The arguments for us giving up our fundamental natural Rights to the elite, are always intellectual, logical, and based on fallacies. Moreover, the chaos created by the elite’s failures, makes their pleas for unlimited power more alluring. Ignoring the fact the government cannot fix, the opiate overdose epidemic, boarder crisis, cannot win a war, cannot balance the budget, is presiding over an economic disaster in the making, run a fair election, nor can they even clean up corruption in their own ranks… yet they claim to be able to change the global temperature? Fauci demands we give up our freedom to him. Why? Because he has been wrong about everything since this epidemic, he helped create, started? Failures, liars and the corrupt always have a reason why we need to give them unlimited power.

A pragmatist might think, since this tree has yielded only poison fruit in the past, it might be best to avoid it in the future, not a post modernist though, they see the deadly poison as a challenge. Who in their right mind would look at the history of the Twentieth Century, and conclude, the centrally run, top down economy is good? Unless one considers Mao’s forty million to one hundred million dead, Lenin’s genocide of the Kulaks, or Hitler’s Holocaust, to be good things? Pragmatically, they were not, for the hundred or more million people slaughtered by their own governments, as the inevitable reward for giving up freedom, for the greater good. You have to admit, any experiment that results in tens of millions dead, is one that shouldn’t be reproduced once, let alone over and over again… without end.

You cannot blame people who have been intravenously fed a nutritious diet of fear porn, for a year and a half, for being willing to do anything asked of them, to get out of the horror story. Mainlining terror will sap the resolve of the strongest. Asking someone addicted to the news to turn it off is like asking a heroin addict to go cold turkey. They know they should, they understand in their minds they need to, and they would if they could, but they cannot. Like the opiate addict, the news junkie must consume that which is deadly to them. The one corrodes their body and soul… the other their psyche and will. Lining up for whatever shot the government demands today. Some even get tattoos of their vax dates on their persons, marking themselves as compliant, zealous… and ideal material for death camp guards.

It is possible that those asking that we give up our Natural Rights to them, know history… and want to repeat it. With them as the elite, living in opulence and us the serfs, living in squalor. They may not be stupid. It is possible the elite understand the inevitable reward, for us, of giving up our freedom to say no to them. A future where they live in opulence and we live, if allowed, starving, beastly and fearful lives. All the while under the omniscient eye of a modern secret state police. So, when a psychopath like Dr. Fauci says we need to give up our freedoms, to him, for the “greater good,” despite his history of failure, lies and corruption, it may be that by “greater good,” he means his good, and our great detriment? If we refuse… I wonder how long before asking becomes demanding, backed by violence?


John Pepin

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