Fools, Simpletons and Retards… The Elite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the response of our “leaders” to the CCPandemic has been a total failure, from stem to cudgel. In every case they made the wrong move. First they failed to contain it to China, then their idiotic actions magnified the negative consequences for our society, economy and culture. Their abject failure is apparent. Not only our political leaders, although their failure was epic, our medical leaders failed us even more. Heck, the entire professional class was shown to be complete losers. If they had the least common sense, decency or self awareness, they would be utterly ashamed. That they are not shows their lack of maturity… or psychopathy. Such half witted losers have no business running a popsicle stand let alone are qualified to be our totalitarian despots!

Yet totalitarian despots is what they are determined to become. Ignoring their failures, they seek ever more power, to fail ever more greatly, until they usher in hyperinflation, famine, or total collapse… by their stupidity. Again, not just our political leaders, although they are a joke, but our cultural leaders have failed us even more than our political ones. The media, a wing of the cultural monopoly, has abandoned objective truth for subjective… that is to say, truth for lies. They claim the truth is misinformation, and their lies, hoaxes and manipulations, are to protect democracy. Because everyone knows… you have to rape a virgin to protect her virginity. Our entire cultural elite are either idiots else they are villains. I’ll leave that for you to decide.

While our cultural, political and medical leaders have failed us, our scientific elite have chosen the most unscientific path available. That is the path from objectivity to subjectivity. Acting like science is a democratic process, thus confusing politics with science, they are making increasingly worse choices as the days progress. With such idiotic notions that if the “consensus” says something, it cannot be debated. No different than what the Catholic Church did to Galileo, Kepler and Roger Bacon. Given the authority, I have no doubt that modern “scientists,” would put to death their heretics as well. Which is, of course, the exact opposite of open, inquiring and objective. Failure however, seems to be a sign of the times. Our times, when the elite of every stripe abandon their core principles, for new glittery ones.

The biggest failures, by far, have been our medical elite. While the rubber on the road doctors have largely been interested in their patients good, the establishment has been more interested in saving democracy. When the rest of us were told to stay home and lose our jobs, Because Corona virus, the same medical establishment gave permission for the Marxists to riot. Which they did with abandon, burning, looting and beating their way across America… at the behest of the medical elite. Very progressive. They vilified a safe treatment, costing the lives of untold people, while pushing medical advice they know to be inaccurate, but politically correct. They have even assumed authority they have never been given, and wield it as Dionysus, the tyrant of Syracuse would.

You have to hand it to our political leaders, to parlay such total catastrophic failure… into arbitrary power, now that is a feat. Obviously, as I have detailed here, the cultural, scientific and medical elite helped mightily with their own failures, but they were all led, quite effectively, by our political and bureaucratic elites. Seeding old folks homes with the sick, was either a genius move, (psychopathic but genius), else it was a failure of biblical proportions. If you or I come in late for work we get dinged, they burn the place down, piss on the ashes, then spit in their bosses face… and get the CEO job. I have to wonder though… if they were held to the same standard you and I are, would they still get rewarded for their failures? Especially such a total abject failure as has been their response to the Wuhan Flu.


John Pepin

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