Evil Uses Hopelessness to Keep Us from Acting

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, no matter that evil is repulsive in it’s purest form, disguised it can be very attractive, evil feeds off people’s desire for justice. It directs and feeds a sense of anger and frustration, and therefore a burning desire for justice, at the end of a gun if that is what it takes… ever impelling us towards violence, and when violence erupts, evil hides it by diverting our attention, thus further nurturing a general sense of unease and hopelessness. Once the mixture of oil and ammonium nitrate is exactly right, all it takes is a small pre detonation, an otherwise small event like the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, and the whole thing explodes. History is nothing if not this story recurring over and over. The first most pernicious thing about evil though, is just that, it’s ability to hide it’s hideousness with a porcelain mask.

Today we can see the actions of evil clearly if only we look behind the mask, with an open mind and open hearts. We have a faction that is rioting in the streets, attacking peaceful protesters and disrupting events to shut down speakers they disagree with, another faction that is daily attacking anyone not of their faith and even those of their faith that are not sufficiently correct in the interpretation of that faith, and the elite claim it is the victims they are afraid of not the perpetrators. The elite in other words, cheer on the bullies while lamenting that the kid on the ground with the bleeding lip, who’s lunch money is being stolen every day, might stand back up and punch the bully in the nose… because they get a cut of that lunch money! All done in the name of social justice.

We have the Antifa movement that openly calls for violence, in the name of justice, even against white babies, holding violent demonstrations where they smash anything they get their hands on and leave heaps of garbage behind, as if to show their utter disregard for even their own kitchens. The Black Lives matter movement that openly calls for the murder of police, even as police are shot by snipers in Dallas. As the Tea Party was setting on lawn chairs listening quietly to speakers talk about the US Constitution, and fastidiously cleaning up after themselves out of respect, the media that calls itself unbiased was slandering the Tea Party as violent extremists, and the Occupy Wall Street a grass roots groundswell of peaceful protest, even as the OWS hoodlums spilled garbage and human feces into banks, smashed windows and engaged in a rape culture. We tolerate George Soros funded crypto fascist beating up Conservatives at conservative rallies, then the same media claims it was the Trump protesters, who were beaten up at the Trump rally, that were the instigators! In every case here the media sides with the bully and blames the victims! Could it be more obvious than that?

The globalist elite are, as one mind, in this. There were no terrorist attacks in Europe before the Islamic immigration waves of the late 1980s. The rise in terrorism and terrorist related attacks is directly correlated to the increase in Muslim immigration, yet the more Islamic terror attacks, the more the elite bring in more Muslims. It is almost as if the terror attack at the Olympics in 1972 gave the global elite the idea to destabilize the west, by intentionally creating the civil disaster, daily terrorist attacks, we have in Europe today. It would seem the elite understand, as does everyone, that most Muslims are very nice people, so to get in the few that are not nice, there needs to be hundreds of thousands brought in. Moreover, once war breaks out the elite know even the nice Muslims will side with their not so nice brethren to establish Sharia.

It is a delicate balancing act though. The globalists have to keep us feeling more hopeless than fearful. They have to keep it in balance because if the balance gets too far off we will act. The idea is to ratchet up our feeling of hopelessness along with our fear and disgust at what is going on until we feel we cant take it anymore, the balance of ammonium nitrate to oil has been achieved and some small event will trigger the reaction, say, the rape of Lucretia by Sextus Tarquinius… and we will explode. Eventually we always get there, it is only a matter of how long it will take. The longer it takes, the more violent the explosion and the more human blood will be spilled. Sadly, by talking to people, the feeling of hopelessness in us, has grown so strong that the usurpations will build to a very well balanced oil and ammonium nitrate mixture… before we blow.


John Pepin

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