Everything Must Be Regulated

Dear friends,

It seems to me, we have to mature beyond the childish notion, everything has to be regulated by the government. It’s a fallacy for several reasons. This fallacy assumes government is a fair, honest and wise regulator. It isn’t. It goes on to magnify the mistake by ignorance. Some things are better left to themselves. Just as some knowledge is best unknown. Moreover, when everything is regulated by government, any governmental chaos ripples out to the whole of society. Obviously, the government that regulates everything, must be unlimited. Else it can’t regulate everything. Unlimited power not only corrupts the good but is magnetic to the worse kind of people. Making it impossible to have clean government. Which is why government regulation is a childish notion.

Ideas are doomed to fail that era based on a toddler’s view of the world. Not simply go wrong but cause human disasters. History is filled with examples of naïve people becoming despots and reigning in terror and chaos. Robespierre is but one. Such people, and the notions they hold as truths, are more dangerous than asps. Because, once reality proves their ideas are failures, they double down out of hubris. Magnifying the damage. Until they are killed or deposed by the next ideologue. Who himself will impose his naïve will on mankind, to make the world safe for spotted owls. Each a juvenile despot, because only a despot has the political power to impose foolishness, on an unwilling world. So the world’s nations are ruled by childish despots, each trying to make the world better, by making it worse.

“If men were angels we wouldn’t need government…” or so the saying goes, and if governments were angels, there would be no problems. Men aren’t angels and neither are governments. Therefore, the assumption that governments are fair, honest or wise, is naive. There has never been an honest, fair or wise government. That doesn’t mean it’s not possible, just terribly improbable. Those who place bets on improbable events, with low profit and high loss potential, aren’t even smart gamblers. A rube betting on a pea under a walnut shell. Since government isn’t fair, honest or wise, why would anyone entrust them with the monumental task of regulating everything? Or anything for that matter? Given this truth, it’s wise to limit the role and scope of government, to limit the reach of the corruptocrats that run it.

Governments that regulate everything, like fascist, socialist and communist states, must have a despot with the power and iron will to hold it together. Like Cuba did with Castro. Folks will accept poverty, tyranny and deprivation under a Mao, Stalin or Castro… but once they die, all bets are off. The people will eventually rise up against an oligarchy that replaces the despot. Few examples exist that buck this trend. The CCP and South Africa are the only examples I know of. Since Cuba is embroiled in an anti communist revolution now. A revolution without the backing of the world elites, so its not reported, but it’s happening. I support the anti communist revolution in Cuba. Though I pray they replace the communist government with a constitutionally limited one. So it can’t regulate much.

Many people would love to have a protective big brother, smothering mother and sugar daddy, all rolled up into one. In their childish minds government fits that bill nicely. Even as the corrupt rulers of any state would love to fill that bill. There’s nothing a psychopath wants more than masses of people dependent on him, unable to move without his okay, and therefore helpless victims to his whims. Dupes ruled by juvenile parasites. So, the government plays to the dupe’s need for a parent, and pushes the notion everything must be regulated by government. Because we can’t trust each other. People are bad. But government is good. Despite the fact its made up of people, the government itself tells us, are bad. Therefore, believing everything must be regulated by government… is stupid.


John Pepin

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