End Gain Of Function

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the human race needs to stand and demand, an end to all gain of function research. To date over 17,000,000 people have died from the bat flu gain of function research. Who knows how many will die of the next “escapee” from the world’s dark biolabs? In what universe does it make sense to let psychopaths play with deadly diseases? Why not allow any Billy Bob to cook meth in his backyard then? Even if everyone so inclined to cook meth on the front porch, did so, and ignorantly released clouds of deadly gas, no where near 17,000,000 people would be killed. Now their apologists are claiming the criminals responsible for killing 17,000,000 people should get amnesty? Yea, when they give every Sally May and Ethan Hick a pass for cooking meth… and a lifetime of free dental work.

It is not like gain of function is an unknown threat. We all know its effects first hand. I personally know of two people who died of covid, one suicide from the lockdown and several people who have died since from what appears to be vaccine related side effects… and I am an uber introvert. I suspect you know many more who died for the same reasons. We have personal knowledge of the evils of gain of function. If we don’t stop it, who will? Our collective memory is short and malleable. In a few years the enemedia will have convinced many of us it never happened. There was no covid, no vaccine and no mandates. Just as they manipulated many into thinking, it is evil for the super rich to be burdened with illegals, even if they voted theirs a sanctuary city. The damage is known to us first hand, now.

After the Second World War, the Nazis were tried for their crimes against humanity. Crimes including, eugenics (ethnic cleansing) and war crimes. Many former Nazis argued at the Nuremberg trials, that everything they had done was legal in the United States, under the Supreme Court rulings of Buck v Bell and Korematsu. Yes, they had sterilized people against their will, yes they used people as test subjects and yes, they had ethnically cleansed areas… but all those things are legal in the US… so how could US officials stand in judgment of them? That would make the US a hypocrite nation. (Unless the Supreme Court overthrew Buck v Bell and Korematsu, which they haven’t to this day). Their pleas landed on uncaring ears and many twitched at the end of a rope. Woven by Oliver Wendell Homes.

Human beings are more than cattle, to be used by the elite as they wish, we are individuals, with sovereignty and agency. The elite whether they be oligarchs, tyrants or bureaucrats, derive their sovereignty, and agency from the people. Cows don’t have sovereignty to delegate. We assign that authority, whether willingly or at the point of a gun, to them. Then they offhandedly play with plagues. Toying with our lives without our consent. What good is all the flowery verbiage in the world “giving” us rights and privileges, if we are dead, from a gain of function created pathogen? Our agency is taken away when we are dying of a disease, whether created in a lab or natural. Our sovereignty and individualism are destroyed once we die of that disease cobbled together by mad scientists.

If we are sane we will demand from our representatives, senators, parliaments and courts that gain of function be outlawed… across the planet… with lifetime sentences for any bureaucrat, scientist or politician found to be engaged in that illegal, inhuman and morally corrupt behavior. We know first hand how evil it is. Don’t be fooled by the mockingbird media. Those responsible for covid need to be brought to task. They must be investigated, openly in the full light of public scrutiny, then charged, tried and if found guilty, sentenced to life in a super max prison. The one Julian Assange is in, Belmarsh, will do. Nothing less can be tolerated by sane people. Making this a test of our sanity. So, I ask you, are you going to contact your government and demand an end to gain of function… or not?


John Pepin

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