Does Public Opinion No Longer Affect Elections?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, why should the elite care a whit what the masses think, now they have tamed democracy with mail in voting? Take the Virginia governor’s race. Why should Terry McAuliffe care what parents think anymore? Nor what the polls predict. Because democrats count the votes there now. I hope and pray I’m wrong but I worry I am not. We will see next week. That they are so careless about such a charged topic as people’s children, they handle it as if it were coated in rubber, makes me think… they also believe they have tamed democracy. Otherwise no politician in his or her right mind would so obviously irk their constituents, then openly say, we are powerless to stop them. That is not something a normal politician worried about re-election says… it is something a super villain says.

The elite today don’t think the masses have anything to add to the conversation. They know this because we are so dense we disagree with them. No one has more confidence in the experts than the experts. Who else would know best? The epitome of an expert is someone who knows everything there is to know… about nothing. While the average Joe needs to know a little about everything. If we consider the Dunning Kruger Effect. That the novice believes themselves competent, but once they learn more their confidence level drops, only to return almost to the novice level of confidence, once mastery is gained. Joe, who knows a little bit about everything, knows enough about somethings to know better than to think he or she knows it all. The expert assumes his mastery transfers universally.

Actions speak louder than words. If the democrats in Virginia worried about popular opinion, it follows, they would do nothing to alienate the people. To hold to such an obviously elitist position, that parents should have no say in their children’s education, is as arrogant as it gets. No one who has ascended to being governor of a large state like Virginia, would be so naive, blind and tin eared to not see how politically unpopular it is, to tell parents, they are not experts and so should bow to the experts… who clearly know best. Elite that do such things are not only showing their true elitist colors, but are not worried about mere elections. For a politician not to worry abut an election means, the fix is in. They expect the election to only be a production to pacify the hoi polloi.

Once someone has the taint of election fraud, it never comes off… and democrats reek of it from the 2020 election. From the ballots ferried from New York to Pennsylvania on election night, to Maricopa counties numerous and astounding irregularities, the 2020 election has been shown to be fraudulent stem to cudgel. Despite the media that calls itself unbiased, refusing to cover the story, except to twist logic, nit pick data and use name calling, to pretend it is a conspiracy theory. You know, like Operation Northwoods, the Tuskegee syphilis experiments and MK-Ultra. As our vaunted court system played Pontius Pilate and washed its hands of the whole affair. Even Supreme court “justice” Amy Barrett, who was nominated, pushed through and sworn in, specifically to save the 2020 election, took a knee.

Normal politicians are in perpetual fear of re-election… unless they are planning on engaging in election fraud. The more blatant the politicians are about it, we can conclude, the more confident they are in their devices. Moreover, people who are so arrogant, as to openly engage in election fraud, are not the kind to take advice from their lessers. Which disconnects them from reality. Since they have removed the logical guardrails, by removing feed back from the people, controlling the media and deleting democracy as a final control of the elite. Without those guard rails, the elite are free to engage in absurd flights of fantasy, believing them possible, and no one can tell them different. Like super villains cloistered in a secret lair, demanding to rule the world, to save it from the people.


John Pepin

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