Discard the Shackles of Reality

Dear Comrades!

It seems to me, once we finally throw off the shackles that chain us to the millstone of reality, only then can we be truly freed, to embrace absurdity! Tied to the train tracks of reality, waiting for that deadly train to pass, is no way to spend one’s life. Living in the past denies us our glorious future. We as rational people must abandon all those outdated, stale and untimely ideas, that have been holding us as a species back for thousands of years. Just because a tradition is old doesn’t mean it is correct,. Far from it. In fact the older a tradition is, and the less we understand it, the more we need not follow it. If we want to really progress as a species… we must cancel the past to embrace the future! Only that way can we surpass our privilege, prejudices and racism, tying us down and holding us back.

Why do we continue to follow stale traditions in mathematics? We would advance far faster if we burned all the math books and abandoned those stuffy traditions of the past. Pythagoras, who the Hell does he think he is? Why should we follow anything someone with such a foolish name says? Especially for thousands of years! I mean really, isn’t it time to grow up and think for ourselves? Euclid’s overly difficult geometry just makes people unhappy. Who is happy doing such tedious work, no one, that’s who. Let’s face it, the traditions of math are why everyone hates math. If we embraced new ways to do math, like they are in common core, math will be less racist and more inclusive. To advance mathematics then, the only rational thing to do is, burn the math books and start over.

Science is distracted by past discoveries. While those outmoded traditions, like the scientific method, are finally being overturned by the brainiacs. Stagnating ideas, like Einsteins theories of relativity, need to be ditched. How arrogant does someone need to be, to think the rest of us should follow his theories, even after he is dead? Just because they are proved right over and over? I mean really. Who cares? To think an idea that was discovered in the 1920s, a century ago, has any bearing to what we are going through today in the field of science, is nostalgic at best, stultifying at worse and most likely myopic. What legislature passed the laws of thermodynamics, and why should we still obey them? Scrap those outdated systems, ideas and theories, to think of more exciting, fanciful and agreeable ones.

How can medicine evolve into what it could be if we continue to cling to the traditions of the past? Only by forgetting everything doctors have discovered for the last thousand years, can we unburden ourselves of those notions, and advance to where we could go without them. We stopped using leeches because we advanced beyond their use. That same idea holds true for everything we think we know about medicine and biology today. We could just wipe the slate clean, and start afresh. Being so much smarter than our parents, our grandparents, and especially our great great great grandparents, who must have been stupid, they didn’t even have electric lights, it would be easy! We could solve all our problems in short order… leaving us time to have “protected” sex with an underage transsexual.

Now, if you think I am being serious… you might be gullible. While these notions are absurd, and are written to be absurd, they illustrate the absurdity progressives use to undermine traditions like, the nuclear family, promote abortion, and establish communism. That we should abandon past knowledge, and try everything that has failed, again. Quitting that which has proved to work for the unknown. There is of course a role in society for progressives. They keep pushing the envelope, a valuable service, but for the same reason we don’t give loaded guns to school children, to play with, is why progressives should never have a monopoly on power. They both end in tragedy. Giving school children guns, however, is far less dangerous than giving progressives the keys to the kingdom.


John Pepin

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