
Dear Friends,


The scientists are so wicked smart,

They can make a nuclear reactor from a fart,

If the data doesn’t fit,

What to make of it,

So they chop and hew the data apart.


To question the elite may seem uncouth,

But atrocities are getting long in the tooth,

It may sound strange,

People do change,

When an open mind encounters the truth.


Labor may start a blue ribbon commission,

To understand their problematic transition,

They said with flare,

Look over there,

And now the British voter’s back is a pincushion.


There once was an elite in charge,

Who shilled a con immensely large,

The world’s at stake,

They said with a shake,

And made millions in the carbon arbitrage.


Elitists believe elitism is unstoppable,

Government force makes everything solvable,

They’re on our side,

Then openly lied,

We’d like to stop beating you but it’s just not possible.


There once was a man who lived in a cave,

He struggled with facts and couldn’t behave,

He said with a grin,

You can’t take me in,

And lived in the dark forever a knave.



John Pepin

Posted in Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Today’s Enemy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the problem with obliterating an enemy is, today’s enemy will be tomorrow’s ally. Take the example of the Japanese. On December 7, 1941… they became America’s number 1 enemy. So detested and vilified that nuclear weapons were used against them. Today however, Japan is one of America’s closest allies. Which goes to show, the blood spent, on all sides of every war, is blood spent for nothing. Today we’re at war with tomorrow’s friends. People we will rely on for our very lives, we’re slaughtering with gusto today. Insuring there will be few available to come to our aid. If China invades Taiwan, and the US, Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines join to stop the aggression, everyone killed will be a future friend. Because those Chinese kids brain washed won’t be brainwashed forever.

Some will immediately argue, oh yea, you’re surprised a puppet government is an Ally? Which is a valid argument if the Japanese government today was a puppet. While the government may not be a puppet though, the elite are captured by Keynesianism. It fits their worldview. Which is why most people and cultures adopt any theory… it fits the narrative running in their heads. That worldview wasn’t installed by the allies after WWII. It led to the Japanese industrial revolution. Today, I believe, the Japanese people think of America as a big drunken friend. Someone who means well, but is drunk, so makes a lot of mistakes. Though, I don’t want to put words in the mouths of, or thoughts in the heads of Japanese people. So, no, enemies become friends regardless of installing a puppet government.

Notice how I included Vietnam as a potential ally of America? In the 1960’s, the US fought a decade long protracted war in Vietnam, to keep the present government from coming to power. By collapsing the house of cards, that was the result of the severing into north and south Vietnam, after WWII. Then the failure of French Indochina, due to the outrage at the presence of former Nazi SS soldiers, in the French Foreign Legion. Leading to the introduction of US advisors. Then the dance went on, and on, killing thousands. Enemies then are be friends today. Even as China was an ally during WWII but is an existential threat today. Why an existential threat? Nuclear obliteration is existential. Moreover, it doesn’t allow for enemies (who no longer exist) to turn into allies, in a decade or two.

The there’s the example of the Sabine women. The story is legendary and much modern fiction steals from it. The Sabin women were daughters of the Sabines men who had fought for a decade against Rome. The story started when Romulus, the founder of Rome, who had opened Rome to all people across the peninsula… found that only men came. A city of only men would be powerful and rich but short lived. So the Romans had a festival and invited all the surrounding people (the Sabines) to attend for free food and drink. At a prescribed time the Roman men ran into the crowds and abducted the young women. They married and became families. Then the Sabin men waged war year after year to get their girls back. Until a final war when no quarter would be shown.

This would be a fight to the death. For either the Romans or the Sabines. Probably both. The many years of hate and bloodshed had hardened their hearts. Just before the battle started… the women, now the matriarchs of healthy, happy and prosperous families, ran between the armies. Trailing their children and carrying their infants in their arms, they screamed, “If you are to kill each other, kill us first! What will become of us if our fathers, brothers, and husbands are all dead?” With that, the years of hate and animosity drained from both armies… and the husbands, brothers in law and step fathers came together, to adore their families. Thereafter the Romans and Sabines were close friends. Because war is the killing of a future friend, so he can’t help you, when you most need it.


John Pepin

Posted in International Power, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


The PRC is an empire in all but name,

Economic power is its claim to fame,

Time is short,

LSTs are in port,

All that’s left is for Xi to start the game.


Europeans want the mass migration to abate

Finally seeing their tortured terrible fate,

So they stand up now,

Get behind the plow,

But the sad reality is it maybe too little too late.


The sides begin to align,

The good and the malign,

The struggle starts,

For minds and hearts,

And a lake of fire awaits those who take the sign.


The brilliant are the very few,

They’re better than me and you.

Bow to them,

The smart men,

And live in perpetual doom.


The narcissistic censor doth speak,

To silence the weak and the meek,

He knows best,

Quiet you pest,

But the breath of the censor doth reek.


The elite are citizens of the world it’s said,

Smarter, wiser while high born and bred,

They are the few,

Better than you,

And the globalist utopians live with demons in their head.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Ways To Order An Economy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there are only two ways to order an economy, by political favor or by free association. Political favor includes, but isn’t limited to, Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, etc… while free association is also called free markets, capitalism, and free enterprise. The natural system of exchange is free association. A monopoly on violence and the willingness to use it is required to interrupt this natural system. Which is why there are no examples of actual utilitarian societies in the historical record. With the possible exception being the Harrapan civilization. But we know so little about it our assumptions maybe exactly wrong. Can you think of an example that falsifies this idea? Which means, if true, that systems that use political favor, are violent as a requirement.

The Pareto distribution will exist no matter the system chosen. History is pretty clear on this. In utilitarian North Korea, for example, there are the rich and the poor. The poor are literally starving if we believe Yaomi Park. Yet the distribution of wealth follows the Pareto distribution, just as in a capitalist society. The main difference is, the elite use force to take the goods of society, and then distribute those goods by political favor. The most favored getting the most and the least favored, descendants of capitalists… get to live in concentration camps. Socialism, communism and fascism don’t level outcomes, they change who wins. Instead of the producers of goods getting the use of them, the political elite get the use of those goods. Making everyone else slaves to the politically favored.

Systems that use political favor distribute the goods of society by political favor. What I mean by political favor is, the political power an individual has. Normal people have little individual political power, and thus favor, unless massed. Even as judges have a great deal more political power and thus favor. Moreover, politicians by definition have the most political power and so the most political favor. Then there are celebrities. Who wield political favor by popularity. They can get people to mass our little individual favor, into a hammer, then wield it against their political foes. This is a natural state of affairs. There will always be popular people, politicians and elites, though, they need not exploit that political favor to enslave the rest of society. That’s a violation of the Golden Rule.

Systems that use freedom of association distribute the goods of society by merit. If you pick up a stick and whittle it into a flute. Is that flute yours, a thug’s, or a thug state’s? Should you get the use of that flute, or should someone else? What if you sold that flute? Who else has a legitimate claim on that instrument? Only people with the power and malign intent to take it from you. They would use Thrasymachian logic and law, to “justify” taking your property…. by violence if needed. Setting up a negative incentive to create. In a system of free enterprise however, that flute is yours until you sell it. Then the money is yours as well. Setting up a positive incentive to create. Obviously, if the incentive is not to create, little will be made, and if the incentive is to create, much will be made.

The lazy, and those with or likely to gain political favor, prefer political favor as the means to distribute wealth. Even as hard workers, producers and doers prefer free association as the means to distribute the economy’s wealth. History shows, when political favor is used, general poverty results. While free association results in general prosperity. Due to the innate incentives. Both systems distribute wealth in a Pareto distribution. To the politically favored or the meritorious. So, if we want general prosperity then free association is the choice. If however, enriching the politically favored is the goal, the rest of society to be enslaved… then by all means, use political favor to distribute the goods. But remember, it’s not justice that’s being served, it’s avarice… baked by violence.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


The democrats are sounding like a frog,

Jumping and thumping on a Chicago log,

AOC said with a wimp,

He’s a fascist chimp,

Because without policy all they can do is demagogue.


They can’t help themselves tis true,

Being so corrupt they’re colored blue,

A bribe for the tots,

As Rotherham rots,

I hear Labor’s merging with Black Guards too.


There once was a monster named inflation,

It ate chewed and swallowed many a nation,

It said from beneath,

As it picked its teeth,

Eventually I’ll eat your entire civilization.


What on Earth are they mad for,

I should think they would want more,

No need to reject,

Why do they deflect,

Since they got what they voted for.


Oligarchies don’t need critical thinkers,

They need blind mindless drinkers,

So dumb us down,

Fence in the town,

And make the world into a jailhouse of grifters.


Republicans will be complaining like they’re powerless,

No budget impeachments or laws to stop the lawless,

Instead they whine,

Give us more time,

And even with a monopoly they bow to the leftist’s.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Election Of Trump

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, with the evident election of Trump, the deep state is conniving a way to get rid of him. A plan that will eviscerate his ability to change anything for the better. Like they did before. The real problem with Trump, for the elite, is that he’s a patriot who loves America and the American way. Which is the antithesis of the way the elites feel. They loathe America and the American way. But most of all, they hate you and I. They hate our culture.. our freedom to speak up, our liberty to carry weapons, and our Right to privacy. All of which infuriate the elites. Because they see the US as the single biggest stumbling stone to their new world order. A globalist state where we will own nothing and be happy. Even as they own everything and will remain perpetually angry.

Control of the administrative state gives the unelected elites great power to do evil in the world. An ability they use to great effect. Trump’s election threatens that monopoly on power. Unlimited in scope, reach and law, the bureaucracy is the real force behind the throne. The administrative state is our version of the Praetorian Guard. They choose who will take the figurehead position. Now their choice has fallen, they’ll be livid. Power is the single goal of those in the oligarchy, that is the bureaucracy, otherwise called… the administrative state, or deep state. The ultimate destination for them is more power and on a global scale. Trump stands in the way of that dark vision for humanity. As you read this the unelected powers that be will connive to undermine him and get rid of him.

The elite will try to trick him into abandoning the people and policies that got him elected… like last time. They managed to get Trump to shunt to the side people like Newt Gingrich, in favor of deep state actors, who undermined Trump’s first presidency from start to finish. The message will be clear, RFK and those like him, are a danger to our republic. Because of their “radical” ideas. Trump will be inundated with demands to hire backstabbers like Amy Comey Barrett. Since folks like her are reliable elitist scum. Any choice like Rand Paul will be met with outrage in the Senate. Even a republican controlled senate. Because most of the republicans are controlled by the deep state. As Chucky Schemer said… “The intelligence community has six ways to Sunday to get you.”

Expect another frame job. A frame they hope to stick Trump in this time. By the time I finish this article the progressive faction will be brainstorming ways to destroy him. With the backing of the traitorous media, the unelected elites will have an unobstructed path to build it. Who knows what they’ll come up with this time. It may be difficult to claim foreign interference though… what with the Iranian, CCP, British and other foreign governments openly backing Harris, with money, intelligence, propaganda and election workers. The hypocrisy maybe a bit much even for the hypocrites that run the world. Then again… maybe their void of self awareness will win out. So I expect the frame job to have something to do with his campaign, businesses or personal relationships.

There will be violence. The progressive faction will burn down DC during the inauguration… again. In an act of blind rage. Which is perfectly acceptable since the progressive faction is above the law. In fact, they see law as a means to power, not a way to enhance personal safety, facilitate economic actions or smooth interactions between men. So, without past consequences, the left will riot in the streets. Perhaps some drug dealer will OD again, that they can somehow pin on Trump… then they’ll use it to justify more violence. Expect the left to use the same playbook they used before. Because it’s the only one they have. Lie, cheat, and beat downs are the progressive globalist play. Hopefully Trump has been inoculated by his last term so is wiser this time. I pray he has. For all of our sake’s.


John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


There once was a generation of journalists,

Made of experts, philosophers and annalists,

They said with a wink,

We’re smarter than you think,

Then hid corruption, took payola and abetted terrorists.


There once was a guy who didn’t vote,

The corruption really got his goat,

He opened a spot,

For election rot,

So it turns out he was a dope.


There once was an evil kraut,

The great reset he was about,

Tickling himself pink,

He said with a wink,

Baby’s taste better with stout.


Of corruption the deep state doesn’t tire,

As the FBI’s become a miserable mire,

Trust us they said,

We’re experts in red,

Then calmly set themselves on fire.


Be careful what you wish for,

Who the government puts on the floor,

Some are bad guys,

Others are just flies,

But I bet we’re all on a list or four.


There once was a continent so corrupt,

Its economy stopped dead and abrupt,

A bribe to get by,

A sliver in the eye,

So the continent never gets developed.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


The cheating this year will be epic,

As the results will smell quite septic,

A few thousand here,

So have a cold beer,

And watch as the world becomes a skeptic.


Elon Musk has run afoul of the deep state,

Doing anything to stop him sealing his fate,

Truth does burn,

Plus minds turn,

And for that alone Elon has earned the oligarchy’s hate.


There once was a faction so vile,

They beat Mao by a country mile,

Saying with élan,

Beating down a man,

If we could we would eat your child.


There once was a faction above the law,

Using violence intimidation and gall,

Their enemies they despise,

But what they don’t realize,

Is a double standard is no standard at all.


As we listen to the deep state stalling and stalling,

While their credibility keeps falling and falling,

He said over a cup,

It’s no cover up,

While doing the very definition of stonewalling.


The economy runs on trust,

Take it away and it all goes bust,

Too many a con,

Trust is gone,

And a man will turn into a locust.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there are three kinds of people, those who talk without thinking, those who think without talking, and those who think before talking. Those who think after talking fall into the category of those who talk without thinking. I suggest here that humanity would benefit if the silent spoke up a bit more, the motor mouths took their foot off the pedal… and everyone caches their words, then edit them for content, before they speak. Should that happen, more and possibly better ideas would enter the zeitgeist, people would get along better and thus our quality of life would improve. All simply by people thinking before they speak and saying what they’re thinking. Along with accepting people’s opinions as valid and not a source of criticism.

Some people’s brains are shunted directly to their mouths. These are people with the gift of gab. They dominate every conversation. We often love them because they have so little self awareness. Saying things aloud we hate to think in quiet. People with an entertainer personality are like this. Talkers seldom reach the highest levels of management. Though they make great salespeople. Their lack of a filter, glib nature and void of self awareness, allows them to shrug off rejection and shame. They may not be the best people to confide in though. Because, even if they don’t mean to, they tend to blurt out secrets inadvertently. Mixed in a torrent of chatter. I suspect these types of folks tend extrovert. Because most of the people I know like this always have an entourage.

There are many people who simply don’t speak unless spoken to. They may or may not be listening to the room. Perhaps it’s because they’re shy, don’t have anything to say or don’t want to appear haughty. Often such people are lost in their own minds. They make good listeners and keep secrets well though. They maybe overly self conscious. Which confines all ideas to their own heads. While these people are easy going they don’t contribute those ideas. Ideas that are often valid and valuable but never get shared. Which means humanity is deprived of their intellect, wisdom and life experience. A loss to us all. So it would not only benefit the shy, to become a little bit more gregarious, it also benefit’s mankind as well. Because we could then get the advantage of their input.

Some people use a cache to edit their words. Applying self awareness to their speech and actions. These people serve humanity by adding their insights but don’t burden it with chatter. They allow others a chance to speak and seldom talk over someone else. This kind of conversation mode allows for learning. Because you only learn when you listen. Speaking is trying to teach. About whatever topic the conversation goes. So the wise attempt to teach only that which they are knowledgeable about . Which is why the glib speak of their favorite, and most intimately known subject… themselves. Moreover, those that cache tend to stop speaking, when their words aren’t given the value the speaker believes they should. Which is one way radio mouths silence them.

I wonder if the three types I’ve described, share similarities with the three topics according to Eleanor Roosevelt, “Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people.” Let’s face it, most conversations are about people. It could be, the closed mouthed think only of ideas, and are at a loss when confronted with gossip. Even as the glib can talk of anything… but excel in talking about themselves. Meanwhile those that cache their thoughts may choose what topics to comment on. Nevertheless, the tight lipped would be well advised to try to add in conversations, just as the chatter boxes might think about allowing others to speak, and valuing the input of other people. These simple actions we are able to do ourselves would improve the lot of mankind.


John Pepin

Posted in philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Sly language makes truth witless,

Twisting up lies from the abyss,

Sages see the thread,

So Kung Sung Lung said,

A white horse is not a horse but a black or yellow one is.


There once was a government corrupt,

Their crimes cunning and developed,

The crony passed in a dash,

As he counted his wad of cash,

And their fall was slow at first then came abrupt.


Attack the billionaires they are few,

Many are evil scumbags tis true,

Justice is just though,

And I want to know,

Does Reich not deserve his riches too?


The wise protect themselves and put,

Their treasures away from ashy soot,

Ours are a different case,

It’s hard to win the race,

Since migration is a bullet in our foot.


The elite’s opinions are fine,

To be repeated over wine,

They must be heard,

No matter how absurd,

But our opinions always cross a line.


That groups are hated is quotidian,

Especially since there is no guardian,

Birds of a feather,

Should stick together,

Like the Jews, Roma and the Armenian.



John Pepin

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