Follow The Leader

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, one of the reasons we are getting stupider and stupider, is because people follow their leaders… and ours are inept, corrupt and arrogant. We see it all around us. People too incompetent to count correct change arrogantly think they should run the world. Crime is skyrocketing at the same time as our objectively corrupt regime, evidenced by the 31 million received from the CCP and the Ukrainian shenanigans of the Bidens, who came into power by fraud. Their lawlessness has oozed into every pore of our nation. Arrogance and ineptitude followed their lawlessness. This is one of Confucius’ tenets and an idea that Mo Ti (a philosophical combatant of Confucius) also favored. People follow their leaders, provably true as well as intuitive, and is exemplified by our society today.

Our civilization, science and technology is breaking down by every measure, even as basic science continues to forge ahead by moment of inertia. Since curiosity and honest inquiry are racist throwbacks to the capitalist patriarchal hegemony. The signs are obvious and startling yet go unseen. Like Boeing’s failures. That company is set up to succeed yet it fails instead. In the 1970s during the peak of the energy crisis, there were no rolling blackouts, collapse of the grid for days at a time during epic cold snaps, or air travel chaos like today. The crisis then, was gas lines, and the price went from .50 cents a gallon to a buck. Then there is the medical establishment’s red face over covid. They created it, stupidly or malevolently released it, denied treatment to the victims, and said rioting is a covid safe activity.

The corruption of our leaders is reflected in the rising crime rates of our society. People follow their leaders into virtue… or vice. Ours epitomize vice and so our people, culture and nation are following them to the abyss of perversion. There is a mass shooting in the US almost every day now. The murder rates, in our big gun controlled cities, has shot up to record numbers in record time. Retail theft has driven many outfits out of progressive cities. Who could fail to mention the opioid overdose death rate? How many will die this year from Fentanyl? So far over 100,000 people have. Do you trust a word the pathologically lying media says anymore? Have you noticed in your own life, that people lie more, are inept and are less religious? It is because we are following our leaders to Hell.

There is no one as arrogant as the stupid and ignorant. The ignorant don’t know any better and the stupid think they are smart and so should be despots. By that measure, our leaders today in the constitutional government, the administrative state as well as our cultural, media and social leaders, are the acme of ignorant, stupid and arrogant. Being too ignorant to know that no one can run the world as an autocrat effectively, too stupid to understand that they are specifically unqualified to run a mop, let alone the world, and so arrogant they couldn’t care less. With role models like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Schumer and obviously… the Clinton crime family, I am amazed we haven’t collapsed yet.

On a more personal level, at work, do you tend to emulate those in a lower station in the firm’s hierarchy, or those above? Do you dress like the people in the newsroom or the executive office? We emulate those in the positions we seek. This determines our trajectory in life. Nations are no different. If a nation emulates the highest ideals, morals and actions, then that nation will thrive. If a nation emulates the perverse, carnal and conniving, that nation will soon collapse, believing it was someone else fault. The national trajectory is set by the leaders of a nation. We have a limited say with our vote. Our leaders however, have decided our vote is an impediment to their plans, and so have effectively nullified it, keeping to form. No wonder our civilization is faltering… with these half wits in charge.


John Pepin

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Progressive’s Set The Precedent

Dear friends,

It seems to me, progressives should consider the precedent they are setting, because sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. In the case of exploiting the state’s monopoly on violence, to force the people to believe whatever notion has captured their fancy… the precedent is now set, that a political faction can pervert the law to force change, cultural, social and even ethnically cleanse the nation of undesirables. Progressives will not have a monopoly on the administrative state, the media and corporations… forever. Eventually, their rule will give way… and someone else will have all the tools the progressives forged, at their fingertips. Resistance will be futile, since the progressives will have set the standard, and is a reminder to everyone in power, the standard you set… will someday be used against you.

Much law is based on case law. Where small segments or questions about a larger law are answered in a court. This is called precedent. While it would be ideal for the legislature to set laws, with the consent of the executive and people, that is not the case. Often, as in the case of section 230 of the decency act, the courts take a law, and for their own political reasons, twist it to a perversion. That is one kind of precedent. Another is when the courts write laws into the books creating them from whole cloth. As the Vermont Supreme court did with Civil Unions. Fabricating a whole set of laws from one bad decision. A decision that has led to… men dressing as women in the most grotesque of ways, preaching to children, reading to tots in State sponsored story times and girls bathrooms open to perverts.

The progressives have a well established track record of exploiting their monopoly on the legal system to force societal, cultural and ethnic change. Even in the face of strong public opinion. From Buck v Bell, where the State usurped the authority to arbitrarily sterilize people against their will, to Roe v Wade, where the government established Moloch worship as the state religion, the progressive captured courts have been the cutting edge of the spear. Where progressives gloated at the victims of those acts of exploitation, oppression and offense, now the courts have negated one of their usurpations, their reaction tells the whole story. Who comes completely unhinged, that babies will not be brutally murdered at the rate they were, because the State no longer Worships Moloch? Take a guess.

The changes progressives have labored so long to achieve will be reversed in a matter of hours, should they lose their grip on power… and they know it. That is why they grasp ever more, even as their clench, slips. Their ace in the hole is their iron fisted grip on the education system. Built since the progressive education innovations of John Dewey. That clamp of steel however is showing signs of stress fractures. When the State went after parents, concerned about the “education” the government schools were inculcating to their children, it exposed them for who they are and what they serve. No alloy is strong enough to withstand that heat without failing. If they lose the education system, they lose the whole ball of wax. Since teaching children to be stupid is the foundation of their power.

The greatest fear of progressives is that the political tools they have forged, from the ashes of our Constitution, will be turned against them. They have set the precedent that the Constitution is mere theater. Should they lose the elite… because they are exposed and children are no longer taught to be morons, then their goose will be cooked in their own pot. People who are arrogant, stupid and lack basic self awareness, tend to violence when stymied. In this the progressives have proven another proverb true. Evil always destroys itself, eventually. All progressives need do to lose that power, is to remain being progressives, and it will slip away like so much air. Then they may have to live in the tyranny they created, except as the oppressed, with us, instead of the oppressors.


John Pepin

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The Elite Are Broken

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the systems are not broken, the elite are broken, moreover, no matter what system our elite were handed, they would screw it up, because their culture is so corrupt. We live in a Venn diagram of various worlds. Each of us is an intersection. You are the intersection of the culture, nation, your religion, your ethos, philosophy, the workplace, your friends, the neighborhood, the city, community, etc… there are uncountable worlds with which each and every one of us intersect. We all know the stories of those who have become alcoholics, drug addicts, gamblers, undergo a sudden change of personality, etc… which then cause the breakdown of the worlds that they intersect with. The destruction commensurate with their import in that world. The elite are no exception.

Not only are we intersections of the worlds we reside, but those worlds effect us deeply, and often in ways we ourselves don’t recognize. Even the language you speak changes your thinking. The trans movement has a more difficult time penetrating the minds of people who speak a Latin based language, with female, and male nouns. While socialism comes naturally to them. The opposite is true of English speakers who don’t give nouns gender. We affect the worlds that we connect to, sometimes greatly, often very little, but our presence is always felt. The higher in the hierarchy of one of those worlds one is, the greater their affect on the whole. Because people follow their leaders not their subordinates. If the leaders like red clothes, the subordinates will wear red.

The culture of the elite is not that of the people. The elite’s culture (as does all culture) change depending on the clique they run in. Nevertheless, the elite have a subculture that is independent of the larger culture, western, national or other. George Carlin put it this way, “Its a big club and your not in it.” The elite are affected by the culture they intersect with and in turn they affect it. The weight of their effect depends on their position in the hierarchy. From this we can conclude that if one is embedded within a corrupt world, or worse, many corrupt worlds, one can barely help but be corrupt. Only a saint is able to rise above such a situation… and saints are not common, especially in the ranks of the elite. The elite live in a bubble of their own making. Therefore their culture is disconnected from our own.

The elite’s culture is utterly corrupt. I could go on and on with examples (as I have in past articles) but instead I will consider it a stipulation. Since we are presuming the culture of the elite is totally corrupt, we could ask why, how does that corruption change the outcome, what of the future with such a corrupt elite culture? The why is because the people at the top do not hold themselves to their own laws or our Constitutional limits. The national, social and global outcomes are diminished by the elite’s corruption in a myriad of ways. One of which is the elite abandoning merit, for political favor… creating an incompetent elite. That the people have begun to emulate, making all of society… inept. The future of a corrupt city, state or nation, is written in blood. Economic collapse, invasion and eventual slavery.

The elite’s culture needn’t be corrupt. We can affect it. Their corruption could be reigned in, somewhat, by holding them to their own laws. Since they are the enforcement mechanism, that’s not going to happen, unless we create some Constitutionally empowered law enforcement agency… to hold the elite to the law, our Constitution, and expose every nook and cranny of government to the omniscient eye of public scrutiny. (We could call it a Numa). We might put virtuous people at the top. To lead the elite away from corruption by example. Those people will be destroyed by the corrupt below however. If electing them is even possible. The elite didn’t become this corrupt, inept and arrogant overnight, change will be a process. One I pray we finish… before their culture finishes us.


John Pepin

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Our Partisan Legal System

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the law has become the tool of a political faction, rather than a tool for justice. Examples abound of our double standard legal system. The corruption of that institution runs deeper than mere arbitrary enforcement depending on political favor. Today the perversion of law in the US is total and complete. From the creation of law with an eye to empowering the favored, and harming the disfavored, to enforcement and adjudication. It has become the total package. Law is now a system of injustice, designed by the unjust, enforced by the unjust, for the benefit of the unjust. The elite don’t even pretend law is anything but a bludgeon they use against their political adversaries. The Jan 6 commission for example. Then there is the violence the left routinely engages in without punishment.

The firebombings of pro life pregnancy centers has both gone unreported and unpunished. When the media does report on them, they downplay the crimes, saying it is “not okay,” with other vanilla platitudes. If abortion centers were being firebombed, the media would be all agog how violent and thus unworthy… the pro lifers are. The lack of public scrutiny of those firebombings gave permission for the riots we are seeing today in the wake of the Roe v Wade decision. As in the 2020 summer of love, where the progressive’s brown shirts burned small businesses, engaged in iconoclasm and literally torched public buildings with people inside. Without any meaningful punishment. The progressive establishment hegemony simply exploits it’s monopoly on law to its own ends.

The 2021 legislative season gave us all a first hand glimpse of how hypocritical, self serving and lacking self awareness the democrats really are. That whole fiasco has been memory holed. Trillions in spending on covid, infrastructure and changing equality to equity. The spending and shutdowns combined to make the perfect storm for inflation. The infrastructure bill that was anything but, provided trillions to democrat slush funds, rich donors and their private hobbies. Have you noticed meaningful improvement in the roads around you? There should be… since we just spent enough to replace every one. Of course, what could be more important when establishing a totalitarian state, than changing equality, where everyone is equal, to equity, where some are more equal than others?

The courts are as partisan in the US as they are in North Korea and China, their mentors. US courts refused to enforce the US Constitution, prior to the 2020 election, abetting the election fraud. Then they refused to give anyone suing to expose election fraud… “standing.” Before, because the nation hadn’t been harmed yet, during the counting because the harm wasn’t manifest, and after, because “Latches,” we waited too long to file for a redress of grievances. Then there is the example of the courts expanding the Section 230 of the decency act, so that the corporate social media companies have Cart Blanche to censor, in the name of the “legit” narrative. How could we omit the DC courts, that let progressive arsonists go free, then denied bail and a speedy and fair trial to conservative alleged trespassers?

The progressive faction is unique in its loathing of our Constitution, willingness to exploit law to political ends, and utter disdain of the people, all made possible by their extreme egoism. Now that progressives have made law a tool of the elite to crush dissent, pervert elections and make their power unlimited, how can we not lose all respect for it? Look at how much progressives really have for it if they can’t wield it. There is no despotism, like a tyranny that is lawful, and backed by an arbitrary legal system. Anything the elite does is legal, while everything we do is illegal… very efficient! We should treat partisan laws, courts and bureaucracies as we would a scorpion, rattle snake or poison ivy. Nothing honorable… just dangerous things to stay away from, and exterminate when we get the chance.


John Pepin

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George’s Advice

Dear Friends,

An old friend of mine once gave me some sage advice, advice that while free, was worth a king’s ransom. George was smarter than a whip. In fact, you could say the man was a genius in his own right. The way I met him was that he went to the same church as I did and through the grape vine I found out he was a sawyer. I had need of sawing done so I called him and we became friends. George had worked at IBM and had risen to high station, without credentials or letters, but by outsmarting the engineers he competed with who did. We were loading lumber on my pickup when he stopped and gave me a deep look. I halted to listen to what he had to say. He explained that he and his wife had planned on getting a motor home and traveling the US when he retired. They had everything planned out, except…

I was chatting with George one time when he was sawing some hard maple. He pointed at a piece of junk. I looked. It was the pumpkin from an old Subaru. He told me it would be the gear box for a winch he was going to build. I laughed at the thought. Well, two weeks later I came by to get the lumber he had sawn for me. His wife said he was still in the woods but would be out soon. Just then I heard the characteristic putt putt of a John Deere 1010. So I headed out to the sawmill to meet George. He came out of the woods with a huge hitch of green hemlock logs… strung together on the homeliest looking winch trailer you have ever seen. Fabricated from one inch iron pipe welded in a frame, with that Subaru pumpkin in the center acting as the gearbox to the winch, holding the whole hitch of logs.

I have found that people who are overly intelligent tend to eccentricity (that is the only way I am similar to them) in that, George was the exception. Although he was overly intelligent, he wasn’t terribly eccentric. Pretty staid in fact. You could say that George was wise as well. One way you can tell if someone is wise is by their life. If their life is a shambles, filled with drama and chaos, one can be fairly safe in concluding they lack wisdom. Someone who’s life is fulfilled, their wants and needs well met and their dreams reasonable and within reach, is probably fairly wise. Pragmatically judging by the outcome. (Although as Solon told Croesus, one can never judge the happiness of a life until it is over.) Judging pragmatically then, George was indeed a wise man.

He had planned on seeing the country. Most people from the hills don’t get very far. Those hills nestle us and most have no need to see the flatland. George had wanted to see more than just the state he grew up in. Not as a bum, but as a retired person, living in luxury in a motor home, meeting new people and experiencing the life he had put on hold for so many years while he worked to build up a nest egg… that would enable him to fulfill that dream. Over the years he had many opportunities to retire. He hadn’t really considered them though, because continued working grew the nest egg, and how could that be a bad thing? Moreover, IBM offered him bonuses to stay instead of retiring, they wanted to get rid of the deadwood, not the live root. So George stayed on and made tons of money.

One thing that all the money in the world cannot solve is, a health problem. George had everything well in hand for his retirement. Oh, he was ten years older then he had planned initially, but had gobs more money than he had imagined as well. Nevertheless, His beloved wife got cancer. She couldn’t even consider traveling the nation. How would she get her chemotherapy? How could someone racked with cancer stand constant traveling anyway? No, their carefully planned retirement had been ruined. Had George retired when he was younger, he would have had plenty of money… and ten years to enjoy it with his beloved, before she came down with cancer. His advice was, “Don’t wait to enjoy life until you are rich. Retire when you can, to do what you want, when you can.” God bless you and yours.


John Pepin

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Who Is The Subhuman?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, once you accept that someone can be redefined out of being human, then anyone can be redefined out of being human. Logic works that way. Providing the source of the adage, “What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.” Once you accept someone else can be redefined out of their humanity… then you can be redefined out of your humanity. “Oh, but no one would do that!” The ignorant, manipulated and malign might argue. What magnifies the danger of this doctrine is that any power given to government is always misused. Even the most insignificant law is abused by the authorities. Speeding for instance. Have you heard of a speed trap? What we are allowing then, is the elite usurping the authority to redefine people as less than human… which makes us all subhuman.

The most obvious example of people who are disabused of their humanity by rhetoric are the unborn. Anti lifers call an unborn baby a fetus for a reason. The term suggests something less than human. If it is less then human in the minds of people, then why give it any Rights at all? Unless doing so, on an arbitrary basis, gives the State and the elite more power. That’s why if a pregnant woman is murdered, the killer is charged with two crimes, even if the mother was on her way to Planned Parenthood to feed Moloch. The baby is given selective Rights to empower the elite and dis empower humanity. Because, nothing is more inhumane than to kill one’s own offspring in such a gruesome manner as dismemberment, without painkillers. We wouldn’t allow a cat to suffer so… but we do the innocent.

Whenever the elite call for people above a certain age to be executed, like a downer jersey, they are redefining people above that age as less than human. Under the philosophy of reciprocal attribution, if someone attributes another less than human for whatever reason, then that person, by their own actions, gives up their own humanity. You cannot claim someone else is not human and therefore not eligible for human Rights, and then claim those Rights for yourself. That is hypocrisy writ large. If any human being is denied their human Rights, because they are called subhuman, then no one has human Rights. Put in a more crude way, if George Soros and a beggar were both tied down, would a pride of lions hesitate to eat Soros too… because he is a powerful evil billionaire?

We are witnessing in real time the redefining of the human race out of our humanity. How many times have the elite called your attention to the crime of white supremacy? How is that different from claiming Jews run the world in a secret cabal, or that it isn’t the Jews, but the Vatican. White Supremacy is just another conspiracy myth. It is doing to people of European and Asian descent what the Nazis did to the Jews, Roma and Slavs. Rights are not worth the paper they are written on, if those that are tasked with enforcing those Rights, despise them. History is replete with examples, of human beings being redefined out of their humanity, before the genocide began. Which pleads the question, who are the real subhumans, those that commit genocide… or the victims that were called subhuman?

The obvious answer is to never allow anyone to redefine anyone out of their humanity. No matter if they are Jewish, Negro, Falun Gong, Indian, Roma, unborn, aged… or white. To deny another their humanity is to deny our own humanity. Opening us up to the very vitriol and attacks we allow to be used on them. But they will not be standing to help when those guns are turned on us… and eventually they will be. If government cannot be trusted with the mundane task of enforcing the traffic laws, how can we trust the elite with the monumental authority, to redefine anyone out of their humanity? Once one has thought of it in this way, only a fool, or villain, would continue to allow others (and therefore ourselves) to be redefined as less than human. God bless you and your humanity.


John Pepin

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Moron The Elite’s Stand Down Orders

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the police standing down during a school shooting, has been standard operating procedure since Columbine. The police stood down in Columbine and it worked so well, police across the nation, when faced with a school shooting situation, have adopted that strategy. In Florida the school safety officer and deputy sheriffs who milled around outside, shouldn’t have been ridiculed as cowards, excrement and scum, they were following orders. I, personally, would think stopping the slaughter of children would be the top priority, but then again, I’m clearly not that smart. Especially since I have other crazy ideas like, it would be better to get a school shooter to expend ammunition, shooting at hunkered down armored police, instead of using it to execute kids crying in a corner.

We know that the elite consider the stand down to be the ideal response, to children being systematically executed in a school… because they keep doing it. People do what works and cease doing that which fails… unless failure is the desired result. Not only is this the case but those that don’t rarely live past the age of 18. Since the elite are generally much older than that, we can safely conclude, they are not that stupid. So, what is the advantage of maximizing children being killed in a tragedy, to the elite? Even at cost to law enforcement’s reputation. Maybe more children dead, equals more political leverage in their Hegelian play, to get what they want? Disarming the citizenry to reduce us to subjects. Doesn’t that bestow political advantage to those giving the stand down orders?

If the reason is because maximizing the casualties, works to their political advantage, then what kind of person would do such a thing? People who want to legalize killing babies up to 28 days old, openly avow there are too many people on the planet and claim that famine is a good thing… that’s who. The WEF is not secret about the plan. Go to the WEF website, and read their plans for you and your children, those that survive the reset that is. Look up the UN Agendas on their website. Check out the Georgia Guide Stones. It is all out there for us to read what they plan on doing. Most of us refuse to look, because it is such an ugly truth, and the glittering lie’s are so attractive. People who abet, without remorse, the murder of 70,000,000 babies are heartless, soulless and pathological. Perfect oppressors.

When school shootings are stopped, it is always by an armed bystander, teacher or other good guy with a gun. If they get there before the police can set up a barricade… to protect the shooter’s workplace from violence. Once the police arrive, the shooter is protected from parents, bystanders and only need fear the lone hero who slips past the cop cordon. Obviously, the elite don’t want lone heroes to save the day. That’s why the media covers it up when they do. Lone heroes undermine the carefully connived narrative, that the way to keep us safe is to give up our only means of defense, to psychopaths, who openly avow they seek our slow sucking deaths. If we comply, that would end the problem of lone heroes saving the day. Because no FBI handler wants his patsy to die before completing the job.

One thing the standing stand down order teaches us… is that the police are not there to protect us. If they were duty bound, to protect and serve, there would never be a stand down during a school shooting. Law enforcement exists for some other reason. Clearly, not to protect our property either, since the police and State itself are now a bigger threat to our property than any carjacker… with seizure and forfeiture laws. One could easily conclude the police exist nowadays, not to enforce the law, but to protect the power of the privileged, by enforcing their arbitrary rule. The random rule of people so bereft of character, morality and even basic humanity, they would abet the murder of innocent children… to get a leg up in their war on humanity. May they get their well deserved comeuppances.


John Pepin

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Godless Society

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a society without God, is a society that will soon become chaos. Why should anyone risk their hedonistic life for someone else when they believe there will be no reward, temporal or after? Moreover, why be moral at all other than to manipulate others? If we are nothing but machines that envision free will, but indeed are pre-programmed, why obey any law, other than the risk of punishment? Then again, if the risk of punishment changes our actions, then by definition, we must have free will. If we indeed have free will, and are not meat robots, then there must be a spark of divinity in us. If that is the case then God is suggested in the strongest of ways. Nevertheless, a society that believes in the mechanical universe, is doomed to live as livestock, not as human beings.

People are first and foremost, self interested beings, as are dogs, cats, and polar bears. Not only are we self interested, but like water, electricity and sound, most of us take the path of least resistance. Plus, our perception is how we base our ideas of self interest. If we believe we have free will, there is a God and that there will be an after life, even if any one or all of these assumptions are incorrect (the functional myth notion) not only is our life improved but the whole of humanity’s lot is improved as well. Which, obviously, further improves ours. On the other hand, in a society that bases it’s perceptions on the notion we are flesh automatons, without free will in a mechanistic universe, have only the irrelevant threat of punishment and the residual effects of past belief to prevent total chaos.

If we believe in the mechanistic message then it follows that morality is a mimicry and amorality is reality. A chicken doesn’t have moral questions. It simply eats that which is smaller. That which is smaller does not moralize over being eaten by the chicken. It escapes else is protein. That is a mechanistic relationship. We don’t know if dogs moralize over their kills. Probably not. They are childlike, and children raised on a farm, see no problem with a headless chicken running down the driveway. That same child might have a problem if the chicken were tortured to death rather than quickly dispatched with a cleaver. Showing that children, and therefore perhaps dogs too, have a basic morality. I wonder though, how do some chickens think they are dogs, if they are mere meat robots?

A cow in a field, a chicken in a run and a sheep in a flock live the perfect life for someone who promotes socialism. They are fed, have free healthcare and are sheltered. They own nothing and are happy. Plus they get to have all the sex they want. What a life! I imagine those who vote progressive must envy cattle, hogs and goats. The chicken is never bothered by any idea of freedom, why would they, with all their needs met, just as the mechanistic atheist. How can a meat android be free anyway? The cow has no morality, it is a cog in a machine, as the mechanistic believe we are. As a result, the life of people in a society that has embraced the nihilistic, atheistic and hedonistic religion of Mechanism, are doomed to live as livestock, not as rational moral human beings.

The ancients had a better grasp on what it meant to be human than we do today. I suspect it is because they were closer to the Earth back then (and they literally had bigger brains). The ancient Greeks wrote down their thoughts. They called Man a thinking, moral and social animal. Our ability to reason is what stands us apart from livestock. They also debated what society is and how it should be created. Over 2,000 years ago they settled the very questions our elite confound us with today. Is it a better life… to be a cow in a field, or a human being, wrestling with God, morality and the nature of existence itself? Make humans live as livestock and soon we will act as livestock. How does a bull do running a china shop? We have been taught to be cows instead of human beings and so chaos cannot be far away.


John Pepin

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Meritocracy Is the Solution

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, one solution to our societal ills, the elite carefully steer us away from is… meritocracy. The elite despise meritocracy despite their pretended love of it. Preferring letters to actual merit, they believe the more education (and therefore expertise), the better suited to rule with unchecked power. A perversion of the idea of philosopher kings, but in this case they would be, expert bureaucrats. There can be nothing more dangerous to a narcissistic incompetent elite than the threat of a meritocracy. Can you imagine, if the child of a single mother were able to compete, with those of the elite? Why else do you think the elite so love racial quotas, because they are a perversion of the Peter Principle, and therefore are the antithesis of meritocracy. Undermining real meritocracy.

Have you ever heard from any TV pundit, that meritocracy is the answer to our societal ills? I have only heard the term on the radio once or twice… usually with animosity to the idea. Typically the press excites us about the possibility of politics to “help us solve our problems.” Which means the media prefers we think that government has, “a legitimate role in helping us improve our lives,” or in other words, politics can solve all our problems. I already disproved that notion in an earlier article. Nevertheless that is the only solution to any problem we are allowed to consider by the punditry. This is because, when politics is the solution to every problem, political favor becomes the yardstick. Any solution then is measured by its effect on the political class, the elite… instead of society.

Merit, or the idea that one’s advancement should depend on one earning it, benefits all of society, at the cost to those that believe, advancement should come from political favor. History is rife with examples proving meritocracy far more efficient than political favor in every endeavor. In war, the example of WWII, will do. The Wehrmacht versus the Italian army illustrates the point. Advancement in the officer corps in the Wehrmacht was mostly merit based, while advancement in the Italian army, was politically based. The results of both doctrines on the battlefield were stark. Regardless of the quality of the weapons, soldiers or logistics, an army run by fools will flounder, as the Italian army did in Greece… holding up Operation Barbarossa, and probably causing Germany to lose the war.

There is an old saying, “Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations.” This is based on the understanding that the person who became rich, did so by earning it… by merit. Their children may get the best education, but grow up in some form of want, because people who get rich don’t start that way… by definition. Giving the first generation of the wealthy a grounding in the real world. The grandchildren however, grow up in luxury, decadence and completely out of touch with reality, and so they become idiots. Foolish, stupid and willful… so they get a trust fund that they don’t squander their inheritance (which they surely would), get defrauded out of it or starve. Nations are no different. Those that become rich and powerful in virtue, collapse in decadence, a few generations later.

In a true meritocracy, if the child of a sharecropper, welfare cheat or NYC lawyer would compete on the same playing field. The privilege of the privileged wouldn’t matter. Can you imagine that? Instead of getting shot down in cold blood, on the mean streets of Chicago’s south side, a poor kid could become anything they wanted and had the aptitude for. The progressive economist Veblen once said, in America people don’t hate the rich, because everyone thinks he could become rich. The elite eradicated that attitude along with the meritocracy that fostered it. Restore meritocracy, and the hopelessness that fuels so many of our societal ills would vanish, like so much mist on a summer morning. Else we could allow the elite to establish political favor as the measure of who gets what… as an impenetrable fog.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Justified Genocide

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite are replacing us because they have had it with us. How many times have we rejected their advances to fundamentally change America into a grand totalitarian nightmare? Our intransigence has got out of hand, and so we need to be replaced with people whom the elite feel would be better suited to their, enlightened oppression. The last straw was voting for the outsider Donald Trump. How could we? The elite were justly livid since that vote was a total rejection of them and their policies. That affront could not go unpunished. So when it appeared we were going to vote for the outsider again, the elite got together and made sure that wouldn’t happen, with 2000 vote mules. Good thing too, else the elite couldn’t have punished us and replace us, like they are… and we deserve it.

Rejecting the elite, our overlords, showed we are too impudent to enjoy being the victims of their dark experiments. We damaged their pride. Such proud people cannot tolerate their egos feeling the slightest pinch. No wonder they hate us. Like any other beta male who’s advances are rejected by a woman. Their interest has turned to disgust. Why would they want to bestow their enlightened despotism on people too blind to accept it? More to the point however, the elite simply cannot ever forgive us for the insult of rejection. The elite are not run of the mill people though, not at all, most people simply move on when they are rejected, people like the elite don’t, they move on the rejector like an army falls on its foe. So you see, the elite feel perfectly entitled to replace us, or… ethnically cleanse the US.

They offered us utopia, and we spit in their faces, how can they ever forgive us for that? The elite are not people to turn the other cheek, they are people who slap first, second and third. Why should a great man control his or her temper? They are great men and the wrath of great men is legendary. That they have been so methodical up to now is a testament to their self control. Now however, the gloves are coming off. The elite are openly replacing us, jailing those who defy them and arbitrarily using law as a political weapon. Exploiting Jan 6 to drive those the elite do not want to run for office off the ticket, while at the same time, Jan 6 protesters are still in prison awaiting trial, for trespassing and parading. Yup, the gloves have come off and in the next four months they will go full bare knuckled on our faces.

The more we complain the harder it will be. Look at the parents who had the impertinence to speak up about their children being taught perversion in the public school. Instead of the ABCs. They were and still are classified by the FBI as domestic terrorists. Even as the elite’s storm troops, ANTIFA and BLM, who are actual violent domestic terrorists, are not. That they arrogantly brag about changing the demographic of our nation is an insult right in our faces. They know, most of us are either too stupid to recognize it, else too afraid to say anything about it. That way, counter revolutionaries, who call attention to the clear crime against humanity that genocide, ethnic cleansing or in other words, intentionally changing a nation’s demographic… can then be identified and then made examples of.

The elite today consider rule their birthright. It is not a privilege but a Right. We are lucky to have them as rulers, with their enlightened views and their sure knowledge of their superiority over us in every way, intellectually, morally and in wisdom. At their core, the elite believe we live to serve them, and their whims, and since we have acted up, why not replace us with people more to the elite’s liking? Ethnically cleanse the US so to speak. Exterminate us, convince our kids to self sterilize, hook them on opiates, offshore our futures, send us to fight in senseless foreign wars, bankrupt our economy with shutdowns, inflation and profligate spending, exterminate our energy production and create a famine to drive the rest off. The wrath of greedy, prideful and heartless people, like our elite, is unlimited.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment