Godless Society

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a society without God, is a society that will soon become chaos. Why should anyone risk their hedonistic life for someone else when they believe there will be no reward, temporal or after? Moreover, why be moral at all other than to manipulate others? If we are nothing but machines that envision free will, but indeed are pre-programmed, why obey any law, other than the risk of punishment? Then again, if the risk of punishment changes our actions, then by definition, we must have free will. If we indeed have free will, and are not meat robots, then there must be a spark of divinity in us. If that is the case then God is suggested in the strongest of ways. Nevertheless, a society that believes in the mechanical universe, is doomed to live as livestock, not as human beings.

People are first and foremost, self interested beings, as are dogs, cats, and polar bears. Not only are we self interested, but like water, electricity and sound, most of us take the path of least resistance. Plus, our perception is how we base our ideas of self interest. If we believe we have free will, there is a God and that there will be an after life, even if any one or all of these assumptions are incorrect (the functional myth notion) not only is our life improved but the whole of humanity’s lot is improved as well. Which, obviously, further improves ours. On the other hand, in a society that bases it’s perceptions on the notion we are flesh automatons, without free will in a mechanistic universe, have only the irrelevant threat of punishment and the residual effects of past belief to prevent total chaos.

If we believe in the mechanistic message then it follows that morality is a mimicry and amorality is reality. A chicken doesn’t have moral questions. It simply eats that which is smaller. That which is smaller does not moralize over being eaten by the chicken. It escapes else is protein. That is a mechanistic relationship. We don’t know if dogs moralize over their kills. Probably not. They are childlike, and children raised on a farm, see no problem with a headless chicken running down the driveway. That same child might have a problem if the chicken were tortured to death rather than quickly dispatched with a cleaver. Showing that children, and therefore perhaps dogs too, have a basic morality. I wonder though, how do some chickens think they are dogs, if they are mere meat robots?

A cow in a field, a chicken in a run and a sheep in a flock live the perfect life for someone who promotes socialism. They are fed, have free healthcare and are sheltered. They own nothing and are happy. Plus they get to have all the sex they want. What a life! I imagine those who vote progressive must envy cattle, hogs and goats. The chicken is never bothered by any idea of freedom, why would they, with all their needs met, just as the mechanistic atheist. How can a meat android be free anyway? The cow has no morality, it is a cog in a machine, as the mechanistic believe we are. As a result, the life of people in a society that has embraced the nihilistic, atheistic and hedonistic religion of Mechanism, are doomed to live as livestock, not as rational moral human beings.

The ancients had a better grasp on what it meant to be human than we do today. I suspect it is because they were closer to the Earth back then (and they literally had bigger brains). The ancient Greeks wrote down their thoughts. They called Man a thinking, moral and social animal. Our ability to reason is what stands us apart from livestock. They also debated what society is and how it should be created. Over 2,000 years ago they settled the very questions our elite confound us with today. Is it a better life… to be a cow in a field, or a human being, wrestling with God, morality and the nature of existence itself? Make humans live as livestock and soon we will act as livestock. How does a bull do running a china shop? We have been taught to be cows instead of human beings and so chaos cannot be far away.


John Pepin

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