Justice Is What The Experts Say It Is

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our “justice” system has decided that anything someone does, to forward the cause of the administrative state and unleashing its power to “help” people, is legal. While anything anyone does to limit the power, role or scope of the administrative state, is an enemy and will be treated as a criminal. You know, like President Donald Trump. That is why Hillary was allowed to have a private server in her basement, that funneled top secret information directly to an email account controlled by the Chinese Communist Party… without consequence. It is also why Jan 6 trespassers are given multiple year prison sentences, for trespass, while the rioters who burned DC to the ground in 2017, to protest Trump’s inauguration… didn’t get an hour in jail. It isn’t the faction but the cause.

We all know of the clear double standard in the US legal system. The raid of Trump, while the Biden lap top remains an open sore for our nation, is example enough. That there is a huge double standard in the US legal system is not debatable. Examples are all well and good, and I could fill novels with them, but what counts is argument, or it should anyway. The reason no successful nation has ever risen up that didn’t have a strong legal ethic, is because arbitrary rule always and everywhere, leads to chaos. Solon understood this truth three thousand years ago. Machiavelli said that unstable democracy is a far worse situation for the people than a stable tyranny. Nothing works in an unstable democracy. Which makes me wonder, is the real goal to create an unstable democracy, so we beg for a stable tyranny?

Do you think ANTIFA would be given the room to vent if they started demanding an actual return to Constitutional principles, ideals and limits? The second they turned on their masters they would be shot like a rabid dog. Just like the democrats did to their erstwhile allies, the Klu Klux Klan. It is unwise for a dog that fights in a pit, against other dogs… to think it is a beloved pet. Antifa and BLM are only the current pit bulls for the progressive faction. Once they are mauled so badly they are either unusable, else dead, they will be tossed, like the KKK was. The reality is, if ANTIFA or BLM demanded the end of the FBI, election fairness and voter ids they would be rounded up and shot. Their violence is allowed at the suffrage of the progressive faction… and they know it.

While it appears that the grain is with factional infighting, it actually splits the elite from the masses. The elite, who control the courts, administrative state, corporations, media, medical system, industry and especially the Military Industrial Complex. They have decided to go rogue and usurp totalitarian power. Because, lets face it, who would make better despots than the experts? They would be expert at it! The progressive faction is all about amassing power to the expert class and weakening the herding masses. How could there be anything more progressive than that? Any faction that would actually support the populace is denied a seat at the table. The democrats pretend to play that role but we know it’s a lie. They are the zealous allies of the expert class and are the architects of its takeover.

In the double standard legal system, our overlord experts have conjured up, every action has been and will continue to be, to create an unlimited administrative state. Where expert bureaucrats make all the decisions for us, in the most left brained manner possible, for our own good. Aren’t we lucky to have such wonderful people, willing to take time out of their day to oppress, exploit and eventually kill us? Double standards appear to give power to the experts but indeed create chaos. Should they succeed and birth the worldwide unlimited administrative state, the experts envision a Star Trek like world. A planet without poverty, disease or disruptive free thought. The rest of us right brainers envision a mad max world, were the strong rule the weak, for awhile… then extinction.


John Pepin

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Rock Bottom

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, societies are like people, in that a person often needs to hit rock bottom before he or she will come to their senses, and stop drinking, shooting up, gambling, etc… Some never change, even once at rock bottom, they just bump along the bottom like chum. Societies, nations and cultures are the same. History proves this better than I could argue it. From Ur through Sparta, Rome and Ottoman Empire to now, every society, culture and nation state that has risen in virtue has fallen in vice. The theme is universal. Once a people abandon their societal myth, ethos, philosophy, whatever you want to call it, their place in history is set. Because once abandoned they have never been returned to. Let’s pray and strive to make the West in general, and the US in particular, the exception to this rule. Because our elite have abandoned our founding principles. Setting our place in history.

The founding principles our elite have led us to abandon, are Christian ethics, and the Enlightenment ideals. The Enlightenment gave us the ability to rationally work out how the world works, Christianity gave us the ethics to allow a free enterprise system to function, families to thrive and society to be safe. First the elite got rid of the Christian morality because it stood in their way. Using Christian morality to blame Christianity for the things it exterminated, out of moral indignation, and would still be with us lacking the Christian ethos, was warped… moreover, are coming back in its absence. Then they went after Constitutional principles by claiming they run afoul of Constitutional requirements. Albeit perverted requirements, that make a mockery of logic, but since they control education as well…

Look at how far American and European cities have fallen in the last twenty years. In 2000 NYC was a safe, clean and prosperous city that you could bring your children to. Not so much today. Watch an episode of Monk to see how San Francisco used to be. Today it is right out of a dystopian sci fi movie. Paris France was once a gorgeous city. It still is for the most part… in pictures. The same goes for London England. While the architecture is mostly still there, the culture has changed. I wouldn’t walk down the streets of either city wearing a yamaka, cross or picture of Mohamed on my shirt. There are places natives don’t go anymore because they are not safe. Today, hearing about a random stabbing in London, is more common than a shootout in Juarez Mexico.

Some places have fallen faster and harder than others. Washington, Vermont and Oregon for example. They were once bastions of freedom, prosperity and safety. Then the progressive faction became hegemonic in them. After twenty years of progressive rule, abandoning Christian morality for Lucifarian immorality, and Enlightenment principles for progressive pretense, they are open sewers. The prosperity is gone, crime is rampant, and Heaven help you if a progressive splinter group sets up an autonomous zone in your neighborhood. Vermont used to be a safe place. Now, after several decades of progressive rule, Vermont is a hell hole of crime, shootings and overdoses. There are more shootings in VT than Mogadishu. The gap between rich in Stowe, and poor in Orange, has never been so huge.

Most lives go downhill slow at first, then all of a sudden. Over time they burn bridges, alienate friends and turn family against them. Then, once their drinking has hollowed out their reservoir of support, the first breeze blows them over. Drunk, and with no one to catch them, they fall hard. We are seeing this in the West. The elite have alienated God, burned bridges and turned us against them with their lies, crimes and malfeasance. Their regulations have obliterated our economy, energy sector and the middle class, while empowering our international mortal enemies. The elite are in the penthouse of a crumbling skyscraper. From there, rock bottom seems far away, but soon it will not… all of a sudden.


John Pepin

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The Militarized Administrative State

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the administrative state is arming itself for a big war, with someone. While I am sure tempers are high at an IRS audit, I fervently believe they rarely devolve into a gun fight. So why does the IRS need millions of rounds of ammunition and armed agents willing to use deadly force? Why does every bureau of government need to be armed? Especially when they constantly tell us guns are bad, and we should disarm ourselves? Why would someone who has proven themselves to be liars, connivers and manipulators, demand we disarm in the face of their arming up to the teeth? At this point I wouldn’t be the least surprised if the national endowment for the Arts, bought a bunch of Uzi’s, along with ammo enough to kill every man woman and child in the US. Are they militarizing for us?

The list of federal agencies that are armed without warrant is astounding. That the Department of Defense is armed is not surprising, that the Department of Commerce is… is. The State Department is armed as are the departments of education, health and human services, agriculture, and interior. Apparently the administrative state loves guns and wants to own them all. There is virtually no part of the government that is not armed nowadays. The old woman behind the counter at the DMV would carry a service weapon by now… if it were a federal function. The ammunition they buy is even more shocking. The very ammo that is illegal under international treaty to be used in war. So, the only people they can be targeting, for use of that man killer hollow pointed ammo… is us and our children.

We have a military, to protect us and the administrative state from foreign adversaries, so why do bureaucrats need Berettas? Who are they intending on using lethal force on? If not foreign agents, then the only possible persons the future violence is directed at, is either, the constitutional government or the people themselves… us. Recent events show, unequivocally, that the constitutional government serves at the suffrage of the administrative state. The FBI raiding politicians, abetting hoaxes, using false flags to get their puppets in power, seizing the cell phones of congresspeople without warrant, tapping the communications of senators and congresspeople, and why do you think not one client of Epstein has been arrested and charged? They are now the trusted puppets of the administrative state.

If a stranger has abducted you, tied you up, naked, in his basement, and has a table full of knives he is carefully sharpening… would you assume he is going to trim your toenails? In the one context we all see the intent is malevolent, yet in another we fail to see the evil. The administrative state and its zealots have abducted us using the excuse of covid. They have us tied up with regulations and exposed us by the surveillance state. Even as they hone their own weapons in front of us. A mad look of glee on their faces as they do. Yet the stupid have lawn signs, thanking the administrative state for abducting us and holding us naked in their basement, as they arm up. I however have seen too many slasher movies, to discount the possibility that the stack of skulls behind them, is more illustrative, than decorative.

Instead of disarming the people who have proven themselves worthy of being armed, the American people, why not disarm the people who have proven themselves unworthy, governments across the world. Turn the paradigm on its head. If the elite knew they were under the same rules, subject to the same crimes and economy as the grazing masses, they would act accordingly. That they are so far above us, we look like ants to them, is not conducive to empathy with us and our petty needs. Like food, shelter and water. Especially when their existential want, unlimited power over us, remains unmet. At this point only a fool, or a chicken that thinks it is a pet dog, misses the point. The administrative state is militarizing for a reason, and that reason is not to trim our toenails.


John Pepin

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Using Law As A Weapon

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, anytime a political faction exploits criminal law to its own political ends, that action utterly discredits itself, as well as the law enforcement agency that allowed itself to be perverted. Could you think of a logical argument, that law enforcement discrediting itself, could lead anywhere good? Add to that, the truly dark nature of a person who would pervert law to political ends. The United States had been a beacon for other nations. If only in appearances, the US court system guarded those appearances, like a dog does a bone. Well, that bone got old, and is not as valuable to the elite as it once was. Especially if appearances get in the way of unbridled ambition. In this case, it is not a faction, although the progressives epitomize the philosophy, it is the whole expert class that has gone rogue.

Criminal law is meant to keep the peace, if it is used in any other way, it becomes the opposite of law. Something dark and malevolent that is a curse on mankind. Since violence is the only counter to violence, but violence is in and of itself a form of injustice, people banded together to delegate their just revenge to an entity they could monitor, the State, to punish crime. That law enforcement duty of the State is delegated from the people’s, just right to retribution, for a wrong done to them. Because if everyone sought revenge for every wrong, chaos would result. Chaos is no good for commerce, safety or raising a family. Therefore, law enforcement is only delegated the authority to investigate crime, but instead they create it, use law as a weapon and become the villains in the story.

Law enforcement agencies are supposed to be manned with people, who have the personal attributes of orderliness, low neuroticism and low in openness. You don’t get a lot of artist types in law enforcement because their personalities don’t suit the work. Nor do (or should) you get pathological types either. Unless there is some pernicious incentive that keeps those best suited for the job from joining, or quitting. Like, for example, a movement to make local law enforcement illegitimate, vilifying those in it and even defunding it. Such a movement would have to be concocted below ground by a sub human, with the sure knowledge it would alienate good people from law enforcement, create chaos in society and open the door to pathological types, willing to use deadly force in an IRS audit.

All political factions have their less than honest elements. When a faction lowers itself to the level of perverting criminal law to its own selfish political ends, that faction is clearly, run by those less than honest elements. Proving itself utterly unworthy of any authority or trust. This holds for law enforcement agencies as well. The FBI, CIA and NSA, along with a dose of others you and I have never heard of, are extra Constitutional means of control. Law enforcement and national security are excuses… not legitimate reasons for their existence. How do we know this? Look how they are used. The FBI doesn’t stop domestic terrorism, it plans, funds, mans and executes it, to enhance the administrative state’s power, and the faction that would pervert law to its own selfish ends.

We have to understand that the goal of government is supposed to be the advancement of the people, nation and state… not a favored group, at the expense of the people, nation and state. Aristotle called such a situation, “wrong government.” He would call our government in the US an oligarchy. Not a republic, democracy, monarchy or aristocracy… but an oligarchy. Rule by a privileged class, that are above the law and have arbitrary rule. Alvin Gouldner called them the New Class. Who are themselves ruled by the least liberal, least empathic and most authoritarian elements. The only rational response would be to disband the FBI, CIA, NSA and every other extra Constitutional weapon of the administrative state, burn the infrastructure to the ground, and salt the Earth after. That would be a start.


John Pepin

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Who Writes History?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the term, “the victors write the history,” is as pernicious as it is nihilistic. The adage doesn’t inform, it gives permission. Because lets face it, what is your stake in the troubles between Marius and Sulla? Our view of Roman history is from such a vantage point in time, that we can dispassionately examine their history, regardless of the winner of any engagement or war. Tamerlane conquered India and will always and forever be a villain. His historians must have sucked. Sparta won every war it was in. Today, anyone who has read Plutarch and Herodotus, consider them the most barbarous state that ever existed. That is why that model failed. The truth is, the victors only write their own version of history, which they can enforce, for awhile… but force is temporal, history is not.

The term makes sense… until you think about it deeply enough. Moreover, in the short term, it is true enough. Those with political power wield violence as a consequence, so their opinion is unquestionable (as long as their oppression is backed by a corrupt court system). As Donald Trump just found out. Today, the state controlled mockingbird media outlets will be parroting some lie, to manipulate those willing to be manipulated into thinking it’s okay to use law as a weapon, against people who are as bad as Donald Trump. In the long term however, will people think the elite breaking every law, past practice and Constitutional norm, are heroes or villains? In a century do you think people will still hate Trump supporters? History will show the elite to be who they are, whether they know it or not.

It is widely believed by the elite today that the winners do indeed write the history. Which gives them permission to do anything they need to do… to get unlimited power. Then they can write the history showing them to be heroes instead of the villains they are. In the short term, if they indeed win and bring on the End Times, they can claim to be the good guys. With their monopoly on the media, education, corporations and expert class, they can maintain the charade until it all comes crashing down. Even if they could usher in a utopia, with half wits in charge, it wouldn’t last an hour. Then, in a century, they will be called every vile name imaginable, and some we haven’t yet. Believing that the winner writes the history, for more than a decade or two, gives the foolish permission to be villains.

President Trump ignorantly thought the struggle was between factions, but is only now perhaps beginning to realize it is between the elite and the people, the new class and the unpapered, the experts and the doers. Two notions glue the new class to Environmental, Social and Governance, (ESG) theory. Those are the belief in the lie that the victors write the history, in anything but the shortest of terms (giving them permission to do anything), and the elite are so much more virtuous, wise and compassionate than everyone else (making their usurpations an obligation). They are convinced we are a cancer on the planet. If a few billion of us die, in famines, the planet will not only thank them, but history will laud them the saviors of the Earth. That’s what they plan to write anyway.

Give a zealot permission to do their mission, especially by telling them history will hide their sedition… and there is no crime they will not commission. We see the truth of that all around us today. The experts believe their lies are virtuous while our truths are villainous. Shutting down fertilizer production and use can only lead to famine where thousands maybe millions die, shutting down energy production and shipping will result in economic disruption, and using law as a political weapon must destroy the people’s respect for it. These things are obvious and yet are being done with ever more frequency. Why? Because the elite have been given permission, by thinking the winner writes the history, whether true or not, it is abetting the magnificent crime we, the human race, are the victims of.


John Pepin

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The Problem Of Violence

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, violence is a problem, and has been since the first amoeba ate an algae. This is because there is no answer to violence but violence. If a bear, thug… or government is intent on doing violence to you, clever debate will not change their minds. Only a sufficiently violent response ends the threat. This is possible with a thug or bear but rarely with government. Government has usurped a monopoly on violence. Therefore whenever you see violence being allowed by the government, it is because the provocateurs are government agents, and the violence is the government’s policy. Violence only works to counter violence if the victim is able. When government disarms potential victims, in the face of violence, the government obviously wants them to be victims.

Violence is a force of nature as gravity and light, but unlike gravity it cannot be countered with wings, and unlike light it cannot be hidden from, violence can only be countered by violence. That is the fundamental problem with violence. No matter how peaceful the victim is he or she will still be preyed upon. Hiding only works as long as you are hidden the moment you are exposed you become an ideal victim. Gazelle counter violence by speed which created an evolutionary arms race. Ganging up against it (meeting violence with violence) is how gnus deal with violence. This is effective until one is caught alone. Armor is another possibility but has its drawbacks. Then there are quills (armor). Which leaves poison, spray and stink, which is meeting physical violence with chemical. Showing that even nature, which has had a billion years to work out the problem, hasn’t solved it yet.

The “reason” the government exploited to usurp its monopoly on violence… was that it could be the just counter to unjust violence. Using the gnu strategy. Like when the railroad came through your farm and took your land by beating you, until you signed it over to them for pennies on the dollar… oh yea, a “just” counter to unjust violence. Back in the day, the US courts were so in the pocket of the rail roads, that the term railroaded was invented. So, despite the rhetoric about being a just arbitrator against unjust violence, government has instead been the abettor of the violence, and a bulwark against reactionary just violence, to stop the crimes. Which suggests that banding together on a large and perhaps small scale as well, (to counter violence) lends itself to exploitation by the elite.

The safeguard against abuse, the courts, are proven worthless. Take a gander at the Alex Jones “trial.” This is simply another in a long line of self discrediting actions by the court system. As January 6 political prisoners rot in prison without bail, trial, access to evidence and often in solitary confinement, not one of Epstein’s clients has been arrested, for molesting little girls! There could be no greater failure of a criminal justice system than that. Not prosecuting violence done to innocent girls while using violence to forward a political faction’s cause. Our legal system has become the avatar of Bastiat’s The Law. The truth is, if anyone is above the law there is no law only arbitrary rule, in the way Thrasymachus described it in Plato’s Republic.

Since government is not and never will be a just arbitrator, meting out just violence to counter criminal violence, its monopoly on violence is unjust and a usurpation. What alternative do we have though? Since clearly there will always be violence, because there will always be people willing to use it to get their way, it is in our interest to come up with a solution to the problem of violence. Maybe it is simply to arm everyone against it. Perhaps a better solution might be to give the people a weapon to use against the elite… that is not as flimsy as suffrage. A branch of government that is directly responsible to the people for keeping politicians, the courts and the administrative state… in line. Give us real teeth. Because, lets face it, nothing screws with a wolverine or badger… again anyway.


John Pepin

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Gouldner’s New Class Have Become NPCs

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the new class is the most easily manipulated people that have ever existed. Their education, or more precisely, indoctrination, creates locks in their minds that can only be opened by progressive keys. Often called dog whistles. Until then, those minds are locked tighter than yoga pants on a fat woman. Once opened however, they become open to the most absurd, self flagellating and inhuman notions… without question. Ask yourself, what level of education do those folks have, who drive alone in their cars wearing masks? I would wager, Master of Sciences and above. Their high level of education makes the new class arrogant. That arrogance makes them uncritical about themselves, their own notions and those of people they consider equals. They are the ultimate patsies.

The philosophical basis of the new class is the Enlightenment, yet they have en masse given up on all its principles… to become NPCs. Listen to any member of the new class today and all you will hear is rhetoric. No original thought allowed. That could get them in trouble with their peers. Ask a ditch digger what a woman is, and he will tell you in no uncertain, and possibly rude terms. Ask a Supreme Court Justice and she will claim a lack of expertise, and must defer to another expert, a biologist. Even though she is too stupid to tell a boy from a girl, she claims to be smart enough to make every decision for everyone else. Enforced with the State’s monopoly on violence. This state of affairs can only be described as a return to the Rights of Kings. With corporatists replacing kings.

Education can open a mind, or it can close it, depending on the goal of that education. The old truth, teach a child how to think, not what to think, has been turned around. Our educational establishment teaches kids what to think and punishes anyone who would think for themselves. That is why thought crimes are now codified into criminal law, and the new class has become NPCs, as a group. Our schools confuse the kids, our universities exploit that confusion to turn otherwise smart people into fools. Total, utter and complete idiots, unable to think for themselves lest they are ostracized by their social group. They are educated to be empty vessels that the progressive faction can put anything they want in… and their brains will hold it, until their masters replace it with something else.

Thinking is a perversion to the new class today. That is why modern engineers cannot get anything to work right. Even established technology. Because, a woke engineer who thinks that getting the right answer all the time, is a throwback to the white hegemonic heterosexual patriarchal Christian power establishment, are not going to be as good as an old school engineer, that is fanatical about getting the right answer all the time… the racist. Look at the creative industries. They are floundering, theaters are being abandoned, cable companies are being unplugged and even Netflix is collapsing. Not because there is no demand but because the industry is full of NPCs. Creativity requires the ability to think unfettered thoughts. Woke requires all thought be limited to the politically acceptable.

When talking to people it quickly becomes clear if they are reading from a script. Point it out and they get very angry. Now, I have noticed in my life that if you accuse someone of something absurd, they are not guilty of, they will laugh and joke with you. Joke with someone about one of their deeply guarded sins however, and they become angry, volatile and evasive. Like an NPC. You can’t blame them though. They have been taught to be stupid. That education is enforced with social ostracization. Moreover, the legal system itself is mired in political correctness, to the point it is anti just. So here we are. The people that run everything have become morons, manipulated by the most malevolent, against their own interests and ours. How do we counter their programming… do you think?


John Pepin

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Under Pressure

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, changing the definition of, “petitioning your government for a redress of grievances,” to “Insurrection,” while fun and profitable, is a sub optimal strategy for the long term health of a body politic. Everyone likes to call their political foes names, like a football fan likes to give opposing quarterbacks amusing monikers. They come from the same place. Rooting for team. While such blind dedication to a team has no detrimental effect in football, when applied to reality, it takes on a much darker tone. Redefining people has always preceded genocides and mass murders. That is simply a fact. Redefining a Right into a privilege, then a crime, is a sure path to tyranny. That the elite do such a thing is despotic, in the most vile sense. It is a crime against us, our Constitution and humanity itself.

Allowing people who feel aggrieved to vent their frustrations in protest is a tried and true means of preventing violence. Jailing without bail or trial, people who protest a stolen election, is one way to prove that the election was indeed stolen. Why else would the elite imprison polite protesters? Say what you will, but rioters that stay within the velvet ropes, are not your run of the mill anarchists. To jail them for over a year without access to evidence, bail or trial… so far, can only be taken as a sign the elite stole the election, and couldn’t care less that we know it, but if we speak up about it, they will oppress us openly, and without consequence. Establishing, they rule without the consent of the ruled, and find our Constitution, legality and morals, no impediment.

Only a state that relies on its monopoly on violence would be so unwise as to close all the pressure relief valves. One way you can tell when the elite have come unglued from constitutional law, legal precedent and ethics, (closing all pressure relief valves) is when they ring the seat of government with two divisions of military… to protect them against the people. Lacking the self awareness to understand, any elite that has so enraged the people it is supposed to serve, it needs divisions of standing army to protect it from the masses… has already shown itself to be unworthy of rule. That knowledge, even if unspoken, leads to ever growing pressure. Everyone who has canned, knows, even the best pressure cooker can only withstand so much, before you have a pea painted ceiling.

A government that labels a protest calling for a return to Constitutional rule, insurrection, is a cabal that has already had an insurrection, seized power, and what they call insurrection, is actually a counter revolution. The elite just don’t want to say it, because that term exposes them for who they are, traitors. What else would you call a person who acts to destroy the nation they are obligated to protect? What is the definition of someone who undermines the very documents and ideas their authority is derived from? A government that engages in arbitrary rule (jailing protesters without bail or trial for over a year, while denying them access to lawyers, evidence and constitutional protections) cannot be said to be just, it is unjust by definition. People who preside over an unjust system are themselves unjust.

You have to wonder if the elite are so stupid they want an actual uprising, so they can come down on us, making the final break with our Constitution and subjecting the world to their enlightened totalitarianism. Woke is a total system of thought, lifestyle and worship. A complete breakdown of society would give them the “opportunity” to force their utopia on mankind. People who use arbitrary rule, deny bail, trial and evidence to their political opponents, ring DC with divisions of military against the people, pervert their authority to undermine the very system they derive that authority from, and intentionally create societal pressure, are unjust people who should be spending quality time in a supermax, with Ben Dover as their cell mate… not ruling the world like Hugo Drax.


John Pepin

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What’s The Other Hand Doing?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Pelosi’s stopover in Taiwan, as well as the CCP’s fury over it, are just theater to distract us from the real reason she is going to Asia. I know this for sure because nothing else about the trip is easily accessible. Nothing. Try searching it. The only thing that comes up, for pages, is the Taiwan standoff… there is little about the stop in Singapore, or elsewhere, only administrative state knows where and for what reason. One thing you can count on though. Is that it is not in our best interests. If the elite are going to this much trouble to distract us from it, it must be bad for us. I wonder how she is going to sell us out this time? Maybe she is negotiating the demise of the dollar to be replaced with a central bank digital currency, CBDC? Or something worse? Triggering world war?

How do you know a politician is lying? You know the thing. Once you realize someone is a consummate liar, that everything they do is with an eye to manipulation, then they become as clear as spring water. You can see right through them. If a well polluted with lead appeared to produce sweet water… would you drink from it? She and the entire administrative state is that polluted well. They appear for the moment to be standing for the liberty of a sovereign nation, Taiwan, against an international aggressor, the CCP… but are they? The reek should be a hint they are not that pure. They say even a blind pig can find a truffle, in this case the pig, Pelosi, isn’t blind, nor looking for truffles. She is looking to serve her dark master… the progressive faction.

Everyone is following the red herring, while the fox is parlaying with the hounds against the master in secret. While Pelosi is no fox, her masters are. They have done an exquisite job of manipulating the world into looking at Taiwan when the real trick is going on right in front of our faces. The elite have made a mess of it and they know it. Rather than admit they are inept and stepping aside, they will double down, like the arrogant half wits they are. An international standoff effectively deflects from their failures. For now their little charade is working, but sooner or later someone will catch on. Hopefully it will be someone with the voice to let everyone else in on the swindle. I have to think there are others who see through the manipulation as well. We will have to wait and see though.

The possibilities are endless and horrifying. Perhaps her stop in Taiwan is to give the CCP cover to attack it? We know the CCP has Biden on the payroll to the tune of $31,000,000.00. Why wouldn’t the shockingly corrupt Pelosi get in on that deal? Her fingers are as sticky as a geckos. Then there is the collapse of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. The elite have carefully orchestrated its demise for the last 20 years. Now the BRICS nations are negotiating trading in their own form of reserve currency. Great job Pelosi, Biden and the rest. Maybe she is planning on negotiating the dollar’s demise and the rise of a global CBDC? Globalists love anything global, global government, global warming and global poker. What could be better than a global CBDC?

One thing is certain, she will be acting against the interests of the human race. No faction that claims there are too many people on the planet, and that people are like a cancer… cares a whit about the human race. In fact they detest us. The CCP has emerged as one of the preeminent abusers of human rights on the planet and in human history. Quite an accomplishment given the evil bastards that have ruled in the past. When people as unscrupulous as Pelosi, and downright evil as the CCP, connect, especially in secret, only bad things can result. So, rest assured, the CCP’s posturing is theater. It is a distraction, sadly, I don’t know from what, but I know it is a distraction. Polluted wells don’t just clean up spontaneously, as liars don’t stop lying, even when caught. Find out what the other hand is doing.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Mobile Disasters

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, whenever I listen to the expert class explaining why the world is so bad, all I hear is a half wit whining, “I shot myself in the stomach, three times… and its all your fault!” They set there, with nit brows and knowing looks, and claim that the Strategic Petroleum Reserve release is holding down the price of gasoline, even though it is going to China, and without fear they could be asked, “What happens when the SPR runs out in a few months?” Even as they are constantly telling us, this or that need of ours (like food), is unsustainable. They are the drunk you come onto at night. His car is in the ditch as he stands there swaying, and slurs, “A tree jumped out in front of me!” If you want to drive the car, at least have the honesty to admit… you were the one who put the damned thing in a ditch!

The administrative state and its zealots in the expert class detest Donald Trump, the grazing masses and our Constitution. So full of themselves and their expertise, they believe the rest of us are redundant. What do you call someone who thinks they are smarter then the rest of the world combined? A progressive. They thought that all they need do is seize power, reverse the “Drump’s” policies, and Utopia could only result. How could it not? Trump and those who voted for him, didn’t go to Harvard, Columbia or heavens to Betsy, even Yale. What on Earth would make them think they should have guns, freedom of thought or especially, freedom to speak their ignorant words? Possibly polluting other poorly educated person’s minds.

A zealot (or progressive) cares nothing for morality, law or justice… their ethics demand it. That is why the experts knowingly participated in the election fraud that put the mental mite in the White House. Democracy is a scam, as Thrasymachus said of Justice. It is a mere trick to fool the masses into following without having to be whipped too much. Therefore, every problem that Brainiac .5 President creates, is in fact the fault of those who voted for him, abetted and committed the virtuous fraud. Imagine how shocked they are, that the removal of Trump didn’t cause the economy to thrive, the planet to become more hospitable, and the stars to realign so that their wishes come true. The most rational thing for the elite to do now then, is to deny reality, call a recession a boom… done.

We all know someone who is constantly in trouble yet have no idea why. They are mobile disasters. Their car is a maze of dents, their home a catastrophe and their lives the stuff of a soap opera. They could be the nicest people you have ever met, and many will go directly to Heaven when they die, nevertheless, they are a hot mess. Their trail of disaster harms mostly themselves and their families though. The progressive faction epitomizes this type of person. It may have the best of intentions, but the progressive faction leaves a trail of disaster behind it. It always has and it always will. Look at any progressive administration. From Woodrow Wilson’s wife running the White House, FDR’s shenanigans to Biden’s lap top follies… progressives are all mobile disasters.

So here we are, the car is in a ditch and the elite that put it there, drunk with power, sway and say, it’s all our fault. If only we had done exactly what they told us to do everything would be great. That is why we “need” a central bank digital currency, CBDC, because all the sots need is a bigger more powerful gun, and they surely won’t shoot themselves in the stomach with it, again! No matter if they are proven mobile catastrophes, lacking any morality, or wisdom, what they need, is a faster car, a bigger gun, and more of that so so sweet elixir of reality denial… and they will get us to Utopia in record time. You know it is working because, the elite at the UN are assuring us that famine, starvation and hunger are good things, they motivate us to work… without wearying their arm operating a lash.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment