Grifter Government

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when someone sells you or I something, and it is not what they say it is, that is the definition of fraud. The term for someone who engages in this kind of behavior is a con man, swindler or government agent. Most of the time, the government would charge, try and if found guilty of fraud, send the perpetrator to prison. The goal of these state actions is to dissuade people from committing fraud. Fraud being considered a bad thing, morally, socially and economically. Morally, since fraud is a form of lying, Socially, because fraud eats holes in the fabric of society, and Economically, because the existence of widespread fraud hinders economic activity. So fraud, in all its malevolent forms, is an action the state has a legitimate role in criminalizing… yet instead, it is the biggest perpetrator of fraud.

Fraud can be committed in a number of ways. One can defraud another by claiming knowledge that they don’t have. Bet on Ripoff in the third… One might sell a fake stock certificate, an oil well or a pig in a poke (cat in a bag). The means to fraud are limited only by the imagination of the swindler. Moreover, fraud is not always about money, it can be about power, influence or sex. A guy who tells a girl he is a surgeon in a bar to pick her up is committing fraud. Someone who sells you a fake stock certificate is committing fraud… and someone who tells you a shot will prevent a disease, when they know full well it hasn’t even been tested for it… is committing fraud. The difference is only in magnitude. The first takes sex, the second takes your wealth, and next, they take your life itself.

Fraud, also called the confidence game, is a truly malicious kind of crime. The perpetrator is heartless by definition. Taking someone’s confidence and using it against them, is no smear on the victim, but is a black mark on the soul of the con man. Fraud is right up there with murder, rape and theft, for the depth of the crime. A murderer can kill, but not have evil in their heart, a crime of passion for example. A thief can steal without lust, if they are starving, and a rapist can be charged if the woman changes her mind once she sobers up. All crimes can be justified… but fraud. Fraud must be intentional, malicious and heartless. If someone sells you a defective product, thinking it is fine, they are not committing fraud. If they know it is defective… they are.

Fraud is corrosive of every aspect of humanity, because it makes every action, word and feeling, questionable. In a land of liars, how can anyone dare buy anything? How do you trust anyone? Is it even possible to go outside your house? Because where everyone is a grifter, economic activity must come to a halt, society must tribalize and government must become oppressive. These things follow like moisture from rain. Once the leaders are obviously swindlers, the people will follow and become liars as well, until no one can be trusted. Fraud has become so widespread today, with swindlers elevated to heroes, and led by the elite, that we can no longer trust our government, courts, doctors, media, teachers, universities, and with all the gaslighting… even ourselves.

One of the primary roles of legitimate government is to limit fraud by punishing swindlers. The new innovative role of government, to lead by example and defraud everyone all the time, is very progressive. People follow their leaders and ours are swindlers who consider us the marks. If your not in the game, your a mark, isn’t that the saying among con men? From election fraud, to the “vaccine” that wasn’t, fraud is the way they play the game now. There is one way to defend yourself from a fraudster though. Point them out, don’t believe a word out of their mouths, ostracize them, and charge them with fraud, prosecute them and if found guilty, send them to a penitentiary. The more political power the swindler wields, and the more deaths that result… the harsher the sentence should be.


John Pepin

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How I would Fix The Economy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if I were in control of the US in 2020, I would have cut regulation to stimulate manufacturing, to gin the supply side of the inflation equation after the shut down. Today that supply cut and stimulus induced inflation is still winding its way through the world economy. Supply shortages still plague the world’s “just in time” economy. I recently read an article that Ford is not shipping completed cars because of a shortage of “Ford” icons. Shutting down the economy had far reaching effects that we have not yet yet seen. Inflation only being the most obvious. I think ginning supply during the critical economic restart would have cushioned some of the water hammer. That ship has sailed though. Today we have collapse of the world economy and a shortage of dollars.

The shortage of dollars is because the Fed is raising interest rates. Which suck in money from overseas to get the higher interest on their money. Especially in world reserve currency dollars. Meanwhile the Fed has reopened the 90 day window to banks with unlimited rollover credits. Blowing money into the banks, to protect them from the shock of the recession the Fed is creating, by sucking in money. So the Fed is both sucking and blowing. The actions of the Fed are directly collapsing the Renmimbi, Yen, Sterling and Euro among others. Of course, had those nations followed sane policies, their currencies would not be imploding but that is another article. Other nation’s currencies are hemorrhaging, while their central banks are doing everything possible to stabilize their currencies… to no avail.

The Fed’s strategy is to collapse demand to stifle inflation. Which is the go to for the experts. Inflation happens when demand exceeds supply. Deflation happens when supply exceeds demand. The experts only see the demand side of the equation. The supply side is considered racist and a throwback to white patriarchal hegemony. Nevertheless, all equations have two sides, they balance at the equal sign. Changing the supply or demand will result in inflation or deflation. Keynes was a demand sider. He thought the government could use the money supply to control demand. Raise demand by government spending and lower demand by cutting government. Modern experts are much smarter though. They raise government spending to raise demand and cut the wealth of the people to lower it.

Now that we have had two quarters of economic contraction we are technically in a traditional recession. The Fed is trying to wipe out the people’s wealth, lowering demand, to meet government imposed supply shortages. Since the Fed has no control over the administrative state’s regulations, it has to use the tools it has, to accomplish what it wants. Remember, the only thing the Federal Reserve cares about… is the banking system. It is a system built by the elite, for the elite, so the elite can manipulate the world to their interests, not the interests of mankind. The administrative state only cares about amassing power and staying out of jail. They could care less if the economy implodes because of their policies, as long as they stay in power as it does… and after.

If I were in charge today, I would reinstate all of Trump’s executive orders, set about eliminating the administrative state, root and branch, then salt the soil it grew from. Starting with the FBI I would disband every apparatus of “national security” first. Then return the US to the regulatory regime of 1925. Make school vouchers the law of the land to encourage a healthy ecosystem of boutique schools to meet the widely varying needs of children. The courts need oversight and I would give it to them in the form of a Numa. Make sure that every government office, cubicle, hallway and meeting room is monitored and the video sent in real time to the internet, for the people to watch. Government must be an open book to everyone, and the people a black box to the government, that would be a start.


John Pepin

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If It Saves Just One Life!

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, progressives often justify their usurpations, by saying, “if it saves just one life…” well let’s turn it around and ask, what if it costs one life? How many lives have the absurd response to covid cost? How many babies have been dismembered at the hands of abortionists with the full backing of democrats? What is the cost in human lives of their open boarders policy? Yet progressives constantly take the moral high ground, even as they cause the deaths of millions, to save no one. It is the thought that counts I suppose. If the opposite of a democrat is someone who values all human life, liberty and prosperity, then democrats stand against life, liberty and prosperity. Meanwhile, the progressives claim they want to save a single life, by causing the deaths of millions.

Someone who supports abortion is not someone who cares about human life. A democrat will justify the slaughter by saying the mother’s life may be in jeopardy. So, what they are really saying, is that thousands must die, to save one random woman from dying in childbirth. Then again, that is a lie, since no one argues abortion should be illegal if the woman will die, if a pregnancy is allowed to go on. Those Faustian bargains are best done by progressives. Trading ten lives, to save just one, is a bargain to someone who hates humans. To someone who cares about human life though, that seems a poor deal, a fraud instead. The evil of the babies that have been murdered by democrat abortionists, dwarfs the crimes against humanity, of the Nazis. Who also wanted to save just one life.

Those who have no problem with the mass slaughter along the US Mexican boarder, because it enhances their election chances, are not people who care about human lives, all they care about is power. Of course, there are the rapes, slavery and drug importation the democrat policies abet. The open boarders are critical though, if they save just one single life. Someone trapped in the city of their birth might live a long healthy happy life, filled with purpose and love, but in poverty, when instead they can be raped, enslaved and used as a drug mule. A much better situation… for the progressives lusting after power. If the immigrants are killed by human smugglers, then left in the desert to rot in the sun, their lives were well spent, because maybe just one life was saved… not theirs though.

Gain of function research is not done to save lives but to take lives. You don’t make poison to promote health… you make poison to kill. What else is the use of poison? Zyklon B was created to kill rats, then the German progressives thought of another use for it, the final solution. Covid is similar but it was not made to kill rats but to kill people. Now a university in Boston has upgraded covid to kill 80% of the infected. I am certain they did that to save one single life, and if it takes 80% of the human population to do it, it was well worth it! Their vaccine was another way to save just one single life, at the cost to millions of children, who now sport enlarged hearts, VAIDS and reproduction issues. I have yet to find the single life they saved by gain of function, but if one is, all the millions of deaths will be worth it.

When a democrat says that if this or that usurpation saves just one life, it is worth it, ask them, how many other lives will it cost to save that one life? If hundreds or thousands will die to save that dubious one life, and our Rights will be crushed, is it really worth it? It depends on your perspective. If lowering the population is a goal, then spending millions to save one is a great deal. If you are the least human hearted though, that cost is far too high for any profit. Which tells me, the elite in general, and democrats in particular, care nothing for human lives, their rhetoric is only that, rhetoric. Know this, when a politician says this or that usurpation will be worth it, if it saves just one life, they are going to kill millions and trample your Rights to do it. Is it as worth it to you as it is to them?


John Pepin

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The Groupist Individualist Dichotomy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, all philosophies that have as a premise, that human beings are anything less than human beings, is evil and should be exposed as such. What do I mean by that? A Human being is of incalculable value. To hold that a person can be disposed of for whatever arbitrary reason, is to burn the Mona Lisa, to light the room. It is a crime of immense proportions. The various ideologies consider the person different in value. Intersectionalism, groupism and ESG hold the human being as less than human, a cog, equal among cogs, but not equal to the politically favored. While traditional western liberalism inherited from Christianity the idea that the individual human being is infinitely valuable. Since comparing the magnitudes of infinities is absurd, therefore, we are all equal.

Western liberalism is one of the very few ideologies that has ever held that all men are created equal. That was not some a priori rationally derived idea, it came from the Christian theology that we are all the children of God, and so are equal in his eyes, a postiori. The Enlightenment, the structure of Western liberalism, exposed several fallacies that we had been subject to, that people existed to serve the government, the Rights of kings, appeal to authority and agreed with Aristotle that arbitrary rule is the worst kind of government. From these realizations, the Enlightenment philosophers concluded, the individual was the correct way to understand human beings. Enlightenment individualism ushered in the industrial revolution, constitutionalism and the scientific method, and Groupism… Hitler.

Pragmatism also demands we treat everyone as individuals, with agency and irreplaceable. Pragmatism is about outcomes, not intentions, philosophy or metaphysics… it is only about consequence. Will this action or that action achieve the desired outcome? The pragmatist expunges emotion from his or her thinking and dwells on results. What if we treat people as members of groups instead of individuals, the outcome would be the same as every other time it has happened, wouldn’t it? On the other hand, if we treat everyone as an individual, wouldn’t that result in the same outcome as it always has before? Why would suddenly the laws of societal interaction change for the Woke ESG groupist ideology? It would not. So we have Enlightenment principles, the Christian ethos and pragmatism, on the same side.

Those who hold others as less equal, or alternatively, some are more equal, otherwise called elitists, don’t diminish people to elevate them, they diminish people to diminish people… to elevate themselves. The malevolent perpetually claim the moral high ground as they enact the most immoral policies, based on group politics. You are not an individual to them but a member of a group, since groups can be herded and prodded to move, anyway the elite want. It is easy to tell when someone holds people as members of groups, or individuals, by how they interact with others. Watch if they pander to someone’s group affiliation, taking on a southern drawl when talking with southerners or a Yankee twine when talking with northerners. Do they, or we, see a human being’s color, politics, or their humanity?

Failure has no cost to the groupist, because they could care less about the human suffering it produces, while failure to someone who esteems his fellow man is a terrible burden. When the elite that visit such horrors on us as inflation, economic disaster and nuclear war, are flippant about the suffering, you know they care nothing about us crowding cows. The groupist Woke ideology is not about reducing human suffering, it is about increasing it, to punish those groups that are less equal. They would take us back to pre-Enlightenment times. Judging by Enlightenment principles, Christian morality and pragmatically, the groupist ESG ideology must create suffering. As have all other groupist ideologies that preceded it. Groupism, or individualism, which shall we embrace?


John Pepin

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Fire The Illegitimate Failures

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we are at a crossroads in human history, shall we continue down the road to Hell, by further empowering the administrative state, or shall we return to Constitutional rule? This is the World War Two of our age. With the open and epic failures of the administrative state, fresh on our minds, now is a good time to reevaluate if we need them at all. The FBI has proven itself to be partisan, not a law enforcement agency, it is an American Gestapo, Praetorian guard and KGB, wrapped up in one. The Federal reserve’s long string of failures is topped with this magnificent economic disaster we are living through. The administrative state has proven itself not only a failure, when it comes to running the trains on time, protecting the boarders and controlling crime, it has failed at everything.

The FBI is past redemption. Now that the most worthless have purged the only decent members of that agency, it has become nothing but an unaccountable tax funded criminal organization embedded within our government, masquerading as law enforcement. The FBI is the avatar of Bastiat’s The Law. It epitomizes the very attributes Bastiat warned us about. The legitimacy of any organization that would claim to enforce laws, is always derived by that organization’s willingness to follow those laws, itself. That the FBI and every other federal agency refuses to follow even our Constitution, let alone the laws passed by Congress, is the most discrediting action possible. The open self interested partisanship, in favor of the administrative state, exposes them as the utter disgrace they are.

The FBI and CIA, NSA and all the other “national security” agencies are in fact, anti constitutional. No where in our Constitution does it give the federal government the power to nationalize the police. That power is withheld from the federal government in the tenth amendment. The amendment nullified by the war between the states. Madison defended a standing army in the Federalist Papers. Imagine if he had to defend an unlimited, secretive and unaccountable agency within the government, that could spy on, jail, and kill citizens without trial or warrant? To protect our Constitutional Rights. How about Washington, defending a secret organization, lying to the public, manipulating elections and raiding a former President’s home? Are those the positions they would have taken?

The Federal Reserve is a direct violation of our Constitution. The Constitution specifically states, the Federal government will coin the currency, not delegate that power to a private organization of elites working in the shadows. Hamilton might have gone for that, being the elitist he is supposed to have been, but the rest would have revolted at the idea. So, Constitutionally, the Fed must go. Pragmatically, looking at only results, the Fed has a long and well documented record of epic failures. The Great Depression wasn’t even the worse. One could argue, the US economy would be orders of magnitude larger, if not for the fed’s propensity to blow bubbles. Unconstitutional, a total failure and absurd on its face. Why not let drug companies regulate themselves as well? Oh yea… they effectively do.

Giving a failure more power simply increases the magnitude of their failures in the future. Add to that, the fact most of the Federal agencies if not all created since nineteen hundred, are unconstitutional, and you have a government that has stampeded out of the corral and onto the streets. The administrative state, in all it’s malevolent flavors, the FBI, CIA, NSA and dozens we are not even allowed to know exist, violate our Constitution, are abject failures at their designated jobs, and have become a mortal threat to our very republic. The courts are no help, they are complicit, we must do it ourselves. Write letters to your representative, senators and the courts. It seems like they are going into a black hole but they are not. The elite want you to think they do… to continue their stampede.


John Pepin

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Not Disclosed

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, “not disclosed” is rapidly becoming the biggest cause of death for young people. With the latest revelation from Pfizer in the EU Parliament, that the clot shot was never tested to stop covid, it appears the shot killed many, but saved none. That is a crime against humanity. A crime that dwarfs Hitler’s genocide of six million Jews and Roma, since the global elite have killed far more than a mere six million with covid and the clot shot. It is time to have investigations culminating in trials by November 2023. Anything less is acceptance of millions of deaths, without justice being done. Not a month goes by unless a top world athlete drops dead of a heart attack, stroke… or not disclosed. That suggests, many people in less than ideal health, might also be passing of “not disclosed.”

In the past, the general population was sufficiently self interested to rile up, when people were openly killing them. In fact, most people were on the lookout for anyone with bad intentions, and so made many mistakes, killing those who were not a threat. Today we are so Pollyannish, we find out the 2016 election was manipulated by the administrative state, in claiming Trump was allied with Russia, it was a total fabrication, and we did nothing. No outrage. Either we are like a dog that has been beat too much, else we are doped up, is it in the food? Even pigs rile up at being slaughtered. That we don’t says a lot about our programming, our overlords and us. Then there is the obvious 2020 election fraud, coupled with taking political prisoners without bail or trial, and we do nothing, again.

Our lack of outrage at the outrageous gives license to our oppressors to ratchet up the oppression. At no time ever has capitulating to a bully got him to back down. What do you tell your kid if he or she is bullied? “Give him all your money, have cold milk on hand so he has moisture enough to spit on you, lay down so he doesn’t pull a muscle throwing you down, don’t curl up so his kicks are more effective, else he might get tired…” That would be considered parenting genius today. In fact, it is exactly what we demonstrate to our kids, We lead by example when we allow the elite to get away with forcing us to get potentially lethal injections, that haven’t even been tested to combat the cold we were told they are for. Enforced with such anti constitutional means as Vaccine Passports?

Is it our education, the hypnotic effect of social media or fluoride in the water, that makes us such great patsies? Look at Oregon. That once beautiful state had a capital city second to none in beauty. Today it is a cesspool of crime, graffiti and filth. Businesses are fleeing the open chaos. Yet, the people there will vote the elite, who utterly destroyed their state, city and lives, back into power in a landslide. There is no outrage in Oregon, Washington or Vermont, over the drop in the standard of living in those states. In fact, the people there embrace it. They will certainly not rile up over a few of their loved ones being killed by state administered poison, since they efficiently, don’t think for themselves. Nevertheless, the elite know enough not to openly admit their clot shot is killing more than covid. Even to patsies.

Not disclosed is listed as the cause of death regularly now. One has to wonder what it will take to overcome our self destructive programming? Democracy affirming election fraud didn’t. The administrative state becoming a full oligarchy, hasn’t raised an eyebrow, let alone a voice. Even the deaths of loved ones goes into a black hole of ambivalence. Part of the problem is, all the mechanisms we would normally use to redress grievances, have been closed. We no longer have standing in courts, while the media, including social media, are means of manipulating us. Moreover, the constitutional portion of the US government, is subservient to the administrative state. If we don’t speak up and think for ourselves… soon, “not disclosed” will be the reason we are incarcerated and executed as well.


John Pepin

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The Matriarch Archetype

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the ultimate archetype of womanhood, is the matriarch. The mother as portrayed by Barbara Stanwick in Big Valley. That is the archetype all girls should strive for. Not the harlot, addict or gold digger. A wise culture would promote the matriarch as the epitome of what it is to be a woman. Satan, on the other hand, who despises all the daughters of Eve, would promote the barren slut as the ultimate female, and the addict as the self made woman. Then, he would add to that soul poison, the perversion that gold digging is the quickest way a woman can get ahead. Those girls it hasn’t befuddled into thinking they are boys… that is. Only the matriarch is able to die in full knowledge that she brought a family into this world, and that family is a force for good, successors to be reckoned with.

What do you want from life was a great song by the Tubes. Not only did it have a catchy tune, it spoke wisdom seldom heard in a pop song. There are many things one can want from life. Most are destructive while few are productive. The measure of the goodness of what you want from life is, pragmatically, that which yields the healthiest, most fulfilled and happiest life, in the long term. Those wants that yield the opposite, or some of them by destroying others, are sub optimal. A one night stand will yield quick results, but maybe a permanent reminder too… and cancer later in life. Pragmatically, only the matriarch meets all the requirements for a good life. A woman who lives a fulfilled, healthy, long and wondrous life, must be happier and more fulfilled than the barren CEO, Eleanor Rigby.

In life there are great treasures hidden among much fools gold. One way we can reliably tell the difference between fools gold, and real gold, is by listening to the culture. It will certainly hold up the fools gold, as the real thing, while doltishly trodding the real gold under their feet. In that, it is hard to beat the cultural elite, for their stupidity. Wealth, popularity and having the correct ideology are the epitomes of what the cultural elite claim is authentic gold. The single mother on welfare results. She is dependent on a system that detests her… for everything, including raising her children for her. The welfare system insures that woman cannot achieve the status of full matriarch, only that of dependent. She is the mark of a great swindle, she sold her heritage… for a few silver coins.

The poorest woman in the Great Depression, raising sixteen children on peanuts and potatoes… lived a more fulfilled life than the CEO of a fortune 500 company. The poor woman will live on, while the rich, barren CEO, will only effect her generation, if that. Put another way. If the job of the President is important, to protect the nation for the future, then the job of mother, nursemaid and caregiver is more important, since they care for the future itself. Without the future the job of President is irrelevant. That is why I pray… Every woman on Earth become the matriarch of a large, healthy, happy, prosperous family, find their burdens light, die surrounded by their great great great grandchildren, who lament their passing, then they go to heaven… Amen.

Sane cultures teach their little girls to follow the matriarch archetype, suicidal ones teach them to be whores, addicts and gold diggers. Girls are not sources of babies, or sex, they are sources of families. Families with mothers and fathers are the foundation of humanity. Empathy is born of the family. The role of a matriarch dwarfs the role of President, or any other POS elite, in importance. The value to the future, God’s plan, and female fulfillment, hinges on girls adopting the matriarch as the acme of womanhood. Just as boys should embrace the lover, hero, and warrior archetypes… and be husbands. Matriarch and patriarch are the most important jobs on the planet. That so many are blessed with the ability is a gift from God. Be a matriarch or patriarch and have compassion for those who cannot.

God Bless,

John Pepin

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Inflation, Recession and How To Make Them Worse.

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, fighting supply driven inflation with demand destruction, is like burning a forest so a campfire can’t spread… because fire can’t spread into ash. It is a race to the bottom. Can the fed destroy demand faster than the government can destroy supply? They are at full speed and neck and neck. We all know the government can obliterate supply by edict if it comes to that. The Federal reserve can also liquidate demand by increasing interest to the sky. Together they can do wondrous things. Like, create want from plenty, shortages from surplus and emaciation from obesity. All of which will certainly lower inflation and inflation expectations, because no one will be able to buy anything anyway, but with the added advantage of putting the herding masses in our place.

The Federal Reserve is embarking on a scorched Earth battle plan to defeat inflation. So far they have shown little care their actions have crushed the Japanese Yen, British Pound and then there is the Chinese Renminbi (Yuan). Not to mention the disastrous recession they are visiting on US citizens. They see Paul Volker as the archetype of the ideal fed chairman. He strong armed inflation single handedly and wrested the fiat dollar back under control. Never mind the long lines of people looking for a job back then. If not for Reagan’s deregulation the economy would have collapsed. What’s his face today seems to be of the opinion that welfare can take up the slack, so he can push interest rates to the Moon, if he must. His only regret is the damage to the CCP. The rest can burn.

The supply shortages initiated during the covid shutdowns are still winding their way through the economy. Moreover, the continuing lock downs in China, the world’s manufacturer, are exacerbating those scarcities with random supply deficits. Things the experts had no idea were critical were shut down and drove inflation through the roof. The car companies still cannot fill their dealerships due to supply deficits. Ford can’t get “Ford” emblems! The dearth of integrated circuits has contributed to the new car shortage. Fortunately, the collapse in car demand is solving it. Until those shortages, and the continuing arbitrary shortfalls from the CCP flow through the economy, anything the fed does is almost certainly going to be counter productive. But, hey, at least they are doing something.

Even as our food processing plants burn flat, at a blistering rate, floods and droughts wipe out whole harvests and bird flu ravaging our Chicken flocks, the experts worry cow farts will kill us all. I have worked on a farm and been around cows, and I can say with genuine authority on the subject, there is not a cow on Earth that can produce the phosgene farts that some people do. If hydrogen sulfide gas was deadly, they would be dead. Meanwhile, eggs are upwards of eight bucks a dozen in some places. Tainted eggs are cheaper and as a bonus might yield a live chick. Pork has doubled, and beef has been at record highs for two years. I was shocked at the price of oatmeal and spinach! Thankfully, oatmeal has come down a bit, so people can afford to make mystery meat loaf.

To combat the inflation caused by the shut downs, and lock downs, the Federal reserve feels the need to lower demand to meet the diminished supply. Their staunch position on inflation, no matter how it is induced or if they indeed even can address such an imbalance at all, illustrates their commitment to do something… even if it is wrong. Because as the various shortages pass through the system the inflation produced by them will also pass. Since the fed can only look at the past and infer the future based on that, they cannot possibly keep up with the vicissitudes of each shortage, never mind how it will affect the whole. Crushing a car to break an almond leads to a sub optimal outcome. That is the fundamental problem with experts. They assume they are smart enough… to outsmart reality.


John Pepin

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Nuclear Fusion Incinerates The Utility Of Wealth

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if efficient, cheap, and safe nuclear fusion hit the market tomorrow, the very next day there would be billions spent protesting it. Because the problem the elite have with energy, is not the effect on the planet, but the affect it has on our standard of living. What good is it to be rich if anyone can buy the same SUV as you? How many trailers have a brand new Suburban on the unmowed lawn? More than you would think. People, even poor people in the US, have the ability to match the rich in almost any one thing. That’s a real problem. The key to addressing this injustice is to make energy unaffordable. To that end, we have a requisite for electric cars and rolling blackouts in California… the model of the future. A model of failure, suffering, wildfires and want. Very progressive!

Nothing makes a Chateaubriand taste any better than knowing everyone else has to eat bugs. Now that increases the utility of wealth! At no time in Western history have people been so belittled they had to eat bugs, even in Medieval times, which makes forcing people to eat bugs in the 21st century all that much better. Lowering people so they can never match you in anything is one way to get ahead. The fundamental problem with this enlightened plan, is the old question… would you rather be rich in 1900 or middle class in 2000? Because of the advances in medicine. In 1900 a foot sore could kill you due to the lack of antibiotics. In 2000 a major heart attack was survivable with stents. In 2020 though, if the Wuhan flu doesn’t get you, the ventilator, VAIDS or vaccine will.

Someone who takes a private jet from NYC to Paris for lunch, next to Davos, then back to NYC again for a dinner party… is not someone who is worried about the planet, they are worried about their image. Then again appearance is reality for many people. Why really save the planet, when that is too much trouble and requires going without, instead it is much easier to demand the little people walk to work in the cold, and still fly across the ocean for a permanent in Hong Kong. The virtue signaling is all that matters… in a world where appearance is reality. In this world, an elite who does without nothing, can demand the poor eat less, and claim the moral high ground. What is a little health affirming starvation for the lessers? Plus, if you have a problem with it, that proves you are a racist.

The utility of wealth is that it can buy that which is unavailable to the average person. Therefore, if the average person can buy almost anything the wealthy can, the utility of wealth is diminished. When a person born in Harlem, can rise to compete and win against old money, a fundamental trust has been broken. What good is it to drive a 100k Suburban when there is one parked next to a trailer? How can that caviar taste as good, knowing it is available at Walmart, in the canned fish isle? A private yacht is great, until you look at the next slip, and see a crowd of rednecks having a kegger and listening to Johnny Cash. Now that capitalism has opened any luxury to the lowest station, the utility, the value, the advantage of wealth, is all but lost. All that remains is surplus… and that is not enough for many.

Capitalism and the cheap, safe and available energy it has brought to the world, erodes the utility of wealth. Making them real problems. Capitalism creates, not only an improving standard of living for the mundane masses, but the expectation of further improvement! That cannot be tolerated! How can the utility of wealth keep up? Soon, all wealth will bestow, is the ability to have a thousand homes no better than any one of the crowding cows. So, free enterprise and cheap energy, have to go. Put the lessers in their place. That is why, if cheap, safe and widely available nuclear fusion hit the market tomorrow, the very next day, billions would be mobilized to shut it down. The paid protesters, with their professional signs, would quickly turn violent… and the elite will, “give them room to vent.”


John Pepin

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Our Age’s Central Fallacy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, every age of Man has its central fallacy, ours is that science can answer all questions. The ancient Greeks thought, we could discern the truth of any question through rigorous rational inquiry, a priori. In the Dark Ages, people believed all questions could be answered by religion, and now we worship, The Science. The reality is, moral questions require religious to answer them, metaphysical questions require philosophers to answer them, and science requires scientists to answer them. Science is a branch of philosophy as is religion. Asking a scientist to discern the nature of God, or even his existence is a non sequeter. It is no different than, expecting a clergyman to discern the quantum characteristics of an up quark, according to Biblical teachings. Both are absurd.

Science is the guiding philosophy of our age, just as Christianity was that of Middle Ages Europe, and philosophy the ethos of the ancient Greeks. There is no problem when the questions are posed to the correct authorities, problems arise when the wrong authorities issue answers… then edicts. Usually self interested edicts. A potter probably has some pretty good ideas about shoe making, but you don’t go to a potter for shoes. You go to a potter for pots and a shoe maker for shoes. How stupid would it be to have a panel of potters set regulations for shoes? When an age embraces a single facet of philosophy as the wharp and the whoof, that age is elevating a fallacy to an organizing philosophy. Adopting a fallacy as truth can only lead to disaster. History is unambiguous on this fact. Ala… the French Revolution.

The nature of God can be discussed by clergymen, laymen and agnostics all day long and no fallacy has occurred. Let those same clergy change the subject to Cosmology and their authority on the subject breaks down. When I hear a scientist claiming science has proven, God doesn’t exist, or that we no longer need God now we have science. What I hear, are witch doctors discussing how metallurgy is impossible, because the spirits of the rocks would not allow it. We become arrogant when we are told we are smart, educated and wise. That arrogance feeds back into itself making us egoistic, until we believe our own propaganda, that we are infallible like the Pope, but better. People have made that mistake from the dawn of time. Today, we have the perspective to examine it… scientifically.

Now that we have addressed the problem, the solution is close at hand. Simply keep inquiry in the arena suitable for it. Moral questions to the religious, scientific questions to scientists and philosophy to philosophers. Not that everyone shouldn’t have a say in all those areas of inquiry. In fact, unless everyone does have a say in all those areas, things go radically astray, scientists create deadly viruses in labs, religious call for genocide against unbelievers, and politicians justify lowering the population. It is through the cooling affect of popular opinion that craziness is averted. Today the scientists have no such oversight. They investigate whatever they want without a care for the morality. They push their noses into areas they don’t belong, and expect to run the show. After all, they represent, The Science.

Today science is ascendant, in a century, a millennia, or tomorrow, who knows? Eventually, some other branch of philosophy will become ascendant, and they will probably make the same mistakes the Greeks, Dark Ages, and we are making. By turning to that new way of thinking to answer all questions. In doing so they will go down many wrong roads. Unless they keep the experts in their lanes. The Holy Bible has much to say on the human condition, while The Science tells us, boys wanting to be girls and girls boys, is gender affirming. Pragmatically, (another branch of philosophy) the results speak for themselves. One creates happy families, that produce children capable of living prosperous productive lives, versus creating emotional wrecks who commit suicide at 30… our age’s fallacy of, The Science.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment