License, Indulgences and Freedom

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, freedom can become chains, especially when what is called freedom is really license, even as real freedoms are suppressed. In the Dark Ages the Catholic Church would give license to evildoers by selling indulgences. Rape a child, buy an indulgence, kill a beggar, buy an indulgence. Everyone wins. Except for the victims of the crimes… and society. Indulgences gave license to the most heinous of crimes against the most innocent. Just as today’s license to perverts, violent criminals and anti American organizations, is a form of indulgence. As the same government that’s giving license to the most heinous of criminals to do the worst of crimes, are suppressing freedom of speech, self defense, religion, privacy, to petition government for grievances, self incrimination and association.

When BLM rioters, who stand openly to overthrow the US Constitution and our way of life, in favor of Marxism, are let off crimes like arson, attempted murder, and literal assault, they are given government indulgence to continue that behavior. They are given a license to crime. That crime then manifests itself as unsafe streets. Gang violence plagues our democratic controlled cities. The chaos such policies create is a move right out of the Hegelian playbook. Create chaos by giving violent people license, while suppressing basic human rights, then point at the disorder and declare… the only way to stop it is to cede more power to the government. (The same government that created the mess to begin with). It’s not like this is hard to fathom, a cursory look at the news today, verifies it all.

Make no mistake, Epstein didn’t kill himself. Let’s be clear on that. The government abetted the crime, else committed it, but a crime was committed nevertheless. A man was strangled in a jail cell, with “paper sheets,” the camera’s turned off, the guards asleep, and his neck broken from the interaction with the strangle proof linen. That he was the pedophile pimp to the stars means he knew too much. That crime the government covered up. Why? To protect elite pedophiles. Pure and simple. Those elite pedophiles are assets to the post modernist faction. Their predilection to molesting children is a huge handle the globalists have on them. Giving the elite license to operate on children’s genitals, for fun and profit, is a form of indulgence that we can no longer indulge. The elite have gone too far.

Even as the government grants indulgences and license to people who openly stand against our Constitution, all our freedoms and the family itself… those who stand for our Constitution, and our freedoms applied to everyone, and the nuclear family, are suppressed and called insurrectionists. Turning the truth inside out. Those same freedoms patriots protested on Jan 6, to protect, and would apply to their political foes… are denied them. The government has been caught red handed ordering social media companies to censor content. The most blatant violation of the First Amendment there is. They openly seek a globalist administrative state, have nullified the bill of Rights and established the bureaucracy as the supreme power in the US and EU.

The elite, by giving indulgences and license to crime, while suppressing our basic human rights… is creating a heartless, unaccountable hydra, with unlimited power globally. What other explanation is there? They’re giving license to people who openly seek to overthrow the West and our Constitution and replace it with a new world order… and bragging about it. What more proof do you need? The license they give to malefactors becomes chains on the citizens. The more we allow them, by saying nothing, the stronger they can forge our chains. Eventually, if their plan goes as expected, our chains will be unbreakable, then they’ll clamp down on the indulgences. To restore order. Because, no dissent will be allowed under their benevolent global administrative state, from which there is no escape.


John Pepin

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Role Of Government

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the right role of government is to promote social cohesion, by keeping the peace, protecting the people from foreign invaders, and maintaining the societal myth. Government then, that doesn’t do these things, or some of them but not all, is a government that’s falling short of its obligations. An examination of historic governments shows that when they miss the mark on these things, that government is not long to live. Not because the people hate the government or the elite, but because that government is cutting out it’s own intestines, and using them as calamari. Then it’s baffled why it can’t find nourishment in them. Such a government is doomed by its own idiocy. Let’s examine the governments of the world today, with an eye to these metrics.

The CCP guards its societal myth with fervor. No criticism of it is allowed whatsoever without swift and sure criminal punishment. Every action is closely monitored to insure violent crime is rare and only State sanctioned crimes are allowed. Moreover, the CCP maintains the world’s biggest navy. A mortal threat to any would be invader. So on the surface, the CCP is doing it’s part in maintaining social cohesion, in its own draconian way. But is it? For a societal myth to be accepted, the rulers or leaders must act it out. Leading by example. If a societal myth, such as the communist one, is to be embraced by the masses, then the rulers have to embrace it first. Hypocrisy in this case is deadly to it. Crime pays in China, and an expansionist government invites war. Making the CCP’s China brittle.

Russia has no societal myth to guard. It lost the communist societal myth when the Iron Curtain fell. Today it’s scrambling for one. The Russian identity seems to be the one they are coalescing around. Crime is rife in Russia. Dealing with criminal enterprises is simply doing business in Russia. Or so I am to believe from the media. Plus they are engaged in an existential war with NATO. It would seem that Russia is not meeting it’s duty as a government. Yet Putin’s government is the sturdiest in the world today. Russia however is still gelling from the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The war with Ukraine is a function of the scrambling of psychopaths for new land. Like in Maui after the fires. Since NATO leaders have openly stated, regime change is the goal in the Ukraine war, Russia is in survival mode.

The EU is doing everything possible to undermine its Enlightenment societal myth and replace it with the post modernist one. Dangerous to say the least. Even as the EU encourages crime and lawlessness, with unlimited immigration, double standards in law, and malinvestment of law enforcement assets. The knife crime in London is horrendous. With the innovations of bombings in Stockholm and riots in Germany, it’s safe to say that the EU has failed at keeping the peace. Then there is the expansion of NATO. War on someone else land seems like a good idea, until it comes home. As it always does. On all counts the EU is failing and failing miserably. It can’t be a shock that social cohesion in Europe is collapsing. Proving EU elites are expert at playing the fiddle.

The US government has not so much taken the path of the EU as it cut the trail. The US government is vehemently opposed to the American societal myth. Even calling it racist and anti woman. The rule of law is a joke in the US, with the open double standards, exploiting law as a political weapon and allowing violent crime to go unpunished. While the State has us paying for a proxy war of expansion bringing the threat of nuclear retaliation upon our heads. The US elites are failing by every measure. Of all the governments I’ve listed, it’s the US government that’s the closest to collapse. Even as the EU and Biden corruptocracy, point a finger at the pending fall of the CCP and Russia, there are three pointing back at them. Using your own guts for calamari is not a long term solution to an insatiable appetite.


John Pepin

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There Are Too Many People

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the saying, “There are too many people…” is a fallacy of the most dangerous kind. Not only does it justify murder but it lowers human beings to less than human. Moreover, if there really are too many people, then what is the right number? Who decides that number… the experts? Who then decides who is an expert? What is to be done with the “surplus?” The more you think of it, the more inhuman that saying is. Do you really think people who say that honestly believe it? To the point they are willing to kill their loved ones to lower the surplus population? Because to believe it, they have to accept the consequences of that belief. If the experts rule that person is surplus, by their own admission and argument, they must willingly step into a wood chipper… for the greater good.

I don’t think anyone who recites that fallacy, “There are too many people,” really believes it, nor did they come to it organically. They think it sounds smart. I think they’re captured by an idea. A pernicious, evil and psychopathic idea to be sure, but an idea nonetheless. One way to know they are captured by an idea and didn’t come to it naturally is the way they defend it. Someone who is defending their own idea, is aware of their own limitations, and so are open to input, criticism and logic. Those captured by an idea are zealots who will broach no offense whatsoever. Any disagreement with that idea will generate an emotional response. Because, while we are unsure of our own ideas, knowing ourselves fallible, we are certain of the ideas our infallible heroes have thought through for us.

It’s a lot easier to believe prepackaged thoughts than come up with our own. In our busy day to day lives, who has time to think of the nature of humanity, our role in the universe, morality, good versus evil, economic theory, or the nature of truth? Too much of that… and we lose a finger chopping carrots. As a result, many of us browse through the shop of ideas, and glom onto the ones that suit us best. That’s all well and good, unless someone manipulates us into adopting and thus becoming captured by ideas that don’t suit us, and indeed are antithetical to our well being. Prepackaged ideas can be a useful way to keep all our fingers as we cook our supper, but when they are used to manipulate us into believing psychopathic, prepackaged ideas, it’s better to lose a digit.

When you look into the red eyes of an enraged middle aged woman, who is screaming, “There are too many people!” It has to occur to you that she may be willing to actually participate in a culling of the surplus. She is so zealous about it. As long as she and her loved ones are not the surplus… obviously. What are the odds she is thinking you’re surplus, because you disagree with the idea that’s captured her? Perhaps that’s unkind, maybe she’s arguing there is a surplus of people, in the most general sense. Never closing the logic loop to conclude, if there are too many people… some have to go, or never be born. Therefore, the fentanyl overdose problem, isn’t a problem, it’s a solution. Perhaps the covid pandemic and the vaccine deaths are a solution as well? In her mind…

“There are too many people…” is a mind virus, like rabies is a nervous system virus. It justifies the 120,000 overdose deaths a year from Fentanyl, thousands a year from abortion, the vaccine related injuries, covid deaths, etc… as the solution to the overpopulation “problem.” Wise people exploit levers, shortcuts and strategy, but not when those shortcuts are traps. Prepackaged ideas are shortcuts that can be helpful, but in our society, where malevolent elites manipulate us into evil prepackaged ideas, those shortcuts take us over freshly solidified lava. Only a fool, or someone manipulated into it, treads a path to certain death. The scariest thing to me, is that being captured by evil ideas, in time, leads to the most heinous of crimes. History is unambiguous you see, and history is known, to rhyme.


John Pepin

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Censorship And Hypocrisy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, censorship is a form of hypocrisy. If you think of it, all crimes are forms of hypocrisy. The censor doesn’t want to have his or her words censored. In fact, they censor so their words have more weight and are listened to by more people. The censor would never tolerate being censored. Just as the thief is enraged when stolen from and the killer has no intention of being killed. They’re all hypocrites. Back in the day, being known as a hypocrite was the worse, most discrediting, thing that could be known. Plutarch makes it clear in his Biographies that in that time, hypocrites were the lowest of the low. Today the hypocrisy of censorship is justified because they are stopping “misinformation.” Itself a word that applies equally to any viewpoint.

Criminal law is based on a human revulsion of hypocrisy. Any crime you can think of is a form of hypocrisy… except rent seeking regulations. They epitomize hypocrisy. Typical criminal law, theft, murder, assault, fraud, and such are example where someone does a thing to another that they would not want done to them. They are violating the Golden Rule. While not everyone agrees if prostitution should be legal, we all agree that forced prostitution should be. The one though tragic, is voluntary, the second is a violation of the golden rule by the pimp. He is a hypocrite. Even a dog has sense enough of justice to understand this, even if they can’t put it in words. We know injustice when we see it, because it is always an example of a hypocrite violating the Golden Rule.

The reason hypocrisy is so bad is because it violates the Golden Rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” All the really great philosophers and prophets understood the Golden Rule and all talked about it. Shortly after Confucius died, some Duke or other erected an obelisk upon which he had all the laws written down for all to see, know and to apply to all. Someone asked a disciple of Confucius what he though of that innovation. The disciples said it was a bad thing. Bewildered, the bystander asked why? Confucius disciple replied, “Because people will argue to the head of a pin those laws don’t apply to them.” He was saying that people are hypocrites and while most would like others to be held to those standards, they will try mightily to get out of having to follow the laws themselves.

Censorship is a particularly pernicious form of hypocrisy. It elevates the voice of someone unworthy of having their opinion exhibited, since they are hypocrites. Then it silences the voices of people with valid opinions, who are not hypocrites. Being the lowest of the low, the opinion of a hypocrite is irrelevant. While they shouldn’t be silenced, they should be given all the authority to which they are entitled… none. Why give credence to the words of someone who gives none to yours? Isn’t that like a one way street? Moreover, there is no one more dangerous than someone unwilling to listen to others. That’s how to be ignorant. They’re narrow minded. Plus, it takes a great deal of arrogance to think your opinion is the only one that matters. So what a censor is then, is an arrogant, ignorant, hypocrite.

So when you hear the unbiased media proclaim that censorship is now a good thing, hear what they are really saying… that they are the acme of hypocrites. The lowest of the low, they would elevate their hypocrisy above that of rational people. Scum of the Earth, dirtbags and malefactors, are too mild a term to describe the hypocrisy of anyone who would call for censorship. If a person from the classical era came to today and witnessed the open and notorious hypocrisy of our rulers, he would call us pathetic wimps unworthy of our freedom. To kowtow to such riffraff. Call those who proclaim that misinformation must be censored, hypocrites, to their faces. Call them what they are. Let them know we hold them and their opinions in the lowest of respect. Censors are unworthy to be listened to.


John Pepin

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Our Failure Elite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, at no time in history has the elite so failed the youth than today. Across the planet the youth are in distress. Why? Because of the policies of the elites. They run the show. They take the blame. Although the elite want to paradigm to be they make all the decisions and we take the blame for their failure. As does the CCP. With unlimited power, by mail in election fraud, arbitrary rule, the courts, and the administrative state, the elite have created a system where the youth are committing suicide at astonishing rates, die of fentanyl overdose at a rate surpassing death rate of the Ukraine war, are universally depressed, have lost faith in God and the system. Great job guys. The elite’s answer to their absolute utter and complete failures is… they need more power, to fail bigger.

The prospects of a teenager today getting a career, family and nice home where they want diminishes by the second. The tsunami of regulations since the deep state took control again alone is sufficient to cut a few million people out of the so called middle class… and into poverty. Very progressive. How is someone who can’t find a job that pays more than fifteen bucks an hour, without benefits, going to buy a car for 30k, and house for 300k as well as diapers, food and heat? Why is the wage so low? Because of the policies of the elites. Unlimited illegal immigration abetted by the government, regulations and taxes driving small businesses into bankruptcy, along with a drug epidemic fueled by the hopelessness the rest creates all suppress wages.

Wait a second some might say, wages for people who work at corporations are growing, and fast. They can’t find people to fill those positions. True enough, corporatism has it’s benefits for some. Moreover, those high wage corporate jobs don’t generally produce anything of value, only rent seeking. Some, like Exxon, General Motors and Apple produce products we use and have come to need, but Blackrock, Vangard and McKinsky only exist so the elite can use working people’s money to leverage corporations into acting against their own interests and those of humanity. They have been so successful that rent seeking is far more profitable today than production. Therefore, rent seeking will increasingly become the operating model for corporations. Further diminishing the prospects of the youth.

Every three years more kids die of fentanyl overdose than US soldiers who died in the ten years of the Vietnam war. That is a staggering amount of deaths yet the media is effectively silent. Probably because they are run by and for the elite, who’s abject failure is highlighted by the fentanyl death toll. Many of the kids collapsing because of fentanyl do so taking something else… laced with fentanyl. The elite could stop the flow, the demand and the supply in an instant… but they are not? Why? Possibly they want to lower the population? Like they claim all the time when they say, openly and unabashedly, there are too many people on the planet. No matter the reason the elite are derelict in their duty and obligation, they are derelict in their duty and obligation.

Instead of teaching kids reading, writing and arithmetic, our schools befuddle the children if they are boys or girls. Educating the youth to fail. With a short life due to fentanyl, vaccine induced myocarditis, brain washed about man made climate change, inculcated hopelessness, zero opportunity, no possibility of a family, a culture of distress and a system they know is their existential enemy… how could the youth be excited and enthusiastic about the future? Every problem our youth have is because of the failings, or conniving, of the elite. The elite run the state education system, the elite set the laws, the elite enforce the laws, the elite set the examples, the elite dictate culture and the elite enforce their will on the rest of us thereby. If we want to help the kids, replace the elite.


John Pepin

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The Inversion Of Power

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, what we have in the US today is an inversion, as Tucker Carlson said, but an inversion of power. Instead of the bureaucracy answering to the legislature, the legislature now answers to the bureaucracy. Instead of the elected representatives, including the president, answering to the American people, the American people answer to the government. A total inversion of the way the US Founding Fathers envisioned it. They set up a republic where the government would answer to the people and they had no vision of an all powerful bureaucracy, an administrative state. That administrative state has now become the real power in the US and anywhere the hydra egg of bureaucracy has been allowed to hatch. Public servants, yea, the public serve them, at their will.

All power, political, criminal, legislative, legal, etc… are all derivative of the peoples, individual sovereign Rights. All powers then are delegate from the people’s. If a power is not inherent in an individual, then it can’t be delegate to someone else. Therefore it can’t be given to government either. So a government that engages in actions that are not inherently the Right of an individual, that government is acting criminally, just as the individual would be if he or she engaged in such acts. I a state of nature for example, stealing, murder and rape are wrong. People delegate some authority to government to prevent these things. Now however, with the innovation of the administrative state, government does these things. To us and people across the planet, to protect democracy.

The politicians love to exclaim they rule at the will of the people. It’s known that a government must have the consent of the people. Consent of the people is premised on the idea the people are the boss. Only a boss can consent to something. The consent of a slave, subject or employee is irrelevant. This is how one can tell the power dynamic of a relationship. The superior will do as he or she pleases while the inferior must ask permission. If an inferior asks a superior why they did something, the inferior will be told they are not entitled to that answer. Just as the administrative state today tells the House committee investigating the weaponization of the law, they are not entitled to some classified information. Doing so would jeopardize the rule of law and democracy itself.

Now that the bureaucracy has become the predominant power, above that of the people, the legislature, the President and even God himself, it rules in it’s egoistic self interest. Think about what the administrative state does, in our names… If the CIA has a person they are turning and that person is a pervert, the CIA will procure a child for that POS to bother. IN YOUR NAME. How many other crimes does the bureaucracy engage in, without consequence? Well, we know they lie constantly, abet drug use in the White House, cover up bribery, silence whistle blowers, jail dissidents, allow the selling of State secrets, steal, exploit their power to gain more power, undermine the electoral system, have weaponized law, along with a plethora of other crimes that would send you or I to prison for decades.

So what we have then, is the utter inversion of power, which has led to an administrative state that is in every way illegal, unconstitutional and most importantly, openly evil incarnate. Because only people without hearts would do what bureaucrats do. A judge who undermines the Constitution, is a bureaucrat with a lifetime job and 80% pension, is doing his best for the administrative state he serves. Just as a CIA agent that grabs a child for a pervert is doing his as well. An FBI agent that abets crime in the furtherance of the administrative state’s power… is a hero. Like Strzok, Page and Wray. That inversion of power has allowed our government to become as out of control as an elite in a Porsche doing 162 MPH in traffic smoking crack and videoing himself.


John Pepin

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Burning Down The House

Dear Friends,


From my perch up in the attic,

I cheer the fire for you,

To the kitchen I say good riddance,

And that stinky bathroom too,

Getting their comeuppance,

And we all know that it’s true.


The flames now touch the bedrooms,

And those sleeping there as well,

You know that they now see it,

Because they’re starting to yell,

But now where I sit,

It’s getting a smokey smell.


Maybe I was too hasty,

And didn’t think it through,

Now the way is blocked,

And it’s getting real hot too,

The way out is out to drop,

To land on my caboose.


Turns out I was an ass,

To cheer my own demise,

But the experts always told me,

I wasn’t very wise,

Now my home is just debris,

And I’m finally cut down to size.


For now I know the truth,

It’s not the house you reside,

It’s the people that live within,

From them you cannot hide,

A structure doesn’t sin,

It’s only people that can lie.


So change the elites first,

They are the source of strife,

The system don’t burn down,

It may cost you your life,

And make your self a clown,

Because fire burns all even little mice.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, until the good elite get a handle on the evil elites, they are all the same in my book. They’ll have to self sort and eject the pedophiles, perverts, corruptocrats, anti Americans and scumbags before we can trust them ever again. Because, why would anyone protect a pervert who bothers children? Normal people are repulsed by such people and seek to expose them and punish that behavior. Like the producers of the Sound Of Freedom. Doesn’t that make the critics of the movie pedophile enablers? I would think those elites that are not pedophiles would be embarrassed to be associated with them? Wouldn’t you? Today, to be an elite is to be associated with pedophilia, adrenochrome and treason. If there are any good elites left, they should be busy…

How can we assume any elite isn’t a pervert, if they are unanimous that pedophilia as is exposed in the movie, Sound Of Freedom, should be overlooked? That makes them all either pedophiles or enablers. Anyone who not only turns a blind eye to it, once exposed, but actively tries to suppress the knowledge, is by definition, an enabler of pedophilia. Sometimes called a groomer. Therefore, all elites are either pedophiles or enablers of pedophilia. They’re scum. Unashamed at the fact they ride their high horses and talk about how wonderful censorship is. Because anyone who is molesting kids wants to be able to censor those who would expose it. So it follows that any elite that is not standing up, speaking out and demanding investigations… is either a pedophile or enabler.

How much more corruption can the “good” elites tolerate from the deep state and the Biden crime family? Elites have spent their lives only mingling with the “right” people. Looks like the right people are pedophiles. Instead of being ashamed at the exposure, the elite are trying to vilify the movie. Too late perverts and enablers. We see who and what you are. They may try to censor the movie to oblivion as they have so much other culture that undermines their dark plans. Even as the perverts and enablers censor, lie and exploit law to cover up their crimes, any good elite there are, simply stand by and allow it to happen. In criminal law, as far as I know, if I find out about a crime, and don’t report it, I am guilty of that crime, after the fact. Doesn’t that logic hold true of the elites that don’t report crimes?

Why do you suppose the “good” elites went along with shutdowns, the vaccine that wasn’t and now starting a war of conquest that will culminate in a nuclear exchange… but refuse to investigate perversion in their own ranks? Is it because the bad elites have so much power the good elites are afraid to act? They’ll go along with any sort of oppression but never stand up to villainy? With good elites like ours, who needs enemies? Because if there is no pedophilia, Epstein really did kill himself and pigs can fly, the good elites would demand open and thorough investigations, to clean up their names. That they don’t suggests they are accessories after the fact else the perpetrators themselves. Either way, they are not suited to hold the reigns of a twenty five cent kiddy ride.

Maybe there are no good elites? Perhaps like the old Dilbert cartoon once said, you lose your soul when you become an elite. That there is so much corruption, that is open and obvious, and yet the elite act like nothing is wrong, is proof enough that something stinks. Klinesmith gets away Scot free with the worst kind of perjury, even as any lawyer for Trump, is threatened with disbarment. An unsafe and ineffective injection is forced on the people and called a vaccine. Epstein is murdered in custody and its called a suicide, then Ghislain Maxwell is tried, and all reference to her clients is carefully omitted. No one is punished. The system protects its own. Therefore the system is filled with pedophiles, enablers and until proven otherwise… no one else.


John Pepin

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Trump Is Under Indictment For A Flood In His Basement

Dear Friends,

In my insolent opinion, there is only one way to lead, and that’s by example. Everything else is ruling, not leading. Ruling requires power to harm, whether that power is invested in a prince, oligarchy or autocracy, it’s unquestionably ruling, not leading. Leading however is magnetic. Those who lead by example, draw others to follow, not because of force of arms, as authorities do, but by force of personality… a Confucian way of seeing the world. Leaders almost by definition are rebels who lead people from the evil of their rulers. By their examples. That’s why leaders are so feared by rulers. Trump is a leader while Biden is a ruler. The one needs force of arms, to implement his plans for a global fascist utopia, and the other only needs to speak of Americanism, and the masses swoon.

Rulers are always surrounded by security, to protect them from the people they’ve harmed. The puppet president Biden for example. The old saying, live by the sword die by the sword, is an adage the elite don’t want to come true, at least in their case. They want to rule by fear, while living in absolute tranquility themselves. Such people epitomize hypocrisy as a sacrament with their lives. Which is why the bootlick media today never mentions the word hypocrite. The reporter who said it, would be banned faster than Tucker Carlson, after he exposed the Jan 6 false flag. Despots, rulers by another name, fear the people they oppress and a free press most of all. So they must have security and censorship at hand. To protect them from the consequences of their oppressions corruption and tyranny.

Rulers make hard decisions that cost people their lives, always for the betterment of mankind, and the interests of Mankind reliably align, with the interests of the tyrant, oligarch or democrat. Convenient that. While a tyrant is capable of the greatest evils, an oligarchy surpasses any evil a lone tyrant can do, by orders of magnitude. Because a tyrant has to carry the burden of his evils himself, whereas an oligarchy can share that burden, with so many people, even the most horrific acts become light as a feather. That’s the beauty of bureaucracy. It can commit the worse evils and those involved can justify their involvement by claiming they were only following orders. Bureaucracy makes people animals… by distributing culpability for its sins. Just as in a mob we will do things we would never do alone.

Leaders don’t expect people to follow them, people just do. Drawn by their force of personality. A hard working moral person is magnetic, even if they’re abrasive. We all know a good person when we see one, and those of us who aren’t ashamed by their presence, are encouraged to be better ourselves. By their examples. The incorrigible on the other hand will be ashamed and seek to destroy the meritorious man. Out of jealousy, pride and wrath, the rulers of the world will bend every law, twist every regulation and warp the system itself, to get the best of their betters. Since the elite are populated with narcissists, machiavellians and psychopaths, they’ll conspire to get rid of the example that exposes their corruption. Leaders then are always under attack from the dross.

The US isn’t run by leaders today, not at all, it’s ruled by despots. How do I know this? The obvious double standard between how the DOJ treats Trump and Biden, the mail in voting fraud that was perpetuated on the American people, as well as the January 6 false flag, committed to cover up the election fraud. Despots use laws, punishment and therefore fear, to control people. Laws have to be necessarily draconian under a ruler, because if the people follow their examples, and become as crooked as their rulers, the economy would collapse, society would crumble and the wealth of the corrupt rulers would diminish. Our oligarchy, the deep state, the bureaucracy, also known as the administrative state… is going after a leader to protect itself. We have a say… say something.


John Pepin

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“If You Read The Papers You’re Ill Informed…” – Twain

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we have the most corrupt press in human history. Think about it. The Biden bribery, drug use, pedophilia, dementia, election fraud, laptop and influence peddling scandals are the biggest stories to ever hit the news. Yet the media refuses to cover them? If the press is in the business of making money then these stories should make them billions. It would be an unending money train. Why would they spike the story then? Well, we know that the government was directing twitter’s, and most probably, Facebook’s censoring efforts. We also know that the government had a program back in the day to manipulate the media to it’s will. That program was called Operation Mockingbird. So it’s probable the administrative state is directing the media to remain silent.

Most businesses exist to make money for the shareholders as their primary raison d’etre. Steel companies make steel to earn money to pay shareholders for their investment. The telephone company provides telephone service to pay shareholders a dividend. Media companies on the other hand, swindle their shareholders by foregoing profit, to protect a political faction… probably at the behest of the State itself. That is, by definition… fraud. The executives of every media company that’s spiking the Biden Bribery scandal, his selling state secrets, influence peddling, etc… and the FBI’s complicity, are swindling their shareholders out of millions. I should think such actions would be the acme of stupidity, since they open the executives up to lawsuits. But, since the deep state runs the courts, they’re safe.

Press elites may be safe from punitive judgments from shareholder lawsuits, but not from the negative public opinion their actions have fostered. Only the most naïve and foolish still believes the media anymore. Even the press’ greatest apologists know they are backing liars. Today, the main stream news outlets exist, merely because of inertia. They have for so long, and with tons of money to push the lies, so they’re still in the air… like the Coyote in Road Runner after he’s run off a cliff. Public opinion has soured on the press, like whey. This etching of the public’s respect for the media has the knock on effect of further corroding their profitability. Again gaming the shareholders out of money. There is no corruption like corruption that robs someone of money.

We have to ask ourselves, why would the executives of the media, so sully their name, commit fraud against their shareholders, and risk personal lawsuits? There has to be a pretty compelling reason. Folks who get to those positions of power aren’t stupid, well, not dumb anyway. So what do you suppose is that compelling reason? I mentioned a few in the first paragraph. The state has proven its willingness to corruption with social media censorship. Operation Mockingbird is almost certainly still in existence, under another name. That’s how the administrative state does it. When caught in a crime… they lie, then obfuscate and finally admit, promise to never do it again, and start the project up under a new name, the moment public scrutiny is gone. The media may be ordered by the State to spike the stories.

No matter why they are spiking the most important stories in my lifetime, and I lived through the JFK assassination, Watergate, Iran Contra, Clinton’s “is” controversy, 911, non existent WMD, Fast and Furious, IRS gate, and the myriad Biden scandals. Only the Biden scandals and the 2020 election fraud has seen this level of cover up by the press. Even with their spiking the story the marks have learned of the swindle. Like Pandora’s box, now the lip is open, who knows what else may escape. Perchance, real information about the Epstein murder under Barr’s watch, could come to light? Nevertheless, the media has obliterated its reputation. The contemptible press is held in the air today, by the deep state and its billionaire backers. I say, boycott them to oblivion and beyond!


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment