What Are Heroes Buying?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we’re in a Fourth Turning, the elite know it, and they want to come out the other side on top. If they do, they’ll set the global paradigm for the next century, and if they’re smart about it, the next several. Because once the Fourth Turning is over, the First, Second and Third Turnings stand in front of the next Fourth Turning. The globalist post modernists are fervently assured, the faction that wins the Fourth Turning will not only set the paradigm, but morality and accepted philosophy as well. In this, they can reach far into the future and impose their will. Almost like a god. Their morals, their ethics, their philosophy and their ideas will permeate the future. Moreover, since they believe in censorship, theirs will be the only ideas, morals and philosophy allowed.

Strauss Howe Generational Theory posits there are four seasons, phases or cycles of human history. Those cycles are propelled by the people in a given generation more than the greater external historical forces. Each of the four generations driving historical events instead of history forcing their reactions. Therefore, each generation drives local history, events don’t drive history. The first generation is the hero generation. They are the ones who fight in the Fourth Turning. The next generation is the artists. They grow up in the ease generated by the heroes. Next comes the Prophet generation. We’re worried about the future. Finally the nomads come along. Leading to the next crisis. In this cyclic generational theory, we’re in the fourth phase, or the Fourth Turning.

The faction that wins the Fourth Turning, otherwise called the crisis phase, sets the paradigm for the “Spring,” summer and fall phases. Enlightenment thinkers, or modernists, won the last few turnings, resulting in our technological, scientific and capitalist paradigm. The virtual elimination of world hunger is one manifestation of these philosophies in action. In 1939 the corporatists and the Marxists were allied, as they are today, until the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union in 1941. The Marxists had to defect to the capitalists for allies and so helped the enlightenment win again. That’s why, after the war, the forced allegiance between classic liberals and Marxists broke down, and the Cold War erupted. It wasn’t time for another Fourth Turning, though, so the cold war froze to death.

Today the post modernist faction has coalesced the Marxists, dejected by the collapse of world wide communism, and the fascists, arising from the ashes like a phoenix, due to the billions invested by the likes of George Soros. They, as always, have global totalitarian ambitions. Allied, like in 1939, they control the weight of political power in the western world. The post modernists run the bureaucracy of most every nation and especially the EU. Any politician who isn’t a post modernist, is vilified as a populist, racist homophobe. Insuring the fealty of the weak. They’ve risen to new heights and are ready to win. With the paradigm for the next century as the prize, they’re already half way around the track, as the rest of us are locked in the starting gates. So they are poised to win… or are they?

What eludes the post modernist, Marxist, fascist, and despots of all species, is what they’re selling, is the opposite of what the next paradigm will be. The post modernists are shilling the slut life to little girls, until they die lonely and alone, like Eleanor Rigby. Little boys are being manipulated to become a sexual plaything, a “girl” with a penis, until they commit suicide at 30. Saving social security. No family, no hope and no future… that’s not what the Hero Generation is shopping for. They want a family, career and hope. Moreover, they’re willing to fight for it, that’s a primary characteristic of the hero generation, and is why the despots always lose in the Fourth Turning. They’re selling a defective product to an aware angry consumer… willing to storm a beach in Normandy and Saipan.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,




The censors have a powerful tool,

It allows them unlimited rule,

Their ethics they mandate,

While our’s they call hate,

And public opinion is their footstool.


Covid Vaccine…


Let me be very direct,

The vaccinated did self select,

Guinea pigs all,

Yet didn’t forestall,

Because the vaccine has only the placebo effect.


Climate Alarmism…


Agree with us or your are wrong,

Then we’ll know you don’t belong,

To the elite’s ten percent,

And where science went,

Because free thinkers can’t be members of a throng.


Canadian Government…


Canadians please don’t be a sissy,

The government is extremely busy,

Taking your rights,

Without a fight,

With the Royal Canadian Gehime Staatzpolicie.


On Writing…


A true writer can be discerning in conversing,

Their enthusiasm is invigorating and inviting,

Sailing to the opposite shore,

Five hundred pages or more,

And talking incessantly without saying anything.


Modern Civics…


The elite use Hegel to rule,

Its their Narcissistic little tool,

Manipulating lies,

Without alibis,

Because they agree with the Frankfurt School.


Armenian Genocide…


The genocide of Armenia goes on apace,

In Roman times they controlled the place,

But over many years,

Armenia disappeared,

And soon it will be totally erased.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,

It seems to me, what progressives don’t understand, is diversity is our strength. Not diversity of skin color or race but of thought. The single party state is the antithesis of diversity of thought. In it only thoughts the State approves of are allowed. All other ideas are unsanctionned and illegal. They’re too diverse. Progressives seem to think that diversity of culture, ethnicity and wealth, leading to crime, gang violence and drug addiction, is fine… as long as there’s unanimity of thought. Like believing wild fire is okay as long as everything’s made of wood. So there won’t be any toxic out gassing. Perhaps they plan on enforcing unanimity of thought, with violence, it is after all, the progressive go to. Their form of diversity through unanimity is doomed to failure though… and I’ll explain why.

It’s diversity in thought that gives a civilization resilience. Emergencies necessitate a change in implementation and of ideas. When only one idea is allowed, no other ideas are available, in an exigency. In a society with a diversity of ideas however, if there is an existential threat, there are plenty of ideas to meet it. Clearly, the more ideas that are available in a dire situation, the more likely one will be available that fixes the condition. Therefore, a society with diversity of thought, will be more resilient to damage, even as a society with unanimity of thought, is brittle. Any bump breaks it. Because it’s limited in it’s response. Like glass. While glass is useful, it’s clear, hard and airtight, it’s subject to shattering when contacting objects at high speed, such as war, inflation and natural disaster.

Diversity of thought requires freedom of expression. If the paradigm is, the people are only allowed to agree with the State, as Hitler described in his book, Mein Kompf, there can’t be diversity of thought. The only idea circulating in the citizenry and the elite is the state approved one. If thought leaders are jailed, there will be no innovative ideas available, for the next emergency. Only when people are allowed to speak their minds, no matter how much the elite consider it misinformation, disinformation and inconvenient truth, is diversity of thought encouraged. Such elite stinging truths are the most important ones to be protected anyway. When only the State has a voice, and a myriad of echos, that society is doomed to shatter at the next bump in the road.

A nation who’s courts have abandoned freedom of speech, is a nation that’s experiencing the Coriolis effect, as it goes down the drain. The whole point of the US court system, and indeed all court systems, is to protect the societal myth. Once the courts turn against that founding ethos, they become an agent of change. Instead of being the white blood cells protecting the body politic from oligarchy, they become a cancerous leukemia that destroys all it touches. A court so perverted will do extraordinary actions, like deem a man guilty without trial, because the Constitution be damned. That court system is aggressively undermining their very authority. Since their authority rests on our Constitution, not their personal worth, clique of friends, or lack of ethics.

Believing in unanimity of thought is childish. It’s the toddler saying, “I’m right and everyone better think exactly like me. Or else!” People who are so smart they can manipulate the weather, reorder society and veto the laws of physics, but can’t tell a doorknob from a fire alarm. These are the people who have such absolute faith in themselves, they need to use censorship, propaganda and State violence, to force their absurd ideas up our rectums. No way that could go wrong. What we have is, the dumbest people to have ever lived, want unlimited power. Probably because they’re too stupid to know better. If we allow this to continue, the end game is clear, disaster leading to catastrophe, resulting in utopia… or a total collapse of our technology, culture and governments.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Privilege War

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we’re witnessing whether Machiavelli’s maxim, the people are more powerful than the aristocracy, play out in real time. Today, the elite are waging a full scale kinetic war, against the people. Kinetic in that the elite are using actual weapons of war against us. Well that’s not entirely true. They’re using weapons banned in war against us. Hollow pointed ammunition has been illegal in war since WWI, as well as chemical and biological weapons. So, they’re not using weapons of war against us, they’re using weapons banned in war against us. In this Privilege War, the elite have marshaled the courts, the media and indeed the system itself, to their side. Embracing Von Clausewitz tactic of taking war to its ultimate, in unlimited evil, for the advantage. We’ll see if Machiavelli was right.

The evidence is in the open now, Covid was made in a lab, with gain of function, Fauci and the US government was involved in setting up the labs and transferring the technology (itself a crime) to the CCP. The release was timely, in that it smashed Trump’s last year in office, and opened up the election to mail in fraud. In that short statement, there are several crimes against humanity the elite have committed, in their Privilege War against us. Covid is a biological weapon pure and simple, one engineered to be used against the populace, not a state. Because, an airborn virus like Covid is useless against a state in a war, as WWI proved with the Spanish Flu. So such a biological weapon is only useful against the people of the world. Perhaps to open an election to mail in fraud?

The ineffective “vaccine” that’s killed, by some estimates, seventeen million people worldwide, and created several ongoing health emergencies, was mandated on us by the elite. The elite forced people, under threat of their careers, to take a shot they had ample evidence was literal poison. Vilifying safe effective treatments at the same time. It looks like the jab’s death toll will surpass the biological weapon (Covid) deployed against us. Quite effective at lowering our population, (for those who think there are too many of us) and at lessening our ability to act, due to our ongoing “vaccinated” health issues. Even as the most historically successful chemical weapons attack is ongoing, the fentanyl crisis. The US death toll from that attack has surpassed all the wars the US has been involved with… combined.

Elections have long been a thorn in the side of the elite. Bernays and Goebbels gave them propaganda which has served them well. The utility of that tool has diminished with the advent of social media however, necessitating the use of censorship. Even with the unpunished election manipulating lies, like the Biden lap top was Russian disinformation, they needed election fraud to drag their corpse over the finish line. So the courts instituted mail in voting, drop boxes and mass ballot mailing… against the laws and the Constitution itself. They refused to hear a single viable case, due to latches, ripeness and mootness. Covid opened the door to mass election fraud and the courts welded it wide for them. Removing the franchise from the people and thus, in their minds, our last hope.

The Privilege war has exposed the elite for the pedophile villains they are. Censoring us, invalidating elections and perverting our courts. Even as they poison us, give us small pox blankets and replace us with unlimited illegal immigration… they refuse to enforce Constitutional laws while charging people for political crimes. Our death toll in this war, has run well over two million, from Fentanyl alone. Add to that the deaths from covid, the clot shot, and crime… and the war being waged on us from above is undeniable. The privileged sustainably murdering the downtrodden, and calling it just, since it’s for the planet. People are waking up to the war. With every death from fentanyl, case of myocarditis and political crime charged, the war comes home. The only question is, was Machiavelli right?


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends…


The Elite…


For profit the elite are too eager,

Crime has now become a feature,

They’ve made crime pay,

What else can I say,

Other than people follow their leaders.




There once was an AG who stood up,

To the power mongers so corrupt,

The crooked did attack,

Stabbing Paxton in the back,

Their crimes against humanity to obstruct.


Texas Republican RINOS…


They impeached him in the dark of night,

Never giving him a chance to fight,

Their own crimes to cover,

Paxton to smother,

All to the corruptocrats delight.


On The News…


They think that we’re fools,

A bunch of mindless tools,

So they gaslight,

Hoping we might,

Not notice the elite are ghouls.


On The WGA Strike…


The talk shows throw out a bunch of blab,

The strike was fine but they’re out of rehab,

So the strike must end,

And we have to pretend,

That the icon Bill Maher isn’t a scab.


Paxton Impeachment Hearing…


Ken Paxton did stand up,

Against the deep state and it sluts,

They made him an example,

But the people spoke ample,

And the Senate then covered it’s butt.




Our demographics graphs to a v,

More old farts than newbies,

So the elite trade the dear,

To add to a surplus clear,

Which is as stupid as stupid can be.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Republican Corruptocrats

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the republican party is as corrupt as the democrat. The open and notorious corruption republicans display are astonishing in their magnitude, scope and lack of self awareness. I suspect this primary season, there will be some heated races between the rinos who run the show, and actual constitutional populist conservatives. Especially in Texas and Georgia. Because the rinos stabbed a conservative in the back for doing his job. In Texas, the rinos impeached Ken Paxton, exposing themselves as deep state stooges. In Georgia, the republican caucus voted to oust the only Georgia senator, with the balls to demand the impeachment of the Soros prosecutor, exploiting her authority to undermine our elections. The primaries will be interesting.

The midnight impeachment of Ken Paxton was eye opening. Texans woke up one morning to discover Paxton had been impeached without inquiry, evidence or trial… by republicans! Punishing Paxton for the poor taste to stand up to the Biden administration’s illegal and unconstitutional edicts. For that he was impeached. Because both parties are run by elitists. Paxton stood up to the elitist usurpation of power and so he had to be made an example of. The rich scumbag pedophile donor class, ordered their bootlicks in the republican party to impeach, and so the minions did. The groundswell of voter anger however turned the heads of the rinos in the Senate. Certain loss in the primary was a sufficient motivator for them to vote the right way, meanwhile, we’ll have to make examples of the rinos.

Georgia republicans trying to oust a republican, Colton Moore, for defending the Law and our Constitution, is as blatantly corrupt as it gets. They might as well wear a sign that says, “I work for the globalist elites… not you!” It certainly is a big club, you and I aren’t in it though. Georgia senate republicans seek it. They want to schmooze with the Davos crowd, be invited to the Satanic Bohemian Grove and dine on extinct species, while we eat bugs. Elitists will be elitists. Moore’s greatest sin was pointing out the absolute corruption of the Fanny case against President Trump. Where she is literally trying to effect the outcome of a Presidential election by exploiting her authority! Corruption of the highest extent, yet the Georgia republican party supports her efforts, to undermine our Republic.

I mean, who needs democrats, when you have rino republicans? The elitist progressive faction runs both parties. The democrat openly and the republican as controlled opposition. The impeachment of Paxton and the ousting of Moore are the controls. That Paxton’s impeachment went awry didn’t give them the least pause. Zealots rarely learn from example. That’s why conservative states across the US, and indeed the populist conservative people of Britain and continental Europe, have no true representation. Other than GB News… even in the press! There can’t be a two party state where only one faction controls both parties, the bureaucracy and the media. That’s a one party state masquerading as a two party state. Let’s fix it and rid ourselves of the rino faction in the republican party at least.

In Texas, I suspect there will be many seats now up for grabs, now held by rinos that voted to impeach Ken Paxton, for standing up to the out of control Biden administration. If a rock ribbed republican doesn’t run against them, those seats will probably flip to democrat. I won’t vote for such a scumbag. Neither should you. In Georgia, the same will happen. Those corruptocrats that voted to oust Moore will either be replaced in the primary else in the general election. No sane republican would vote for them. Their rich elitist pedophile donors be damned. No amount of money will get a crook elected once everyone knows he’s a scumbag. That’s pure common sense. Those republicans in Texas and Georgia have exposed themselves as corruptocrat backstabbers worthy of replacement. Replace them.


John Pepin

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Are You ANTIFA Material?

Dear Comrades,

Quick, what does one hundred minus fifty eight equal? If you didn’t even try to do the math, you’re who ANTIFA’s looking for! Thinking’s hard work. Don’t think for yourself,  we have professionals standing by, willing to do it for you. For the low low cost of… your soul! No need to think, just watch the boob tube, become root bound to the sofa, and empty your mind. One advantage of watching TV is your brain burns less calories engrossed in Gilligan’s Island… than sleeping. Making that high fructose corn syrup go ever further. If you want to work for the betterment of mankind, we have those positions too… like arsonist. We have the experts, the bureaucrats and the Satan worshipers, why not you? If you hate to think as much as I, then join our pogrom. You’ll get direction, a voice, and it’ll echo.

Forming an opinion is long and tedious toil, so why not adopt one of our ready made woke opinions? Anyone who’s too lazy to do simple subtraction is clearly too calorie efficiency aware, to form an opinion. It takes research, book learning and a brain. Listen to us, we’ll explain why those who love you are evil, why there are too many people and why everyone else should submit to you… and by you, we mean us. No other opinion is valid except ours. Since other opinions are misinformation, and those promoting misinformation are worthy of a good beat down… beat them down. Those of us who are smart enough, wise enough and well, just good enough people, know to let the experts do our thinking for us. Opinions are like rear ends, everyone has one, and they all stink, so why not transplant ours?

You want to help, but don’t know how, join ANTIFA and toss aside your judgment! Why think when you can feel? Raw anger, hatred and superiority over the low lives that think for themselves, is as enjoyable as an orgasm. You get to wear snazzy black uniforms, like the Schutzstaffle, and beat people with impunity. No, not with impunity, with justification, yea that’s it, it’s justified. Some people use violence, riots and destruction to get their way, I want you to know, we are those people. Join ANTIFA and you’ll not only get to have the experts do your thinking for you, but there’s more, you can act out your most violent fantasies in public, and it’s all justified, because your making the world a better place! If making change for a dollar is too hard for you, you’re exactly who we need… a moron.

Who has time to think anyway? Look at all the fair, honest and smart TV there is to watch, like CNN. It’s much easier to sit on a couch with a full soda, and an empty head, than to expend any of those one hundred and ten high fructose corn syrup calories, thinking. Especially when there’s room for more visceral fat. ANTIFA meets in vacant lots, in cool black uniforms, holding shields fashioned of 55 gallon drums, with hollow minds. Together we can break the world so a better one can ooze out. Where no one thinks for themselves. All our thinking done centrally, by experts, to free the vast computing power of our combined mentality, for video games. Freedom of speech, religion and self protection are misinformation, and we’re mindlessly eradicating misinformation… for the greater good!

It’s too complex for you, to discern for yourself, if a lie is true, or tell a boy from an elf. No matter if you stare, what man bun should you wear, or grind your gears for long, is killing a bad person, really all that wrong? Let the experts do your thinking, don’t listen to a preacher. Ask the non binary purple haired teacher. She’ll tell you with a wink, and your thoughts will go along, with the requisite group think, and our movement will turn strong. The more you use a muscle, the stronger that it grows. That’s why not to use your brain, as everybody knows. So keep the mind flabby, tired and weak. It’s only our opinion, that anyone should seek. Else bad things just might happen, as early as next week. Once enough of us do it, our effort then will show, the world will be ours, once everyone is made slow.


Commandant John

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Dear Friends,



There once was a prosecutor named Fanny,

The state she preferred was nanny,

Exploiting the law,

A huge legal flaw,

Because she needs to lay off the candy.


Rebuilding the US Economy…


Rebuilding the economy is a difficult translation,

It’s nearly impossible in such a corrupt nation,

Workers are rare,

They’re all on welfare,

And it can’t be done in the first place because of regulation.




How often the experts fail,

They have the same tale,

Only we have a say,

Look the other way,

And we’ll keep our thumb on the scale.




It’s hard to listen to hacks,

All they do is attack,

With Freudian slip,

And logic back flips,

When a liberal points a finger three point back.




America was once a great item,

So many wonders you couldn’t list em,

The progressives came around,

And smashed her to the ground,

All just to build a Beast system.


Fiat Money…


Fiat money is backed by trust,

Fairness and honesty is a must,

But ours is run by cads,

Who print it by the scads,

To feed the elite’s ever growing lust.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The State Will Help You Improve Your Life

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the premise of laws giving the police kill switches on our cars, the surveillance state, mandates, etc… is that the state is always good and never evil. If we accept even for a moment that the state could do a thing nefarious, then all those laws become manifestations of oppression, instead of social cohesion. The childish view of the state being all good is as dangerous as Bonhoeffer’s stupidity principle. It is in and of itself a form of stupidity. The pernicious, unwise and infantile idea, the state is good and will help you improve your life, has led to the greatest crimes against humanity yet committed. By it, good people empower evil people to do evil, for the greater good. The fact is, it’s time to abandon that foolish notion for one that fits the real world… better than a child’s tea party.

When the State is empowered to do good, it does evil instead, because doing good is difficult, while doing evil is easy. State power is like a bomb, the work it can do is impressive, but its not focused. A bomb can be used to dig ditches, remove tree stumps, and kill folks, but is wholly ineffective at building things, maintenance or saving lives. Moreover, wherever the State’s power is applied, grift naturally arise. Swindlers exploit the fallout to enrich themselves. That’s why every government program is littered with fraud. Billions a year evaporate from the State’s coffers, yet the State seeks to fill them from our pockets, rather than wash their sticky fingers. Every example of government trying to do good goes awry. The dole worked so well for the Romans, we thought we would give it a try.

In a society that’s abandoned God, the State fills the void, and takes his place. Someone or something has to. So people transfer their feelings for God to the State. Thinking the State is omnipotent, omniscient and all loving. When the exact opposite is the truth. Nevertheless, atheism has been a powerful tool for the State. Without people transferring their worshiping of God, to an unworthy actor, how could such events as the Holocaust, Killing Fields or Jonestown happen? Instead of being a marshaling force to protect the people from foreign governments, adjudicate disagreements and enforce basic laws, the State can become so much more. It can become a god. If only in the minds of deluded sycophants, who will gleefully visit the worse of evils on mankind, for our own good.

Believing the state is good and will help you improve your life is like believing in the tooth fairy. Except, there’s more empirical evidence of the tooth fairy’s existence, than any good works of a State. Moreover, what level of brilliance does it take, to think it a good deal to rip out one’s adult teeth to put under a pillow, for a handful of quarters? With investing in State benevolence, or the tooth fairy, the cost outweighs the profit. In order for government to focus enough to provide help, on any kind of granular level, it takes a bureaucracy that outnumbers the people it’s trying to help. If it’s indeed trying to help them at all. We all would like a ride now and then, but those who want to ride through life on a State pulled chariot… are going to the games, not as viewers, but as the victims.

It’s nice to think of government as a nanny, someone who looks after us, protects us and picks us up when we’re down. It’s a comforting lie. Some might call it a functional myth. Unlike believing in a medicine man though, believing in the benevolence of the State is disastrous, proven by history. Atheism is one of the State’s greatest gifts to itself. Back when the State was the embodiment of the deity, religion worked for it, now that religion is outside and above the State, the State seeks to usurp it again… with atheism. Where the State replaces God. Even as the State’s minions usher us into showers smelling of Zyklon B, (or mandate a clot shot). So I ask you, does it make sense to give the State unlimited power to, “help make our lives better,” or… limit it’s ability to harm us?


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Print, Spend And Regulate

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, no amount of Federal Reserve tightening will lower inflation, as long as the federal government increases spending, five dollars for every dollar the Fed wrings out of the private sector. Add to the drastic increase in the money supply, driven by print and spend policies, the supply reducing effects of over regulation, bans and cronyism, and you have the perfect equation to cripple the private economy with inflation, while canceling public debt by the same mechanism. Elegant, though psychopathic, if you think of it. The US is taking the Argentine path to economic oblivion. Wring the economy of wealth through print, spend and regulate, leading to currency destroying inflation, then rinse and repeat. Inflation always and everywhere moves wealth from the bottom to the top.

Most people only think about the demand side of the inflation equation. The supply side has the same effect on inflation as demand. In the case of our over regulated economy, any increase in interest rates, especially coupled with burdensome regulation, will result in supply shortages. Supply shortages themselves lead to inflation, as long as those shortages last. Offshoring can mitigate the effect but the utility of screwing workers is coming to an end. So, even as the Fed raises interest rates to ostensibly lower inflation, those increases actually exacerbate the supply shortages, while doing nothing to cut demand. Because, if Keynes is to be believed, government demand is equal to private demand. Increases in regulations, taxes and outright bans on production, must lead to inflation.

The reality is, the benefits of profligate spending are immediate, while the negative side effects often take years to develop. Because the stuff purchased can be used immediately. That’s why so many people buy toys they can’t afford. “Buy now pay later…” is the motto of the shark. Since this game works so well on the masses, who actually have a personal responsibility to pay the money back, how much more effective do you suppose it is to a politician, who gets the benefit, while someone else pays it back… later? That’s why politicians will never cut spending, it’s not in their interest, cutting spending is in someone else interests. So, like corruption, blurting out in anger, and drunkenness… profligate spending bestows the benefit immediately, while the cost is paid later.

The interest payments on the debt amount to almost a trillion dollars a year. The debt surpassed 33 trillion dollars and is shooting up. The US debt to GDP ratio is over 122%! Nations across the globe are looking to divest themselves of US debt, and create an alternative to the US dollar, as the world’s reserve currency. In that environment, the US elite simply can’t print and spend enough. No need to raise taxes, inflation will drain us tax mules, in stealth mode. Even as the government is spending trillions a year (37% of GDP), the Fed is raising interest rates forcing the consumer to spend less, so the elite can spend more. No amount of crushing us will squeeze enough spending out of the economy, to lower inflation, as long as the government spends five dollars for every dollar squeezed out of us.

Print, spend and regulate policies lead to economic destruction. Moreover, they’re almost unavoidable in our system of government. The incentives are to tax, print and spend… the nation into oblivion. This outcome reverberates throughout history. To fight the inflation their policies inevitably create, the elite squeeze the little guy. Then they increase their own spending driving inflation up ever more. The real brilliance is that the elite make it so difficult, even to the point of literal shut downs, that supply shortages become a factor of doing business. Which, in and of themselves, will trigger inflation. What we have then, is an elite doing everything in their power to increase inflation, while using that nation impoverishing inflation, to gain power, permanence, and enrich themselves… how Hegelian of the elite.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment