Freedom Of Speech

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, progressives, liberals and post modernists only believed in freedom of expression when they were out of power, now they’re in power, they have no need or want of freedom of speech. Indeed, freedom of opinion is counter to their maintaining power and so is an anathema to them. We know this because of their actions. In the 1960’s the Marxist element protested and rioted to protect free speech. Today, those same students, now in power, have the opposite view and they aren’t afraid to say it. Which means that power is all they care about. Not stopping imperialism, helping the workers or uplifting the downtrodden. Now they are the powerful, we see their true colors. Today’s elite are willing to step on millions and destroy entire economic sectors, to create a global empire, for themselves.

I’ve heard that you can tell the character of a person by how they treat the waitstaff. Being curious I observe this in action and have concluded this adage is true enough. It doesn’t work for psychopaths who are on stage all the time though. Most people’s real character comes out when we believe we’re bulletproof. If we apply this logic to the elite, we can recognize their character by their actions once in power. If they maintain a ethic when they are both out of power and in power, they can be said to be authentic. Those that rule the opposite of how they demand others rule, however, are hypocrites. Their character is exposed by their actions when in power and they consider themselves safe. This is a pretty reliable way to discern good leaders from bad ones.

Freedom of expression is a leveling device. It helps level the playing field between the powerful and the weak. The powerful already have a built in advantage… the bully pulpit. If the powerful can leverage their authority into silencing the weak, then the playing field of ideas becomes utterly lopsided. An elite that are pathological are the most likely to operate this way. The insane lack many of the self limits normal people have. Therefore, a crazy person might believe that they are so smart, wise and much more moral than everyone else, they are not only entitled to censor others… but obligated to. Where a normal person realizes, by the time they ate three, they are fallible and have a sense of humility. That humility leads sane people to allow freedom of speech.

People who fear free speech fear it because they are telling lies. Liars always hate information that’s outside their control. That’s the essence of a swindle. Make the mark believe he has the wide view when his perspective is closely mapped out for him. That way he walks directly into the game, eyes wide open and thinking he’s in charge. Loose lips sink ships though, and a swindle depends on the marks not knowing. Given enough authority and a grifter can call inopportune disclosures, Russian disinformation, right wing conspiracy theories and distractions. Someone telling the truth invites free speech because when compared to a lie, the truth always speaks for itself. Lies knots tend to strangle themselves eventually. Especially if pulled tight by inquiry.

Those who demand of others that which they are unwilling to do themselves are called hypocrites. Demanding freedom of speech while they are out of power, then openly censoring others once they are in power, is a sure sign of a demented person. A lying hypocrite. Then to have the audacity to justify it by claiming to be so smart, so wise and so much more moral than the rest of the world, they are not only authorized but obligated to silence misinformation, disinformation and wrongthink, proving they’re crazies. Imagine the violent outburst that would have happened in 1967 had the government openly censored the phone system for political and medical content? Today, the Biden administration justifies it in court, then refuses to oblige a court order to stop. They’re so smart…


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Some say “Where’s John Gault?”

Others whine about the salt,

But the sad truth is,

The elite’s are a wiz,

Because none of their failures are their fault.


By their actions we are learning,

The currency the elite are earning,

The lies we must repeat,

A boy can be a girl say the elite,

And our civilization will be gone after the fourth turning.


There once was a lad from Delaware,

Who’s crimes everyone was aware,

The DOJ stepped in,

And hid all his sins,

With such crooks in power we don’t have a prayer.


Get us to believe in hot air,

Repeat lies that we’re aware,

A monstrosity,

Commit an atrocity,

Or so says the philosopher Voltaire.


There once was an executive from Wells,

Who oversaw the crooked elves,

He found he was a minnow,

When they tossed him out a window,

And why no one will ever tell.


Who can tell the elite’s true worth,

They manipulate to us death to birth,

From a tower of lies,

Deceiving the despised,

We’re ruled by the worse people on Earth.


The elite detest old style liberalism,

Unless they pervert it to progressivism,

It’s too populist,

They prefer a fist,

Because there’s nothing more elitist than communism.


Given time your family might grow,

Too big for the apartment you own,

The neighbors you rat,

To get a rent controlled flat,

Or so said Solzhenitsyn in the Gulag Archipelago.


There once was a politician in a den,

He ventured out not often,

Corrupt as a rat,

A good democrat,

That good old crook Joe Biden.



John Pepin

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The Solution To Inflation, War and Crime

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the solution to all our problems is simple, but would require the elite to give back some of their usurped power… and so it’s a non starter. A real solution to fix inflation, is to cut government spending, and according to George Meynard Keynes, aggregate demand will drop and therefore, so will inflation. Housing shortages can be solved by cutting the regulations that limit supply. Sadly, millions of dollars in swindled wealth would vanish overnight, so that can’t happen. War, the US could stop funding wars across the world. Like the recently asked for 100 billion to Ukraine, 14 billion to Israel and 10 billion to Hamas. Funding all sides of wars… like a Rothschild. Crime could be eliminated by fostering a culture of hard work, ethics and an entrepreneurial spirit in the children… or a virtuous elite.

Inflation is becoming a real disaster for the working family and retired folks. Veterinary bills went up 100% last year alone. Groceries are absurdly expensive. Housing is utterly unaffordable. Meanwhile, energy prices are near an all time high, with our strategic reserve empty for the first time since it was instituted. Someone has to pay for the wars raging across the planet. We would freak out if the government gave us a tax bill equating to what they’re spending. So they steal the money from our bank accounts and paychecks, by stealth… inflation. Even as the Fed raises interest rates to squeeze demand from the private economy to stifle that inflation. Which means, the Fed has to destroy our spending faster than the government is increasing spending… to have any Keynesian effect.

Crime is a function of hopelessness, culture and following our leaders. When your leaders are as corrupt as ours are, they lead everyone else to be corrupt as well. Once the aristocracy demonstrates that crime pays… only a fool would eschew criminality. Especially when the more power you wield, and wealth you have, the lower a standard of conduct your held to. A judge can drive drunk every day and the police will tolerate it, he or she is after all, a judge. Which shows us in no uncertain terms, that law is for little people, as are taxes, and the consequences of war, while the profits go to the elite. No wonder there’s so much war. Moreover, war, abortion and state assisted suicide, cheapens human life. Making it all the easier to kill someone, if one needs a coat, because it’s cold.

The affordability of housing is like the affordability of every other commodity, it depends on the ratio of supply to demand. As government regulation drives down supply, even as the government opens the boarders to millions of new comers, (illegal aliens) driving up the demand for shelter exponentially, an imbalance between supply and demand must occur. Then the Fed increases interest rates to cut inflation making housing ever more unaffordable. It used to be, the poor and disadvantaged lived in mobile homes, now they live in motor homes, RVs and cars… if they’re lucky. Klaus the varmint Schwab said it best, “You will own nothing and be happy…” He wants the rest of us to own nothing… so he can own it all. Exposing the plan, make it impossible to own a home, by regulating the price to infinity.

Fundamentally, the elite’s first priority is always to maintain power, second, to increase it. With those as their goals, society and culture can’t but fail. The societal problems we have, are a direct result of misguided elites trying to use law, and their monopoly on education, to control society and culture. Societal problems require societal solutions as cultural problems require cultural solutions. American progressives all but eliminated cigarette smoking, not by law, but by cultural means. Even as their attempts to eliminate illegal drug use, via law, failed miserably. Which shows the elite know how, but since they don’t, shows they don’t want to. The elite don’t want to solve any problems, that would lower their power. Fear, distractions and having to focus on survival, creates a fearfully distracted people.


John Pepin

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The Prosperous Enemy

Dear Comrades,

It occurs to me, who needs enemies, when you have progressives? We fill that role nicely. Obviously, we need to have a foreign adversary with which to apply the military, so the military industrial complex doesn’t go hungry. To that end we have to support our allies in Hamas, Russia, the CCP, etc… So we can exploit the fear of them, to manipulate the marks into self harm. We know we’re the good guys here, we do the hard work, make the hard decisions, and make others pay. Our judges have done a resounding job distracting from our democracy enhancing efforts. I worry though, election fraud is endangered by exposure to the public. Our mockingbird media lick spittles need to do better. Hopefully they won’t trip on their egos. So, in this time of strife… let’s be the enemy the US needs.

Empires were built upon the slave trade. Selling their surplus people into permanent bondage. The lives of people exchanged for luxury. Brilliant! The problem with that strategy is the slave markets across the planet are saturated. The price of a slave is two bits. Because of our open boarders policies. So we’ve gone a step further. Instead of selling surlpus people into bondage, we send all of them to feed the ever starving war machine. Far more profit than any slave trader ever made. How many billions have we raked in from the Ukraine war alone? Enough so we can all have a slave or two. They’re cheap enough. I fear this isn’t a sustainable business plan though. While the short term profit is wonderful, the extermination of this generation will result in less people in the next, to feed to the open MIC.

Fear is the key. Unless we can keep the hoi polloi in a perpetual state of terror, they could notice what we’re doing… and stop it. Covid raced across the planet leaving death, pain and grief in it’s wake. It worked perfectly. The vaccine was pure genius. It didn’t protect a single person from the virus, but endangered them all, with population controlling side effects. That some are still taking the boosters is a testament to our propaganda. The fear generated by Covid is wearing off, sadly. That’s why we needed to dust off war again. Since the Afghanistan debacle, Americans have had a break, so it’s time for another debacle. The Middle East has been such a productive patch of ground for our accomplices in the CIA, producing the best products one could wish for… chants of “Death to America!”

Our democracy affirming election fraud has to continue. Because elections are far too important to be left to the electorate. They’d make a catastrophic decision… and remove us from power. Plus, knowing their vote is meaningless, creates hopelessness. No hope for the future creates a demand for what we’re selling, tyranny. Remember, democracy is democrats getting elected, anything else isn’t democracy. Don’t let your notions of fair play, ethics or humanity, blind you to the light. The light of darkness. The quisling media, our best friends after academia, have been pivotal in keeping enough of the fools distracted, for our election affirming fraud to be effective, but some are waking others up. The Jan 6 examples haven’t silenced them. Therefore, more lawfare is in order, to protect “our democracy.”

To remain the enemies of America, Enlightenment principles and indeed morality itself, I urge all of you to support Hamas in it’s genocidal efforts. They’re doing the hard work that keeps us in perfume, power and household slaves. The Ukraine war had lost it’s punch, so we needed another war… to keep the war machine turning. Fear of the foreigner, terror of getting sick and of missing masked singer, needs to be inculcated into the patsies at all times. So far, it’s been a fairly good distraction from Biden’s scandals, the deteriorating economy, and Jimmy becoming Jenny. A distraction is only as good as the zeal in the people pushing the lies. So… be the good enemy, do what needs to be done. Because, if we tell you the name of the game, boy, we call it riding the gravy train…


Commandant John

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Our Times… Brought To Us By

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, what we’re living through… is people without a whit of self awareness, utterly stupid, without principle, inept, who stole an election to gain power, who think they’re the smartest people who ever lived… having and abusing political power. That would be bad enough, if it stopped there… but it doesn’t. The courts have become crooked as a spring and everyone knows it. No one, on either side of the political isle, thinks the courts are anything but political. Primarily controlled by the progressive faction. Law be damned it doesn’t belong in an American court. So we have a system utterly corrupted, top to bottom, with the checks on corruption themselves the source of the corruption. The solution is to send people to prison for abusing their authority…. not world war.

How do we know the courts are political? Because of the huge political fights over the nominees. If the courts followed the laws, the fight would be over the laws, but everyone knows they don’t. So the fight is over who will have the authority to abuse their power for political gain. Politics is now a means to get your faction’s judge a seat on the Court. Since all the real ruling is now done from there. Think about it, if judges strictly followed the laws, as written and intended, there would be no need to fight over judicial nominees. Prestige would be the only reason and is not sufficient for a politician to self immolate over, politically. Though, even a cursory look at the way judges adjudicate their cases, proves beyond a doubt, the political nature of the courts.

Do you believe people who are intelligent, self aware and thoughtful, would burn down a system that’s worked for two centuries and resulted in the greatest period of economic, technical and scientific advancement in the thousands of years of human history? To go back to the system that failed for thousands of years before, the prerogative of kings. They believe that although oligarchy has never worked in the millennia of recorded human history, it’ll work this time… because they’re the oligarchs. Could there be more stupid, un-self aware and ill conceived people? Proving them mini wits. Then again, we could look at the way they comport themselves. Senators, judges and representatives drunk in public isn’t a one off, it’s common. Our elites combine stupid and corrupt in an explosive mixture.

So the very checks and balances have become so corrupted, instead of checking corruption and balancing political interests, the courts have become the source of the problem. Because of the stupidity, lack of self awareness and immorality of the pool of elite from which they’re chosen. That’s how you get courts that claim they can’t adjudicate politically charged cases, because of standing, latches, mootness or ripeness. Anything that could expose the corruption of the system has to be hidden. Even as the Right to trial is denied Alex Jones. Only fools of the highest order would be so stupid to sully the name of the court system. The source of their authority and the reason people look up to the scum. Poop in your water well all you want, no way that could go wrong, or so they think.

Political courts, coupled with corrupt and stupid politicians, no wonder the world is melting down. Pretty soon… literally. The economy is in dire shape proved by the yield curve. We’re now in a two fronted war, caused by the advancement of NATO towards Russia, and supporting a terrorist organization thinking they’ll like us… like Hamas, and the CCP. Home sales are plummeting across the nation even as crime skyrockets. Prosecutors aren’t interested in controlling property or violent crime, their too busy trying political and thought crimes. Which has brought us the times we are living through. Tough times, brought to us by corrupt, foolish elites lacking any self awareness whatsoever. If the nukes don’t fly before we pry them out of power, and into prison, we can only thank God himself.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


One form of government is democracy,

Another one is aristocracy,

The elite do need,

A system to bleed,

So the one we have is hypocrisy.


Now I don’t want to be a conspirator,

Or promote ideas impostor,

So don’t be forlorn,

Get your popcorn,

Because politics all just a theater.


Your eyes are lying you’ll see,

What you know is not reality,

Too many of you,

You haven’t a clue,

So we’ll slaughter a billion or three.


There once was a bunch of thugs,

Who told us we should eat bugs,

Eating roast Wagu,

Too tender to chew,

The scum are as spoiled as pugs.


Canada used to be a sleepy place,

St Catherine West was it’s edgy face,

Lined with stripper bars,

And people living large,

Now it’s the government that’s become a disgrace.


There once was a politician from Delaware,

in his head he was barely even there,

so very dumb,

like a pounded thumb,

you can tell him by his blank stare.


There once was a monopolist franchise,

Run by people deeply unwise,

Defecating in their wells,

Because that’s what sells,

All the time Google was peddling lies.



John Pepin

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Envy, Hate And Success

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, one of the philosophical leaps we as a species have to make, to move to the next level, is to stop hating success. It’s a fundamental tenet of humanity that we envy the successful. Because, to the immature, the successful represent our failures. We wax resentment of their success until we wish them harm. All the more so if they’re an ethnic group we can single out due to some identifiable feature. Though, hate of the guy in our class who made it will do, in the absence of a hated group. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out how this holds us back. Look at the example of the Kulaks. They were successful farmers in Ukraine during the 1917 revolution. Lenin needed a distraction, and the Kulaks were hated anyway… so he fed the envy of them, then exterminated them… leading to famine.

Some personality types are subject to jealousy. It’s in their make up. Each of us has a distinct personality. Some claim that the Myers Briggs MBTI is a useful metric, others the enneagram system, and the experts now have reached a consensus, that the big five is the only useful tool. All systems however have types that tend towards envy. While there are others that lean away from it. Jealousy of a group seeps past this barrier though. Because it’s not individual, although the source is the individual, but societal. Since we’re enmeshed in society and culture, it’s unavoidable. The secret then is to think of a way to counter envy in the individual, so we can counter it in society and culture. Law is a poor means to change society and culture though… as the 20th century taught, and we’ve yet to learn.

Envy is perhaps the most corrosive emotion. Because it causes stupidity. People acting against their own interests to harm someone else out of spite. Does it get more stupid than that? The extermination of the Kulaks in Ukraine was a joyous time for Ukrainians. Those hated successful peasant farmers had shown them up for the last time. Lenin had trains pick up whole families, grandparents to babies, haul them to Siberia in the middle of winter, and force them off the train into the snow… to die. Who knows how many families perished this way. A few years later, because of a lack of food production, Ukraine experienced waves of famine. Millions of Ukrainians starved to death. Because they envied, then hated, and therefore had exterminated the Kulaks… for being successful peasants.

Socialism is based on envy. The unsuccessful’s jealousy, over the success of the successful, leading to people acting stupidly. Holding back the go getters so those without a whit of gumption can feel better about themselves. Even as everyone’s ego is ground under the weight of lack of opportunity. The whole operation amounting to a grist mill, grinding the work ethic, souls, and humanity, out of a people. History is unambiguous on this, socialism always leads to economic collapse, the moment the printing press fails, or other people’s money runs out. Then the elite failures, blame everyone but themselves, for their failure. Once socialism, the economics of envy, has run its course, it becomes North Korea. An unstable tyranny where thought crimes have to be punished more severely than murder.

If we could get past our envy, that leads us to hate the successful, the lot of Mankind would be drastically improved. Since that philosophical leap would get us past the chasm of hatred, envy and oppression… to the other side. Who knows what’s over there? You can’t know what you don’t know, until you learn it. No one in colonial America could have imagined what the philosophical innovation of capitalism would create, and we can’t imagine the wonders, economic, scientific and moral that we will experience over there. First we have to try our best to rid our own hearts of envy. Then we have to find cultural ways to rid society of it. That’s the key to moving to the next level. Our own jealousy is the red named boss we have to defeat. Watch the fire bombs, wire traps and eye lasers… Fight well.


John Pepin

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Stupid Ideas

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, stupid ideas have gone through our culture like wildfire in the last few years, driven before the sere winds of ad agencies. They aren’t organic, they’re imposed. Millions of dollars are spent to propagate them. Every night on the news we’re told absurdity after anti truth and expected to believe them. Each time an absurdity is exposed as a lie, it’s memory holed, and a new one is offered. This onslaught of foolishness leaves us confused, unsure what’s true, and afraid to say what we think. Our lack of balance serves the elite though. The befuddled are easy to manipulate. As Voltaire said, if they can get us to believe absurdities, they can get us to do atrocities. Which may be the end game, get us to act the mindless mob, destroying at their will. Following the stupid into stupidity.

There have always been stupid ideas floating around our culture, heck, all cultures have had to deal with them. Those that were organic, if not true, have a short life. Only those with a ring and echo of truth can sustain themselves. Since there’s no ad agency pushing them. They adhere by their magnetism, their truth proves them, and they live on by their merits. Non organic stupid ideas, on the other hand, have a life of their own no matter how absurd. Due to the millions of dollars spent promoting them. They’re artificial stupid ideas but are sustained by the full weight, wealth and power of the elite. That’s one way to discern an organic stupid idea from an inorganic stupid idea, the organic one dies out quickly, the artificial one lasts as long as the flow of money.

During the Covid panic, lots of “smart” people claimed, although face masks made it worse in the 1917 pandemic, they would work this time, because… science. Safe treatments were attacked as dangerous, while dangerous untested ineffective shots, were mandated as safe. We were told admitting the virus came from China was racist, and it couldn’t have come from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, that was a conspiracy theory… until it wasn’t. Fauci had nothing to do with it and the Wuhan flu couldn’t possibly be gain of function… except he did, and it was. All those, and a plethora of other lies, were shoveled into the furnace of public opinion. Fueling a belief in absurdity… leading to millions of deaths! Medical witchcraft is just one of the many artificial stupid ideas we’ve had to deal with lately.

Even when the ground of what we are told to believe shifts under us, like an earth quake, we still have to make decisions. When we’re not only told lies, but the truth is actively withheld from us, it becomes impossible to make wise choices. Therefore, those who lie and censor, don’t want us making intelligent decisions. They want us forced into making stupid choices based on their lies. Isn’t that the definition of a swindler, fraud or dirt bag? So, a government that engages in lying and censorship, like ours, is a swindler government. A pile of dirt bags. Since soil sacs aren’t known for their smarts, the governments of the West are clearly criminal, and stupid. They lie about everything all the time. Covid’s origins, treatment and vaccine safety is but one example. Anthropogenic climate change is another.

Artificial stupid ideas seem to be cropping up with ever greater frequency. Even as the destructiveness of those notions grows in magnitude. Meanwhile the elite are doubling down on the lies, censorship and outright oppression. Every time another devastating Biden scandal breaks, some AG or the DOJ indicts Trump, to distract us. The real problem with stupid ideas is that they come from stupid people, and since our elites are promulgating stupid ideas, they must be stupid. Which brings us to the sad fact, do we want stupid psychopaths, who think they’re smart, forcing stupid ideas down our throats? Because, let’s face it, those stupid ideas are going to end up with millions more people dead. Stupid people and stupid ideas, are more dangerous than evil or misfortune… as Bonhoeffer said, and I agree.


John Pepin

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Media Manipulation

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the wise among us look at every news story with an eye to understanding… the Hegelian manipulation that it is. Because every news story is intended to manipulate us. When our emotions are being toyed with, that’s when we know we’re being played the fools. The first question should be, “Why am I being shown this?” and, “How is it intended to impact my emotions?” The problem. Then, “What will be the consequences of my emotional reaction?” the reaction. Lastly, “Where is this likely to go?” The solution. Only then can the wise person understand what’s really happening. The news doesn’t inform, it manipulates. The media is a tool of the powerful against the weak. That social media flipped the script, is why it needed to be controlled… to keep us the dupes.

How many times in the last few years alone has the news reported absurdities with a straight face? Moreover, how many times have you believed those absurdities… until you learned better? Did you believe that the Wuhan flu came from a pangolin? A bat? A bad batch of soy sauce? Did you believe inflation was “transitory?” How about the trope that ANTIFA and BLM riots the summer of 2020 were “Fiery but mostly peaceful?” Then there’s the award winning, the jab is “safe and effective.” Remember that one? It hasn’t aged well either. Remember our best friends… the Chinese Communist Party? Not such good and close friends now eh? Of course who could forget the cover ups? A cover up is as good as a lie. Like the Biden lap top cover up by the intelligence services.

Those who can get you to believe a lie [even for a short time] can get you to commit an atrocity. So said Voltaire. If that’s true, then the media has proven itself more than capable of getting us to commit atrocities. Judging by the amount of absurdities the press gets us to believe on a regular basis. If you think about it, every atrocity that has ever been committed, has been based on a flawed notion. The extermination of the Kulaks, the Armenian genocide and the Holocaust, are all examples of atrocities committed by deluded people. Because if you honestly think you’re defending yourself and your kin, there is no bridge you, or I, wouldn’t cross. We’re human, that’s what makes the swindle so elegant. Once we wake up to how we’ve been tricked into further blackening our souls… it’s too late.

So here we are, the media up to its old tricks, manipulating us with cover ups, half truths and outright lies. The progressive side claiming, Hamas paragliding into a concert and slaughtering a bunch of dancing kids, is self defense… while the Israeli government says bombing a school because terrorists stationed artillery there, is the price of war. Everyone everywhere telling us lies, to manipulate us into accepting crimes against humanity, as good and necessary. Psychopathic manipulation at it’s finest. You would think by now we would start to recognize this. The media are liars who work for the dark side… on all sides. They did this evil so we need to do evil to them. If we don’t do evil to them first they’ll come here and do it to us. If we don’t have troops across the planet we aren’t safe.

Before you act, think, think about what the goal of the information you’ve been given is. Will the actions they’re manipulating you into taking… help, or harm? The thing is, even low level functionaries share in the blame for the atrocities they help commit. Don’t believe for a second that when a secretary of the Third Reich, who never even held a gun, stands before Jesus Christ himself, she won’t have to answer for her share of the blame for Nazi crimes against humanity. You and I are no different, we’ll be held to account for our actions… all of them. If we help commit atrocities, even because we were deluded into it, we share responsibility for them. I for one, have plenty of sins on my soul to answer for, without adding crimes against humanity to them… how about you? Watch the manipulation.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,




Our elites are people exceptionally fine,

Discerning Merlot from Bordeaux wine,

Instead of draining the swamp,

They’re living in pomp,

And stabbing us in the back the whole time.


Political Power…


The government outlaws a flower,

If caught they will punish you and glower,

It’s for your own good,

Now bend over you hood,

But in truth its all about political power.


British Elections…


It shouldn’t’ come as news,

That labor takes you as fools,

They lie and connive,

To control all our lives,

Proving their voters are tools.


Unlimited Power…


Your protestations are cute,

Keep playing that broken flute,

Your Rights are hemmed in,

The people can’t win,

Because only the State’s power is absolute.




They’ve had all year to do their job,

Instead they acted the slob,

Gorging at the buffets,

Instead of passing budgets,

Now we have an emergency they’re out of squab.




Power begets power and more,

It goes to the very core,

Democracy is an act,

Because of this fact,

Elections matter not if the elite chose who you can vote for.


Election Fraud…


Trump is ahead in the polls,

And Biden is hated by droves,

Imagine our surprise,

When on election night,

Biden wins again by a nose.


Fourth Turning…


The world is now burning,

That’s something we’re learning,

Unless the heroes speak

We’ll continue the losing streak,

Because we’re in a fourth turning



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment