Mothman Scientists

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, scientists are like moths, they’re drawn to flames. “Experts,” as if the experts haven’t sullied that moniker up enough yet, claim AI will certainly lead to human extinction, yet demand we spend billions researching it. They assert man made climate change is going to kill us all, and are burning billions of tons of carbon flying in luxury, to stop it. In mortal fear of climate driven food shortages, the experts have cut the supply of fertilizer and slaughtered cows, which in the short term, will starve to death millions, but in the long term, may save someone… but probably not. Quivering in terror at the next pandemic, the experts do gain of function, creating artificial deadly chimeric viruses, to research how to make vaccines for them. A scientist and a moth were racing one day… into a fire.

If your worried about AI killing us all in a Terminator style war, why bankrupt us to advance the technology? Scientists, intellectuals and brainiacs of every stripe, lament the danger of AI. Some want a singularity to combat AI in their predicted human AI war. One definition of the “singularity,” is the point at which man and machine combine, to advance to the next stage of evolution. That path, obviously, leads to the Borg. Nevertheless, there are those that advocate for it. Because they see AI as such a threat, only augmented humanity can compete. These people see it as a race. A race between two visions of dystopia. In my ignorance and hubris I see a different path. Limit AI to a permanent subservient intellect and thus role. AI is like a chain saw, in the wrong hands, it can be deadly.

If you fear man made climate change is going to set the world alight, why burn more carbon to stop it than a thousand middle class families could in a century? Moreover, if the seas are rising, why buy up all the ocean side land and homes? Those seem to be absurd strategies. Unless the goal is other than the one stated. The elite are starving millions to death today, to save people in the nebulous future from possibly going hungry, due to climate change. Isn’t that paying a heavy debt, today, you don’t and may never owe? Of course, the people making the decision to starve millions to death, to pay for their ideas, won’t cut back on lobster tail, king crab or Wagu beef. I’m just a guy who wears cotton underwear, yet I’m of the opinion, feed people today and let people tomorrow feed themselves.

If you’re panicked about the next viral outbreak, why would any sane person create the next virus? Every viral outbreak in the last twenty years has been a virus that escaped the lab, SARS 1 and 2, Covid 19, and possibly this new virus, that the utterly untrustworthy CCP claims, is a rebound of natural diseases. Even as our medical elites have been every bit as honest, trustworthy and virtuous as a swindler. When Russia invaded Ukraine they discovered dozens of bio weapon labs run by the US. That story had a short news cycle. Apparently, the US and others around the world, are researching race specific viruses. The holy grail of bio weapons. Release a virus that only kills your enemy. Genocide by proxy. Severe consequences might help slow the proliferation of such crimes against humanity.

A moth lacks the ability to reason, and apparently, so do our scientists. If I were worried about being killed in a car wreck, I wouldn’t drive drunk, angry and speed everywhere I went. Then whine, how worried I am about my car being opened with the jaws of life, and my mangled body pulled from the wreckage. Eventually, moths will learn not to fly into the light of a fire, or bug zapper, but I wonder if our scientists ever will? Whatever the next nuclear bomb is, you can rest assured, there’ll be no end of brainiacs pleading for money to research it. That’s the nature of brilliant stupid people. Like Maxwell Smart used to say, “If only he had used his brains for goodness instead of evilness…” Since they lack common sense, doesn’t it behoove us to force it on them? With all our cultural force…


John Pepin

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Politically Favored Ideas

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, ideas can have political favor, and so anyone who wants political favor, need only advocate for one of those ideas. In the absence of any real accomplishment, ability or spiritual transcendence, promoting an idea with political favor, will get the promoter political favor. Climate change for example. Anyone who tries to prove climate change is man made, despite the billion year history of climate change on Earth, before mankind emerged from the Garden… will be bestowed heaps of political favor. Like Al Gore’s Nobel prize. An idea that’s captured the minds of the elite, by definition, has political favor. Notions powerful people want to be true have a natural political favor, and those notions that seem true, without any thinking, tend to be favored.

Political favor is the privilege that some ideas get over others. Occasionally because of merit but usually due to the elite’s desire the idea to be true or the notion’s magnetism. The idea of the nuclear family had a great deal of political favor a few decades ago, not so much now, since the elite favor the slut life for little girls. While the idea cigarette smoking was the smoker’s business, had favor, smoking was allowed, now the politically favored idea is, cigarette smoking is bad, smoking’s no longer allowed. Illustrating, politically favored ideas change across time and space. The political favor of an idea has no bearing whatsoever as to the merit of the idea. It simply refers to the privilege the idea gets politically. Moreover, the belief society gives an idea, is directly correlated to its political favor.

Notions such as climate change, socialism, and the transsexual absurdity, have political favor because the elite adore them, want them to be true and are captured in the Jungian sense, by them. Therefore spend gargantuan sums of money pushing them on the public, through media, education and law. Even as they censor any alternative message as hate. Meanwhile, politically disfavored ideas like free markets, individualism and limited government are lampooned by the elite as radical right wing. Evidence capitalism works is studiously overlooked anywhere the lot of Mankind is improved by it. Circular arguments become accepted as common sense for those notions with sufficient political favor. No matter how absurd they are. How else could the Nazis have risen to power in a democracy?

Advancing politically favored ideas is a sure way to advance a career, just as disproving a politically favored notion is a career destroyer. Compare the favor history gives Edmund Burke as opposed to Marx. Despite Burke being correct in his predictions and Marx being inhumanly wrong in his. Showing truth has little to do with a notion’s political favor. Ideas with favor are fashionable, and people who espouse them are fashionable, running in fashionable circles. While people blurting out unfashionable truths are considered crude by the chic. To the point the unfashionable ones get ostracized. Like Burke. Those who follow the official political narrative then, get the benefit of praise in the press, protection from consequences and payoffs. A strong incentive to sell out.

The system gives those without talent a path to success by advocating for politically favored ideas. The less intelligent and more ignorant the useless are, the more certain they can be and thus all the more vehement. Which is always appreciated by the elite. Then there are the scoundrels, who know they’re peddling a lie, but will peddle it the whole Tour De France. The one is stupid the other a villain. One thing is sure, boot licking for political favor by shilling a lie, is discrediting. Worse, it promotes a system where lies get amplified, and truth gets censured, in the name of misinformation. Those that grift for politically favored ideas then, should lose all credibility, and be treated as such. Ridiculed as the good for nothing scoundrels they are. That’s another strong incentive.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we’re seeing the effect of our cultural, political and religious leaders throwing aside the outdated American concepts of merit, work ethic and independence, for innovative new ways of living… privilege, laziness and dependence. The results are all around us, in our collapsing society. A society where increasingly, the simple things are failing. The elite can’t reliably keep the lights on anymore. That’s pretty basic in the twenty first century I would think. Inflation has devastated families, entirely because of the actions of the elite. Actions that every economic theory told them would create inflation. Then there is the dismal state of education in the US. Where kids go in, sane, and come out purple haired lunatics who don’t know if they’re a boy or girl. Effects that will echo through history.

A person can be quite intelligent and stupid, which is becoming more and more common. Folks with advanced degrees, capable of grasping the most arcane concepts with ease, couldn’t change a tire if their life depended on it. Leading like dogs, not knowing where we’re going they know they want to be in front, so constantly stop to look back… getting in the way and tripping us up. The brilliant stupid set traps everywhere they go, not knowing any better, and without a malicious thought in their head. Of course, there is the old Confucian concept, people follow their leaders, and ours are utterly inept, so what else can we expect? Other than inept corporations like Boeing, incompetent elites and feckless people. Being obtuse to the real world is a sign one is cultured today.

The pernicious notion of entitlement pervades our culture like a bad smell. How many people do you suppose are too proud to work at McDonalds, yet are perfectly willing to take charity? That’s an inversion of the old American ethic. Where, no working man should be ashamed, shame was reserved for those taking charity. Kids are educated at great expense to think the world owes them for the mere fact of their existence. Obviously, there is no more entitled group than the elite, following them is like becoming a title company. The constant anti free market propaganda is helpful in removing any sense of gumption. Why struggle in an arena that’s stacked against you? Better to vie for a bigger welfare check, and work under the table… like the illegals do.

We’re told by people without self awareness, that empathy is manipulating a little girl to sterilize herself, and humanity is allowing genocide. Our crime statistics shows it. Along with the complete breakdown of our society, culture and the rule of law by the courts themselves, there is our lack of outrage at the outrageous. It wasn’t that long ago, if someone released a deadly virus that killed over a million Americans, people would have been outraged. Had the vaccine to stop it, killed more than the virus, people would have demanded justice. Had an election been run with open fraud, that was covered up by the courts, the hoi polloi would have freaked out. Because we’ve lost much of our empathy, perspective and human heartedness, we’re cool with it.

Why fight to get ahead when the system is designed to keep you down? That’s why no one has gumption anymore. There’s plenty of ambition… but no gumption. We’re following our elites to be worthless, lazy and parasitic as they. The answer is to unplug from their propaganda. Most importantly, get your kids disconnected from the elite’s insanity machine. If private schooling is out of the question, then home school. Get rid of all social media. It’s only a system of manipulation. Teach your kids to have an entrepreneurial mindset. Since, “In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king.” Because, changing a culture starts with the kids. We’re at a crossroads. Let the progressives have their way with the kids, and the kids lose, get the kids back, and Mankind wins.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends, 


Helping the downtrodden is only what’s fair,

Unless the guests return hope with despair,

Turning on their rescuer,

Like rats from a sewer,

Then it’s time to throw them out on their derriere.


We elite are quite few,

We’re better than you,

With a flick of our hair,

You become unaware,

And whatever we demand you do.


The Great British people have to pout,

Although they’re known for being stout,

As the economy to new lows delves,

They have to ask themselves,

What’ll happen when the Islamist’s welfare runs out?


Hucksters selling a pig in a poke,

They say the emergency’s no joke,

Drown will we all,

Else die in a fireball,

Unless we accept slavery’s yoke.


This may come as a bitter pill,

It’s one we must take anyway still,

Culture is what it is,

It’s not made of mist,

So if you don’t defend your own culture no one else will.


Believe the warmongers want peace,

The facts don’t support it in the least,

Lies long in the tooth,

To suppress this truth,

The elite never wanted peace in the middle East.


Democracy speaks in a voice loud,

Lulling us into a docile crowd,

But there is an elephant,

Public opinion is irrelevant,

As long as election fraud is allowed.


How better to demote an yeoman,

Then to claim they are a subhuman,

Others follow along,

Scared to be wrong,

Proving themselves beasts by actions inhuman.


It happens all the time,

Someone gets out of line,

Unlike poor Hunter,

A blind prosecutor,

There’s no statute of limitations for a thought crime.


Hillary is fat and she stinks,

I hear she likes a little kink,

Crooked as a spring,

The ugly obese thing,

And she’s the acme of a fink.


When bureaucracy is big as a whale,

You can count on a government fail,

Doing just as it likes,

Then disaster strikes,

It’s always government that caused the travail.


They simply can’t leave it to fate,

Power’s too important mate,

A lie for disguise,

It maybe unwise,

And everything the elite say is designed to manipulate.


Maintaining a full frontal assault,

Everything is white people’s fault,

That’s what they say,

Demagogue away,

Entertaining us with a mental somersault.



John Pepin

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Political Possession

Dear Friends,

Its seems to me, people on the left have been acting like they’re demon possessed. Rioting, screaming, kicking, spitting, eyes rolling, complete out of control behavior. Like someone possessed. Though in this case it could be possession by notion instead of a supernatural demon… though we can’t rule demons out. One factor that could be adding to the insanity of progressive riots is the courts have allowed them. By allowing the courts are abetting. With the State paying rioters for violating their civil rights, by stopping them from burning down a historic church, the riots are funded by tax dollars. Encouraging insanity will get more insanity. Creating a feedback loop that drives progressives ever more out of touch with reality. Making them appear, for all the world, as if they’re demon possessed.

Obviously, (I hope) we’re dealing with people who’re captured by an idea. I understand that people can be so captured by an idea that they lose their minds. History shows this in full panovision. The absurd history of the Twentieth century is sufficient not only to prove the point but highlight the issue. That people can be mesmerized by mass media. How much more effective then, is indoctrination throughout one’s school years? People programmed to think a certain way, will probably think that way, even if it’s against their self interest. They become captured by those ideas, incorporate the notions into their psyche, and conflate any attack on those ideas… as a personal attack on themselves. The Bolsheviks, Nazis and Maoists are the ideal examples ideas that captured nations.

Insanity is held in check by a myriad of factors. The family, religion, culture and law are how mankind keeps us sane in an insane world. Judging by their actions, our elites want, else are stupidly causing, the destruction of the family, atheism, cultural rot, racism, law used as a political weapon, and to promote crime not stop it. Removing the obstacles to people becoming completely mad, acting on that insanity, and encouraging it. That’s how you get a woman praying outside an abortion clinic, going to prison, while pro abortion arsonists get off Scot free. BLM arsonists receiving little or no jail time for burning buildings both public and private, as well as iconoclasm, (tearing down statues). While the same “justice system” sentenced Jan 6th trespassers and paraders to lengthy prison sentences.

Of course, people follow their leaders, and ours are completely out of their minds. As illustrated by the above paragraph. Watch the top politicians when they speak. They aren’t normal. Then there are the constant reek of pedophilia. Like the Epstein murder in state custody that was covered up, the whole creepy John Podesta pizza gate affair that was deemed a conspiracy, and who could forget the fact Denny Hastert was a Republican speaker of the House for years, was a known pedophile, and even democrats kept their mouths shut about it! Until the story broke. In Britain there’s Rotherham. Psychopathic murdering pedophiles are not the ideal example for a nation to follow. Yet that’s what we have to follow. No wonder so many act like they’re demon possessed.

Look at the faces of progressives when they are stymied. The expressions are almost inhuman. People don’t get that freaked out when they’re falling off a cliff. It’s like, if the Jews aren’t exterminated so the poor Palestinians can return Israel to a desert, then they themselves will be trapped in Hell itself, for another thousand years. Look at the way the pro Palestinian rioters, BLM arsonists and ANTIFA fascists act. Screaming, violent and the looks on their faces tells the whole tale. A tale of possession, whether by ideology, idea or Moloch. I wonder, without limiting factors, like families, religion and culture, how are we to exercise those demons? Light has a sterilizing effect, on mold, bacteria and vampires, look it up. Maybe we should use light? Shine light on the elite, their notions and actions.


John Pepin

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Breaking The Cycle Of Integrity To Corruption

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, power corrupts, in several dimensions. One dimension is the individual is corrupted by power, groups are corrupted by power and power corrupts all over time. One of the most corrupting facets of power is it’s ability to shield the wielder from consequences. When consequences are shorn from action, there’s no limit to action. Perhaps we should set out an alternative plan to the UN’s tyrannical, anti human, and Satanic agenda 2030? Create a mechanism to inject consequences for actions and accountability for outcomes to the elite? Set goals for human freedom and plans to carry them out? Instead of being passive maybe we should become active? This is so vitally important because of the power of power to corrupt. That should be our first goal… limit the power of the elite.

Power corrupts the individual and a group so imbued. The powerful are protected, by their power, from consequences of criminal actions, the results of political decisions and even from the outcome of both. A person with political favor, a judge, senator, congressperson, celebrity, etc… can drive around drunk all day long every day, and the police will turn a blind eye. Worse, there are countless examples of the police abetting the behavior. Like Senator Galuchio of Massachusetts. In these cases power protects the criminal from consequences. US education scores have been falling for decades, even as the money spent on our public education system has shot up. This is an example of failure by every metric. Yet, has anyone in the system, been held accountable? No, they’re given raises and teams of assistants.

Look at the Ming dynasty. It was founded in virtue by a peasant uprising ejecting Mongol invaders from China. Initially it fostered economic, artistic and infrastructure advancement. Then, over time, as power was amassed, deeded and shored up, the rulers became corrupt. So corrupt they were overthrown by another peasant leading another rag tag army. Starting the cycle anew. History is nothing but the recount of societies rising in virtue and falling in corruption. Some of the most virtuous people have become corrupt once given power. Robespierre they claim, was a very nice man… until he became a butcher with a guillotine. That’s why power has to be limited. Once we limit power we can start on the next phase of our human prosperity, liberty and security recovery plan.

The reason this cycle exists and has never been stopped is because the virtuous don’t need oversight and the corrupt will not tolerate it. The corrupt will resort to every measure to evade oversight, consequences and accountability. Every one of their failures is someone else fault… the excuse of the immature, oblivious and psychopathic. Like habits cycles are hard to break. Breaking them requires great effort and strong measures. Some cycles can’t be broken without breaking the very system itself. Like the economic cycle of boom bust. As demonstrated by the Federal Reserve’s failure to do so. This cycle, the cycle of liberty to despotism, has yet to be tested. To break the cycle, we must limit the power of power, to corrupt. Which requires, accountability, transparency and consequences.

If we could break the cycle, there’s no telling how high mankind could reach. Unfortunately, that cycle is harder to break than it looks. I’ve proposed… a Numa or Fourth Branch of government, to be the police of the elite. Total, utter and complete transparency of all government functions as the default, any secrecy must be adjudicated first. As well as a consumer protection agency for the consumers of bureaucratic services. This would be a strong deterrent for government to continue doing jobs better suited to charity and the private sector. A Constitutional requirement that all laws and regulations be equally applied to government would also go a long way toward cutting the corruption. Yet cut the corruption is a thing we must do. Because, unless we act, we’re in the last stages of a collapsing society.


John Pepin

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The Slut Life

Dear Comrades,

You’re ordered to believe, the slut life is the best life for a woman, other than, obviously, having her precious little uterus ripped out, and adopting the persona of a boy. Motherhood and tending a home is the worst possible outcome for a girl. The joy and fulfillment of raising a family and watching one’s children grow up, being an integral part of nature in the most intimate way, is to be shunned. Hopelessness, sterility and loneliness are to be balanced with sex with strangers, wealth, and diversions of all kinds. If those fail, encourage suicide. Canada has the right attitude. They kill teenagers for having teenage angst. Very progressive! You’re further ordered to believe, mankind is a blight on the planet. Especially western civilization. Remember, racism is bad, so hate white people.

Little girls are to be instructed in the ways of being a sexual plaything as early as possible. This will put the notion of the fun slut life in their impressionable heads early. Get their hormones to do their thinking for them and half the job’s done. Once they have been with half the school, their options for matrimony diminish. Then we can manipulate them into being angry, at the all men and maleness, as the source of their loneliness. If we play our cards right, we can scoop a large percentage off as lesbians, taking away almost any possibility of having offspring. Those that become regular sluts can use abortion as birth control. That serves two purposes. It lowers people’s respect for human life and feeds Moloch at the same time. A win win.

Blurring the line between boys and girls, is a way of helping children understand they’re less then human, and even less then animals, since beasts know what sex they are. Mental illness is to be encouraged at every turn. There are a ton of kids that experience teenage angst, and that can be used against them. Everyone wants to become part of nature, it’s our job to make that impossible, and make it look like they did it to themselves. Let’s close the doors and make suicide the only way out. Our bootlicks in the field of psychology have done yeoman’s work in getting mental illness reclassified. Confusion of sex, gender and persona was a genius move. Now we have to exploit those tools to destroy ever more lives. The planet deserves no less from us.

Motherhood, family life and connecting with nature on the most intimate level is to be attacked. Use a little girl’s own mother as an example of how bad motherhood is. Highlight the negatives while ignoring the positives. If someone brings up a positive, attack the person, not the idea. Lay into them so vehemently, no one else will dare speak up about how being a mother, having kids and raising a family, makes a person part of something greater than any mere human paradigm. Allowing girls to realize being part of the circle of life, is dangerous, to us. The first two strategies are doomed to failure if girls are allowed to understand this basic truth of life. So vilify mothers, parents and families as oppressive, patriarchal and limiting. Make kids hate being in a family and they won’t want to start one.

By destroying the nuclear family, we’re reducing mankind’s footprint on the planet, and thus serving a greater goal, speciescide. With the rest of you gone, the few of us left, the privileged, can remember the philosophy, science and look at the art, so in some small way, the rest of you will live… in our memory. The planet will thank you, as will all the other planets we won’t be visiting, let alone colonizing and turning into capitalist jungles. We post modernist elites are the acme of mankind’s evolution. There can be nothing beyond us. Once the rest of you ball and chains, with your ethics and self interest, are taken away, we can become gods! Then all the suffering we’ve inflicted on humanity, not spreading life to other planets, and the loss of future generations… will have been worth it. Hail the slut life!


Commandant John

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Dear Friends, 


Mortal demons are a strange sight,

Always flexing their corrupt might,

Hypocrites all,

About to fall,

And so color blind they think black is white.


The elite have a problem with your styles,

It’s an issue that really riles,

They’ll fix it,

You little git,

Because there are too many white people on the British Isles.


There once was a judge so partisan,

His rulings came from Disneyland,

Without self awareness,

He ruled without fairness,

And people in his court thought they were in quicksand.


The elite don’t show duplicity,

Or are acting out in cupidity,

Lacking heart,

Playing a part,

The problem is their stupidity.


The British Elite hate British culture, history and people,

Feeding Tommy boy a plateful of treasonous treacle,

You to replace,

You have no place,

Because the elite loathe you and only like immigrants illegal.


The success of others often makes us see red,

Then there are those traitors who join them in bed,

Their win is my loss,

Now he’s my boss,

So instead of emulating it’s easier to hate them instead.


The Western elite have made a mess of the world,

With the deep wisdom of tittering young girls,

Set the planet alight,

And BBQ tofu all night,

Now it’s time to take power back from the churls.


We know Trump’s not a member,

Two impeachments if you remember,

There’s no one as dumb,

As someone in the club,

And living in the echo chamber.


The elite know how to lie,

They do it all the time,

One absurdity after another,

Until you go “oh brother!”

And they’re finally thrown out to the side.


Oh dear Biden’s been caught again?

I’ll only be pleased not if but when,

He’s charged with a crime,

And does some time,

But the DOJ will the investigation suspend.


The problem with wearing poppies on Armistice day,

It shows our leaders are worthless and their naivete,

They ban the peaceful,

Promoting the hateful,

All proving that the people the elite do betray.


The truth goes by and by,

To get it you can always try,

It’s hidden from us,

The elite to trust,

Though the elite’s first intuition is ever to lie.


For us to understand the elite is futility,

Since most of their ideas lack feasibility,

From the top down,

Acting the clown,

Because brainiacs lack basic humility.


The fascists have given up the swastika,

But not the worldwide kleptomania,

If your not a corporatist,

Your on their list,

Because the elite are waging war on America.


Politics is a swing and a sway,

Talk is cheap and doesn’t play,

Unlimited power is clear,

When outcomes appear,

But in the end it’s results that win the day.


The elite pass laws and regulations preventive,

The goal out weighs any cost inventive,

No matter the perks,

It never works,

Because regulations create a pernicious incentive.

Republican elites are rinos and stupid too,

No matter how much the people support you,

Elections flaunt,

What we want,

Because without a fair election you’ll always lose.


There once was a chairwoman named Ronna,

With impeccable breeding and political aroma,

She said with a wink,

Now hold my drink,

And across the country we’ll emulate Arizona.



John Pepin

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The Hidden Force

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, human beings are social, and social interactions are political, therefore political favor effects all human interactions. Political favor is the privilege that people give to a person, group or organization. It can be derived from popularity, power or position. Political favor exists not only in elections, but in bureaucracies, corporations and courts. Once you realize everything the state does, including the passing and enforcing of law, depends on political favor, everything government does, snaps into focus. That’s why gathering political favor is the primary job of a politician, a lawyer without political favor can’t win cases, and why a corporation is better off spending profits on lobbying than innovation. Political favor is the hidden force behind all human interaction.

One of the reasons we use lawyers is to lease their political favor for our benefit in court. A poor person has no political favor, and a poor person with a state provided attorney has no political favor in their lawyer either, so they are guaranteed to be found guilty. A defendant who the citizenry hates, has negative political favor and so can’t get a fair trial, bench or by jury… no matter the political favor of their lawyer. A defendants negative political favor can diminish their attorney’s political favor. In all cases, even where the law is clear, political favor always trumps law in court. That’s the reason we have the saying, “Railroaded…” Because the railroads had so much political favor in the nineteenth century, they couldn’t lose in court, no matter how absurd the ruling. We see it today in a myriad of cases.

Political favor affects your work environment. Hard work is one way to garner political favor, another is to suck up to the boss. Hard work alone however, even of top quality isn’t enough, if your coworkers undermine you. Like a barrel of monkeys, the one trying to climb out will get pulled back in, by the others. Meanwhile, the worthless monkey is helped out, because he or she is liked. Buying and selling is effected by one’s political favor. Remember the Seinfeld episode about the “John Voight car?” It was all about the political favor, that rubbed off on the car, because it had been owned by someone with political favor. Which means, theoretically, that John Voight would have received more money for the same car… than you or I. Because of his popularity derived political favor.

Government is where political favor really shines. A politician or bureaucrat with political favor can perjure themselves before congress, all day long, and the DOJ wouldn’t consider bringing charges. The definition of riot depends, not on the actions of the participants, but the political favor of the group they belong to. The politically favored even get better treatment from the bureaucracy. Do you think any bureaucrat would deny Barak Obama a permit to build a cabana on his property? You or I, on the other hand, might have to jump through a few hoops, pay a fine, and even then, just not get the permit. Because it requires a variance, and a variance can only be granted by the variance board, that only meets once a quarter, and they just met.

Political favor effects every aspect of life because politics comes into play in every aspect of life. We’re social animals, so society is based on politics, and lubricated by courtesy. Therefore, affected by political favor. Socrates was executed, not for any crime, but due to a lack of political favor. I don’t like it, but you have to admit reality, even if it isn’t to your liking. Now that we’ve loosely defined political favor, how will we react? Gather all the political favor we can, like the elite, and use it to get away with molesting kids? Maybe we could try to change mankind’s nature, like Marxists, to suit our preference? Perhaps instead, we could add the knowledge to our understanding, then apply it when viewing events. To better understand, and put them in context, so we can act in our own self interest.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Legitimate Government

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there are several ways to discern if a state is legitimate or not. The first and primary is, does the state work for the benefit of the entire population, or a segment of it? The second is, does the state have the actual consent of the governed? The third is, do the elite follow the dictates of the Constitution to the letter? Finally, is the state or any of its elites above its own law? If any of these questions are answered incorrectly, that state is illegitimate. A government that violates any of these dictums is effectively a criminal state. The people have an obligation to overthrow a criminal state in favor of a state that will follow all of these legitimizing orders. The problem is, almost all governments violate several of these requirements, if not all, an are effectively police states today.

Since the time of Aristotle, the idea that the legitimacy of a state, rested on its ruling for the benefit of all the people. In his Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle broke “right” forms of government from “wrong” forms of government. A right government, such as monarchy, aristocracy or polity, contrasted to wrong forms of government, like tyranny, oligarchy and democracy. The distinction being, the right forms rule for the benefit of everyone, while the wrong forms rule for the benefit of the rulers. Simply put, a government that rules for the benefit of a segment of the population, and not the whole of the people, is a criminal enterprise. It’s a swindle. Thrasymachus said, the people are marks, and it looks like he was right. Moreover, those that rule in such a way are hypocrites.

Democracy is often confused with polity. They seem to have the same meaning. The distinction however is important. In democracy, everyone votes for their own narrow self interest. While in polity, people vote for the best interests of the whole of the nation. Someone smarter than me once said, democracy will work until the people realize they can vote themselves largess from the treasury, then it can’t but fail. That phrase highlights the difference between polity and democracy. That’s why the US founding fathers set up a republic. To balance the forces of democracy, oligarchy and tyranny, so that the state wouldn’t become a wrong form, while maintaining the consent of the governed. With mail in voting, consent can be conjured up, as a phantasm, demon or a narrative.

An elite that can’t follow its own constitution is an elite that’s too criminal to run register, let alone run a nation… or the world. People arrogant, self righteous and utterly lacking self awareness, are the dross that rises to the top of any political institution. They’re the same people who sentence a youth to prison for a DUI, and have to be put to bed by the police every night, because they’re driving around hammered. Like dozens of judges, senators and other elites across our great nations. A state run by criminals incapable of following a constitution’s limitations, let alone those who can’t even follow their own laws, hypocrites of the highest order, will create oligarchies, that will devolve to tyranny sooner or later. A state in violation of its constitution is illegitimate by definition.

Power attracts scum like a magnet does iron filings. Every capital city across the planet buzzes with shoo flies. Parasites seeking to exploit the power of the state to their personal ends. Bending the state to a wrong form. People who are more inclined to work for their largess, aren’t attracted to power, but opportunity. In capital cities, the only opportunity is to suck up to power. That’s why nearly every state is illegitimate today. Almost none if any serve the people, few have the actual consent of the governed, I don’t know of a government today that follows its constitution, while the elite are everywhere above their own laws. Which means hen’s teeth are more common than legitimate governments. By this measure, perhaps Iceland, Singapore or Andorra are legitimate? Maybe… but probably not.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment