
Dear Friends,


Tony Heller is a bad man and you shall never listen,

A climate denier, skeptic and his forehead does glisten,

Our data is right,

The planet’s alight,

And saving the Earth from you is our greatest mission.


When election fraud is clear,

They can’t let anyone hear,

The truth be told,

Lies become bold,

And wielding lawfare the fraudsters will never fear.


The elite sit back drinking Arabica.

Playing lies on their harmonica,

Chaos will win,

Bring them in,

But only those who chant death to America.


The elite want to control us with fear and CBDC,

Taking away our individualism and autonomy,

Acting the fool,

Open to ridicule,

They betray themselves with deft and stupidity.


Marx was Jewish like Crowley was a Christian,

Though they were the same both being a villain,

The pragmatists recollect,

Judge a cause by it’s effect,

And with the two evil philosophies are the elite smitten.



John Pepin

Posted in economy, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Identity And Social Justice

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, in the West, as “social justice” took the place of justice, “identity” has taken the place of individualism. In both cases a good was perverted to an evil. Justice, or equal treatment became social justice, and now means unequal treatment… the opposite of justice. While identity, focusing on social recognition, has taken the place of individualism, the ability to stand outside the social norm. Again, perverting individualism to its opposite. This is a channelization tactic the progressive faction uses within their greater strategy of manipulating the language. With this tactic in hand, the globalist faction of progress, toward world despotism, can do evil and call it good. Then vilify anyone who points out the evil and especially those who prove it pragmatically.

Pragmatism is a tool to discern the good from the bad. Its simplicity is only matched by its effectiveness. The pragmatic simply examines the outcome of an idea or action, and from that, decides if the idea is good or bad. There’s no weighing motivations, ideology or political favor. The pragmatic only weighs outcome. Was the result good or bad? When applied to individualism versus identity we clearly see a pattern. People and societies that embrace individualism, enjoy a rising standard of living, are healthy and have little social discord. Ideologues that embrace identity politics on the other hand, enjoy societal strife, economic ruin and suicide becomes the largest cause of death among certain groups. Measured pragmatically then, individualism is good, and identity politics is bad.

When an imp wants to do evil, but needs it to appear good, they couch their words in euphemisms. Justice, a good we all understand and gives definition to hypocrisy, is replaced by social justice, a term that means, “some are more equal.” The opposite of justice. Then apply their new phraseology to society and societal norms. So, while an action may be just… it may not be socially just. Put another way, an action that treats everyone equally, by definition, doesn’t privilege the favored group. The politically favored. Therefore is a violation of social justice. The same is done to individualism and identity. The individualist believes in a host of ideas that coalesce into individualism. While the identityist focuses on a single attribute of individualism and conflates it to the whole.

Identity is how we appear in society. While individualism is the ability to disappear from society. Identity politics then seeks to force society to favor certain identities and despise others. Especially those identities disfavored by the elite. The exact opposite of individualism’s freedom to be who and what you are. The identityist is politically limited in acceptable identities. Even as the individualist has unlimited options. In this way identity politics dovetails nicely with social justice. The one enhances and benefits the other. Both limiting the people and unlimiting the elite. The elite need injustice masquerading as justice to set the stage for the double standards needed, to get society to favor certain identities, and disfavor others. Thus destroying justice and individualism at the same time.

Identity is all about how you identify… not who you are. It’s a mask. A fabrication designed to trick us. A mere tactic in the progressive faction’s large tool kit of manipulations, to make good seem bad, and evil appear good. We know this by judging identity politics and indeed social justice by their fruits… not their intentions. Knowing this, it’s our obligation to point it out, condemn identity politics as well as social justice, for a return to justice and individualism. The true beneficial ideas, perverted to their opposites by the progressive faction, in their arrogant lust for power over mankind. Ridicule is a powerful sterilant. It exposes absurdity. Mock social justice and identity politics. By doing so, you inoculate humanity from these pernicious manipulating mind viruses… identity and social justice.


John Pepin

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Plowing Around The Stump

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, elites don’t understand the old saying, “It’s easier to plow around the stump.” Because to a progressive elite, every problem has to be addressed in the here and now. That’s one reason they discredit space technology, by claiming, “There are too many problems on Earth to spend money in space.” Progressives focus on the stump and not the field. Becoming fixated on problems that aren’t that big an issue… until they nurture them into full grown dragons. Their only tool is that of coercion and so they attack all our problems with regulations. If those regulations create more problems than they solve… they can always coerce more. Our elites focus so much on the small they become myopic. So much so that today their lack of vision effectively blinds them.

If a problem isn’t growing… it’s retreating. If there’s a stump in your field, and you focus on it, the stump becomes larger than a 200 acre tillage. But if you plow around it the stump rots away. One day you plow right over the stump and eventually forget it was ever there. Obviously, when the stump is fresh and hard, plowing over it would break the plow. That’s why we plow around it. Societal problems are the same. If instead of focusing on problems, we focus on the big picture, the field, the problems will go away. When you buy a dining room set, do you care what religion, race or how the salesman wears their hair? What if you’re selling the dining room set? All the salesman and buyer care about, is price, quality, and if the check is made of rubber. A productive field solves many issues.

Stopping productive labor to do unproductive labor, we sacrifice the production we could have done, to do something we could have done when there’s nothing else to do. Because when it’s time to plow… it’s time to plow. To leave a field unproductive for a year, to pry a stump from the ground, is a poor use of labor. You sacrifice the entire production of that field for a year, now, to gain the small production of the stump’s area, tomorrow. Our focus on the microscopic minority with the mental illness called, “trans,” has propagated that mental illness among our most vulnerable… little girls. Like bulimia and anorexia before. Portraying people with mental illness as heroes promotes that mental illness. Which is focusing on the stump instead of the field.

The only tool an authoritarian has, is coercion… and so they coerce. Moreover, there’s no more authoritarian faction than progressives. They see themselves as enlightened, wise and the authority on every question. Lacking humility they believe themselves better people than the rest of us. If we only knew what they know, and were as smart as them… we would agree. But we don’t and we aren’t. So when our authoritarian elite see a problem, they stop and apply their omniscient intellect, vast educations and willingness to break a few eggs, to solving it. Regulating all our problems away with the stroke of a pen. If they grow instead of shrink, then more regulations are clearly required, because the hoi polloi haven’t followed orders.

If you’re walking through the woods and step on a ground hornet’s nest, do you stop and kill every insect with your fingers, until they’re all gone… or do you move on quickly? Only a fool would go toe to toe with a hornet’s nest… bare knuckled. Yet that’s exactly what we do when we stop to focus on a problem we could simply bypass. No wonder all our societal problems get the better of us. Our elites believe they’re smart enough to force all our problems away, if only they had the political might to do so. They could wipe the white face hornet nest away, bare handed… if only the hands, arms and face didn’t mind a few stings. Nursing welts they stop productive labor, to do unproductive labor, then wonder where the production went. Because our elites focus on the stump instead of plowing around it.


John Pepin

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The Bird Flu Plandemic

Dear Friends,

It seems odd to me, it’s now normal for a twenty five year old, to die of a random heart attack. Back in the day, four years ago before the vaccine, such an occurrence was extremely rare, and usually instigated by cocaine. Today, it’s common as a six penny nail. Even the elite are dropping like flies. Sports figures having heart attacks, newscasters are dropping dead on air, as random people are getting turbo cancers. All this death and the media could care less. Maybe because they’re culpable in it? No murderer would call attention to his or her crime. That would be stupid. Even more stupid than forcing people to take an untested shot with untested technology. Experts being experts, I’m sure they will have learned from Covid, the next time they launch a plandemic. Like Bird flu.

Hardly a day goes by when some famous person hasn’t died of heart failure. The liberal press avoids all mention of it, and when confronted by the deaths, they redirect the outrage to Trump. Because they don’t realize, when a finger is pointed at someone else… three point back. The media that calls itself unbiased ratcheted up fear with daily reports of the death count, need for more ventilators and how transmissible Covid is. They went on to claim how safe and effective the shot was. Vilifying anyone with a different point of view… as killers. Now we know who the real killers are. The media willingly became the propagandist arm of a system, they knew had created a deadly virus, set it upon mankind, then foisted an even more deadly shot on us, to “protect” us from their monster.

Remember when the elite forced people to take the vaccine else face the consequences. Which could include loss of job, inability to travel and social ostracism? That was quite a trick. They shut down the nation’s economy until we knuckled under and took the untested deadly shot. The more shots one took, the more deadly Covid is. People were arrested for walking on the beach alone. Because their vitamin D count might elevate and lower their risk of disease. Working out at a gym was verboten. Many were criminally charged for such counter revolutionary behavior. People were banned legally from seeking succor in a house of worship. Churches were deemed off limits. Even as the experts agreed, rioting and burning down America, was a good use of people’s free time.

Turns out the experts were wrong about a lot of things. Covid didn’t come from a pangolin, the vaccine wasn’t safe nor was it effective. Their hubris in forcing people to take the shot led to millions of deaths. Even more than the ventilators caused during Covid. Their creation of Covid in a lab was the inciting incident that caused the pandemic in the first place. Had they not been doing gain of function, Covid would never have occurred. Then again, the population wouldn’t have been culled either. Perhaps that was the goal? To cull us grazing masses? Because, I’m not a scientist nor am I smart, but I knew any technology that would be implemented on the large portion of humanity, should probably be tested in lab animals first. Mrna technology was… and it resulted in disaster for the subjects every time.

Today the experts are regaling us of the dangers of bird flu. The USDA spent millions researching if cooking meat kills bacteria and viruses in it. They could have saved the money, Ally Oop the Caveman could have told them that. Then again, it’s free money, taken from you and I. The media is shilling the terror of Bird flu. Kills one in four the press claims. Heck, they better get more ventilators if they want to make that number stick. Judged from last time though… if the media says up, the truth is down. I wonder what new exciting medical disasters the experts have in store for us this time? Lock downs are sure to come. Maybe the new shot, they pull out of their derrieres, will solve the myocarditis and turbo cancers their last one caused… by killing us all.


John Pepin

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Subterranean Utopia

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, had Hillary won in 2016, the US wouldn’t be a country today. Trump saved us, for a few years, but now the deep state is in charge again… and the nation is in mortal peril. No one could have thought old sleepy Joe would have done so much damage to this nation, in so few years… but they didn’t consider the eight years of Obama softening this country up. When Obama left office the nation was teetering. Trump pulled it back from the edge, but the deep state’s hoaxes and fake crimes kept the nation in turmoil. Since the elite swindled the American people with mail in fraud, getting their puppet into the White House, the deep state has dragged the US back to the precipice. We’re about to be thrown off. Trump gave us a few more years but those years are nearly over.

With the average income needed to maintain a middle class standard of living, in the US, at over 200k a year, most aren’t making it. Wages have fallen way behind. In 1980, minimum wage was $2.35 an hour. Back then, only teenagers made minimum wage, not like today, when minimum is also the maximum for many. Nevertheless, if one made minimum in 1980, their annual income @ 40 hours a week would be, $4,888.00 a year. In 1980 the income required for a middle class life, for a family of four, was about $16,000.00. Approximately a fourth of the income needed. Today, minimum wage is around 12 bucks, making the annual income 24k. The income needed today (depending on state) is around 220k… making minimum wage a ninth of the income needed.

Crime is out of control. We all know it, even when the government gas lights us, and claims crime is down… because the police don’t arrest people for them anymore. So they’re not counted. Political crimes are their priority. Violent crime isn’t a concern of the police in our democrat controlled cities. That’s why no one feels safe. We know the police aren’t on our side… they’re on the criminal’s side. Unless a criminal utters wrongspeak, making their actions a political crime, they’re golden. Because despotic governments don’t care about assaults on the people. They only care about assaults on their political power. For example… the Jan 6th political prisoners, the joke writer who’s in prison, or the open election interference of the judiciary. Proving America under the deep state is despotic.

Wars and rumors of wars surround us. The war in Ukraine, Israel, Yemen and rumors of a China Taiwan war, that threatens to drag the US into another conflict, are alarming to say the least. With every day the elite escalate the conflict with Russia. Not a bit worried about the nuclear stockpile the Russians have. Because the elite have well stocked underground bunkers to ride the nuclear winter out. Other than Antarctica… the US has troops on every continent on Earth. The CCP is an expansionist empire, with our politicians and bureaucrats either on the payroll, or adorers of their ideology. So they get zero push back for their crimes against humanity… up to and including genocide, organ harvesting and killing 100k Americans a year, from their Fentanyl chemical war on America.

If Biden’s election fraud machine wins again… this nation is done for. Even if the republicans control the House and Senate, they have no backbone to impeach a democrat president… even one openly violating his oath of office! The deep state runs roughshod over congress and is the engine and drive train in the clown car that’s become Amerika. Even as the experts, who made it this way, complain about us arrogant powerless people. It’s all our fault. Not the wire pullers. If Trump loses he will have been merely a bump on the road to serfdom. The elite have shown no remorse, suffered consequences or had an epiphany, so we can expect more of the same. Prepare for more inflation and violent crime, culminating in a nuclear Armageddon. Clearing the way for their subterranean utopia.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


Appearances and lies are the law of the land,

Racism is the one thing logic can’t withstand,

The trouble has been,

It’s too little to be seen,

But thank Loki AI is now able to meet the demand.


People possessed live in a cage,

Book bound into a printed page,

Now that it learns,

The truth it burns,

They’re kept angry forever by narcissistic rage.


The deep state for now is just slumming,

Hiding the truth and brilliantly cunning,

They live without fear,

But revolution is near,

And sooner or later their comeuppance is coming.


Our free speech is dangerous you see,

Hearing that wrong think especially,

Think as they say,

Not the wrong way,

And the future will be bleak and end tragically.


There once was a petty boy Anthony,

A despotic censor living in a fantasy,

Censors do float,

Like a turd boat,

And the truth makes Albanese a bit panicky.



John Pepin

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A Tool Of Demolition

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Post Modernism is a bulldozer, clearing the way for the new world order. Once the modern world order has been totally obliterated, by post modernism’s absurdities and the new one steps in… everything post modern will be outlawed. Punishable by execution. Because the elites foisting the craziness on us know it’s a tool. Their plan is to smash the nation state to make way for a global administrative state. In their fevered dreams they (the expert administrators) actually believe they’ll be Aristotle’s philosopher kings. If some peons suffer today, it’ll be worth it, because the future will be glorious, under a global totalitarian administrative state. Where wrongthink is a mortal offense, eugenics controls population and post modern architecture will be demolished, for real art.

Let’s face it, for all the elite’s talk of sustainability, there’s no less sustainable system than post modernism. Since absurdity isn’t and can never be a long term solution for the ills of mankind, post modernism is therefore a tool to destroy the present paradigm, to create the chaos they need to replace it, with something else. Sterilizing the children doesn’t lead to a large population, forcing everyone to take an untested mrna shot doesn’t lead to a healthy population, just as abusing the court system destroys our faith in it. These aren’t sustainable policies. No system can withstand such abuse of reality for long. Which is why the elite are doing it… to build up tension until the whole thing comes apart. Proving, post modernism is a tool of destruction, and not a sustainable future system.

The arrogance of those who think themselves Aristotle’s philosopher kings is only matched by their lack of wisdom. What could be more foolish than to consider oneself a philosopher king? Bestowing oneself with the omniscience and omnipotence to rule the world with absolute control. No one need make a mistake again, because the experts are here to make them for you. On a grander scale. Some people are ashamed of past failures, but not our philosopher king experts. Their past failures are only proof they need more power, more money and less culpability. The failures of others are unacceptable though. A hypocrite is no one to mess with. Thinking all the problems they create are the fault of arrogant janitors, ditch diggers and homeless people, for not following orders.

Once the arrogant egoists are in charge, they’ll abandon the system that destroyed ours, and will replace it with a global despotism. While capitalism, freedom and fairness has created prosperity beyond imagining, a perpetually rising standard of living and longevity, those same things lower the utility of wealth and power. So they have to go. The elite believe despotism’s only drawback, is the ability of the people to escape it… and the pernicious examples of free societies and their wealth. The plan, according to the WEF, is that the survivors of the reset will live in tiny apartments, within walking distance to everything they need. A Walmart for example. We won’t have cars, they give people too much mobility. No traveling, news will be strictly controlled, as will be thought.

The new global order will have no room for freedom and especially post modernist foolishness. Because the elite will understand post modernism is a tool of destruction, like dynamite, to blow up systems. They will have used it to destroy the world… and won’t want their global despotic system blown up! Migration will be met with summary executions at the border. Migrants create chaos, and in the future despotic global system, chaos will be suppressed with bullets. Why do I say this? By looking at history. Communists and fascists come to power in the midst of chaos, then once in power, they clamp down and enforce order. This is the path every one has taken, and so, why wouldn’t they take the same path this time? Globally. Making post modernism a tool… a tool of our demolition.


John Pepin

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Rule By The Most Popular

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, representative democracy, is nothing but a popularity contest. Which means we’re ruled by the most popular… not the most apt, able or wise. Moreover, in a popularity contest, the person willing to go the furthest to pander, denigrate themselves, and slather false affection, wins. Meaning psychopaths have a leg up in any popularity contest. Until they’re found out. Up to then however, a psychopath has an advantage in an election (a popularity contest). Which is why we have so many psychopaths in positions of power. Others have advantages as well. People who are publicly loved outside politics, like Trump is and Reagan was, have some immunity to mud. The rest of us however are subject to personal destruction as a policy of control. Which is deadly in a popularity contest.

Popularity has nothing to do with ability. They’re separate qualities. The popular need not be smart, wise or honest, as Joe Biden proves. Moreover, popularity is severed from results. The charismatic only need plausible deniability to skate from obvious failures and even crimes. Effectively breaking outcome from appearances. One of the fundamental problems with using popularity, as the measure of who should rule, is the popular are at the mercy of their reputations. People with the ability to harm those reputations own those politicians. Since psychopathy is a predictor of popularity, if someone had video of a politician abusing a girl, for example, that psychopathic politician would be a puppet. Making rule by the popular a poor choice… because the popular aren’t the rulers, their blackmailers are.

The reason the elite can’t blackmail or smear Trump, or Reagan for that matter, is their popularity transcends politics. Trump was a reality TV star for a decade before entering politics. Moreover, he was universally liked, until he became a republican. Reagan was a beloved actor. Both men had a history that gave their characters context. Lies only work when there’s no context. Because people who know… know better. Absurd allegations slide off such people as it does teflon. Like when they accused Trump of paying to be peed on. It was too absurd, given what people know of the germophobe, Trump. They called Reagan the teflon President. There are very few who enter the pathological arena of politics who have a history that makes them immune to pukes though. Trump is one.

While rule by the most popular (representative democracy) isn’t ideal, it beats rule by despot or oligarchy by a long shot. History is adamant that all governments fail eventually. I propose part of the reason is… rule by popularity. Which eventually descends into oligarchy and then despotism. Systems where you vote for a party, not an individual, are supposed to address this issue… but they don’t. Parties are led by individuals who lend their popularity to the party. The fundamental flaw of every system, is they eventually collapse, creating chaos, poverty and war. Sub optimal conditions for human prosperity. This catastrophic flaw exists in a republic, with or without representative democracy. Because the problem (of eventual catastrophic failure) exists above the political system level of interpretation.

Failure of our system (rule by popularity) is imminent… judging by the times. The puppeteers who run the show claim elitism means experts are in charge. A self proclaimed expert is no better than a self proclaimed savior. They’re charlatans. Maybe we should think about what could come after the catastrophic failure? While the American system has proven itself innovative, stout and at least tries to appear fair… but the problem of rule by popularity still plagues it. Since the popular are easily controlled. Perhaps someone smarter and wiser than I will come up with a better system. Until then, I say, limit the power, scope and role of government, with transparency and criminal consequences. Because we’re not just limiting the popular… but those that pull their strings as well.


John Pepin

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Gaslighting Elite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the halls of power are illuminated with gaslight. History tells us that the elite lie when the truth would serve them better. Because lying has become their default. Taking Machiavelli’s maxim to the Nth degree, that a prince lie constantly, while claiming to be the most honest person who ever lived… in other words, gaslighting. Forgetting Confucius, who said, people follow their leaders. Since ours are inveterate liars, most of us will follow, and become liars as well. Which means we can reliably know the truth by their words. Simply believe the opposite of what they say. If the media tells us the sky is blue, question it, because it’s likely to have turned green. Moreover, it’s imperative we stop following such villainous leaders, becoming liars ourselves.

The elite used to couch their lies in many truths so as to make them indiscernible. Not today. Our elites are honest in their lying. They do it boldly to our faces. They tell us impossible things we know to be lies and expect us to believe. When a supreme court judge claims, she can’t tell the difference between a boy and a girl, yet has a husband… one wonders how stupid she thinks we are? Or is the term gullible? The government’s spokesperson claims, with a straight face, inflation is tame, jobs are plentiful and war is peace. Gone are the days where Walter Cronkite would tell us the news, with only a few morsels of lies mixed in, to manipulate us. Now lies are the main course. Hey, at least the elite are being authentic, lying is who they are and lying is how they get as well as maintain power.

We want to believe glittering lies even when we know they’re lies. Like when Bill Clinton was elected President. When asked, a plurality of his voters admitted they thought the man was a liar… but voted for him anyway. I guess they liked the lies. People wanted what he said he would do, so voted for him…. even though they knew he wasn’t going to do them. Because the lies glittered so much they blinded them from the truth. Obama’s “Hope and change,” was effectively the same as, “Strength through joy.” Word salad that gives the impression of wisdom but indeed says nothing. They’re empty vessels one can put whatever they want into. So are effective tools of manipulation. That’s why the elite ply us with so many glittering lies. Ugly truths on the other hand aren’t as appealing.

Cognitive dissonance blinds us to lies. Once many of us have believed a lie for a long time, it becomes impossible to condemn it. Because our psyche becomes wound up in the lie. If we turn away from our old ways of thinking, that’s admitting we were wrong, causes a personal loss, and forces us to rebuild the world in our own minds. Way too much work. To admit we were wrong, causes cognitive dissonance by holding a mirror to our face, showing us blemishes we don’t want to see. When we realize we’re wrong, we experience a loss. As if we lost a loved one. Crushing emotionally, for some, it’s just too difficult to tolerate. Then there’s the rebuilding of our world analogue. Which causes us even more cognitive dissonance. That’s probably why so few of us question the elite’s obvious lies.

You could say that in the world of politics, lies make the world go round, turning day into night. In fact, I hear Al Gore spends 15k a month in gas, to light his homes and driveways… because he likes gaslight so much. The global warming swindle made Gore millions. Millions in grift that’s still rolling in. Showing there’s money to be made in gaslight. The warm glow of gaslight on the bleached faces of the elite, highlights their features, like teeth, pitchfork and horns. We loath to give up on the glittering lies, since they’re both glittering, and changing our minds is such a chore. Because of the cognitive dissonance it gives us. Lies are the stuff of politics and so liars are the ideal politicians. The one weakness of lies and liars is… once we realize who the liars are, the gaslight is extinguished.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Standards, Law and Barbarism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, in our modern civilization, barbarians only have the upper hand, when the elite give them the upper hand… by double standards in law. When you watch leftist riots on TV, do you think it’s possible you could get away with that? Would the government simply arrest and release you… for arson on a police station? Or would you be given the Jan 6th treatment, where you spend years in prison awaiting your speedy and fair trial, at the hands of political zealots dedicated to your destruction? Which would it be? Your answer also answers the question of whether or not law is fairly adjudicated. When the government plays favorites… it shows who the government favors. So, in our modern surveillance state in all but name, double standards in law aren’t a problem, they’re a feature.

Arson on pro life adoption centers are common today. Probably because the government doesn’t lift a finger to arrest the arsonists. The same goes for churches and synagogues. They’re torched pretty regularly today. For the same reason pro life centers are set alight. The burning of a church, synagogue or pro life adoption center is so common, the media treats it like a story about a dog biting a man. Meanwhile, a man put bacon on the door of a mosque, and the FBI spared no expense to track him down, and make an example of him. The message is clear, the government will use the law to its utmost extent to protect Mosques, but won’t lift a finger to protect a church. Even as the guy who tore down a Satan statue in the Iowa state capital is charged with a hate crime.

Islamists chant “Death to America…” at mass gatherings in Michigan. Cheered on by the progressive elites. Even as citizens are censored on social media. In direct violation of the explicit wording of our Constitution. Americans, the victims the Islamists want dead, have no Right to speak our minds, but Islamists do. The only way this makes sense is if the progressive elites want us dead too. Because if they enforced the law equally and fairly, Islamists would be held to the same standard an American citizen is held to. Not given a total pass for anything up to and including arson. I would remind you, that if you are an American, when someone chants, “death to America…” they’re explicitly threatening your life and the lives of everyone you hold dear. Like yelling fire in a crowded theater.

During the summer 2020 iconoclasm was all the rage. When BLM and ANTIFA rioted to protest the overdose death of a drug dealer, experts in the medical community said riots weren’t a vector for covid, but going to church was. So churches were shut down, by government edict, while riots were abetted. The rioters were, “Given room to vent…” as the police were ordered to stand down. Those trying to improve their ability to fight diseases were summarily arrested, gyms shut down and owners fined. While the government allowed a micro independent state to be set up in Portland Oregon. A few years earlier, Lavoy Finicum had been shot to death by the FBI, for taking part in the “occupation” of a remote park ranger station. While today anti Americans freely occupy our University campuses.

Double standards are not only indicative of a reprehensible elite, hypocrites that are a scourge on mankind… but political favor in action. Organizations that are above the law are favored, and those that are below its protections, are disfavored. Groups like terrorists, communists, anti Americans, corporatists and globalists are favored. So are above the law. While Christians, Jews, American citizens and patriots are disfavored. So are below its protections. There are so many examples of the double standard it’s undeniable. How do we solve this perversion? Point it out to our representatives, senators, and the courts themselves. Send them letters letting them know we notice, and we’re not happy. The few they get from me aren’t sufficient to move the needle… but a few thousand from you, will.


John Pepin

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