
Dear Friends,


Turns out window cleaners are bright,

With squeegees they stand in the light,

The experts blew it,

Bet you they knew it,

Proving elitism is naught but a blight.


You shall bend to the EU’s rules,

Speaking up is only for fools,

Defying’s a sin,

So take them in,

Or the oligarchy will stomp on your jewels.


Stupidity now walks our land,

The foolish go hand in hand,

Oligarchy is brutal,

Resistance is futile,

But only a moron blurts out the plan.


The bureaucrats yell shout and go around,

Saying things that are quite out of bound,

The elite do scoff,

So lay them all off,

Then raze the infrastructure and salt the ground.


The nightly news has become a laughing stock,

The things they vomit are nothing but crock,

Elitist shills,

Bitter pills,

Bringing in the Beast system and running out the clock.



John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Modern Bigots

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a society that gives special treatment to certain groups of people, is at it’s core bigoted. Special treatment is how you can tell which groups have political favor. The elite as a group always have political favor. Due to their status as elites. Others however can become politically favored. By acting as a group, garnering sympathy, and inflicting violence. A way to gauge the political favor of a group is to examine if it’s illegal or uncouth to call it or its members names. Anyone you’re not allowed to criticize, is someone who the political establishment considers more equal than you. Proven by their special treatment of that group and its members. Moreover, those members of groups that are called names by the elite, have negative political favor, proven by the name calling, by the politically favored.

To be bigoted doesn’t mean only to be racist, sexist or any other kind of ist… it’s holding some groups as superior and others as inferior. It’s group politics. The definition of the members of that superior or inferior group is irrelevant. As in the Star Trek OS episode Let That Be Your Last Battlefield. A bigot then, is someone who judges others by the irrelevant, while ignoring the relevant. Enlightenment thinkers pointed this out when it comes to appeal to authority, civil rights and the social contract. Appeal to authority is when we’re to believe the mutterings of a certain group because they’re the authorities. Civil rights is all about the rights of groups in politics. Then there’s the social contract. Where the rulers have an unwritten “contract” with the ruled. Each an example of group politics.

The problem with vilifying group politics, as the term bigoted does, is that there are bigots who desire to wield the power of group politics. So they do it anyway and gaslight us about it. Calling it protecting the weak. That way the bigots claim their bigotry is virtue. As they’ve always done. Meanwhile, modern bigots openly demagogue their political foes. Calling us the worse names they can come up with. The most privileged justifying their attacks on us as attacks on privilege. Even as they use violence to silence. State coercion. Used against their political foes while they call citizens the enemy of the state. The real perversion of this practice is illustrated when two politically favored groups go at it. The elite go spastic trying to pander to both sides and attack them at the same time.

Modern bigots use the law instead of burning a cross on your lawn. Say the wrong thing on Facebook in Europe and the police will knock on your door. With an arrest warrant. Because you called the wrong people names. They can call you anything they want, they have Rights, but you better keep your mouth shut. You don’t. The bigots in the police department will come knocking. In the US, a joke writer is in prison today, because he ridiculed Hillary voters as stupid. While a democrat posted the exact same meme ridiculing Trump voters, and she was lauded for it, not imprisoned. The law has always been the tool of the powerful… aimed by self interest. From slavery, to whistle blowers having to flee the nation, the law has always been the tool of the bigoted despot against their political enemies.

The definition of what’s a politically favored group is irrelevant. The relevant fact is that there are politically favored groups. Proven by the fact there are some people and some groups we’re simply not allowed to criticize, let alone call names. This practice has profoundly negative effects on mankind. It’s clearly not human hearted. Nor is it civilized. Using the law and manipulation to enforce bigotry is itself an evil. Plus, forbidding politically disfavored groups from using rhetoric, is hypocrisy writ large. Since the bigot would never tolerate any diminishment of their Rights. Bigots using the law and manipulation to create politically favored groups, will never go away… until the incentive goes away. The only way to derail the incentive is to stop obeying the bigots and call them what they are.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


When the left claims violence detection,

Warning us of the Right’s peace rejection,

They’ll start a war,

Riots and more,

But it turns out it was always projection.


The law it is now plain to see,

Is a weapon against you and me,

Bring criminals into town,

Double standards abound,

And the corruptocrats are busy as a bee.


Corruption in the courts have a long history,

From the monkey trials to Wickard’s victory,

The system serves itself,

Justice an orphaned whelp,

But graft only works when there’s no publicity.


The great race is upon us,

Excitement is just a bonus,

Who will win,

Us or the djinn,

And if the world ends we’re singing our opus.


We’re the expert few,

Who know better than you,

Take this shot,

With nary a thought,

And turn your rosy face blue.



John Pepin

Posted in Judicial Sysytem, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Hypocrisy Of Inclusive Language

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, “inclusive” speech is bullying, pretending to be kindness. The proponents of inclusive wording claim the rest of us have to use the language they demand we do else they’ll punish us… for the greater good. The term “illegal alien” is offensive to those who came here illegally. So they demand we don’t use the word, illegal alien. I suspect a rapist finds the word rapist offensive too, and so do the thought police. In my SEO plug in, inclusive language is included in the SEO assessment. I take great pride in trying to always fail on inclusive language. Which is one of the reasons I use words like stupid, despot, retard, half wit, fool, pervert, hypocrite, etc… to describe the thought police. Bullies like the thought police deserve our ridicule if we’re to be the least reciprocal.

We think in pictures, emotion and words. Experts claim the smartest among us think in pictures. They’re able to create and manipulate complex objects in their minds. Observing them from different angles inside and out. It’s how many engineers are able to think. Others have empathy and are able to feel the actual feelings of others. They use emotion as a limb. Then there’s the rest of us, who think in words. We all use pictures and emotion sometimes, but mostly, I think, we think in words. That’s why I also believe that the language we speak has a profound effect on our cognition. But that’s a different subject. When the words we can use are robust and wide ranging, our thoughts can be robust and far ranging. But when our words are hemmed in… so are our thoughts.

Hemming us in by controlling our words is conniving. If someone else controls our words, they control a major aspect of our thought, and that makes them our master. Take the example of illegal alien versus migrant. Both are true enough depending on the level of interpretation. They are indeed migrating so they can be called migrants. Which is one level of interpretation. They are also crossing borders illegally which makes them illegal aliens. Which is another level of interpretation. When we’re only allowed to think of them as migrants, and not illegal aliens, that traps us in the poor migrant level of interpretation. Closing off our ability to see them in a more nuanced way. This channelization technique controls how we feel about the situation, outside our own organic self interested interpretation.

Controlling our thoughts makes us slaves to their will. Taking illegal immigration further, when people who are negatively effected by illegal migration are forced to think only in ways that benefit the illegal, and to their own detriment, can’t be considered in any way human hearted, just, or reciprocal. It’s a naked self interested manipulation of people to act against their own interest. The way slaves are forced to act in ways that are antithetical to their self interest. Because only the slave master’s interests matter… or the hypocritical thought police’s. The yoke and lash is too obvious, and triggers many to rise up, so the scum bag despots have thought up a solution. Control what we say, and think, therefore control us. Brilliant… but evil. Putting the thought police in the same league as sewage.

The despotic thought police always call up the “greater good” to justify their usurpations of our very thoughts. Because the retards are so much smarter, wiser and dog gone it, just better people than the rest of us. Maybe not in action but definitely in the stupid fool’s own minds. No hypocrite who advocates we follow their rules of speech, and therefore thought… would ever submit to their own words and thoughts being controlled by us… for the greater good. Which is why refusing to participate in our own subjugation by the half witted thought police, is not only justified… it’s an obligation. Because, do we really want, stupid, half witted, foolish, retarded hypocrites, ruining the world through running our minds? If not, then speak as you want, or shackle and yoke your own mind to serve them.


John Pepin

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Wisdom And Stupidity In Action

Dear Friends,

It seems odd to me, that someone could care less about hunger in their own town, but are livid over “starvation” in Gaza. That’s acting to stop a thing you have no control over while ignoring a thing you do. It’s so demented it’s almost Satanic. To fixate people on that which can’t be solved keeps us from solving that which we could. You and I are capable of lending a hand in our towns, donating to charity or better yet, giving charity directly to those we know need it. That’s how we solve hunger. By grappling with the close at hand. But the distant is glittering, and since the press keeps it front and center, ignoring the suffering in our backyards, so it’s all we see. That our neighbor’s bad decisions leading to their poverty is no more damning than the bad decisions foreigners made.

There are problems we can solve and those we can’t. Wisdom is, in part, knowing the difference. We only have power over the proximate, the close at hand, not and never the distant in space or time. No matter how upset and motivated you may be over injustice 200 years ago… there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it today. You’re powerless because of distance in time. If you’re watching a live stream, and the streamer is murdered on camera, there’s nothing you can do to stop it. You can call the police… if you know which police to call. But due to distance in space you’re input to the situation is zero. It’s only when a crime happens in your presence that you can stop it. Only when the injustice is in the now can you stop it. Our power is with the close at hand and we’re powerless with the distant.

Bonhoeffer said stupidity is harming ourselves and harming others without malicious intent. If that’s the case, then spending effort on that which we are powerless to solve, at the detriment of that which we can… is the definition of stupidity. The opposite must also be true. Those who benefit themselves and others, without trying, are wise. How to benefit ourselves and others? By acting on the close at hand to end poverty, stop injustice and using our energy effectively… not wasting it. By this definition, protesting to stop a fake famine across the world is stupid while feeding your neighbor is wise. Because the one effects actual want while the other creates want by wasting effort. Bonhoeffer would be deeply impressed by today’s sophists. Like the press.

The media wants us to focus on the distant unsolvable problems at cost to the close at hand solvable ones. I suppose to keep them unsolved. If your livelihood rested on chaos, then you’d protect chaos too. No one willingly destroys their career. Even to save the world. It’s not in our nature. Which means, the energy we waste protesting global warming, famine among the overweight in Gaza and slavery from 200 years ago… the less energy we have to solve solvable problems. Protecting those solvable problems from the threat of solution. When Covid could have been cured by quick administration of Ivermectin, as the science now proves, the media, experts and politicians universally rejected that solution. For a pie in the sky vaccine, with technology they could never make work… and still haven’t.

Stupidity is harming ourselves and others, while meaning to do good, and wisdom is it’s opposite. Therefore, simply by acting in the world the wise make it better, while the stupid make it worse. If we’re wise then, we solve the problems we can, while paying attention to the ones we can’t. Because it improves our lives and the lives of those around us. While expending energy on unsolvable problems is emotionally satisfying, it creates more problems, and solves none. The elite won’t help in this regard, their livelihoods rest on the chaos… keeping us malleable, afraid and weak. Which is why no societal problem ever gets solved, new ones are simply added to the bag of old ones, and we carry them too. Until the burden becomes more than we can bare and society collapses. Which is why I find it odd.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


When someone’s to the left of Lucifer,

They often use spurious logic circular,

Willing to fight,

By gaslight,

And their motives are always sinister.


Remember back in the 1990s when,

Disagreeing with SCOTUS was a sin,

TV shows said it too,

Our opinions are blue,

But now threatening them is a win win.


George the sage praetor invictus,

Hearing only what he instructs us,

Telling the truth,

Is so uncouth,

Claiming honest reporting is journalistic malpractice.


We get along with our neighbors just fine,

We have them over to dinner, cards and wine,

The elite however,

Who know better,

They argue, fight and make war all the time.


Magically malevolent as an elf,

Hiding in the dark on a bookshelf,

Do not demur,

One thing’s sure,

Evil always destroys itself.



John Pepin

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The First Trump Assassination Attempt

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the Trump assassination attempt exposes the secret service, and indeed the administrative state, as the abject failures they are. The Secret Service failed Trump, the courts fail justice, and our leaders fail us. It’s a system of failure from the top down. Of course there’s the stochastic terrorism angle. Where the elite have been vilifying Trump so hard an assassination or an attempt was all but guaranteed. Making the elite themselves complicit in the attack. Moreover, the very people who’s failure and rhetoric led to the assassination attempt, claim to be smart and wise enough to run the world. No wonder the world is failing so badly, it’s being run by abject failures, stochastic terrorists and criminals of the highest order.

The assassination attempt itself was proof of failure of the Secret Service. Which makes them fit right into the administrative state, where failure isn’t an option, it’s a standard feature. Top to bottom the singular attribute of the deep state is it’s failure at everything. Look at the results of three years of bureaucratic rule of the US. The economy is a shambles, as are our Constitutional Rights, we’re in a two fronted war, with another front possibly opening up any time, crime is rampant, kids are dying in the streets of Fentanyl overdoses, inflation is wasting the savings of the few that did save, border patrol abets illegal crossings, the DOJ abets the Biden crime family and the Secret Service abets an assassination attempt on Trump. By ignoring warnings of a man with a gun at a Trump rally.

The assassination attempt wouldn’t have happened without the elite and the media pushing the “Trump will end the world” narrative. Projecting their own policies and results on him. The press has gone wall to wall detailing how Trump will start WWIII, destroy the economy and end democracy. The easily manipulated will find this rhetoric to be captivating. While most of us realize democrat rhetoric are just lies they make up to smear their political enemy, the insane don’t. They take it very seriously. Remember when the media vilified Sara Palin when Tulsi Gabbard was shot? Because on one of her campaign ads there was a target over Arizona. The press claimed she caused the attack by that ad. Which makes one wonder, why the Biden ads in Pennsylvania have been pulled, and memory holed?

At some point stochastic terrorism becomes a punishable crime. The bar is very low for you and I but apparently very high for the elite. Regular people are charged with incitement at the slightest provocation, while the politically favored can outright call for an assassination, and it’s their first amendment Right. Because in Amerika today some are more equal than others. Every night all night on CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the media that calls itself unbiased, establishing themselves as liars right out of the gate. Can you imagine how the deep state would have treated Julian Assange had they been able to tie and actual assassination attempt to him?!?! Then again, what am I thinking, in the double standard legal system we live under, such things are common.

This assassination attempt proves the elite are worthless and have the integrity of a pile of dry sand. By their insane rhetoric against Trump, open double standards and proven incompetency. These same villains claim to be smart enough, wise enough and dog gone it, better people… who should run the world without oversight, consequence or limit. They’re that smart. Yet, we’ve given the elite the benefit of the doubt all throughout this article, and they come across as the wrong people for any job, let alone to run the world. The benefit of the doubt? We could say this was an actual assassination attempt by the deep state against Trump. It would fit with their raising the stakes, starting with election fraud, then weaponizing the law and now… assassination. So you see, I have given them the benefit of the doubt.


John Pepin

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A Human Hearted World

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if we envision human heartedness as a house, it’s roof is reciprocity, and the Golden rule is the foundation. Reciprocity, or returning the deeds of others, is a form of justice. A kind of justice even a dog understands and is capable of. Reciprocity emerges in spontaneous play among children as well. Therefore, we can presume that reciprocity is a deeply ingrained understanding of a feeling tied to action, that we call justice. Before we have the ability to reciprocate the actions of another, often we must act. In that case, the Golden Rule should be our guide. Would we live a good life we need to be human hearted. Start an interaction in a way so that if the other reciprocates, it shows humanity, while if they don’t, they prove themselves cads. Then we can reciprocate appropriately.

The goal of everyone should be the best life they can have given the circumstances. How can we do that when we’re manipulated into following the goals of another? By being human hearted. Grounding ourselves in right thinking and acting has a way of focusing us on right goals. That was the basic philosophy of Ben Franklin anyway. In Poor Richards he often opined how right action leads to right outcomes. More eloquently than I. When we use the golden rule, then reciprocate, we’re using right action to get right outcomes. The golden rule sets the tone of engagements and reciprocation shows our ductility to change. Everything we ever get comes from others, so if we seek to get good from others, then it’s up to us to give good, and reciprocate, to be human hearted.

Reciprocity is an appropriate response in any circumstance. If you follow the golden rule and offer your hand in peace, then they try to stab you, reciprocation is warranted, or if they offer you a meal, reciprocation in some way is also warranted. Reciprocity allows the other the ability to reset the interaction to their way of communicating. Sass is returned for sass, as respect is returned for respect, no matter their station. Moreover, if you can tell the character of a person by how they treat the help, then reciprocity is the measure used. The reason I came up with the idea and term, “reciprocal attribution,” is as a way to reciprocate appropriately to positive and negative attitudes, that lead to actions. Including reciprocal attribution to inhuman as well as human heartedness.

Human heartedness is a translation of a Confucian term, “jen,” that I’ve commandeered for my own philosophy. Mirroring much of what I believe Confucius meant by it. But since I can’t read ancient Chinese, and therefore have to rely on second hand accounts of what he said and meant… it’s impossible for me to know, only presume. It’s also been translated as “Ritual and righteousness” and “Man to manedness.” In it Confucius highlights the right way to live in the world as he saw it. If everyone lived in a human hearted way, the world would be great. That’s impossible though because of the multitude of personalities. Some compatible with human heartedness and others incompatible with it. How to get the majority to be human hearted when some are incorrigible? To benefit us all.

Confucius said that people follow their leaders… in morality and in villainy. If we accept this maxim, then it follows that if the elite, the leaders, are examples of human heartedness, then the rest of us will follow and become human hearted. The same logic works in reverse though. If the elite are dirt bags… we’ll follow and be dirt bags. The trick then is to force the elite to be human hearted. If some guy is a dirt bag, that sucks for him and his family, but if our leaders are, that sucks for all of us. In more ways than merely being oppressed. Their injustice makes us as inhuman hearted as they… forcing us all to dwell in a house of horrors. While human hearted elites would put us in a mansion of miracles. It goes both directions, we can reciprocate inhumanity to force the inhuman, to be human hearted.


John Pepin

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The Coming Bird Flu Pandemic

Dear friends,

It seems to me, as ex-CDC Director Robert Redfield said, “We will have a bird flu pandemic… just a matter of time…” because the government and elite are working diligently to make it happen. We know they had bio weapon labs across Ukraine. That’s proven and admitted. Moreover, Covid was a gain of function experiment that escaped, or was set free, we don’t know yet. Then there’s the monkey pox virus, that the experts are doing their best to make more deadly, and transmissible. To protect us from it. Bird flu is the gold standard of gain of function though. It can kill a cow, chicken or person. At least it can, now, with the billions I’m sure that’s been spent on improving its transmissibility. I believe an expert, when they say there will be a pandemic, like an arsonist who threatens to start a fire.

The elite claim that they have to do gain of function to protect us. If they don’t create novel and deadly viruses in a lab, how could they research vaccines for them? Of course, they skirt the elephant in the room, there’s no need of a vaccine for a virus that doesn’t and will never exist. So the experts solve it… by creating them. If a few escape and kill millions, oh well, that’s the price the elite are willing for us to pay, to advance the science of the weaponization of viruses, er… gain of function. Billions of dollars are spent on this noble research… how to exterminate mankind by disease. To protect us from randomly occurring mild colds. The inflation for food, housing and clothing is partially a result of all that spending. No need to thank the elite, they’re happy to do it.

Since gain of function has become a dirty word, due to the millions of deaths from Covid, the elite defined it into non existence, so they can continue creating ever more deadly and transmissible viruses, for fun and profit. Fauci claimed in his testimony before Congress, that the NIH never funded gain of function… by their definition. Which is like a bank robber claiming in court, “I didn’t rob the bank at gun point… by my definition.” Both are self serving lies. The progressive faction demanded Roger Stone spend the rest of his life in prison, for a politically motivated perjury frame. That injured no one but Stone. Even as they defend Fauci for actual perjury, and his lies cost millions of people across the planet… their very lives. Hypocrisy at it’s finest.

Then there’s the vaccine that isn’t. It provided little or no protection, at a cost of heart enlargement, turbo cancers, eel like blood clots and strange diseases that baffle doctors. A minor trade off when you consider that Fauci made millions for his efforts. A dollar a human life. Not a great trade for the dead but wonderful for Fauci and big pharma. Meanwhile, the latest research shows that the vaccinated are far more likely now, to get and die of Covid… as well as cancer, heart disease, stroke, etc… But hey, Fauci and big pharma meant well, right? I’m sure if your well meaning meth lab created a cloud of poison gas that killed millions, then the meth you cooked up killed a few more million… the government would be as forgiving of you. Even your perjury over it would be allowed. Wouldn’t it?

Which brings us to the fact, no one has been punished for anything related to the crime against humanity, that was Covid… so why wouldn’t they release monkey pox and Bird flu on us next? A bank robber who’s allowed to get away with it… isn’t likely to stop. The villains have no motivation to cease creating ever more deadly and transmissible pathogens, and releasing them on us by stupidity, or malevolence. Especially when there’s so much profit in the vaccine. Both immediate, and long term, in treating the life altering side effects. Without actual consequences for killing millions of people across the planet, it’ll happen again… if not now. That’s why I agree with director Robert Redfield, that we will have a bird flu pandemic. Because the experts and elite are working diligently to make it happen.


John Pepin

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A Simple Rule Predicts The Future

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a measure of the barbarity or civilization of mankind, is how much is built versus how much is destroyed. It’s a pretty simple measure. A metric that’s easily quantified… but is it accurate? I propose it’s not only accurate, it predicts the future. It’s accurate because history tells us it is. Human history is nothing but the record of civilizations rising and falling. When they rise there’s always construction, and when they fall, there’s always destruction. The two are interconnected. They’re not concurrent they’re consequent. The obliteration of cities characterizes the rise of barbarism. Moreover, barbarians don’t create they destroy. Because a barbarian is the avatar of the toddler knocking over a sand castle. A castle carefully built by someone else.

If we look at human history from the earliest record of it, we see humanity rising and falling. The collapse of the Bronze age was one such event. While no one knows who the “Sea Peoples” were, there is agreement they were consequential to the collapse. Waging war on The Hittite Empire, the Levant and Egypt. Perhaps driven from their homes by climate change, because of their copious use of fossil fuels for smelting tin and copper. Else they could have been merely conquerors. Nevertheless, we see that the Hittites were ready to collapse due to corruption. So when the Sea Peoples showed up… they collapsed. While Egypt fended them off. The barbaric age that followed didn’t see much construction.. but a lot of destruction.

The future can only be gleaned close at hand, due to the rapid onset of chaos in a dynamic system, like history. But we can presume yesterday plus today equals tomorrow. Or a facsimile of it. Using the barbarism civilization measure, of construction versus destruction, we can tell where we are in the cycle. When the amount of destruction is accelerating while construction is decelerating, we can surmise we’re in the destruction phase, and barbarism is coming, if it’s not already here. If there’s more construction, than destruction, then we can presume we’re in the civilization phase. When in the civilization phase, there’ll be good times ahead, and if in the barbarism phase, poverty, crime and want, lurk in the future. We have to look at construction and destruction in the aggregate though.

Elitist theory, the theory I subscribe to as opposed to class theory, says that before a civilization collapses, that civilization has been hollowed out by the elite, abandoning their societal myth. In the case of the Sea People’s, had the Hittites been at their zenith the Sea Peoples would have ended up enslaved, instead of conquerors. The conquerors are interested only in conquering. So they ushered in a dark age. This is an important lesson. A force can be considered civilized or barbarian by it’s proclivity to build or destroy. Leading us to the vista of what their advance to power would mean. Barbarians usher in dark ages while civilized people bring civilization to barbarism. Civilization however wouldn’t be vulnerable to barbarians were it not for the elite’s corruption.

Looking at the world today, construction is dropping off in China, Europe and elsewhere. Meanwhile war is destroying Ukraine wholesale as well as parts of Russia. The Middle East is struggling to outpace the destruction of war. Even with their riches from oil. American cities are crumbling with abandoned infrastructure rusting in the rain. South America, the Middle East and Africa are and will remain economic basket cases due to their cultures. Who are the conquerors of today? The Islamists and globalists. Neither of which have shown any interest in building… only in conquering. Which means, judged by the measure of building versus destroying, the Islamists and Globalists are, and will, usher in a new dark age. With toddlers in control again, we’ll see if this scale still predicts dark ages.


John Pepin

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