Machiavelli’s Maxim, The People And The Aristocracy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we’re participating in one of Machiavelli’s maxims, being played out. That maxim is, given the choice, a wise prince will seek the backing of the people instead of the aristocracy. Because the people are many and thus powerful while the aristocracy are few and in truth weak. Our aristocracy are the elite. They’ve collectively decided Trump must not be allowed to be President. They connived to deny him his first four years, by the Russian collusion frame, the special council, and Covid. Our aristocracy have proven themselves capable of anything. The forces have taken sides, the globalist elitist faction has almost all the billionaires, the bureaucrats, mockingbird media and experts. Trump has the people. We are literally involved in proving or disproving a Machiavellian maxim.

Trump is in a mortal struggle with the oligarchy. They’ve had it good for a long time and they’re not going to stop now. Trump threatens to derail the gravy train, so they’re getting rid of Trump, even if it means destroying America. The elite have resorted to everything in their arsenal, lawfare, propaganda, piling on, the wrap up smear, weaponized special councils, and biological warfare. Maybe even assassination. With the astoundingly absurd assassination attempt that nearly killed Trump, and did kill an innocent bystander, we have to wonder if it wasn’t a deep state set up? The debate between Trump and the moderators was pretty stark evidence the elite detest the man. Even the most ardent Trump hater has to admit the elite have it in for Trump. Proven by their actions, rhetoric and crimes.

As popular support sloughs off the elite and to the populist Trump, the aristocracy becomes ever more unhinged. Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” Which damns the elites. If we accept this saying as true. The people are realizing they’ve been lied to. Oh, the progressives will always have their core of lunatics, who’ll march into the Lake of Fire right behind them, but most people don’t fall into the category of, “some of the people all the time.” So the globalist progressive elitist faction loses popular support by the day. Moreover, their lies are now having the opposite effect. Since we know they lie constantly, we take the opposite as true now, and find we’re right.

Selling what’s not yours is quite lucrative, and once people get in the business, they hate to stop. Stealing from one or two people can make you comfortable, but stealing from the whole nation, and its future, now, that’ll make you Rothschild rich. Like the elite are doing to us and our posterity. How do you steal from the future? By borrowing trillions of dollars someone else will have to pay back. Either in taxes, or inflation... stealth taxes. A gravy train leaves the station every few minutes loaded with stolen goods. Trump threatens to derail that gravy train… and that’s simply unacceptable to the thieves. That’s why Trump is in mortal combat with our modern aristocracy. They want everything, and he’s trying to protect the last of what we have, from them. He’s in their way.

At the end of these trials, and election, the aristocracy will go insane and call out the storm troops. The aristocracy isn’t done yet. There will be election fraud, alien votes and miscounting used to mitigate Trump’s popular support. Which in the past has worked very well. However, for election fraud to work, there needs to be enough votes to make the fraud plausible. Indeed, without a foundation of actual votes, fraud is insufficient to drag a bad candidate across the finish line. So Trump could indeed win. Then the real fighting starts. Expect the elitists to crawl into the gutter deeper and dirtier than ever before. He will need our backing if we’re to prove Machiavelli’s maxim true. That a wise prince seeks the backing of the people instead of the aristocracy. We’ll see if Machiavelli was right.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,

It seems to me… What do you call rule of the minority, masquerading as the rule of the majority? Bolshevism. That’s exactly what is now meant by Bolshevik. The minority pretending to be the majority, usurping the moral authority of the majority, so the minority can oppress the majority…. and call it just. People who resort to such tactics have the morality of a demon, the integrity of gypsum, and the trustworthiness of a scorpion. They’re fiends who’s power is based on lies. What’s the solution to lies? Truth. That’s why censorship is all the rage today. To protect the Bolshevik lie. That our rulers don’t represent the majority in any way. They’re social, economic and cultural acid. Representing themselves and no one else. Our elites are Bolsheviks in all but name. So lets truthfully name them.

During the October Revolution, the factions voted to see who would be the minority, the Mensheviks, or the majority, the Bolsheviks. Lenin and Trotsky used judicious election fraud, to get a minority faction, the Marxists, named the majority… the Bolsheviks. Forever defining the word as the minority pretending to be the majority. To usurp the authority to oppress the majority. Then he sent death squads out to terrorize the Mensheviks. Birthing Bolshevism in the blood of its political adversaries. Since then, in every incarnation, Bolshevism has washed itself in the blood of innocents. Whatever goal it offers is so glorious, it justifies any atrocity, the reality it delivers however, is industrial inhumanity. The history of Bolshevism informs us of it’s likely machinations today.

When a minority faction pretends to be the majority, Bolsheviks, they’ve proven themselves bereft of integrity. Then go on to pollute everything they touch with their fraud stained fingers. The fruit of the poison tree so to speak. The means taint the ends… if the means are evil. What kind of world would the Nazis have delivered had they won WWII? What kind of living hell would the Marxists have delivered had they won the Cold War? We can interpolate by looking at North Korea. Which is an ugly sight. It’s so repulsive the world community collectively turns its head. Which, judging by history, is what Bolshevism delivers, hell on Earth. This truth should be taught in every school across the planet. That it isn’t, is informative, of the agenda of our education elites.

Election fraud was the tool of the minority pretending to be the majority, then, and it still is today. The faction that opposes any and all efforts at election integrity prove themselves to have no integrity. They’re Bolsheviks in all but name. Because Bolshevism is synonymous with election fraud, or the minority masquerading as the majority. To usurp the moral authority to oppress the majority. Look at what just happened in France. They had a multi day election, so the leftists could reorder themselves, to counter the pending election victory of the right. In Netherlands, Gert Wilders won, but is denied a leadership role in government. The 2020 election in the US is widely known to be a fraud. The prosecutions of people who said as much are proof. Proving Bolshevism is on the rise globally.

Absolute rule by people without integrity, Bolsheviks, can only result in our suffering. Bolshevism leads to censorship, lawfare and unlimited government… to protect the Bolshevik lie. That the ruling class doesn’t represent anyone but themselves. They’re the very definition of the minority pretending to be the majority, to usurp the authority, to oppress the majority. Exposing their lack of integrity and morality. Logically then, how can unlimited rule by fiends, result in anything good? Historically, when has a Bolshevik government delivered anything but industrial inhumanity? Is that what you want for yourself and your kids? Let’s put our shoulders into it and force the truth into the public square. Since Bolshevism is based on lies, truth neutralizes it, like baking soda does to acid.


John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Of liberty and justice France is bereft,

Terrorism election fraud and open theft,

Totalitarian masters,

Economic disasters,

And behold the results of rule from the left.


Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder,

As the censors get ever stronger and bolder,

Censorship empowers,

Those in ivory towers,

And speech becomes a mere political soldier.


Of crimes the left is full of actions,

We’re a bunch of ignorant factions,

They’re wiser than us,

Having rode the short bus,

So we should behave and never ask questions.


Britain was safe prosperous and had optimism,

So the elite solved it by importing barbarism,

Stabbings at large,

Labor’s in charge,

And they’re worried about a backlash against Islamism.


The law is a system to create concord,

Double standards and perverts award,

Islamists stabbing little girls,

Is fine so don’t clutch your pearls,

Free speech is bad though because it fosters discord.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,

It seems to me, democracy may be a thing of the past, what we have now is corruptocracy. How could I say such an incendiary thing? Because it’s true. Across the planet the elite are clamping down on the voice of the people in their charge. Using censorship, lawfare and election fraud. In Brazil the newly “elected” dictator for life (or until deposed), has declared free speech verboten. I’ve heard it said that in some cultures you get one vote one time… but I’m starting to think, we only get the appearance of one vote one time. The new dictator is already chosen by the elite before we get anywhere near a voting booth. In Zimbabwe as well as the United States. In the US, we have a faction that requires an ID to exist, but not to vote. Then, with all the technology they bring to bear, take weeks to count it.

How can we have any confidence in the outcome of an election where the courts have ruled aliens can vote? What other country allows me to vote in their elections? Every illegally cast vote literally disenfranchises a citizen who legally voted the other way. That we have an entire faction that constantly tries to take away our Rights, and wanted to force us to carry vaccination passports, opposes any laws toward election integrity? I suspect it’s because they have no integrity. Democracy requires legitimacy, integrity and honesty. Lacking any of these, no one can have confidence in the outcome of an election. Which effectively, rips out the tongue of the people, leaving only our teeth. Leading to societal upheavals. Which may be the short term goal. To sow chaos as the means to utopia.

Democracy means nothing if the elite choose who rules instead of the people. When the elite choose that’s called tyranny, oligarchy or despotism. Not democracy nor polity. Democracy is when the people vote, one voter one vote, to make governmental decisions. If the people’s vote is massaged with fraudulent votes, propaganda and jailing those who question it, that reduces the enterprise from democracy to something else. Corruptocracy perhaps. Rule by the corrupt. In this case those corrupt enough to manipulate an election to gain power. A corruptocracy that has the perceived legitimacy of a democratically elected government. It takes the collusion of the legal system, the courts and a mockingbird media to pull such a thing off. All of which are wielded by the progressive faction.

In ancient Rome they had the Consular system. In it, the patricians would run for office and the plebeians would vote. The patricians could hold office but couldn’t vote themselves in. The plebeians couldn’t hold office but could vote for their rulers. The system insured limited government, and thus liberty… pretty well, until it was broken. Like ours. We had a pretty good system but it no longer suits the wants of the elite. So they’ve perverted it. When non citizens get a voting card to vote in local elections, but are on scouts honor not to vote in national elections, many do. How many non citizen votes are we supposed to tolerate? Mail in voting is an election fraud magnet. Proven in 2020 by James O’Keeffe. Nevertheless, it remains a vector for election fraud to this day.

It defies reason that it takes weeks to count the vote using digital computers and tallying machines. When it only took one day back when they were hand counted. Then again, the elite might argue, with mail in voting it’s going to take awhile to get all the votes in, then open them, destroy the envelope, do a signature match if it’s a vote the elite don’t want, then count the leftist vote. In Venezuela, Brazil, and the US. Because of the rise of populist parties in England, France and Germany. Europe will soon follow. Once that happens, democracy will be a thing of the past. Replaced by corruptocracy. Rule by the corrupt willing to pervert elections for power. Not only in third world countries, Canada and the US, but the whole world. Global corporatist elitism, a WWC… World Wide Corruptocracy.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the third rail of medicine is saving lives, and costing big pharma. Because it’s not only big pharma that benefits from sickness and death… but the elite. Who, oddly, seem to live to extreme old age themselves? Probably nothing. There’s no money in curing disease… the money is in long term treatment. Monthly income. Cure a disease and you get paid once, treat it, and you get paid for years. That’s why there will never be a cure for cancer. Well, there probably is, but it’ll never see the light of day, since it would cost the healthcare industry tens of billions of dollars a year. There’s a reason it’s more profitable to spend money on lobbying than R&D. Of course, I’m not a doctor, and would never presume to give medical advice. This is my opinion about incentives pertaining to our health.

I have no idea if supplements help, do nothing, or hinder. It’s hard to trust anyone nowadays. We do know that the FDA, CDC and WHO, are bold faced liars though. They lie when the truth would serve them better. Proven by the Covid and “vaccine” debacle. The lies, and censorship to protect those lies, were thick as tar. So we know who we can’t trust. The proven liars say supplements are worthless. On the other hand, how are we supposed to trust some hippy’s anecdotal claim of benefit? As the wielders of empirical evidence can’t be trusted, and those with differing narratives are shady, what are we to think? I try to cross reference as much as possible. Verify the hippy’s claims with empirical studies. Because, I’ll trust a hippy hopped up on weed… before I’d trust a liar. (Not that Dr Berg is a hippy or hopped up).

I’m pretty certain that exercise helps. In my anecdotal experience, those who have maintained their weight, and kept active, stayed healthy longer. The exceptions always being cancer and accident victims. Then again, you don’t see many 400 pound men racing motocross or riding super bikes. So in that case obesity is protective. Nevertheless, keeping active and in decent shape, is crucial to being healthy. Which is maybe why our kids are being told an obese inactive lifestyle is healthy. To harvest more profits from them. The fatter and sicker we are, the more money we’ll spend in the healthcare system. Doctors have yacht payments too. Though I’m not sure it really is in the self interest of the healthcare system, to remove largess from their patients, instead of tumors.

It’s probably nothing… that the uber rich tend to live to extreme old age. With few if any of the issues everyone else has. Like George Soros. Maybe they have the best genes, perhaps it’s clean living, or baby blood. Regardless of why, the fact is, they do. Not all the uber rich. I bet Elon Musk hasn’t been given the forever juice, like Steve Jobs wasn’t. Those who don’t play the game don’t get the juice, or whatever it is. One of my best friends since childhood was struck in the head while logging, and the blow triggered an aneurysm. The same time, an old wealthy politician had a stroke, triggered by a similar aneurysm. She was well taken care of and walked out of the Hospital. While Barry died a year later in a coma in his 30’s, due to a lack of care. Who you are effects the level of care you get.

If someone came out with a pill that cured everything and increased our lives to immortality, that person would be killed immediately, in an unfortunate lab accident, and the pill memory holed. Because such a thing would harm the elite profoundly. Old people are a cistern of knowledge. You can’t memory hole a thing if people remember it. You have to drain the cistern first. The elite want a diminishing population. Improving our health would only increase the numbers of us hoi polloi. Plus, it diminishes the utility of wealth, if everyone can have perfect health. Then there’s the loss of billions of dollars of profit from the health care system. For these and a myriad of other reasons, the incentive for the health care system and elite, is to keep us sick, stupid, fat, lazy, depressed and dying young.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


The State and media are happily wed,

We live rent free in their head,

Unpopular as ever,

So they endeavor,

To ban all other voices instead.


These are such heady days,

The corrupt win in so many ways,

They broke the law,

They got caught,

And now we realize that crime pays.


The wise elite see very far,

Look at where they set the bar,

Satanic Olympics,

Mad metaphysics,

Because they’re telling us who they are.


Bring in a hostile foreign enemy faction,

Then exploit the chaos as a call to action,

But those laws don’t apply,

To the terrorist or bad guy,

Those laws are to oppress the citizen section.


Oh that before we all knew,

Over the cuckoos nest it flew,

Bureaucracy’s way,

Whatever they say,

The exact opposite is always true.



John Pepin

Posted in economy, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the way to tell justice is by reversal. In our own actions, we can use the Golden Rule and it informs us of just action, but reversal proves justness or injustice. Empirically. The formula is simple. If person A does something to person B, would it be equally as good or bad, if person B did it to person A? Simple yet never done. The news reports have a slant as to the justness of an action. Yet never imagines if the act would be as acceptable, or bad, if the opposite party did it. Which may simply be ignorance on the part of highly skilled and well educated journalists. Because you don’t know what you don’t know. Incorporating this thinking, reversal, would give much needed context to the morality of any news story. Moreover, incorporating it into the justice system would make it more just.

An example of reversal might be the October 7 attack on Israel. Had the Roma launched a similar attack on Italy, Germany or any other nation, would the international media been as apologetic? Another example is, what if Russia instigated a coup in Mexico, then used it to launch an attack into the US? Would that be as acceptable? Perhaps one more example, Why is a Brit jailed for a non violent social media post, for stating his opinion, yet an Islamist is allowed to march in the streets shouting death threats? Are Brits allowed to march in the streets and shout death threats? Obviously not, Tommy Robinson is arrested for any speech whatsoever. These are but a very few of the examples where the media reports a thing as acceptable, or good even, but wouldn’t if the roles were reversed.

Legal systems are supposed to incorporate reversal, in the form of, “Equal justice under the law.” In that everyone is supposed to be treated equally. Yet empirical evidence proves otherwise. There was a time when the rail roads had a monopoly on the law. If you went up against a rail road in court, you were toast. Regardless of the merits of the case. This is obviously not equal justice. Proven by reversal. Reverse the case and give the railroad the position that lost… and they would win. Proving unequal justice… or Thrasymachus’ justice. The fact that political favor plays such a large part in judicial rulings crushes any notion of equal justice. The courts only seek the appearance of equal justice, when in fact, they play by political favor, not justice. Proved by reversal.

Governments are supposed to treat all their citizens equally. Judged by reversal however, they fall short. The elite and bootlicks always have political favor. Which gives them privilege. It’s a good thing that the elite fly private jets to a global warming conference… but bad that you heat your house too warm. Reverse the argument however, and society would consider you a cad, to fly private anywhere when commercial is available, and the elite should be able to heat their homes as hot, or cool them as cold as they want… and its none of our business if they do. In Animal Farm, an animal can’t sleep in a bed… except for pigs. The double standard that all governments have is proven by reversal. Get enough high priced lawyers, and you can build a pulp mill anywhere… except near the CEO’s neighborhood.

The press is where reversal could help the most. Bad government and bad courts are a symptom of poor transparency. Transparency is the job of the media. Reversal would quickly expose the mockingbird media for what it is… a propaganda machine. All we need do is reverse every story, make the victim the perpetrator, and the perpetrator the victim, and see if the story plays the same. Would George Floyd’s overdose been as upsetting, had he been Jewish, British or Japanese? How would an armed FBI raid on Obama’s residence play? Jan 2017 versus jan 6 2021… Reversal illustrates propaganda like it’s written in neon green. All our systems would benefit from incorporating reversal into their protocols. Which would benefit mankind. Until then… it’s up to us to use reversal.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Upcoming About Face

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, should Trump win, we’ll watch the fastest about face mankind has ever witnessed. Democrats will flip from demanding prison for election deniers, to, arguing that denying elections is a constitutional obligation. Exposing their hypocrisy to anyone with eyes willing to see. So absolute is the lack of self awareness of the left, they won’t even be able to understand their own hypocrisy, when it’s pointed out to them. I predict riots in every major city in America if Trump somehow wins. Despite the tsunami of election fraud that’s stacked up against him… and us. The progressives will call out their Brown Shirts, Antifa and BLM, to sow chaos, and ideally, make the nation ungovernable. Meanwhile, the same deep state that jails election deniers, will do an about face on election denying.

With millions of illegal aliens set to vote, this will be the dirtiest election since the last one. They seem to get more corrupt and more corrupt election cycle by election cycle. Mail in voting is the pinnacle of corruption. With it’s sister peak of digital voting. Both are designed for election fraud. Then you have courts actually overruling the legislature and making it illegal to require voter ID, or even ask for citizenship, when registering to vote! Despite the US Constitution giving election powers explicitly to the legislature. In Post Constitutional Amerika, the courts have no need of the Constitution’s antiquated ideas. Between the courts and the administrative state, the legislature has become redundant… but dangerous. So must be controlled. By the FBI, CIA, along with mail in and digital election fraud.

The deep loathing the American people now have for the elitist, globalist anti human faction, radiates from society like heat from a fire. Despite the blinding gaslighting of polls, lies and censorship, the progressive faction is more hated now than in the 1940s. When they exposed themselves as demons before. Even traditional democrat voters are fed up with the corruption, hypocrisy and anti humanism. In Europe, of all places, populist conservative parties are becoming ascendant. All adding up to make this year a landslide for the conservative faction in the US. Which the elite plan on stopping with election fraud. If that fails though… the progressive faction will turn to open violence again. As they did the first time Trump was elected… when they burned down DC.

This time the progressives will burn down America in their wrath. Cities with strong democrat rule will be the hardest hit. As in the summer of love 2020, when democrats destroyed their cities, in “Fiery but mostly peaceful” riots, and passed Covid across the land, in their rage over Trump’s escaping the Russian collusion frame… pretending it was over a drug addict’s death by fentanyl, while in police custody. In 2017 the progressive faction burned down DC. Damage that I hear still hasn’t been repaired. If the election fraud fails and Trump wins the electoral college, the elite will go insane. Not that they’re actually sane now. But that madness will turn into wrath. Because they’ve broken every law there is, to steal from us, stay in power and limit their foes.

The criminal elite are not only angry about losing power and privilege. but with their crimes they’re afraid of consequences. They are, after all, the worst criminals in human history. Tamerlane killed millions of Hindus mercilessly… but he didn’t create a virus that killed tens of millions. Hitler started the second world war… but he didn’t use biological or chemical weapons. John Wayne Gacey murdered little kids… but he didn’t sterilize them and manipulate them into suicide. These globalist elites in power today have no morals, ethics or standards. They’re literally demons. That’s why they’ll cross any bridge, then turn and burn it… to stay in power. The globalist elitist faction, is full of pride, fear and wrath. Such people are more dangerous than a pack of rabid dogs… and they can turn on a dime.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


As the world turns and everyone is witness.

Setting by a campfire lazy and getting listless,

So you start snooping,

Is their dog pooping,

That’s when it’s time to mind your own business.


Now don’t become misled,

By a conservative blockhead,

Labor will stop the boats,

And anything that floats,

Because the scum will fly them in instead.


For years the elite have sold it out of town,

Calling precious metals an investment for a clown,

I’m not lying,

Now they’re buying

Cause they’ve been caught with their pants down.


From the jaws of victory defeat is often snatched,

By devious means the good are quite outmatched,

Don’t rule out,

Integrity’s rout,

And don’t count your chickens before their hatched.


Cutting us down to size,

Scrambling for the prize,

Character shows,

Everyone knows,

Fools confidently mock the wise.



John Pepin

Posted in business, Group Politics, International Power, media, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Ideal Government

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, ideal government would be extremely limited, in scope power and reach. Moreover, it would be utterly transparent. With some organization empowered to oversee the elite and have independent power to prosecute elites who the DOJ refuses to prosecute. Then prosecute members of the DOJ for not doing their jobs. This organization would lord over judges and prosecutors, keeping them honest. No lawmaker would be allowed to pass a law that he himself isn’t subject to. The philosophy of ideal government would be first do no harm. Instead of charging in to fix every problem it can find… or create. No ideal government would censor the people. Censorship is proof of despotism. It would be pragmatic. Ideal government is like utopia… a goal across a chasm, dug by the elite.

As government grows in scope, power and reach, it becomes ever more corrupt, useless and harmful. The Pareto distribution is vicious to large organizations… and none are larger than governments. With their titanic bureaucracies. An organization of 8 people has 6 slackers, but an organization of 800,000 has 600,000 parasites. Making it useless for anything, corrupted by the layabouts and harmful to the people it’s supposed to govern. Shrinking the government gives the wielder of the layoff pen, the ability to cut the slackers, warping the Pareto distribution for a short while. As Javier Millie has done in Argentina. The smaller the government then, the less parasites it has, the less parasites the more efficient it is. Government that’s big enough however, is effectively nothing but, a parasite.

The elite need to be limited in all ways. Transparency is one of the most effective means. The light of public scrutiny burns the elite like the Arizona sun an albino. Because they’re so corrupt. That’s why everything they do is hidden as the default. We can beg for information, and they’ll give it… if they see fit. That’s the opposite of the way it should be. The default should be absolute transparency. Opacity for national security should take months of court proceedings. An ideal government would have every hallway, office, phone, email, chat, meeting room, etc… monitored, put on the internet as live feeds, and stored for posterity and potential prosecution. Transparency that’s absolute and inescapable would limit the elite very effectively. Naked government would have no pockets to hide shenanigans.

Ideal government would enforce every law passed on the lawmakers… first. CDL drivers are drug tested… lawmakers, judges, and prosecutors would have to be drug tested as well, before any truck driver. The same goes for insider trading, suborning perjury and pedophilia. A lawmaker that’s allowed to pass laws on others, that doesn’t apply to herself, is an oligarch. Because an aristocrat uses her power to benefit the people, an oligarch, only to help herself. Passing laws on others that don’t apply to the lawmaker then, is an act of naked despotic oligarchy, that deserves to be exposed. Plus, when lawmakers are subject to their own laws, they’ll be more temperate in their propensity to tyrannize. That’s why lawmakers should be forced to prove they meet every law they pass.

First do no harm… is a great motto. Especially if it’s kept. Unlike the medical community. Ideal government would endeavor to do no harm to any citizen. Even and especially the politically disfavored. Growing too big harms the nation, to help the governors, a lack of transparency hides a ton of crimes, and when laws don’t apply to lawmakers as Thrasymachus counseled… are examples of harm. Harming the people to benefit the elite. The definition of oligarchy. Ideal government would be pragmatically judged by results, not intentions, then held accountable. Sadly, ideal government would be and is blocked by the elite as populist. By oligarchs who fear losing their privilege to steal. That’s why censorship is all the rage today… to stop any debate or movement towards ideal government.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment