
Dear Friends,


The BBC has a righteous call to action,

It’s the uniparty that gives them traction,

Fully fund the BBC,

Silence you and me,

And use our tax money to fund their political faction.


The elite would be advised,

When engaging in genocide,

Play the race card,

But it’s getting hard,

Because the replacements can’t act civilized.


The world’s on a precipice they say,

If we don’t act now it’ll all go away,

No time to think,

Sip a purple drink,

Claiming our lying eyes will lead us astray.


Our elites love and adore hedonism,

While exploiting the tool of ostracism,

Zealotry blinds,

Hypocrisy defines,

As their media attacks political enemies with stochastic terrorism.


What executive thought woke at Harley would win,

That leather clad bikers would embrace the feminine,

Stupid writ large,

Fools in charge,

The whole thing just does my head in.


Have you noticed the elite like to bitch,

The car’s stuck broke and in a pinch,

The corrupt elite are,

The drivers of the car,

And they’re the ones who put it in the ditch.



John Pepin

Posted in business, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Personalized Terrorism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we’ve entered the era of personalized terrorism. Ushered in by the attacks on Hezbollah by Mossad. Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad they did it. Because it was ushered in by harming evil people in an evil organization, but most of all… because it’s inevitable. Showing us that anything with a battery can be weaponized. If Mossad has that ability, the US does, as do the EU technocrats, the CCP, and Russia, to name a few. Those without it will be spending billions to acquire it. Because personalized terrorism is, and apparently will be… the nuke of the 21st century. This terrible new reality means the wise among us will take precautions. Get all internet of things items out of your home, car and kids lives. Because, while you can appease one despot… you can’t appease them all.

The attack on Hezbollah was brilliant in that it took out not only their commanders but their command and control infrastructure. The targeting was extremely precise. Not only did it wound most of the operatives with those devices, the wounded exposed many who were not known to Mossad as Hezbollah operatives. Now, no terrorist attacking Israel dares trust their communications devices. Else they could explode next to the terrorist’s ear while ordering the launch of rockets. There’s an old saying in war. “It’s better to horribly wound an enemy combatant, than kill him, because the wounded are more demoralizing than the dead.” Moreover, I’m glad it was used against evil people. Since that’s probably the last time personalized terrorism will be used against the guilty.

The technology to make anything with a battery a bomb is game changing. Because most people keep their cell phones, pagers and key fobs in their pocket… right next to our femoral artery and genitalia. Enhancing the terror effect. I can imagine a few ways to weaponize electronics with a battery too. Fill all the capacitors simultaneously… then overload them at once, maybe feed the charge back into the battery, or some other means I’m not smart enough to devise. Probably the latter. To get there however, the attacker has to hack the device. Which, apparently, isn’t all that hard if you have the know how. Imagine the effect on international relations if North Korea could detonate the US President’s cell phone, perhaps the British PM… or some loud mouthed escapee’s Ipad might go boom?

Once personalized terrorism has proliferated, no one will be safe from any despot. Any blogger could be targeted by any government, billionaire or psycho with the technology. Since, unlike nukes, it doesn’t require any more infrastructure than a lap top. Targeted killings make censorship redundant. Why censor when no one dares say a word? If war breaks out between the CCP and Taiwan, do you think all those devices made in China and powered by the latest lithium batteries will be safe? If Mossad has the technology for personalized terrorism, the CCP has it, freshly stolen directly from Mossad’s computers. Which means… even if you did keep your mouth shut, about a pending war… you and your kids could still be personally targeted at home in that war. A classic lose lose situation.

Smart people will take steps now to minimize their exposure to personalized terrorism. Those with solar panels and battery backups might want to disconnect from the internet. Even large screen tvs could be weaponized if they’re connected. Frankly, if this isn’t the death of the internet of things, I will be shocked. Astounded at the ability of the human being to rationalize an existential threat. While becoming outraged at the absurd. I should think explosion proof cell phone holsters would become a thing now. As for electric cars… While I like the idea, I would be reticent about buying one now. The sage among us are going to rethink our way of life. While the lemmings will run along with the pack. We’ll see if the lemmings overwhelm the wise, or if the wise can push the hoard, away from the cliff?


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

They’re Capable Of Anything

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the democrats are willing to start a world war, rather than transfer power peacefully. Because, how can we have an election when we’re at war with China, the Middle East and Russia? There’s nothing they won’t do proven by their past actions. The Russian collusion frame for example. What’s to prevent them from detonating the cell phones of their political adversaries? The elite could say it was ISIS, the Houthis or Russia and claim plausible deniability. The progressive faction controls the media and who is investigated. So they don’t investigate their own crimes. How could I say that? History. They’re the monopoly faction of bureaucracy, the globalist elitist progressives, (the democrats), and are the hegemonic faction in most governments, corporations and the new class.

When someone gets away with a crime, they double down, they never let up. No matter how big the score people will continue. Because, once someone’s got away with a crime, the reward becomes the thrill of getting away with it, again, not the score. That desire for excitement can’t be consistently fulfilled no matter how big a score is. Without continuing in crime. When the elite do it though, they simply don’t investigate, or prosecute themselves. In fact, whistle blowers or rats, die in jail… like Epstein. While being above the law may diminish the thrill, of getting away with any given crime, it increases the feeling of superiority. Making a criminal elite arrogant. As a result, we shouldn’t expect the criminals in power to stop their malfeasance, instead we should expect them to double down on it.

The foolish, impulsive and naive go to jail, while the real criminals go to positions of power. In corporations, bureaucracy and politics. In real life, crime pays, if the criminal is connected to power. I wonder what profound innovation, brilliant insight or improvement to mankind, Biden, Zelenskyy or Bernie Sanders did to earn their millions? Or did they “earn” it by grift? In the movie American Made Tom Cruz’s character shows how law works. Law is a means for the strong to oppress the weak and pretend it’s justice. Exactly as Thrasymachus said in Plato’s Republic. You don’t see many second or third generation money in super maxes. Those places of lower education are for the weak… not the elites. Any examination of reality shows that the foolish go to jail while the conniving go to power.

The progressive faction means business. There’s not a bridge they wouldn’t cross, and burn behind them, to get where they’re going. Can you imagine the Kahonas it took to pull the Russian collusion frame, let alone use it to get FISA warrants, a special council and tie President Trump up for his entire term in office? Costing this country hundreds of millions in direct and indirect costs. I wonder how the elite walk with such a package hanging between their legs? Then they got away with it! Not only that but, gain of function? I bet an ad agency charged ten million dollars to come up with that euphemism for bio weapon research. If I call arsenic purple koolade, does that make it safe to drink? Then Covid pulled a James Bond and escaped. Yet, where are the charges for the millions dead? Or the clot shot?

Criminals will do anything to stay out of prison. Ask John Gotti. If it takes intimidating a juror, killing a witness, or starting a war, the real criminal psychopath won’t hesitate. Magnifying the excitement of getting away with it. The real criminals know, law is only the way the strong keep the weak, weak. It has nothing to do with justice. That’s merely a facade covering a prison. Meanwhile, the biggest criminal faction to ever exist, the globalist elitist progressive faction, is facing certain electoral loss. With it a possible reckoning for their crimes. That’s not acceptable to people who consider themselves above the law, and that law is a tool of power, to hold power. Which means starting a war is just using a tool. They’re capable of anything. Their goal being so awesome it justifies any atrocity.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Criminal State

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if, as the elite claim, only criminals want to hide from the government’s view… Isn’t that an admission by the elite themselves, that a government who hides from it’s citizen’s view… is a criminal State? By simple reversal. If our motives are to be questioned by the State, then the State’s motives must be questioned by us. Because the consequences of the State being criminal are terrible indeed. Wars, poverty, crime, hopelessness, inflation, migration, famine, epidemics and turmoil are all the result of a criminal State. The more criminal the State the worse these things will be. So if you find that your elites admit to being criminals, and the results of their leadership is chaos, then you probably have a criminal State. If that’s the case, we probably should do something about it.

The reason we go to great lengths to limit crime is because of the negative effect it has on our standard of living. Petty crime has little effect on our standard of living, so isn’t enforced as vigorously as major crimes, like murder. As a general rule, the more destructive a crime is to our standard of living the more severely it’s treated by law enforcement. This is only a general rule though, because it doesn’t apply to a criminal state. The crimes of a criminal state are literally existential to the people, yet aren’t enforced… because it’s the State that does the enforcing. A criminal state won’t impose the law on itself. That’s one of the attributes of a criminal state. It exploits law as a weapon. As Thrasymachus advised Glaucon. This is another way to tell a criminal state.. it doesn’t apply the law to itself.

Motive is an integral part of law. The way it was explained to me is, if I am at a restaurant and accidentally grab the wrong coat when I leave. I didn’t commit a crime… because there wasn’t intent. In the law motive is important to charge someone with a crime. So the state looks at our motives for everything trying to discern if there’s any criminal intent. To justify their salaries, authority, power, and fill the State’s coffers. Despite our Constitution’s protections, the State gets around them by conniving and crookedness, to put us under a microscope. Even as the state itself stays hidden behind an iron curtain of secrecy. Justified by “national security.” The state then goes on to ascribe motive to us by our actions… motives that better fit their actions.

The consequences of a criminal state are horrible. History is filled with examples. A few are, Mao’s great leap forward that killed upwards of 40 million human beings, Hitler’s thousand year reich that killed 60 million and then there’s gain of function, that could end up killing 100 million or more. Between the disease, the clot shot and economic disruptions. Then there’s the possibility of civilization ending nuclear war. Which means no more lattes, shopping or cars. For the lucky survivors. Civil war is another possibility that arises from a criminal state. Internal struggle between racism religions or politics is not out of the question. A State’s crimes are existential in seriousness. Those consequences should be enough to motivate us to act.

If the State has nothing to hide, then open up, and let’s see what they’re up to. Since the consequences to our standard of living, of the crimes of a state, far outweigh those of a serial killer, bank fraud or speeder… they should be treated as such. The weight we bring to bear on a problem should be commensurate with the weight of the problem. Great consequences should be given great consideration. Which brings us back to the criminal state. Since its crimes are existential, they must be avoided at all costs… even to the privilege of the elite. To that end, I think we should write FOYAs about everything the deep state does, while demanding transparency laws from our representatives. Talk about transparency to your neighbors. We have the power to stop the criminal state… use it.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


The back stabbing elites are hitting home runs,

Shooting prisoners salting ground and that’s no pun,

It’s all a game,

They’re the same,

As those who sent loyal Tommie’s charging machine guns.


Propaganda is powerful you see,

It’s deployed against you and me,

Some riots are okay,

Not for Brits any day,

And the chaos won’t stop until you’re no longer free.


The anger has been brewing from beneath,

Pressurizing in censorship till it does seethe,

Hegel’s plan all along,

Speaking up is wrong,

And since the government ripped out their tongues now all they have are teeth.


The hoax must be maintained as we all know,

Most marks accept the con and go with the flow,

Not that scientist you say,

He explains the con away,

And the patsies might take their money and go.


The monster controls the top echelon,

Speak not lest ye draw the eye of Sauron,

Always seeking a feast,

Be wary of the beast,

But if no one speaks the demon has already won.


Two tier policing proves the beloved of labor,

Shut up if you don’t have their political favor,

It’s not the people on the street,

The problem is the corrupt elite,

And the solution is to point out their dirty little caper.



John Pepin

Posted in economy, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Digital Technology

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, as with all new ideas, digital technology has been applied to everything, and especially to those things where it doesn’t belong. When electricity became widely known, it was also applied to everything. There were people who claimed it would bring the dead to life. The same was thought about radiation. It could do almost anything. Today we’re mesmerized by the idea of digital technology and how it can fix everything. Even make us immortal. Then apply it to none existent problems and create huge ones. Like elections, surveillance and money. One way to tell if an innovation has made things more efficient is… if it’s made them more efficient. With elections… instead of the several hours it used to take, now it takes weeks. Is that a gain in efficiency?

New technologies have that whiz bang feeling to them. Because anything new has the benefit of novelty. Novelty is a form of potential. So we ascribe all the potential we can imagine to any and all new technologies. It’s only after the technology is mature do we realize the foolishness of our initial dreams. By then however, some new wiz bang tech is upon us with all the potential we can imagine, mesmerizing us again. It’s human nature. We did it with every new tech, from stone arrowheads to quantum physics. This attribute makes us egoistic, arrogant and stupid. Because we believe we are more advanced than we really are. Making us take dangerous chances, because we think we know what we’re doing. When we’re actually hypnotized by the whiz bang.

Sometimes the new idea isn’t as efficient, secure or problem free as the old one. It’s just new. This is the case with digital voting. By every measure, but one, it’s less efficient. It takes longer to tally the votes, it’s less secure and it undermines people’s trust in the system. On the positive side, digital voting allows the elite to commit industrial vote fraud at scale. So there is that. Nevertheless, most would argue the negatives outweigh the positives. Yet the elite will forge ahead with implementation of digital voting everywhere. Because while it undermines democracy… it empowers them. So, we can expect digital voting to become ubiquitous, as our elections become ever more corrupted and we become ever more jaded. Like electricity and radiation however, it may not live up to our expectation of it.

Electricity and radiation, as it turns out, can’t resurrect people, while digital voting, and digital currency aren’t secure. We’ll have to wait to see if digital technology can make us immortal. All technologies have their place though. Electricity bestows on us a myriad of powers… just not resurrection. Radiation gives us the ability to see into solid matter, but causes cancer, not mutant super heroes. Digital technology is the same. It’ll allow us amazing abilities, but using it where it doesn’t belong, is foolish. Digital tech has opened up the information age, but it probably won’t make us immortal, nor make our elections safe and secure. Scientists can experiment with digital technology all they want, downloading consciousness into a computer, I just wish the politicians would stop corrupting elections with it.

Wise and pragmatic people discard ideas that don’t work. No matter how whiz bang they are. Scientists have pretty much stopped trying to resurrect dead tissue with electricity, as they don’t bother trying to create mutant super heroes with radiation. Being poor applications of the technologies. As elections are a poor application of digital technology. Technology is astounding and empowering but can be destructive. The wise see it for what it is and embrace it when it works and discard it when it fails. Pragmatically accepting results, to judge an idea, system or… technology. In the case of digital tech, it’s time we accepted it doesn’t belong in elections. Unless we want election fraud. Then it’s more efficient to simply do away with elections altogether. Use new tech where it belongs… not where it doesn’t.


John Pepin

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Abuse Of Power

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the worse problem the human race faces, is the elite’s open and notorious abuse of power. All other issues arise from the oligarch’s abuse of power. How can we name them anything but oligarchs? Since that’s the definition of oligarchy, when the aristocracy (elites) abuse their power. Why abuse power? For self enrichment. Abuse of power is the root cause, the symptoms though are myriad. Wars, economic downturns, crime, poverty, drug use, homelessness, pandemics, hunger, illiteracy, angry people, hopelessness, and political violence are but a few symptoms of the elite’s abuse of power. This is the real fight of our day. To control the elite and their maniacal abuses of power. How to though? Transparency. By pointing it out, demanding redress and not setting down until its rooted out.

Every problem we have as a race today is because of the elite’s abuse of power. Even natural disasters, since we have the technology to notify people of incoming hurricanes, super cells and even volcanoes. Any failure to notify people is a failure of the elite. How many people reading this think there’s a cure for cancer, that can’t be let out, because it would bankrupt big pharma? That’s a common “conspiracy theory.” Though… what’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact? About six months. Five years ago, even as jaded as I was then, I would never have believed the elite capable of creating deadly viruses in a lab, and letting them go. I was far too naïve to think such a thing possible. Now, I think, intentional release is the most likely scenario of how Covid came about.

The elite abuse every power they’re given, to make life worse, then claim they need more power to fix what they’ve broken. Once the elite have more power, nothing gets fixed, it only gets worse. The Supreme Court managed to get the government around Constitutional limits, with Buck v Bell, Korematsu and Wickard v Filburn, among a host of other anti constitutional rulings. Allowing the elite to live in Liberty Hall. Where nothing is off limits. Because their power is essentially unlimited. Imagine the literal Hell they’ve delivered those 300,000 missing “unaccompanied minors” into? I wouldn’t be surprised to hear the price of Adrenochrome has nose dived. No wonder Kamala cackles constantly. Can you think of a single power the elite have, that they’ve not exploited and abused?

The elite aren’t going to stop until they’ve sucked the marrow from our bones. I hear Bobby Kennedy Jr. recently said the leftists are strip mining the middle class of wealth. That’s not only good rhetoric, it’s true. The census just reported that the standard of living has declined for three years in a row. A declining standard of living is clear proof of failure of the elite… or success, depending on the goal. If strip mining us of wealth is the goal, then… well done. Our elites are like gold fish. They’ll eat themselves to death. The elite can’t understand the concept of enough. Taking until there’s nothing left to take, then realize, there’s also nothing left to buy. So we’ll all live in poverty. It’s not the fault of the elite. They can’t help themselves. It’s our fault for not stepping up.

Evil grows in darkness… like mold. The more we allow the elite to work their corruption in the dark the more we’re culpable for their crimes. We have to stand up and demand, in no uncertain terms… absolute and total transparency. With transparency as the default. Cameras and microphones in every office, cubicle, hallway, parking garage, etc… in short, anywhere politicians or bureaucrats conduct business. In fact, the politicians themselves should be drug tested, and forced to wear cameras. All of it put on the internet in real time and stored for later. Let’s see what our public servants are doing in our names. For our benefit. The solution to the open and notorious abuse of power then is transparency. Demand it of your representatives and senators. Anything less is abetting abuse of power.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


Chaos comes before the fall,

Broken windows and empty mall,

Islamists have a right,

Not so much the right,

As double standards are no standards at all.


To us the elite are unnaturally sent,

To guide us with a progressive bent,

The plot does thicken,

With a war on women,

And now men beating girls is an Olympic event.


The pundits are sly and mixing,

While acting the adept quisling,

Potentially great acts,

But lets face facts,

The FBI is way beyond fixing.


Most of us just stand and stare,

Want to help but just don’t dare,

If the world’s in a mire,

The civilization’s on fire,

It’s the elite that led us there.


The problem is in the eye of the observer,

The reaction depends on the seer’s fervor,

A land to save,

Bacon’s cave,

And the elite’s view is like that of Gulliver.


The left is a faction of outsized egotism

Bound and blinded as if by hypnotism,

Ban what they don’t like,

The right doesn’t fight,

And thus starts a tsunami of despotism.



John Pepin

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Censorship And The Despotic State

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, speech laws forcing speech or forbidding speech, are the direct manifestations of the tyrannical power of a despotic state. Once the State can censor and force speech it has become unlimited. An elitist may argue that an unlimited State is unlimited in the good it can do. While history argues that unlimited States always visit unlimited evil on the people. As the Climate change hoax shows, when progressive theory goes against empirical results, its the results that are changed. To protect the narrative, history will have to be rewritten. So the elite can visit unlimited good on us. Whether we like it or not. Regardless of the memory holing soon to come… unlimited government is an evil that’s wise to avoid, and stupid to embrace. Even for the would be despots.

The globalist managerial progressive faction is the hegemonic faction in the world today. They are the “new class.” Moreover, progressives see themselves as more moral, smarter and their goal is worthy of any atrocity… so why follow the ethics of their lessers? The goal of the hegemonic progressive faction is a Star Trek like utopia. They figure, if unlimited government is what it takes to get there, the surviving rest of us will thank them later. Forgetting that Hegemony doesn’t last forever… today’s elite will not be in power till the end of time. (Unless they plan on bringing in the End Times). Once someone else is in power, they will have access to all the despotic tools, the progressives have put into the hands of the despotic State. To be used by their creator against their creators. The new class.

History is very critical of unlimited government. Even the “good” kings of old were mass murderers. Like Alexander the great, Marcus Aurelius, and Charlemagne. Unlimited government has always resulted in unlimited suffering, and poverty… as the real capital, the human capital, is squandered in war. Moreover, if the wars are successful, the result is long term stagnation. Because why better yourself if there’s plenty of money? Once the stolen gold is spent though, the layabouts have no skills, work habits or gumption. Because there’s nothing like unearned money to get people to waste their own talents. War requires censorship, else it’s more likely to go badly. So even “good kings” at war must abuse their citizens, to create inescapable poverty for them.

Most people think in words. Which means, if we’re denied words, then we’re denied thoughts. At least the ability to think those thoughts in so many words. Therefore, if the State presumes to control speech, the real goal is to control thought. The State that seeks to control the very thoughts of the people, for everyone’s benefit (the legalist argument the State is all that counts), is one that presumes itself omnipotent, omniscient and saintly. Human beings are none of those things though. Plus, nothing created by flawed human beings, can be flawless. Which leads us to conclude the State the presumes to censor is crazy. Because it’s the hallmark of insanity to think and believe things that are impossible. Like that a State can be omniscient, omnipotent or saintly.

The only way censorship can be a sustainable solution to mankind’s thirst for freedom, is if the economy collapses so much, people need food more than a voice. That’s the only historically successful way for a despotic state to stifle speech in the long term. As the North Korean example shows. Make life so hard, and punishment so severe, the people haven’t the energy let alone the backbone to speak up. Making public examples of those who muster the spirit to mouth off. Which appears to be the path the self described omniscient elite have put us on… to reach the goal of utopia. For which no atrocity is out of bounds. States that practice censorship therefore are the acme of despotic governments. Such governments have no legitimate authority. Their censorship proves them redundant.


John Pepin

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Captured By An Idea

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a huge percentage of the human race, are effectively pawns without agency. Who? Those who are captured by an idea. They go through life parroting someone else words, zealously acting against their self interest, and daring not allow a thought to pass through their heads that isn’t vetted first. It’s like they’re possessed by demons. The demons in this case are ideas that capture. How can we tell if an idea is one that captures people? By looking at the history of that idea. Has it compelled multitudes to commit countless atrocities? Do people thoughtlessly march lockstep to the notion? Does debate about it generate curiosity… or an emotional explosion? That’s how you can tell a possessed person. Emotional reactions to logical questions.

To be captured by an idea is the easiest thing to do. Many ideologies offer simple black and white answers to grayscale questions. Which makes them easy to apply. The enemy is identified for you, the good guys are as well. All the sycophant need do is follow the leader. Although today’s enemy could be tomorrow’s friend. A position taken with violence today, could be called evil incarnate tomorrow, or visa versa. No thinking is needed. Saving those vital calories to be stored as fat. Being a zealot may be hard work but is lazy thinking. Then again, the ideas that capture were thought up by brilliant people. Why spend the energy trying to out think them? Zealots don’t trend pragmatist. So appeals to logic or outcome fall on deaf ears and blind eyes.

These blurry views of the world though have one thing in common. They all exploit some form of demagoguery. All the problems of the world are the fault of those people. Always people with negative political favor. If a person is, Black, White, a Jew, etc… they’re bad. Or maybe good, depending on the needs of the demagogue, and those needs could change by the day. The elite even demagogue themselves. Which is what happens when one faction of elites demagogues another. Showing an astonishing self blindness. Nevertheless, there is always a disfavored group. That hatred of the disfavored group energizes the robot. Giving it, not him or her, but it, the power to act. Otherwise he or she would feel powerless in the world.

Getting a person who’s possessed by an idea to realize it, is nearly impossible… because it requires several painful acts. The automaton must not only realize but admit to themselves they were wrong all this time. Which gives a sense of loss, betrayal, triggers the collapse of their worldview, and shows someone a part of themselves they had carefully hid. All of which is painful to deal with. The loss of a treasured worldview is like losing a loved one. Then rebuilding it from scratch is hard mental work. Especially for someone who’s let others do their thinking for them. Muscles unused become weak. Then there’s the self realization of having been duped. That can cause shame, indignation and outright rage. Which is why so many prefer to stay in the dream instead of wake to a harsh reality.

We have all been pawns at one time or another. When we’re youths, we lack the life context to recognize ideas that capture. As history shows, ideas that are so glittering they justify any atrocity… never deliver anything, but the atrocities. Those are the ideas that possess men’s souls over and over. Often because they tell people what they want to hear. Instead of the truth. So folks turn over their agency to the idea and become thoughtless robots… capable of anything. Since we’ve all been there, we should have compassion, as well as be wary of them and the evil they can visit. Ideas that possess are lies though, and lies enemy is truth. Moreover, these ideas give a sense of power, and laughter undermines power, like a torrent does to a road. Speaking truth and laughing at absurdity is exercise.


John Pepin

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