
Dear Friends,


Sly language makes truth witless,

Twisting up lies from the abyss,

Sages see the thread,

So Kung Sung Lung said,

A white horse is not a horse but a black or yellow one is.


There once was a government corrupt,

Their crimes cunning and developed,

The crony passed in a dash,

As he counted his wad of cash,

And their fall was slow at first then came abrupt.


Attack the billionaires they are few,

Many are evil scumbags tis true,

Justice is just though,

And I want to know,

Does Reich not deserve his riches too?


The wise protect themselves and put,

Their treasures away from ashy soot,

Ours are a different case,

It’s hard to win the race,

Since migration is a bullet in our foot.


The elite’s opinions are fine,

To be repeated over wine,

They must be heard,

No matter how absurd,

But our opinions always cross a line.


That groups are hated is quotidian,

Especially since there is no guardian,

Birds of a feather,

Should stick together,

Like the Jews, Roma and the Armenian.



John Pepin

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The Material World

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we aren’t a robot that exists purely on the material plane, we’re more like the tip of an iceberg that projects into the material world. The vast majority of who and what we are remains in the spiritual realm. Our consciousness however, is held in the material world, else we would leave it quickly. Whether voluntarily, accidentally, or by our vessel becoming a meal for a consciousness that isn’t aware of the spiritual realm. If true, this suggests consciousness is not local, the brain is more of a work station than a server, and we’re here for a purpose. Why else would a supernatural being descend into the material realm? Who knows for sure? We may be robots for all I know. I do however, strongly intuit that we are more, and the world is more, than our senses tell us.

The reasons we’re here could be manifold. Understanding what we might have thought when we were only supernatural beings, existing on a spiritual plane, is an act of conjecture. Because we have no context. We might have wanted to sort ourselves out. The material world certainly does that. We might have wanted experience? Maybe there’s a supernatural war on all planes and we’re here as warriors in it? Perhaps living in the material world is a right of passage? Plus, it gives everyone, even the least of us, a reality that exceeds our imagination of them. The reasons an ascended being might want to project it’s consciousness into a material plane are endless. We can agree though, if they did… the world as we know it, and we ourselves would be the probable result. Which isn’t proof, it’s a lack of falsification.

Knowing we’re both more than we perceive is liberating, scary and humbling. Humbling because once our consciousness is retracted from this plane, we’ll have to discuss our actions to others in the supernatural realm. Scary because who knows what awaits us as ascended beings? Moreover, it’s liberating, since it validates us and our existence. If you think about it, taking into consideration that we are intentionally not omniscient and there are things inexplicable even in the material world. Then there’s the hard problem of human and indeed animal consciousness. How can material be conscious? This hypothesis covers the bases, is as valid as any other, and isn’t falsifiable. I suspect that what we understand as a person, is only the tip of an iceberg like entity, that largely exists in other planes.

This idea also means that the lowliest among us is a godlike being in his or her own right. Much greater than we could imagine since our perception is stuck in the material world. They could be far greater than us and chose more burdens because of it. Which would make looking down on the poor, sick and retarded, an act of supreme folly. If we’re far more than our limited perceptions can recognize, then the meanest, dirtiest, and most downtrodden human being deserves our respect. Justifying the Christian ethic and especially the Golden Rule. Because, how else would ascended beings merely projecting a fraction of themselves into the material plane, treat each other? It’s important to understand that there’s more than we can see in this self imposed darkness, even with the flashlights of science and religion.

If this is even close to true, we should try to live a life that befits a supernatural being of great power and importance. Unless you can think of a way to falsify the idea? Other than with presumption. I can’t prove we are the tip of a supernatural iceberg, just as others can’t prove we’re a machine that thinks its alive. Yet the robot hypothesis is falsifiable. By every single documented miracle that has ever happened. Moreover they’re still happening in our hospitals every day. People survive terminal this or that to the astonishment of doctors. Who chalk it up to luck. If you agree it behooves you to act it. Act like you are a supernatural being that’s here on holiday. Make great memories that you can share when you get home. But… what happens on Earth, doesn’t necessarily stay on Earth, it may reverberate.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


Given enough fraud a dog could win,

Casting out ballots like fly fishin,

Don’t go too big,

Or we’ll see the rig,

Then we’ll know the fix was in.


Most people think law is about justice,

In this they couldn’t be more amiss,

Law is about power,

Our wealth to scour,

And the true role of law was described by Thrasymachus.


When bureaucrats are above the law you see,

Civil servants have become the plutocracy,

Experts rule,

We’re a mule,

And the system has indeed become an oligarchy.


Replacement is the goal,

Don’t stop digging the hole,

Bring ’em in,

Let ’em win,

And the new world order will take your soul.


To their alarm the elite have realized,

The replacement isn’t going as advertised,

The victims are aware,

Despite propaganda’s blare,

Because the replacements just can’t act civilized.


Opinions are dangerous you see,

Their voicing suggests we’re free,

The omniscient blessed,

Censorship’s the best,

Because their goal is so great it justifies any atrocity.



John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if we change the culture, we change the future. We’re more a product of our culture than our genes. Raise a kid in a different culture and they grow up to reflect the culture not their genetics. If you could pluck an infant from ancient Sparta and raise him in the US today, there’s the same likelihood he will succeed, or die of fentanyl overdose, as any other kid. People are people, it’s our cultures that separate us. That’s why all cultures are not equal. Some promote weakness, war, class, political favor, opulence, etc… Many in the US are almost pure Indian, yet don’t live a hunter gatherer lifestyle, they have jobs, watch sports, eat out, have permanent homes and cars. They’re products of American culture. Just as we are all products of our cultures. More than anything else.

A middle class man of Victorian England will be very different from a middle class Englishman today. Because, while their genetics is nearly identical, the culture is radically different. Therefore, their morals are very different, as are their way of thinking, acting and feeling. These are all based a great deal on our culture. You have the morals you do because of the way you were raised. Had you been raised in a different culture you would have different morals. Were you been raised in ancient Rome, you would have no problem with the institution of slavery, but you would be very agitated at Christianity. Like a modern progressive. Because when we’re born we’re empty vessels. Our parents, culture and education program us. Moral cultures are the ones we should model then.

They claim Africans are less intelligent than Europeans, Jews or Asians. I believe the apparent disparity is cultural not genetic. I say this because there are studies that show identical twins raised in different cultures have different intelligence quotients. This would not be possible if genetics was the only factor. Moreover, identical twins raised in similar households, have similar IQ. Which is a strong suggestion that culture is critical in determining intelligence. I suspect that why different cultures advance at different rates. Not because some people are dumb, places are too hot or cold, but because of the prevailing culture. So if we want to increase the intelligence of our people, we would be wise to look at why some cultures have greater and lesser intelligence. Then model the successful ones.

Some cultures are naturally more prosperous than others. Maybe due to the intelligence, work ethic or morality those cultures inculcate, or perhaps there’s another reason. The first few decades of the US’ existence, it was nearly impossible to find help. Because there was so much opportunity. No one would work for a living when there was so much wealth available to the industrious. So the elite solved that problem by changing the culture, from independence, industriousness and hard work… right past worker bees, and onto lazy, entitled and drug addicted louts. The people are the same, but the culture is different, resulting in different ethics, morals and intelligence leading to the difference in prosperity. Smart people in poor cultures then should copy the cultural practices of prosperous ones.

A wise culture then tries to be curious, hard working, independent, thankful and thrifty. A curious culture fosters intelligence in the people. A hard working culture quickly becomes prosperous. Moreover, people that are independent would rather pull the wagon than ride in it. Thankful people value the valuable and are humble. Then there’s thrift. Which creates savings for the opportunities and inevitable famines that must come along. All these cultural practices combine to make a people that are resilient, wealthy and smart. That should be a goal of every nation on Earth. Even as the culture our cultural elite have created results in poverty, hopelessness and eventual collapse. Change the culture… change the future. So lets join hands and change ours for the better.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


The leftist faction’s on the loose,

Zealots cheer and robots boost,

The world’s not fun,

Time to buy a gun,

Now that the chickens have come home to roost.


The EU warmonger’s are quite insane,

They’re playing a very dangerous game,

Mutually assured destruction,

Censorship and obstruction,

And for ending the world we’ll have the elite to blame.


When the press is a raw nerve,

Ready to pounce and throw you a curve,

Like an electric fencer,

People self censor,

And the quiet get the tyranny they deserve.


Voter parent and citizen better beware,

What they’re telling us is just a snare,

Trust in the power of celebrity,

And oppose election integrity,

To insure that elections are free and fair.


The experts and elite warn us of bird flu,

Tremble in fear and what experts say, do,

The labs are running,

They know its coming,

Because they’re working diligently to make it true.


If you’re aware you’ll find,

Most of the elite seem blind,

Globalist in sight,

Living by gaslight,

But in truth they’re out of their mind.



John Pepin

Posted in economy, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Leave a comment

Having A Clean Kitchen

Dear friends,

It seems to me, if you want to have the reputation of having a clean kitchen, its probably best not to encourage people to poop in it. This logic applies to housewives, single men and governments. Elections for example. Encouraging election fraud is like allowing people to defecate in your kitchen. Because they’re in dire need. But, who may I ask… is willing to eat food from that kitchen? Or trust those elections? You don’t demand people trust that you cleaned it off well enough, to prevent infection, you keep it clean in the first place. Recounts are insufficient to clean up the mess. All they do is smear it all over the place. Then using the perfume of propaganda to cover the lingering stench. Finally, being a raw nerve to anyone who mentions it… won’t get people to think your kitchen is clean.

It is possible, to completely clean a kitchen that has been soiled… but at great cost and labor. There are no shortcuts. Every appliance needs to be pulled and cleaned inside and out. The counters need to be washed and sanitized. Even as the walls must be washed down and perhaps even repainted. The floors, well, unless they’re stainless steel, they have to be replaced as do the tables. The same goes for an apartment that reeks of cigarettes and stale beer, as well as a soiled election process. Oh, there are people who won’t even notice the cloying odor of cigarettes and stale beer, but they’re few and far between. Some people live in filth and could care less if the walls are smeared with feces. Most folks though, see and smell such things, and are utterly repulsed.

Having a clean kitchen is more than just effectively washing filth from it. It’s in keeping operations in their respective rooms. An open minded progressive might not be able to understand this concept. Fences between things. Their open mindedness allows them to see efficiencies where we might not. Why not rear chickens in the kitchen? It’s the most efficient way to do it. Hell, that’s where you cook and eat them! How much more efficient could it be? Cages, obviously, are a form of fence and so can’t be tolerated by the progressive. So the birds will roost on the counters. The turds can be flicked onto the floor in the morning. After breakfast. Using a kitchen as a coop then is probably not a great idea. Maybe it’s better to keep chickens in the coop, pooping in the bathroom… and cooking in the kitchen?

You have to ask yourself, “Why is the administrative state so invested in encouraging election fraud?” Because encouraging fraud is just like encouraging people to poop in your kitchen. I’ve been in a kitchen that was decorated with dog poop in every stage of decomposition… from a glistening pile to a white powder. That was a kitchen I couldn’t stand to be in, let alone, eat a meal from the table. Yet, that kitchen was cleaner than an election, where the enforcing powers encourage fraud. Because what do you call… suing states for taking avowed aliens off the election rolls, fighting voter ID laws, demanding mail in voting without signature match, allowing vote harvesting and denying the aggrieved their day in court due to “standing?” Now… that is a well soiled kitchen!

The thing about being a good cook is, it really doesn’t matter how good your food is, if your kitchen is filthy. Your bechamel may be the best ever made, but if the counters have chicken poop on them, no one will want to eat it. A single guy might want to take this into consideration before having a girl over. Cigarettes and stale beer may not smell bad to you but it reeks to everyone else. Even as the bureaucrats encouraging election fraud, might want to consider how their kitchen appears, to those expected to eat the results. Yup, it’s better to keep your kitchen clean, than to constantly re-clean it, or simply pretend it’s clean. Those you’re cooking for will notice it and may refuse to eat the dishes you serve up. Be you a housewife, single man, or government.


John Pepin

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Inflating The Debt Away

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when inflation eats up our purchasing power… that’s paying the debt with inflation. The dollar has lost at least 50% of its value, (100% inflation), since Biden’s election cheated him into office. Even as the government claims inflation has been 20%. When I was in 5th grade, or maybe sooner, we learned about percentages. Apparently, the expert economists that calculate inflation missed those classes. Everything short of energy and housing has doubled… and those have “only” gone up 50%. If the price of a thing doubles, that’s 100% inflation, not 20%. Meanwhile SS has gone up around 18.5%. Which means 81.5% of the purchasing power of our future SS checks have been stolen by government inflation. In the last 4 years!!! That’s one way to solve the debt and SS problems.

Inflation simply means the eroding of the purchasing power of a currency. Milton Friedman came up with an elegant formula for predicting inflation. MV=PQ. M is the money supply, times V, or the velocity of money (how fast it changes hands), equals P, or price times Q, or the quantity of goods produced. In other words, if the money printed exactly equals the increase in real GDP, then there will be zero inflation. If the amount of money printed is 10% more than the quantity of goods produced, inflation will be 10%, and if money is printed 15% less than the growth in GDP, then there will be 15% deflation. By this model then, Biden’s administration, the democrats and republicans, have doubled the money supply, plus growth in GDP… by printing and spending. To get 100% inflation.

It’s not just retirees and future retirees that are being bilked out of money by voracious governments. Everyone who tries to save has been stolen from. Even high income dangerous investments only yield 20%. So, even if someone has invested in them, they have barely kept up with stated “inflation.” Let alone real inflation. If they haven’t lost it all. Which, over the long term in high income, is more likely then not. The rest of us have lost money based on purchasing power. Though retirees, future retirees and savers are patsies, if you work for a living, you’re a patsy too. Has your paycheck doubled? If it hasn’t, you took a pay cut. (In purchasing power). That boneless skinless chicken breast that used to be 1.99 a lb at Walmart… is now 3.99 a lb. The experts claim that’s 20%. What do you figure?

One of the reasons the US government had it in for Julian Assange… is that he exposed their lies. Wikileaks detailed how the government was and is changing economic numbers for political expedience. Nothing enrages a liar more than being exposed as a liar. It decimates the power of their lies. So the administrative state had a full on conniption fit. Imagine, letting us know that the government is stealing the purchasing power from our savings, Social Security checks and paychecks… at the rate of 25% a year! That’s a titanic amount of money. So… what are they spending it on? It looks to me like they’re spending it on cronyism, funding illegal immigration, and war. To be fair, some was used to fix infrastructure. Like… to build FEMA camps.

A wee bit came back to us under the Trump administration as “stimulus.” About a months worth of stolen money was returned to us. Of course, that was before the inflation, the rest went to enrich the Military industrial complex, politicians and NGOs. A river of money and thus power, is flowing from the hands of the populace, and into the hands of the elite. A torrent that makes Niagara falls look like a rivulet. Despite the astonishing amount of money taken indirectly from us by inflation, and directly by taxes… interest on the debt the elite have accumulated, enriching themselves and their friends, is now more than the defense budget… and growing fast. It’s like the elite are raiding the treasury as they ride the nation into the ground. Like a horse your riding to death. By draining us and the treasury.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, Law, media, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


The elite have a different point of view,

Islamists are more important than you,

They kill and they rape,

Stab us for heavens sake,

But we better stay silent while in the shower cue.


The elitist’s worst nightmare has now very much come true,

A couple of ardent patriots teaming up now they have a clue,

Both are aware,

Neither does care,

And let it be known Trump and RFK Jr. make a deadly brew.


To those who live upon a steeple,

Hiding their light as if it were treacle,

But if you yearn,

This you must learn,

Everything that’s good comes from other people.


Once you’ve stopped asking why,

Thinking others are far more sly,

You’re not dense,

It doesn’t make sense,

Because everything government says is a lie.


Be outraged at Israel one and all,

They eat children out in the hall,

What was that?

Oh drat,

My pager just blew off my ball.


The elite’s hypocrisy is the height,

Their flailing’s are quite a sight,

Deny your eyes,

Believe the lies,

Proving the elite live by gaslight.



John Pepin

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The Heartless

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, what’s most shocking to me about progressives, is their total utter and complete lack of a heart. The heartless must gravitate to leftism. Who cheers another person’s downfall… except the heartless? Personally, I don’t want bad to happen to anyone, but I do want bad people out of power. Which isn’t wishing bad on another as much as wishing good on everyone else. Yet, leftists relish the thought of utterly destroying their political foes. They cheered at the thought of Major General Flynn spending his life in prison for a frame job. The fact he lost his home and retirement savings defending himself was a second place prize. Progressives have zero empathy. But like the narcissists, Machiavellians and psychopaths they are, they pretend to have it, to fit in and to manipulate.

To have a heart one must have empathy. The ability to see from another’s perspective and understand their pain. Many have empathy for their own children, fewer have it for other people, and very few have empathy for a bug. Which makes me wonder if empathy is derived at least a little from identification. We identify with our kids, from us having been kids. Less so to other people, so we don’t identify with them as much, and have less empathy. Meanwhile, no one identifies with a bug, and so we have little or no empathy for them. If that’s the case, those without empathy then, must not identify with the rest of humanity. They probably feel as superior to us as we do an ant. So, without the ability to identify with others, leftists lack the ability to see from our perspective… so are heartless.

Every news article today is an illustration of the progressive faction’s vindictiveness. The vitriol they heap upon Trump is literally deranged. Ask any leftist what they think of Trump and you’ll get a litany of evils. Not one of which can be backed up with an example. Other than the tried and true, “There are so many, I can’t name one!” Look at the faces of “unbiased” news reporters when they attack Trump. One thing the recent past has proven, law is your friend, if you break it to frame Trump. Trump isn’t their real enemy though. You and I are. He’s just in their way. Once they’ve dealt with him and anyone else foolish enough to stand up. They’ll be heartless with us. As the hypocrites who framed Roger Stone, Trump and Flynn, claim it would be vindictive to follow the law, and charge them.

The left today stands proudly for censorship, election fraud and sterilizing minors. They claim the gutter they’ve dug is the moral high ground. Every one of which is the acme of heartless. The censor has no empathy for the censored. Else they wouldn’t be censors. Does the person committing vote fraud care about the feelings, wants and needs of the person they’re disenfranchising? Of course not, else they wouldn’t be committing election fraud. Then again, what could be more heartless than stealing the future from a child? These are the acts of people without empathy. They have no ability to see from another’s point of view. Who’s heart doesn’t rend at the thought of a child being abused so? A progressive without one. Moreover, because of that heartlessness, progressives have no ethics at all.

It’s not that progressives have an ethics problem, as much as they don’t have ethics, no problem. The heartless don’t need morals, because, why have morals if you don’t have feelings for others? Morals are based on empathy… as is the Golden Rule. People without hearts then, like leftists, are capable of anything, no atrocity is out of the question. Because, what atrocity would you refrain from doing… to ants infesting your kitchen? The lack of empathy of a progressive towards humanity, is the same as that of a frustrated homeowner, dealing with grease ants. That’s why they openly call for censorship of wrongthink, relaxing the laws to make election fraud easier, and manipulating children into self harm. Leftists heartlessness, creates their moral deficit, which makes ethics to them, a tool… not a lifestyle.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Banning jokes is so very cool,

Censorship is the oligarch’s tool,

Covering lies,

With alibis,

Since the truth would make them a fool.


We knew this would happen since it’s rote,

Due to the bridge damage from the boat,

While sipping tea from a cup,

They said it’s no cover up,

But a wise man would call them a scapegoat.


Imagine what an unbiased press would make of this,

Did they use the intel and why hide it seems obvious,

They’re in cahoots’,

With combat boots,

And this is another cover up to protect her corruptness.


Democracy to democrats has become a relay race,

Stab supporters in the back and spit in their face,

Jump from horse to horse,

Reigning us in by force,

And if we citizens buck migrants can take our place.


There once was a group in a daze,

Their devices blew up in their face,

Emergency call,

It blew off a ball,

And now they’re eunuchs and chaste.


Censors are hypocrites you see,

Omniscience bordering on godly,

Thumping their chest,

We experts know best,

And their logic is appeal to authority.



John Pepin

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