
Dear Friends,


AG Ken Paxton is a true sentinel,

Fighting the deep state’s evil tentacles,

Better sleep light,

They attack in the night,

And he’s the Dennis Becker of Attorney Generals.


There once was an expert named pink,

She knew what other people did think,

Like pealing a rind,

She’d reward their mind,

And report what she saw with a wink.


Sit down quiet and do what you aught,

All our protests will come to naught,

Do as they say,

Say it their way,

And once they control our speech they control our thought.


The corruption isn’t going to stop,

The elite never worry about a cop,

Profit abounds,

Cash register sounds,

And it’s because dross floats to the top.


When a dementia patient runs a nation,

With out of control crime drugs and inflation,

The President’s drugged,

And your phone is bugged,

These are undeniable signs of a declining civilization.



John Pepin

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