Constitution Nullified

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, now we have the precedent that our Constitution is set aside for diseases, we can expect more diseases to “ravage” the world in the future. To combat this novel disease, which by all accounts is at most twice as bad as the seasonal flu… governors have been given unlimited arbitrary power. As Lord Acton said, “Power corrupts… absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Those given absolute arbitrary power today, will not easily give it up and will exploit it as best they can, to make the state of affairs permanent. By enacting emergency legislation that elevates vote fraud to a legitimate business perhaps? Our rulers are not idiots, psychopaths, but not stupid… they will recognize the advantage, to them, of a pandemic, and so will be quick to declare an emergency the next time any novel disease shows up.

The arbitrariness of the fiat declarations by some governors is astounding. Closing churches and even putting armed guards to stop people from attending drive in services! Strewing nails in the parking lots of churches, arresting congregants, etc… The measures taken to stop people from worshiping are as draconian as they are arbitrary. Because as Churches are shut down, abortion clinics are grinding up babies to feed to Moloch, as fast as they can. I suppose the governors, who have established Moloch worship as the State religion, feel that feeding their god is essential, while allowing people to attend Mass, even safely ensconced within the environmentally controlled confines of their car… are not. How many Wuhan Flu cases are passed in the sacrosanct abortion clinics?

In some states it is now illegal, by fiat, not constitutionally legislated law, to travel between one’s own home and a second house, say a camp on a lake. To supposedly stop the spread of the Kung Flu. A man was recently arrested for walking around on his own lawn! When confronted by armed police for his intransigence, he begged, he needed some fresh air. Which says openly and loudly that we are no longer protected by our Constitution, by edict of the governor. Even Roman governors of conquered peoples didn’t wield such arbitrary power. Panic has made us the lab rats of our rulers. At every level of examination, this pandemic has put us under unlimited arbitrary rule… for our own good. Then again, when is unlimited arbitrary rule, not for our own good?

It cannot have escaped the notice of the psychopathic power hungry progressive faction, that this “emergency,” has resulted in a centrally planned economy by default? Our sublimely wise and all knowing governors have taken it upon themselves to decide what can and cannot be sold in the marketplace. They are also looking into eliminating cash. (I suppose to “save us” in the event an emergency shuts down the electric grid and destroys all electronic money… or not)? The centrally planned economy has long been a central goal of the progressives since their inception. The American People have steadfastly resisted their attempts to get it through. Woodrow Wilson got some past but his innovations were rolled back as well as FDR’s. This panic however gives progressives new hope.

In no time, this new disease and the panic the media has generated about it, has given progressives everything they have ever dreamed of. They get to centrally plan the economy, they have arbitrary power to shut down churches while keeping abortion clinics open, they can lock anyone and everyone in their own homes under penalty of prison, they are even talking about giving us the Mark to buy and sell… their power has become absolute and arbitrary. The progressives will not easily give up such power. If it is pried from their hands, they will lustfully scan the world for another such emergency, to give them back the power over us that is rightfully theirs. That is why I suspect we will see many more “panics” over new diseases in the future… or at least unbiased media calls for panic.


John Pepin

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