Communism for Thee but Liberty For Me

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the mantra of the left today is, communism for thee but liberty for me. Progressives across the globe march in opposition to every freedom given to us by God. They stand united against life, in all it’s aspects, while they seek to extend their own pathological lives, to infinity and beyond. You have to admit, someone who would deny life itself to another, yet seeks to extend their own life to immortality, is the epitome of a hypocrite. The hypocrite’s hypocrite if you will. Even as we are silenced, beat up, our businesses burned by the progressive brown shirts, we are threatened with violence, condemned as racists, disenfranchised with open election fraud, and shut in our homes by unconstitutional edict. The elite are above their own edicts and wield unlimited power over us.

Our children are indoctrinated in the public schools, by progressives who brainwash them to believing, the way to rid the world of racism is racism, the way to enrich the nation is by impoverishing it, the way to diversity is by uniformity, the way to lift people up is by tearing them down, the way to protect democracy is by election fraud, the way to protect the sanctity of life is by killing the unborn, the way to political harmony is with political violence, the way to equality is by political favor, and the means to safety is through slavery. Teens graduating high school, and especially college, believe these absurdities with all their hearts. Knowing them to be sublime truths that escape their dull and ignorant parents. In doing so our children forge their own chains and latch the locks gleefully.

It isn’t like the society that progressives are pushing us toward, inexorably, has not been tried before. It has. Every time resulting in inhuman suffering for the people… but wealth and power beyond imagining for the political elite. Communism for thee but liberty for me, was their mantra as well. From Robespierre’s guillotine to Mao’s great leap forward, each incarnation has become ever more bloodthirsty, pathological and hedonistic. Fat Mao intended millions to die… it was part of the plan. He managed to manipulate them into killing each other. By induced famine, political killings, cultural intolerance, etc… he manipulated the Chinese people to slaughter each other for his amusement. There could not be a better example of hypocrisy than his CCP. The template the elite have for us.

Progressives would never tolerate for themselves what they hand out to others. They demand absolute freedom to enact whatever psychopathic idea that pops into their heads. From a fancy for human breeding, (government enforced eugenics), to a preference for the rest of us to ride bikes and eat bugs, they will not tolerate anyone infringing on any of their liberties over us. Not without a severe violent reaction anyway. While it is perfectly acceptable for a progressive to decide, arbitrarily, you should be sterilized, because they don’t like the color of your eyes, and you have no choice but to submit to their will… they would never allow you to limit them in any way. Try and you will find out how violent progressives are when confronted. As I said before, Progressives are the hypocrite’s hypocrite.

So many now believe absurdity… it should come as no surprise progressives are planning atrocities. Like the old saying goes, If they can get you to believe an absurdity, they can get you to commit an atrocity. I hear some progressives are planning to reeducate the 75 million Americans who voted for Trump. What about those of us who are resistant to reeducation? Ask Bill Ayers, he estimated to an undercover FBI agent, 25 million Americans would need to be liquidated. What can we do about it though? The Maga march was a start, boycott their instruments of power, speak up, flood our representatives, senators, AG Barr, the media and corporations, with angry but polite letters. Let them know there will be consequences if they continue with… Communism for thee but liberty for me.


John Pepin

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