Civilization Ripping Ineptitude

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we have an elite that are so inept, they can’t keep the lights on, yet they expect totalitarian power. Giving unlimited power to people who have demonstrated their incompetency, over and over, is probably a sub optimal path to a successful society, culture and nation. Look at the total utter and complete failure the response to Covid has been. The elite failed so absolutely, covid is worse a year after we have “vaccines,” than before. Now it is becoming clear that palliatives and therapeutics like Ivermectin and others would have saved countless lives, but the elite suppressed them, and still are. Inflation is running hotter than it has since the stagflation of the 1970s. From education to space exploration, government fails at everything it puts it’s hand to, so, why not try limiting their ability to harm?

From California to Europe, rolling blackouts are predicted to be the norm this winter. Why is it that in 1977, one of the coldest years on record, there were no rolling blackouts? The technology was no where near what we have today… yet they could keep the lights on. Why? Because they were pragmatic. They used what works. We, no, our elite are idealistic, they use what they want to work. When confronted with the laws of thermodynamics, an Obama appointee supposedly said, “We have the House and Senate, we can fix that.” While we flare natural gas, we allow wind and solar sprawl, just down the road. Instead of using Thorium, a known quantity, we put billions into fusion. At every turn our elite take the idealistic path rather than the pragmatic one. Leading to rolling blackouts.

Can you name a single social problem that has not gotten worse in the last two decades? Crime has skyrocketed, lit by Soros prosecutors, the opioid epidemic shows no sign of abating, gun violence is at an all time high and the erosion of the nuclear family continues apace. Small farms are being strangled like never before. While small businesses face arbitrary shutdowns, regulation and are deputized to enforce unconstitutional edicts, enraging the public. Large swaths of our economy are stirred into chaos by unconstitutional vaccine mandates, leading to shortages, inflation and government created unemployment. By every measure, our elite have failed, not merely failed but failed spectacularly. A sane person wouldn’t give such buffoons the keys to their car… let alone the keys to the kingdom.

Americans aren’t the only ones subject to such inane leadership… this kind of incompetence pervades the elite across the planet. The incompetent but very confident that rule the world have no self awareness. How very efficient of them… incompetent, overly confident and lacking self awareness, they are the avatars of civilizational destruction. What used to differentiate the US from the rest of the world was that our elite had some morals, a sense of historic purpose and abided by a societal ethos. Now they have abandoned all that folderol, they can become the despotic oligarchy they always had it in them to become. Since the US elite have joined the party… the lid is off. The global government elites can start picking out office curtains… or can they?

Leave it to a corrupt nincompoop to fail at everything and expect more power. Like more power will do anything but increase the societal, cultural and human cost of their next failure. Remember, incompetent bureaucracy is a feature, not a bug. Plus, no one throws a tantrum like a toddler, rent seeker or inept politician. So it is up to us, to take the matches away from them, before they do any more harm to themselves and others. Remove them via the election process, hold them to criminal law, hound them with letters, calls and emails… all with the goal of eliminating the bureaucracy, ala Wickard v Filburn, and limiting the power of the elite to those enumerated in the Constitution, as intended, understood and purposed, when written. Wise nations will follow… or perhaps lead.


John Pepin

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