Category Archives: philosophy

Good Versus Bad Immigration

An organism that helps the host in some way is symbiotic and one that damages the host is parasitic. You are made up of millions of bacteria that help you in a myriad of ways. Some help you digest food, others protect you from deadly pathogens, still others have a purpose scientists have yet to discern. Each of these organisms benefit the host such that it is in the hosts best interest to keep them around. In fact to encourage more beneficial organisms to move in and bestow other goods to the host. Continue reading

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On Mass Shootings

A culture that promotes hedonism, sloth, avarice, wrath, envy, pride and gluttony… is one that will have random violence, rapes, a large underclass, a disconnected overclass, drug epidemics, unemployment, crimes against property, mass shootings, millions of abortions and human trafficking. Continue reading

Posted in economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

The Lunatics Run This Asylum.

History is merely the record of how insane people have broken the world, over and over, and the rest of us refuse to wake up and stop it. Sadly though, when offered a choice between crazy and sane… we usually choose crazy. Continue reading

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Out With The Old

We live in innovative times. Our corporations have abandoned that old, outdated, and arcane way of making money, earning it, for the new, fun and exciting way, crony capitalism! Continue reading

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Should we emulate success or failure?

Dear Friends, It seems to me… results speak for themselves. When something succeeds that success testifies to it’s superiority. When a thing fails it fails because that thing is inferior. This is common sense. Moreover, we want to emulate success, … Continue reading

Posted in economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

What Is Wrong With The Progressive Message?

Progressives believe we can be evolved to accept Marxism by indoctrination, nudges and force. Until we willingly pledge allegiance to, a benevolent global government, run by professional administrators, making all our decisions for us, constant monitoring, a one world religion, absolute thought control, total subjugation with free drugs and abortion for all. Continue reading

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

The Universe Tends Towards Order

A flower is order… but can be argued is a living thing, and so imposes it’s own order on the material universe. And that argument holds some water, since quantum physics shows that consciousness does effect matter, ie, reality on the smallest scale exists as a probability wave function, until it is observed, (it only has the probability of existence), observation collapsing the probability wave into reality. Which suggests a first observer. Continue reading

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History is Rhyming…

Dear Friends, It seems to me… the history of the twentieth century is a tragedy of political ineptitude. The loss of human life in that century was astonishing, not in simply the mind bending numbers of people slaughtered industrially, but … Continue reading

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The Progressive Leviathan.

The new class progressive faction is a powerful force. Their tentacles are everywhere. The media, culture, bureaucracy, judiciary, etc… are all powerful arms of the progressive faction. Arms that work to “progress” us away from the Enlightenment, Christianity and discourse. Continue reading

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Our Pedophile Elite.

Power attracts psychopaths, because psychopaths like power, especially unlimited power to abuse. Continue reading

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