Buying Justice

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, while the recent Supreme Court ruling restoring property rights to American citizens, and chastising the EPA is a victory… it came at a cost. I don’t know what the lawyer bills for the Sackett family were, but I guarantee they were in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not the millions. There aren’t many people with that level of wealth enabling them to successfully protect their Constitutional Rights. Which means… only the rich have actual Constitutional Rights, the rest of us get the scraps from the table, breaded in dirt . How many families have been abused by the EPA, and indeed all the other bureaucracies that exist only to make life harder for the average American? They didn’t have millions set aside to pay for attorneys. Doesn’t this paradigm seem unjust to you as well?

The court system is based on political favor. We know this by their actions, past and present. By those actions, showing their political bias, we can predict with some accuracy their future actions. Obama could murder a child in public, and the media would say the kid had it coming, the DOJ would say it’s not their jurisdiction, and the NY prosecutor would play Pontius Pilot. Because Obama has too much political favor to charge with a crime. At least in NY. Courts use political favor as the primary source of their decrees. Then backtrack with reason to justify their rulings. A smart jurist like Oliver Wendell Homes, can make a perversion of justice so seamless, abuse looks like love. As in Buck v Bell. That’s why we buy lawyers… to lease their political favor, for our benefit.

It’s good that we get the scraps from the table. Those scraps are getting fewer and further between though. For example, the legal system in NY is showing itself to be utterly corrupt. But here’s the rub… if they’re willing to violate a billionaire’s Constitutional Rights, in public, then what limit is there on the NY “justice” system abusing you or I? Nothing. Other than political favor. Once the court system has grudgingly allowed us a Right, they not so studiously, enforce it. We have many Constitutional Rights on paper, but I know people who’ve had their Constitutional Rights abused, that abuse exposed to the courts, and the consequences were for the victim, not the perpetrator. Because the victim didn’t have political favor. That’s where the law and order people have it wrong.

Lacking the political favor to get the courts to rule on one’s side, a litigant can take the case to a higher court. Where he or she hopes the notoriety and publicity will force the court to rule justly. Which is usually a fools errand. Especially if the litigant has negative political favor. Unless the case is making the courts a laughing stock, making it’s patently in the system’s best interest to tamp down the knowledge of its corruption, so they rule justly. To protect their image. This paradigm however demands a great deal of wealth from the victim, to protect their Constitutional Rights… and ours. Even after having spent millions on lawyers, with strong political favor, many victims are crushed in the process. Making the legal game one for the rich… not the average Joe.

A litigant with sufficiently negative political favor risks their attorney’s political favor as well. To the point of getting them disbarred. The system will steal the assets of a victim they don’t want fighting back. Especially one who’s been obviously aggrieved. Like Trudeau did to the Canadian Trucker protesters, and Gofundme shut down Kyle Rittenhouse’s fundraiser. Stealing their ability to fight back. Proving our system of “justice” is nothing of the sort. It replaces actual justice for Thrasymachus’ version. Where law is a swindle, so the powerful can steal from the weak, and call it just. If the weak fight back, now, that’s unjust. This inhuman system is gated by the huge cost of lawyers. Holding the hoi polloi ever at arms length from justice. They don’t call it the “Bar” for nothing.


John Pepin

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