Burning For War

Dear friends,

It seems to me, it takes two for peace, and only one for war. In the culture war, for example, the elite want war while the people want peace. So there will be culture wars, until the elite are driven to the peace table, by extinguishing their fervor for war. Both sides need to want peace for peace to break out. Since the elite are clearly committed to this war, they will not be dissuaded by a few threats by other elites. Criminals must be criminally prosecuted, for their actual crimes, and their feet held to the fire by a deluge of letters. If a populist refuses a subpoena, even when he or she has a legitimate reason to do so, the administrative state and the courts go after them, with gusto. Violating every civil and Constitutional Right there is in the process. Look at how the administrative state is going after Trump.

Their unhinged lawfare surpassed police harassment in 2016. Since then it has become insanity manifest. Trump handed an olive branch to the deep state. He gave them the top positions in every agency. Instead of backing down, they joined in their resistance to his leadership, policies and him. Then stabbed him in the back every chance they got. For their treachery, treachery that if done to the progressive faction would land someone in prison for life, and a permanent reputation as a scoundrel… they received zero consequences. Well, that’s not entirely true, they were rewarded with more power to abuse. This whole affair proves again, that the post modernist faction’s war on humanity is total, and they will not be brought to the peace table by negotiation or good will.

Historically, when there has been an invasion, the nation invaded did not seek to be invaded, they sought peace. The nation that invaded sought war, not peace, so war is what happened. No amount of peace seeking will stop someone intent on killing you. War is only brought to a close when the will of the aggressor is extinguished. When the Hutus slaughtered the Tutsi’s, their wrath was not slaked, until there were no more Tutsi’s to put to the machete. No amount of peace seeking from the Tutsi’s could have stopped it. In the case of Nazi Germany extinguishing the war fervor took the total destruction of the nation. North Korea will always be an existential threat to South Korea, until the thirst for blood of the emperor of the PRK is quenched. Peace takes two while war only takes one.

In the case of the elite’s war on humanity, they are every bit as committed as the Hutus, Nazis and Kim Jong mentally ill. To such people, slaughtering human beings is no moral obstacle, it’s a feature. Creating the Covid virus in a lab, was itself a crime against humanity, even had it not been released. Every death from that release, is on the hands of the elite involved, in the West and China, else knew about it and did nothing. They claim that is in the millions. The deaths from the untested vaccine that wasn’t, they now claim, is in the hundreds of thousands. More than died in the US War Between the States. Not counting the millions that have died of fentanyl overdose. Which means, the elite that are waging war on humanity, are more ruthless than Hitler, Stalin, Kim and Mao.

How to stop the war should be our top priority. Seeking peace will not work, Trump tried it and they are still clutching his throat, like a pit bull. They will not self police, that is proven true by the white washed Durham report. Elections have little consequence, as long as the elite decide who the victor is, through mail in election fraud. We still have the pen though. If we join voices in chorus to our representatives they will have to act. A spineless republican can ignore a few letters from irate constituents, because the millions in illegal campaign donations, will ore than make up for a few disgruntled voters. It will not, however, make up for thousands of angry constituents, and the lost votes that result. We would be pouring cold water on a fire. Cooling the burning for war in their bellies.


John Pepin

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