Breaking The Cycle Of Integrity To Corruption

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, power corrupts, in several dimensions. One dimension is the individual is corrupted by power, groups are corrupted by power and power corrupts all over time. One of the most corrupting facets of power is it’s ability to shield the wielder from consequences. When consequences are shorn from action, there’s no limit to action. Perhaps we should set out an alternative plan to the UN’s tyrannical, anti human, and Satanic agenda 2030? Create a mechanism to inject consequences for actions and accountability for outcomes to the elite? Set goals for human freedom and plans to carry them out? Instead of being passive maybe we should become active? This is so vitally important because of the power of power to corrupt. That should be our first goal… limit the power of the elite.

Power corrupts the individual and a group so imbued. The powerful are protected, by their power, from consequences of criminal actions, the results of political decisions and even from the outcome of both. A person with political favor, a judge, senator, congressperson, celebrity, etc… can drive around drunk all day long every day, and the police will turn a blind eye. Worse, there are countless examples of the police abetting the behavior. Like Senator Galuchio of Massachusetts. In these cases power protects the criminal from consequences. US education scores have been falling for decades, even as the money spent on our public education system has shot up. This is an example of failure by every metric. Yet, has anyone in the system, been held accountable? No, they’re given raises and teams of assistants.

Look at the Ming dynasty. It was founded in virtue by a peasant uprising ejecting Mongol invaders from China. Initially it fostered economic, artistic and infrastructure advancement. Then, over time, as power was amassed, deeded and shored up, the rulers became corrupt. So corrupt they were overthrown by another peasant leading another rag tag army. Starting the cycle anew. History is nothing but the recount of societies rising in virtue and falling in corruption. Some of the most virtuous people have become corrupt once given power. Robespierre they claim, was a very nice man… until he became a butcher with a guillotine. That’s why power has to be limited. Once we limit power we can start on the next phase of our human prosperity, liberty and security recovery plan.

The reason this cycle exists and has never been stopped is because the virtuous don’t need oversight and the corrupt will not tolerate it. The corrupt will resort to every measure to evade oversight, consequences and accountability. Every one of their failures is someone else fault… the excuse of the immature, oblivious and psychopathic. Like habits cycles are hard to break. Breaking them requires great effort and strong measures. Some cycles can’t be broken without breaking the very system itself. Like the economic cycle of boom bust. As demonstrated by the Federal Reserve’s failure to do so. This cycle, the cycle of liberty to despotism, has yet to be tested. To break the cycle, we must limit the power of power, to corrupt. Which requires, accountability, transparency and consequences.

If we could break the cycle, there’s no telling how high mankind could reach. Unfortunately, that cycle is harder to break than it looks. I’ve proposed… a Numa or Fourth Branch of government, to be the police of the elite. Total, utter and complete transparency of all government functions as the default, any secrecy must be adjudicated first. As well as a consumer protection agency for the consumers of bureaucratic services. This would be a strong deterrent for government to continue doing jobs better suited to charity and the private sector. A Constitutional requirement that all laws and regulations be equally applied to government would also go a long way toward cutting the corruption. Yet cut the corruption is a thing we must do. Because, unless we act, we’re in the last stages of a collapsing society.


John Pepin

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