Are You A Superman?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, one thing January 6 has taught us, is that the cost for a pro constitutional conservative to protest… is exponentially higher than for a Marxist, Islamist or any other anti American. The recent attack on DC by pro Palestinian forces, necessitating the evacuation of the House, Senate, and DNC headquarters, where the rioters won’t be charged with insurrection, despite calling for the replacement of our government with a sharia compliant one… for example. In fact, since they’re anti American, using barbarism to get their way, our government will treat them with kit gloves. It would be just wrong to treat them as harshly as an American, ushered into the House chambers on the arm of a Capital police officer. Americans must mind their P’s and Q’s, while barbarians don’t have to… their barbarians.

One could argue this higher standard of enforced conduct is a racist throwback. Racist because the people allowed to get away with anything, are being told, “You’re too stupid, weak and barbaric to be held to the standard of a civilized human being… you’re subhuman, a lesser, untermenschen.” In most circles, calling someone a subhuman, in so many words, or by insinuation, is a great insult. Often resulting in barbaric actions. When the slight is subtle, the person offended stupid and the culture dumbed down, the person who should be offended, thinks he or she is being elevated. They don’t know any better. They’re after all, subhuman barbarians, in the eyes of our elites. So they are treated like people without self control, who the elite want to continue to be, out of control.

An American is assumed to be civilized to the Nth degree. An American then who steps the least bit out of line is acting in a way the elite find utterly despicable. If a subhuman tries to burn down a church, that’s to be expected, but if an American marches peacefully between velvet ropes to protest a stolen election, now, that’s out of control. Judged through the lens of the expectations of the elite’s view of civilized people versus uncivilized barbarians. You would never allow an American to get away with the things you would a barbarian, otherwise Americans would become barbarians! We can’t have that. The economy would well and truly collapse, in no time, and who would the elite rob then? There has to be some civilized people, if for no other reason, than to keep the trains running on time.

The elite are willing to tolerate barbarism, in order to have barbarians enhance our culture, but find any protest by civilized people, who should know better, to be beyond the pale. The elite want to live among barbarians, as long as their barbarism is applied to regular people. Who shouldn’t speak up if we’re the least bit civilized. If not, then we should be treated like barbarians, to keep us in line. They consider us supermen. Geniuses, rhetoricians and machine like in our ability to accomplish. No matter how hard they make it for us, we’re so smart we can thrive. Those poor barbarians, on the other hand, are so inept they couldn’t make it in a welfare state. The elite then must believe mankind is two tiered, with us wunderkind conservative Americans, and the subhuman barbarian progressives and Islamists.

When put in this context, the elite’s disparate treatment of conservatives and anyone else protesting makes perfect sense. The elite are telling Islamists, Antifa and BLM, they’re subhuman barbarians, and civilized behavior from them is impossible, so they can be barbarians. Even as they’re telling conservatives, You’re supermen with super human capabilities, able to do the impossible, pay double the cost for everything even as you take a cut in pay, maintaining our economy, even if you have to go into credit card debt to pay for it. They think pretty highly of us… and pretty low of themselves and their charges the Islamists. I would be pretty offended if I realized the elite in Europe and America was calling me a subhuman barbarian incapable of self control, but then again, they think I’m a superman.


John Pepin

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