ANTIFA the Democrat Party’s Stermabteilung

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, ANTIFA could not get away with so much overt violence, if the new class progressive faction, of which ANTIFA is an arm, didn’t control our media, culture, bureaucracy, judiciary, education, legal system, corporations and banks. Since all these institutions are under the control of the progressive faction, they act to suppress the natural outrage, that would typically effect normal people seeing such violence. Like the Brown Shirts, ANTIFA enforces progressive thought control on the populace by force, as the culture does by propaganda, the banks do by fraud and monetary coercion, the legal system and judiciary do by arbitrarily enforcing laws, the bureaucracy does by regulation… as our children are programmed to be good little socialists by the education system.

ANTIFA is not at all ashamed of their violence, in fact they revel in it. The violence they bring to the political table is very effective, at silencing all but the most vocal, and once the vocal are pummeled bloody and charged with disturbing the peace, they too are silenced. In politics, if one’s message cannot get out, it effectively doesn’t exist, regardless of that message’s value, truthfulness or authenticity. A really successful political program then, must include silencing political opponents, as well as pushing one’s own message. Factions that oppose progressives have as a core belief… free speech, which puts them at a strong disadvantage to the progressive faction, that is not only willing to corrupt government and coerce lies through political correctness, but force thought and speech compliance by violence.

Organized and in your face, the violence ANTIFA and the progressive faction inflicts, normally, would repulse the populace at large. In the case of ANTIFA however, since it is an arm of the new class progressive movement, their violence is covered up, apologized for and excused, by the media that calls itself unbiased. There are countless examples of actual violence and domestic terrorism by progressives, each time the crime is initially blamed on conservatives, then once progressives are found to be the culprits, the media goes silent. This gives ANTIFA’s violence an even more malevolent feel to it. The victims know there will be no justice for their attackers. Being above the law, and even criticism, gives the ANTIFA thugs an heir of invincibility, like the Brown Shirts had in the 1930’s.

The new class globalist progressive faction is on the march. They have seized control of almost all of our institutions, corporations, education systems and governments. All that stands in their way, in the US, is democracy and our Constitution. Democracy is being destroyed by immigrating people who, while legally not allowed to vote, will, and thus throw any election to the democrats. As Marx said, “If the people will not embrace the revolution, replace the people.” Our Constitution is being hollowed out by judicial activism and the unconstitutional bureaucracy. Not that ANTIFA’s role is insignificant. Violence and fear silences criticism and discourse, undermines democracy and the people’s very will to resist, that is ANTIFA’S role… in the progress to global governance and a rational economy.

What infuriates the new class progressives though, is that the golden ring was in their hand… and it was snatched away by democracy. Despite the vote fraud, political violence, political correctness, monopoly control of the media that calls itself unbiased, corrupting the FBI, DOJ, IRS and State Departments, spending billions of dollars in propaganda and even colluding with foreign governments, the people had the audacity, the presumption, to deny the progressives absolute power. No wonder basement dwelling NPCs across the nation were sparked to violence. Why not trigger? You are called a hero by others in the movement and you can vent, by beating someone with a stick… with impunity. ANTIFA, the violent arm of the progressive faction. The Democrat’s storm troopers. How progressive!!!


John Pepin

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