Anti-Americans Run America

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, who would have ever thought patriotism, adherence to constitutional principles and the American ethic… would be called bad? Because it’s nationalist. Even as what the elite call “good” is the very definition of anti-American… global fascism. Now that is political progress, in the wrong direction to be sure, but progress nonetheless. Can you imagine in 1950s America, the schools teaching atheism, socialism, and confusing the children if they are boys or girls? People would have risen up and demanded an end to it. Today we have been so demoralized we bend like willows. Even when our own children are at stake. We have been conditioned to equate family, Christianity and our Constitution as nationalist, therefore bad… and the acid of woke anti American globalism, as good.

The anti-American democrats have usurped the fire in the cave and their shadow dancers portray the opposite of reality. Through social and the mockingbird media the elite control what is projected on our collective cave wall. The elite manipulate what we think this way. If they were to lose control of the shadow dancers their entire power structure would collapse. Because it is based on lies. Lies may seem solid enough when no one is allowed to examine them. Sooner or later however, the void below becomes apparent, then, like the coyote chasing a road runner, once we realize we are floating in air, we drop. That is why the elite are so incensed that Elon Musk has bought Twitter and is allowing non people to speak. Any lack of censorship will expose the void below and that is unacceptable.

Back when schools taught things like, reading writing and arithmetic, the students graduated knowing at least a modicum of history. When I was in school we were required to pass basic competencies before we could graduate. Moreover, we read George Orwell’s Animal farm. Industrial arts was a real course back then, with stationary machinery, welding stations and small engine repair. We were not taught about Mao’s Great Leap Forward, that killed upwards of 40 million people though, nor Stalin’s Ukraine famine or Pol Pot’s killing fields. Hitler, on the other hand, was the topic of many a class. Fascism, we were taught, was the state working with corporations on a goal set by the leader. Otherwise called, Corporatism, stakeholder capitalism and ESG, often condensed to, “Woke.”

Fascism and Americanism are incompatible, so one has to go, and the elite favor fascism, so Americanism is on the way out. Americanism, the idea that everyone is created equal, freedom of speech is doctrinal and is built on Constitutionally limited government, limits the elite too much. Obviously fascism and its ideals of unlimited government, the marshaling of the whole to one end and the ordering of society along the lines of a military, is the antithesis of Americanism… nationalist or globalist. Nevertheless the fascist system appeals to the authoritarian types. That is what separates Soros from Hitler. Hitler was a nationalist fascist… while Soros, Obama, Wray, Breyer, Garland, Biden, Pelosi, McConnell, Roberts, etc… are all globalist fascists. Huge lack of difference.

Today’s fascists are not nationalist, not in the least, they are globalist fascists. Anti-Americans in charge of America. They see nationalism, patriotism and love of nation as evils to be destroyed, and global fascism as the way of the future. So America has to go. Canada, Britain, Germany, Russia, France, Italy, Greece, etc… as well. Singing such magnificent platitudes as, Environment, Social and Governance, they vilify free speech, nationalism and protect pedophiles. The globalist fascist cave wall is quite the spectacle. We have the very definition of anti-Americans in our high offices, bureaucracy and courts. No nation, no matter how well founded, can withstand acid corroding it from within. Our nations will fall to globalism, unless we speak up and point out the lie papered voids… while we can.


John Pepin

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One Response to Anti-Americans Run America

  1. guy n says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I thought that something was wrong with this chapter!!!

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