American Politics

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the democrat party espouses anti corporatism, but is wholly captured by the corporatist elite, while the republican party espouses constitutionalist principles, but is too weak kneed to stand in a breeze. The democrats are lions while the republicans are sheep. We all know what lions do to sheep. The establishment republicans claim that they are foxes, who wait until the time is right… except to an establishment republican the time to act is never right. For them there is only scraping and keeping quiet. Meanwhile, democrats will fight tooth and nail for their corporatist masters, while vilifying everything they are fighting for… without a moment of self reflection. That these two parties have ruled the US for so long, and the US still exists, proves the US system must have been set up pretty well.

The two parties in the US are like parts of an engine that don’t really function. Some do the job of others, while others don’t do anything at all but get in the way. Spark plugs that want to be pistons, pistons that want to be cam shafts and a cam shaft that wants to be the block. Yet the thing runs, albeit poorly, but it runs. That is the way republicans and democrats have jury rigged the American system to get around constitutional restraints. Legislators want to adjudicate, have hearings and grandstand like prosecutors. The executive has become a figure head kept in check by his bureaucratic masters. While the Judicial branch is the administrative state’s best friend. What geniuses the Founders were… to have built an engine that still runs, despite so few of the parts doing what they are supposed to.

One thing you can count on with republicans, is they will fail to act when action is most needed. Republicans instead prefer to wait and allow democrat usurpations to be checked by the judicial branch, so they don’t have to stand, especially against a stiff political wind. When republicans had a majority in the House, Senate and the Presidency, they failed to erase Obama care, stop a special prosecutor investigating a hoax, or secure the 2020 election. They failed at their most fundamental obligation. Instead shrinking at democrat accusations of abuse of power. If republicans win a majority in the House and Senate again, even if their majority is geologic, they will fail to pass meaningful legislation, instead holding hearings and grandstanding while pretending to be prosecutors.

One thing you can count on with democrats, is that they will act when action is the worst thing to do. The moment they have a single seat majority the despot in them comes out. Acting like their mandate is from heaven, clutching at power like a drowning man does a rescuer, democrat overreach is a given. They could care less about public opinion, that can be changed by fiat, propaganda and force. All they care about is getting their way, always and forever. To that end there is no one more brave than a democrat. They will stand for their ideology in the face of any wind. No matter if it is political, legal or moral, a democrat is eager to fall on his sword. Those that do are richly rewarded by the establishment too. Take the example of attorney Kevin Kleinsmith’s hand slap for perjury to the FISA court.

The long and short of it is we are poorly served by our public servants. They are pathological liars, egoists and in many cases, actual psychopaths. If a democrat tells you something, you can rely on it as much as if a republican had said it… not at all. The republican party is worthless as a loyal opposition party because it refuses to oppose. Just as the democrats are useless at being a loyal opposition party because they are not loyal. The republicans cannot rule because to rule, one must have a spine, even as democrat’s rule is oppression writ large because power is all they desire. I think even if we replaced them with different parties the situation would remain the same. Because the incentives are the same. Instead, force absolute transparency on the elite, they will have to act and be loyal else be exposed.


John Pepin

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